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1、九年级英语全册Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark学案无答案新版人教新目标版Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.【学习目标】能使用used to 结构描述人物。运用表达外表和性格的词语谈论人。掌握描述人的性格的形容词:shy,serious, outgoing 等【自学检测】 短语翻译(请同学们关上课本独立完成,完成后对子间相互批阅。)1.过去常常_ 2.直头发_ 3.相当矮_4.幽默的_ 5.沉默的_ 6.对感兴趣_7.害怕的_ 8.在校队_ 9.时常,有时_【当堂检测反馈】根据汉语提示填空完成句子,每空一词 1. Did yo

2、u use to be silent?肯定回答 _ _ _? 否定回答_ _ _2.她过去足够勇敢吗? Did She _ _ _ _ _.3.她更对弹钢琴感兴趣。 Shes more _ _ _ the piano.4.当他与女孩讲话时脸变红了。His face _ _ when he talked to girls!【拓展提升】一.基础题: 基本句型及交际用语。1. Mario now? Mario 现在怎么样? He is_now. 他现在高。2. Mario _be short? Mario 过去矮吗? Yes, .He used to be_ _.是的,他是。他过去相当的矮。3. A

3、nna _ really quiet ? 安娜过去相当的沉默。 I know she always in class. 我了解,她总是在班上默默的。二.发展题 :单项选择。( )1. I_read a lot of novels when I was a little boy. A. was using B. use to C. used to D. was used to( )2.Where is Paula? She is_herself for the party. A. wearing B. putting on C. dressing D. in( )3. It is_delicio

4、us food that I want some more. A. such a B. such C. so a D. so ( )4.Jim used to be_to speak in front of many people. A. bravely enough B. enough bravely C. brave enough D. enough brave( ) 5.Mary used to_to work, but she is used to_to work now. A.riding a bike; taking a bus B.riding a bike; take a bu

5、s C.ride a bike; taking a bus D.ride a bike; take a bus 三.提高题:按括号里的要求改写句子。 1.My brother used to have straight hair. (对划线部分提问) _? 2. They have seen the film Frozen (冰雪奇缘) twice. (对划线部分提问) _they _ the film Frozen? 4. My uncle is outgoing and helpful. (改为感叹句) _ _ _ _My uncle is! 5. David often sees his

6、 desk mate _(read) English in the morning.6. Gina and Alfred _ ( talk) about Billy when I walked into the classroom.【自学检测】短语翻译。1.背景_ 2.开始做,学着做_ 3. 应付,对付_ 4.敢于做_ 5. tons of_ 6.私人的_ 7. 成功的路_ 8.fight on_ 9.要求_【当堂检测反馈】翻译基本句型及交际用语。1. I get tons of attention everywhere I go _2. I dont have much private ti

7、me anymore _3. There are always guards around me_4. Give up your normal life_5. You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is_6. Many times I thought about giving up, but I fought on_【拓展提升】一.基础题: 单词运用 1. Mo Yan is a s novelist.2. How did you d with your old toys?3. These days there are

8、more and more p cars driving on the road.4. “you cant enter in unless the owners agree.” The g_ says to the visitor5. “Next time you mustnt let him in ! ” the boss r 二.发展题:单项选择。 ( )1. Our life_a lot in the last ten years. A. has changed B. have changed C. will change D. changed( )2. The number of ou

9、r Out of Creative team members_46 .but a number of us_boys. A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is( )3. Whatever happens, we shouldnt_our hopes. but fight on A. put up B. cheer up C. keep up D. give up ( )4. Although fish is so delicious, I m full, so I can_eat_. A. not.anymore B. not.any long

10、C. not.yet D. no.all( )5. Dont smoke any more. Its bad for your health. Im trying to Its really hard, you know. A. turn it on B. put it off C. give it up D. take it out 【自学检测】完成下面的句子。1. 我以前很矮。I _ _ _ short.2. 你过去常常弹钢琴吗? 是的,我常弹。不,我不常弹。Did you _ _ _the piano? Yes, I _. No, I _.3. 我以前不喜欢考试。I _ _ _ like

11、 tests.4. 你过去是长头发,她过去是卷发。 You _ _ _ long hair. She _ _ _curly hair.5.她过去很害羞,但是她现在敢在众人前唱歌。She used to_ _but now he _ _ _ in front of a group. 反义疑问句总结:1.含义与结构:附在陈述句后面对陈述的事实提出相反的句子叫反意疑问句。其组成为陈述句+简略问句,基本结构:前肯后否;前否后肯。例如: Mr Black comes from the UK, doesnt he?(前肯后否) Ann didnt come to school last week , di

12、d she ?(前否后肯)2.特殊形式(1)there be句型的反意疑问句用.there.例如:There are many birds in the trees, arent_?(2 ) 当陈述部分的主语是this/ that时,反意疑问句的主语用it.是 these /those时,用they . This is an English car, isnt_? These are paper planes, arent_?(3) 陈述句有little(少), few(少), never(从未), no(没有)neither(两者不)nobody(没人), nothing(无东西) 等否定词

13、时,疑问尾句要用肯定形式。例如: There is little water in the cup,_?(4) 当含有有由否定前缀un.,im. dis.等构成的否定意义的词时,反意疑问句仍用否定形式。 例如:Mary is unhappy, _she ? (5) 当陈述部分的主语是不定代词something/ anything/ everything/ nothing等时,反意疑问句的主语用it.当陈述部分的主语是不定代词someone/ anyone / everyone等时,反意疑问句的主语用they 例如:Nothing is wrong with the computer, _ _?

