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1、24670SM1锅炉设计说明书中英文对照 目录 CONTENT(一) 序言 Preface循环流化床锅炉是八十年代发展起来的新一代燃煤流化床锅炉,具有高效率、低污染和和良好的综合利用特点。Circulating fluidized bed boiler (CFBB), a new generation of coal-fired fluidized boiler developed since 1980s, has the advantages of high efficiency, low pollution and good comprehensive utilization.我国是一个以

2、煤为主的能耗大国,发展具有中国特色的循环流化床锅炉并实现大型化具有重要的意义。We are a large country of power consumption with coal as major power source. It is of great significance to develop CFB boiler of Chinese characteristics and upsize it.循环流化床锅炉是从鼓泡床沸腾炉发展起来的。它采用了比鼓泡床更高的流化速度,故不再象鼓泡床一样有一个明显的床面。大量物料被烟气夹带到炉膛上部,经过布置于炉膛出口处的分离器,将物料烟气分离,

3、并通过一种非机械式密封的回送机构将物料重新送回床内,这就是循环床的基本原理。CFB boiler develops from bubbling-bed fluidized bed boiler (BFB). It adopts a higher flow rate than BFB boiler, so CFB boiler does not own an obvious bed surface as BFB boiler does. A wide variety of materials are taken to the top of furnace by gas, and flue gas

4、es are separated by the separator at the outlet of furnace, meanwhile, materials are sent back to the hearth by a sort of non-mechanical sealed loopback device. This is the fundamental principle of circulating fluidized bed.循环流化床和鼓泡床一样,具有很大的热容量,及床内物料混合良好,对燃料适应性强,包括各种劣质燃料都能很好运行。由于流化床中强烈湍流混合和循环,增加了停留时

5、间,因此比鼓泡床有更高的燃烧效率;流化床锅炉通常运行操作温度在850950,在床中加入石灰石或脱硫剂,可以使SO2排放量大大降低;并且由于采用低温、分段送风燃烧,使燃烧始终在低过量空气系数下进行,从而大大抑制了NOx的生成和排放。Like a bubbling bed boiler, a CFBB has a huge heat capacity. Furthermore, it has such merits as sufficient mixing of bed material, great adaptability to fuels, that enable the boiler op

6、erate well by combusting all poor-quality fuel. Due to intense turbulence mixture and circulation, that prolongs the detention time of fuel in furnace, the combustion efficiency of a CFBB is higher than that of a bubbling bed boiler. Normally, a CFBB is operating at 850950, this is an ideal temperat

7、ure range for desulphurization. By adding limestone or desulphurization agent into bed, emission of SO2 can be reduced substantially. A CFBB adopts low-temperature and air-zoning combustion, which maintains the combustion under way always at low coefficient of excess air, thus the creation and emiss

8、ion of NOx is restrained greatly.循环流化床与鼓泡床的本质差别在于二者在循环量上的差异带来床物料平均粒度不同,因而造成燃烧份额分配关系的不同。循环床应当是循环量适中、循环物料颗粒较细、下部密相区燃烧分额相对较低的一种运行状态。物料循环量的大小受燃料粒度、燃料成灰特性、燃烧室风速、排灰系统的设置、分离器的分级分离效率、物料回送系统的性能等诸多因素影响。其中,分离器的分级分离效率是首要因素。The essential distinction between CFB and bubbling fluidized bed lies in difference of av

9、erage particle size caused by different circulating load, which leads to different distribution relations of combustion drifts. Circulating bed is in a running state with large circulation, finer particles of circulating materials and lower combustion drift in lower dense phase zone. The circulation

10、 load depends on combustion granularity, combustion ash characteristic, air velocity of combustion chamber, setting of ash discharge system, staged separation efficiency of separator and performance of material return system, etc. Certainly, staged separation efficiency of separator is the first imp

11、ortant factor. (二) “水冷旋风分离器”的简要介绍 Introduction of Water-cooling Cyclone Separator循环流化床锅炉分离器是一个十分重要的装置,它直接影响着整个循环流化床锅炉的结构布置和运行性能。按分离器不同工作温度分类,循环流化床锅炉可大致分成如下几种型式:高温分离循环流化床锅炉;中温分离循环流化床锅炉;低温分离循环流化床锅炉;组合分离循环流化床锅炉。The CFB separator is very important device, which affects the structure arrangement and oper

