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1、英语归纳总结课件1315科目:英语 年级:初一 教师:何佳第一学期第十三周讲义Module Ten Computers Module FileI. Key words:1. connect “连接,把联系起来”。 2. switch 3. save 4. travelII. Key structures:III. Grammar 表示顺序的连接词Module Ten Computers 基础巩固卷I. Complete the sentences with correct words:1. Lindas father likes traveling by t_. 2. What do you

2、often do at the w _? I often do my homework on Saturdays and play on Sundays. 3. If you want more information, please visit our w _ at . 4. I usually study on my computer, but s _I play computer games. 5. I like listening to Jay Chous songs and I often d_ them from the Internet. 6. “Dont be late for

3、 school_(再),” Miss Li said to Jack. 7. Tom often_(检查) his homework after he finishes it. 8._(点击) “save” and write a name for it, you can save the document. 9. When does the plane take off? I dont know. Lets go and look it up in the _(时刻表). 10. Im a teacher. I use my _(笔记本电脑) for my lesson. II. Compl

4、ete the sentences according to the directions:1. _ (one), you must tell me what your name is. 2. You need to wait because Daming is using the _ (print) now. 3. Three days later, he _ (final) arrived at the village. 4. He usually _ (switch) on the computer as soon as he gets home. 5. How many _ (box)

5、 have you got? 6. Lindas sisters often _ (do) their homework on the computer, but Linda never does so. 7. Sometimes they _(buy) tickets on the Internet. 8. Please _(give) me a bottle of juice. 9. What subjects _ you _ (study) in the middle school? 10. _(not talk) in class. Listen to the teacher care

6、fully. III. Translate the following phrases into English:1. 连接显示器与主机 _2. 打开电脑_ 3. 打开一个新文件_4. 使用键盘_ 5. 给它命名_6. 保存一个文件_ 7. 在网络上_8. 旅行计划_ 9. 得到信息_10. 浏览网页_IV. Complete the sentences according to the directions:1. 杰克经常上网。 Jack often _ _ . 2. 你们多久上一次体育课? _ _ do you have a PE class? 3. He goes to school b

7、y bike. (对划线部分提问)_ _ he _ to school? 4. They played tennis twice a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ they play tennis a week?II. Choose the best answer:( ) 1. People will connect Beijing_ Tianjin _ a new highway. A. and; for B. and; on C. with; by D. to; on ( ) 2. _ your father write anything _ the computer?

8、A. Do, in B. Does, on C. Do, for D. Does, at ( ) 3. How can I use the computer? First, _ the monitor to the computer. Finally, _ the computer. A. switch on , connect B. open , check C. connect , switch on D. check , open ( ) 4. _ do you use a computer ? I use it every day. A. How many B. How long C.

9、 How often D. How ( ) 5. Each of the students in your class _ his best to work hard _ his computer. A. do , on B. does, at C. does, on D. do , for ( ) 6. I like swimming _ skating very much but I dont like swimming _ skating in the sport room. A. or, and B. and, or C. or, or D. and, and ( ) 7. “_ em

10、ails do you send every week?” “ Two or three each week.” A. What B. How much C. How many D. How often ( ) 8. The teacher gets information _ her lessons _ the Internet. A. on, from B. for, on C. for, in D. on, on ( ) 9. I write a letter to my uncle _ I dont send emails to him. A. or B. and C. but D.

11、so ( ) 10. “ Do you want to go online?” “ Yes, I do. I want to have _ with my friend.” A. a website B. a game C. a ticket D. a talk ( ) 11. “ _ do you play Tomb Raider a month?” “Three times.” A. How often B. When C. How many times D. How ( ) 12. Remember to _ when you finish writing your homework o

12、n the computer. A. connect the printer B. switch on C. click on “save” D. check the words ( ) 13. Can you _ something about how to use the computer?A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk ( ) 14. We are busy. We have _ to do. A. many homework B. a lot homework C. lots of homework D. lot of homework ( ) 15.

13、“Wheres my laptop?” “ At _ .” A. Mr Greens B. Mr Green C. the Mr Greens D. the Mr GreenModule Ten Computers 能力提高卷I. 完型填空:Wood-block printing was invented sometime between the 4th and the 7th century in China. The earliest book that we have was (1) in 868 and was found in a Dunhuang cave. Wood-block

14、printing took a long (2) because a new block was needed for every page in a book. (3) the 11th century printed books could be found all over China. They include books of Confucius thoughts, dictionaries, books on maths. In 1340, books could be printed using (4) colours, black and red. (5) the Chines

15、e learn about printing so early, printing was not introduced in other parts of the world for hundreds of (6) . It is thought (7) when the great Italian traveler Marco Polo visited China in the 13th century, he saw printed books. It is (8) that Marco Polo brought that knowledge to Europe. But Printed

