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1、届高三第一学期浙南浙北部分学校联考2012届高三第一学期浙南、浙北部分学校12月联考英 语 试 题本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分全卷共11页满分120分,考试时间120分钟 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上 第卷 选择题(共80分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。1As a film star she was a success, but as a wife she was _ failure, so their ma

2、rriage ended in _ failure.A/; / B /; a Ca; a Da; /2Yesterday there wasnt time for breakfast, so she had to _ without.Acome Bgo Cstruggle Dmanage3We cant_ the fact that there is still a long way to go before we can get rid of pollution.Aignore Bneglect Crealize Drecognize4Id like to meet Mr. King. So

3、rry, to my_, he has gone home.Adelight Bawareness Cknowledge Dsorrow5- What were you doing at that time, young man?- I think I was at school, _ I was staying with a friend.A and then Bor else Cor so Deven so6- Shall I open the window to let some fresh air in? - No, _ AId rather not BId rather you no

4、t CId rather you didnt DId like not to7I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else,_, I was wasting my time. Ato make things worse Bin other words Cat the same time Dfor another thing8The pirate (海盗) problem of Somali is generally thought to go _ with the bad situati

5、on in the country. Bringing the country back to normal is the best solution to the problem.Ahand in hand Bat hand Cin hand Dby hand9Ouch! You hurt me! I am sorry. But I_any harm. I_to drive a rat out. Adidnt mean; tried Bdont mean; am trying Chavent meant; tried Ddidnt mean; was trying10In honor of

6、the return of the son, who later _his ways, a calf that _allowed to grow fat was killed and cooked for a feast.Amended, had been Bwas mending, was Chas mended, had been Dhad mended, has been11_around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Birds Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.AHaving shown BT

7、o be shown CHaving been shown DTo show12Pack up the items youd like _ along and leave behind those you dislike _ with you on your journey. Ato take; to take Btaking; taking Cto take; taking Dtaking; to take 13_, John returned to school from his hometown.AThe summer vacation being over BThe summer va

8、cation is overCBecause the summer vacation over DAfter the summer vacation being over14Twenty people went to his house and attended his birthday party, me _. Aincluding Bto include Cinclude Dincluded15We saw several natives advancing towards our party, and one of them came up to us, _ we gave some b

9、ells and glasses. Ato which Bto whom Cwith whom Dwith which16The Beatles, _ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool. Awhat Bthat Chow Das 17“I hate you, I dont want to see you any more.” Such _ what John said when he left _. Ais; in a hurry Bwere; angrily Care; happily Dwas; in a

10、nger 18Each of the students in our class_great interest in English and we each_a copy of A New EnglishChinese Dictionary. Ashows; have Bshow; has Care; has Dis; have19I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good _. Ato be breathed Bto breathe Cbreathing Dbeing breathed20Jasmine

11、 was holidaying with her family in a wildlife park _ she was bitten on the leg by a lion.Awhen Bwhile Csince Donce第二节: 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1分, 满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从41-60各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。Some years ago when I was in my first year in college, I heard Salome Bey sing for the first

12、time. The moment was exciting. Salomes 21 filled the room and brought the theater to life. I was so 22 that I decided to write an article about her.I 23 Salome Bey, telling her I was from Essence magazine, and that I wanted to meet her to talk about her career. She 24 and told me to come to her stud

13、io next Tuesday. When I hung up, I was scared out of my mind. I 25 I was lying. I was not a writer at all and hadnt even written a grocery list.I interviewed Salome Bey the next Tuesday. I sat there 26 , taking notes and asking questions that all began with, “Can you tell me” I soon realized that 27

14、 Salome Bey was one thing, but writing a story for a national magazine was just impossible. The 28 was almost unbearable. I struggled for days 29 draft after draft. Finally I put my manuscript (手稿) into a large envelope and dropped it into a mailbox.It didnt take long. My manuscript 30 . How stupid

15、of me! I thought. How could I 31 in a world of professional writers? Knowing I couldnt 32 the rejection letter, I threw the unopened envelope into a drawer.Five years later, I was moving to California. While 33 my apartment, I came across the unopened envelope. This time I opened it and read the edi