12、ation performance of whole boiler. As per different operation temperature of separator, CFBB can be sorted into following models: HT separator CFBB, MT separator CFBB, LT separator CFBB and combined separation CFBB.在近年的理论研究和实践证明,中、低温分离及组合分离炉型由于回灰温度较低,燃烧效率低,以及磨损问题不好解决等因素,目前在新建项目中很少使用,只有在锅炉改造项目上由于场地、原

13、锅炉结构等原因,偶有应用。Recent years theoretic researches and practice have proved that, because of low ash-return temperature, low combustion efficiency and abrasion problem, MT< and combined separator boilers are adopted rarely. They are just adopted occasionally on boiler renovation project restricted by

14、field and former boiler structure, etc.高温分离循环流化床锅炉是目前应用最广泛的炉型,Ahlstrom 公司的Pyroflow 循环流化床锅炉,Lurgi/CE的循环流化床锅炉、Foster Wheeler 公司、Tempella公司、Battelle/Riley公司等的产品均采用高温分离的型式。芬兰的Ahlstrom 和德国的Lurgi均采用绝热旋风筒,分离器入口烟温在850-870,优点是分离效率高,锅炉燃烧效率高;缺点是体积庞大,密封和膨胀系统复杂、内衬厚(400mm左右)、耐火材料及砌筑要求高、耐火材料费用大、费用高、启动时间长、运行中易出现故障。

15、特别是在燃用后燃性较强的煤种时,旋风筒内温度可能比炉膛温度更高,易引起旋风筒内超温而结焦。这些问题在我国实际生产条件下显得更为突出。High temperature separation circulating fluidized boiler is used widely at present. High temperature separation model is generally adopted in Pyroflow circulating fluidized boiler of Ahlstrom Company and CFBB of Lurgi Company, Foster

16、Wheeler, Tempella and Battelle/Riley. Ahlstrom in Finland and Lurgi in German both adopt insulation cyclone. Gas temperature at the inlet of separator is 850-870. The insulation cyclone has advantages such as high separation efficiency and combustion efficiency. However, disadvantages also exist, li

17、ke huge volume, complex sealing and expansion system, thick inside lining, high requirement on refractory material an construction, high cost of refectory, long-time start-up, higher possibility of breakdown during operation, etc. Especially, the temperature in cyclone may be higher than that in fur

18、nace when coal with stronger post-combustionperformance is fired, which can easily lead to coking in cyclone due to high temperature. All these issues are much more prominent under our actual production condition.针对绝热旋风筒所存在的问题,美国 Foster Wheleer 公司开发了汽冷旋风分离器。其汽冷旋风筒可以吸收一部分热量,分离器内物料温度不会上升,还有一点下降,较好地解决了

19、旋风筒内的结焦问题。但由于采用汽冷会导致过热蒸气系统阻力增加,再者耐热钢销钉和管子的焊接稳定性也存在问题。Against such issues of insulation cyclone, Foster Wheleer developed steam-cooled cyclone separator which could absorb part of heat; thus material temperature in separator wont go up, instead, the temperature will drop a little; which solves well t

20、he coking issue in cyclone.由于上述原因,四川川锅锅炉有限责任公司和中国科学院热物理研究所于1998年开始在绝热旋风分离和汽冷旋风分离的基础上联合开发了水冷旋风分离循环流化床锅炉,并于1999年申请了国家专利(2000年8月获得了专利证书 专利号: ZL 99 2 43392.4)。由于水冷旋风分离器保留了高温旋风分离分离效率高的优点,解决了分离器内结焦、炉墙开裂、漏烟等问题,使分离器能长期高效、稳定运行。因而配置水冷旋风分离器的锅炉具有燃烧效率高、热效率高、耐磨性好、运行稳定、负荷调节灵敏和不结焦等优点。For such reasons above, Sichuan

21、 Chuanguo Boiler Co., Ltd and Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of Chinese Academic Science cooperated and jointly developed water-cooled cyclone separator circulating fluidized boiler on the basis of insulation cyclone and steam-cooled cyclone separation in 1998 and applied national patent in