16、 book did not come to Europe until 1450 when a German called Johann Gutenberg (9) a printing machine. Twenty-four years later, in 1474, an Englishman called William Caxton printed the first book in (10) . His second book was about the game of chess. Caxton printed about a hundred books, and some can

17、 still be found today in museums. ( ) 1.A. writtenB. readC. boughtD. printed( ) 2.A. timeB. moneyC. peopleD. block( ) 3.A. AtB. ByC. AfterD. Before( ) 4.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. many( ) 5.A. ButB. AlthoughC. BecauseD. So( ) 6.A. daysB. monthsC. yearsD. people( ) 7.A. thatB. ifC. whetherD. what( ) 8.A.

18、 impossibleB. importantC. possibleD. interesting( ) 9.A. inventedB. printedC. sawD. heard( )10.A. ChineseB. GermanC. EnglishD. Italian II. 阅读理解:1.Mr Zhang lives in . A. Hotel Eiffel B. Hotel Concorde C. Hotel Mapol D. Hotel Napoleon 2.The hotel is . A. on King Street near a bank B. next to a museum

19、C. near a train station D. on George Street 3. buses can reach the hotel. A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five 4. If Mr Zhang gets lost, he can_. A. take Bus 507 to the hotel B. wait until the light is green C. go back to the hotel to search the Internet D. call the hotel at the phone number on the card

20、5. Which of the following is true? A. Open the door when the red light is on. B. The card can be used to open the door. C. The card can be used for shopping. D. Mr Zhang can keep the card when he checks out.III. 任务型阅读:Tom: What do you do on the computer, Liu Ying? Do you use the Internet? Liu Ying:

21、Yes, I do. I use the Internet. I download music. I often visit websites to get information for my homework. Its great! Tom: What about your parents? Liu Ying: My father often reads lots of news on the Internet. My mother sometimes listens to some popular songs. My parents never play computer games o

22、n the computer. Tom: Do you send emails? Liu Ying: I send emails to my friends in England. I dont send emails to my Chinese friends. What do you and your parents do with your computer? Tom: I usually download games on the Internet. And I love it! I never send emails to my classmates but I often chat

23、 with them on the Internet. My father likes reading novels and my mother likes playing games.PeopleWhat do they do on the computer?Liu YingDownloads music, gets information for (1) , sends emails to friends in (2) .Liu Yings father(3) .Liu Yings mother(4) .TomDownloads games on the Internet.Toms fat

24、herReads novels.Toms mother(5) .IV. 综合填空: Games get you r brain to work faster. When you play games, you have to work out w_(1) to do in a very short time. Your brain, eyes and hands must work q_(2). It makes you free from school work and helps you e_(3) yourself and relax.But wait, youd better not

25、take that as an e_(4) to play games all day. If you sit for a long time in the same way, your hands, back and eyes will get h_(5). Children shouldnt sit at a computer for more than 30 minutes w_(6) a rest.Now you will be able to answer questions of w_(7) to “play the game or not”. Whatever your answ

26、er, remember not to let it affect your study o_(8) play harmful games. Rest your eyes and body often.科目:英语 年级:初一 教师:何佳第一学期第十四周讲义RevisionModuleBI. Key words:1.subject n.科目,主题 n.(君主国)国民;实验对象 adj.服从的,易患的 vt.使隶属,使服从;使遭遇II. Key structures:1.wouldlike 2.LetsIII. Grammar1.时间介词和方位介词2.频度副词3.一般现在时的用法一般现在时1)一般

27、现在时态的构成:主语是I,we,you,they和名词复数时作谓语的行为动词用原形。主语是he,she,it和名词单数时,作谓语的行为动词的词尾变化如下:一般情况s以s,x,ch,sh 或 o结尾es以辅音y结尾 去y变ies2)一般现在时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式(以be和like为例):肯定式否定式疑问式Iamastudent.We/You/Theyarestudents.He/Sheisastudent.I/We/You/They/likemusic.Manypeoplelikemusic.Iamnotastudent.We/You/Theyarenotstudents.He/She

28、isnotastudent.I/We/You/They/dontlikemusic.Manypeopledontlikemusic.Areyouastudent?Areyou/theystudents?Ishe/sheastudent?Doyou/theylikemusic?Domanypeoplelikemusic?Doeshelikemusic?3)一般现在时的用法:A)表示现阶段经常性,习惯性的动作。常用的时间状语:oftenusuallysometimesalwayseverydayneverinthemorningeverytwodays等。例如:Igetupatsixeverymorning. Heplaystennisonceaweek.B)现在的状态

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