16、tors letter in 34 :Ms Profit,Your story on Salome Bey is fantastic. Yet we need some 35 materials. Please add those and return the article immediately. We would like to 36 your story soon.Shocked, it took me a long time to 37 . Fear of rejection cost me ly. I lost at least five hundred dollars and h

17、aving my article appear in a major magazine. More importantly, I lost years of 38 writing. Today, I have become a full time writer. Looking back on this 39 , I learned a very important lesson: You cant 40 to doubt yourself.21Ajoy Bvoice Cspeech Dsmile22Aproud Bactive Csatisfied Dmoved23Avisited Bema

18、iled Cphoned Dinterviewed24Aagreed Brefused Chesitated Dpaused25Areplied Bdiscovered Cexplained Dknew26Aseriously Bpatiently Cnervously Dquietly 27Ablaming Bfooling Cinviting Durging28Ahardship Bfailure Ccomment Dpressure29Awith Bby Con Din30Adisappeared Breturned Cspread Dimproved31Acompare Bstrugg

19、le Csurvive Dcompete32Aignore Bdeliver Cface Dreceive33Adecorating Brepairing Ccleaning Dleaving34Adisbelief Banxiety Chorror Dtrouble35Asubjective Brelevant Cprivate Dreliable36Abroadcast Bcreate Cpublish Dassess37Arecover Bprepare Cescape Dconcentrate38Aenergetic Bendless Ctypical Denjoyable39Aexp

20、erience Bsuccess Cbenefit Daccident40Aattempt Bafford Cexpect Dpretend第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。ACensus figures (调查数据) published last Friday indicate that the number of women in management jobs rose by 95% between 1980 and 1990. Most

21、 evidence shows that women are still in the lowest class of management and in the lowest-paying industries. I first noticed that girls were different from boys when I was about 4 years old. No experiences either in my personal life or in my business life have caused me to change my opinion. Througho

22、ut my adult life, however, I have had to evaluate again and again these differences between men and women and how they affect the way men and women relate to one another and to the environment in which they work. Working with women has given me deep understanding I would never have gained in any oth

23、er way. Women are working at a decided disadvantage in the business world created by men to make things comfortable for men. To me, this means men often understand the rules without having to be taught or even having to think about them. It is not so easy for women. If I may fall back on typically m

24、ale sports terms, women have had to learn both the game and the game plan at the same time. At least in my own observation, women in business tend to be more honest than men. A direct question to a woman often results in a direct response. This quality makes it more difficult for women to “yes” an e

25、mployer. It also makes women more trustworthy than the men who often cant, or wont, give a straight answer to a question. Women are also more open than men about their feelings, their ambitions, and everyday situations in the office. This makes them easier to be hurt than men. Traditionally, women i

26、n business have been more severely judged than men. They have had to be better in a job than a man to get ahead. 41What is this passage mainly about?Athe unfair treatment the working women suffering in businessBthe differences between working men and womenCthe qualities of the working men and womenD

27、the authors pity on the working women42The author mentions the “sports terms” to show that _.Awomen are more diligent than menBwomen are often looked down upon by menCwomen are slower in learning new things than menDmen always make things comfortable for themselves43How many good qualities of women

28、are mentioned in the last paragraph?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.44Which of the following will most probably be the first sentence of the fifth paragraph?AFor example, I have interviewed many people for the job of advertising salesperson.BAnother difference between working men and women is that men take

29、more chances.COf all the differences that I have noticed, one in particular stands out.DOn the other hand, men also enjoy more rights than women.BPeople say teenagers are no goodThey make too much noise in shopping malls; they drive recklessly up and down Americas main streets; they carry chips on t

30、heir shoulders as big as the Sears TowerAnd at least some of the time those things are trueBut we shouldnt forget that there are hard moments in the life of a teenager too.I watched such a moment not long ago at a womans funeralI didnt expect the event to affect meThrough much of the ceremony, in fact, I remained unmoved.The teenage grandson stepped forwardWith his very first deep breath, every heart in that church was achingly reminded of something we had all forgottenSoftly he began: “I want to share a few values that Nana taught meShe never failed to see light in any situatio

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