22、1999 (The patent certificate with patent No. ZL 99243392.4 was obtained in August 2000). Water-cooled cyclone separator maintains high separation efficiency and resolves such issues as coking in cyclone, furnace cracking, flu gas leakage, which endows the separator with a long-time high-efficiency a

23、nd stable operation. Therefore, boilers equipped with water-cooled cyclone separators have advantages as following: high combustion efficiency and thermal efficiency, good anti-abrasion performance, stable operation, sensitive load adjustment and noncoking, etc. 该分离器是由管子加扁钢焊成膜式壁,内壁密布销钉,再浇注60mm厚的防磨内衬

24、构成。旋风筒的外壁仅需按常规膜式水冷壁的保温结构既可。它与耐火砖加钢板外壳的热分离器相比,除具有很高的分离效率外,耐火材料大大减少,由300400mm降至60 mm降低了维护费用,同时锅炉的启动不受耐火材料升温的限制,负荷调节快捷,冷态启动由 8小时缩短到46小时,节省燃油。由于耐火材料得到可靠的冷却,在配合适当的流速下,磨损的问题也得到了解决。旋风筒外壁按常规保温后,水冷分离器外壁表面温度由常规热旋风筒的121降至50左右,辐射热损失少,提高了锅炉效率,降低了运行成本。 In this water-cooled separator, tube and flat steel are welde

25、d into membrane wall, inside wall of which are densely covered by pins, and poured with anti-friction lining of 60mm. Outside wall of the cyclone is constructed just as per the insulation structure of regular membrane wall. Compared with thermal separator with firebrick plus steel plate crust, water

26、-cooled cyclone separator, with a high separation efficiency, greatly reduces the amount of refractory material, from 300400mm to 60 mm, which reduces the maintenance charge. Meanwhile the start-up of boiler wont be limited by the heating-up of refractory material. The load adjustment is very rapid,

27、 and the cold start time is cut down from 8 hours to 46 hours, which could save fuel. Because of reliable cooling of refractory material, under suitable flow rate, abrasion problem is also solved. After the outer wall of cyclone receives the regular heat preservation, the outside surface of water co

28、oling separator reduces its temperature from 121 to about 50, therefore, radiation heat loss is reduced while the efficiency of boiler is increased, and the running cost is also cut down. 水冷分离器的循环回路采用自然循环,因此其壁温和炉膛水冷壁相同,而又都是悬吊结构,膨胀差值很小(因吊点标高不一样产生的差值)。密封更为可靠。The circulation loop of the water cooling s

29、eparator is of natural circulation, so the temperature of the wall is the same with that of furnace water wall. Moreover, both adopt overhung constructions and the expansion differential is very small. (Differential just caused by elevation of suspension centre). Besides, the sealing is much more re

30、liable.由于旋风筒有水冷却,对其在分离器内出现的二次燃烧起着冷却作用而避免结渣与堵灰。配用这种分离器的循环流化床锅炉,由于具有燃烧效率高,热效率高,耐磨性好,运行稳定,负荷调节灵敏,不结渣的优良品质,且燃料的适应性也广 。 Cyclone possesses water cooling system, which produces a cooling effect to the potential second combustion in the separatorto avoid slag bonding and clogging. CFB boiler furnished with

31、this separator has a positive quality of high combustion efficiency, high thermal efficiency,good wearlessness, stable operation, sensitive load adjustment and non-slagging, and also the suitability of material is very wide.旋风分离器尺寸是经大量实验验证过的优化设计,烟气切向进入分离器产生旋流,使绝大部分灰粒子被分离,下落到“J”阀回料器形成循环灰。 Size of cyc

32、lone separator is our optimization design according to numerous experimental verifications. Flue gases tangentially run into the separator to form rotational flow, which leads to the separation of most ash particles. And then these ash particles flow down into returning devices (J-valves) to form ci

33、rculation ash.由于水冷旋风分离器分离效率高,烟气中灰粒子的粒径大大的降低而减轻了对对流受热面的磨损,加之在设计时又选取了较合理的烟气流速,因此较好地解决了对流受热面的磨损问题。Because of high separation efficiency of water-cooled cyclone separator, sizes of ash particles in flue gases are greatly reduced, which eases the abrasion to convection heating surface. In addition to a pr

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