14、 Everyone has known the news, _ _?(6) 肯定的祈使句,反意疑问句用will you 或wont you.否定的祈使句,反意疑问句通常只用will you ; Lets开头的祈使句,反意问句用shall we?其他均用will you. Be sure to write to me, _/_? Dont smoke in the room, _? Lets take a walk,_? 区别 Let us go , _? (7) 反意疑问句的陈述部分为I / We think (believe, suppose, consider) + that从句时,问句部

15、分的动词及主语与that从句内的动词和主语保持一致。例如: You think he has gone to Beijing, hasnt he?【当堂检测反馈】翻译基本句型及交际用语。 1.Lily used to play with her friend. (改为否定句) Lily _ _ _ _with her friend, 2. Did Toms sister use to read books about China. (肯定回答)_? 3. My mother used to be curly hair (改为一般疑问句) _?4. You havent finished hom

16、ework, _ _?【拓展提升】一.基础题: 单词运用 1.我过去害怕黑暗。 I used to_(be) afraid of the dark. 2.玛利亚习惯帮助别人。 Maria is used to_(help) others. 3.火可以被用来做饭。 Fire can _ _ _ _ food. 4.我弟弟害怕一个人骑自行车。 My brother _ _ _ _a bike alone.二.发展题:单项选择 ()1.Her son_Coke, but now he_ milk.A.used to drink; is used to drinking B.used to drink

17、ing; drinks used to drinking; used to drink used to drink; is drinking()2.My uncle_a businessman, but now he is a factory worker. A.used to being B.was used to be C.use to be D.used to be ()3.There_many old buildings in my hometown. A.used to have B.use to be C.used to having D.use to bein

18、g ()4.Manykidsliketosleepwiththeirmothers. theyare_thedark. A.interestedin B.afraid C.terrifiedof D. sureof三、提高题:快速阅读,回答问题 1.(2010三亚)He hardly hurt himself in the accident, _ _? 2.(2013滨州) There is little milk in the milk bag, _ _?3.(2010巴中)Lets search the Internet for some information about famous

19、people, _ _?4.(2013苏州)Erics never seen a three-D movie at the cinema, _ _?5.(2010常州) Hes already come back to Australia, _ _【学习目标】能使用used to 结构描述自己或他人过去与现在的爱好变化。掌握描述人物爱好表达形式, 及ant, insect 等词语。【自学检测】 短语翻译。 1.画画_ 2.体育课_ 3.音乐课_ 4.六岁的_,考试_ 6.走路去上学_ 7.担心_ 8.紧张的,焦虑的_ 9.总是,一直_ 【当堂检测反馈】根据汉语提示填空完成句子,每空一

20、词 1.我习惯收集蚂蚁和其他昆虫。 I used to collect_ _ _. 2.我的语文老师过去憎恨体育课。 My Chinese teacher_ _ _ P.E class. 3.他过去常常走路去上学。 He used to _ _ _? 4.李先生过去住在美国,所以习惯吃西餐。 Mr Li _ _ _ in America, so he _ _ _ _western dishes. 5.过去的日子老板总是要求他的工人工作。 The boss made his boys work _ _ _ in the old days.【拓展提升】 一.基础题: 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.S

21、heused_(have)straighthair.2.Ourteacher looks so_(worry),What happened?3.Iusedtobeafraidof_(speak)infrontofagroup.4. Ihavebeenusedto_(live)here.5. Hismothermakes_(wash)hisfeetbeforegoingtobed.二.发展题 :单项选择。( )1.Mariousedto_inthemorning. A.practiceswimming B.practicingswimming C.practiceswim D.practicin

22、gswimming( )2.Tinawillbeusedto_inYibin. C.lives D.lived( )3. YaoMingis_theHustonRocketteam. B.for C.with D.on ( )4.WhenIwasyoung,I_thedark. A. terrifiedin B. wasterrifiedwith C. terrifiedto D. wasterrifiedof( ) 5.Mybrotherhasa_son. A.fouryearold B.four-year-old C.four-years-old

23、D. four years old【自学检测】 短语翻译1.很少,不常_ 2.以.为骄傲 _ _ 3.失败,未能_ 4.下决心_ 5.他的想法_ 6.考试,审查_ 7. 40小时的火车车程_ 8 .孤独_ 9. 注意,关注_【当堂检测反馈】翻译句子1.吉娜在学校名列前茅,她的父母以她为骄傲。 Gina is in the top at school, her parents are_ _her.2.露西决定了送报纸赚零花钱。 Lucy_ _ _ _ make pocket money by sending paper.3.由于紧张,我叔叔没有考过驾照。 My uncle _ the drive

24、rs test, because of being nervous.4.吉姆说他逃数学课是因为上学迟到了。 Jim said he _ _ the math class for being late for school.5.我决定早起亲自帮助我的邻居。 I decided to get up early to help my neighbor_ _.【拓展提升】一.基础题: 单词运用1.Li Wen is a _(fifteen years old )boy.2. His parents conversation influenced his way of _( study) .3. A volunteer teacher doesnt think she will i_ childrens life too much, but try to open up their eyes.4. Its hard _(talk) with him, because I seldom hear his words.5. In the

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