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1、句子重音和语调概要句子重音和语调英语句子听起来之所以忽轻忽慢,忽升忽降,富有节奏感,主要是因为句子重音和语调的重要调节作用。一、句子重音在句子重音中,单词重音是认识和掌握句子重音的基础。单词一旦置于句子里,在语流中并不是所有的单词都像单独读音时读得那么响亮,只有其中部分词重读,部分词不重读。如:It was too expensive for me to buy.这个句子中只有三个词重读。另外,句子中要重读的词若为双音节或多音节词,重音一般就落在该词的重读音节上。像前句中的expensive就属于这种情况。如何掌握句子重音的规律,判别句子重音是正确朗读英语句子的关键之一,应遵循的基本原则如下:

2、在通常情况下,“实强虚弱”,即在一个英语句子中实词(notional words/content words)一般重读,虚词(form words/function words)一般弱读。 名词 一般都重读 There is a book on the desk. My sister put up a picture on the wall. John wants to see the teacher after class. An elephant is an animal.一些含义较广,本身没有很确切内容的名词,如thing, person, place, 或指一大类人或事物的名词,如 m

3、an, woman, fellow, time, ship,前面有修饰语缩小其范围时,这类名词通常不重读 Thats a nice thing. (比较: Thats a nice picture.) Hes an easy person to get along with. Hes the right man for the job. Its already lunch time. (比较; Its time for lunch.)代词常重读的代词有 1指示代词This is not what I mean. That isnt the one I asked for.Do you like

4、 ()these flowers?但如指示代词前后都有重音时,该指示代词可失去重音How do you like those little ones? Who wrote this interesting story?2. 名词性物主代词Yours is much nicer than mine. The red one is his.但在双重所有格中,物主代词往往不重读 Im writing to a friend of mine.3. 强调代词 I saw it myself. The man himself told me so.4疑问代词 Who are you talking to?

5、 What can I do for you? Who came to see you this morning?不重读的代词有:人称代词,反身代词,物主代词(形容词性),相互代词,关系代词He hasnt seen my brother yet. He hurt himself when he was playing football. They often help each other. The girl who spoke to you just now is my sister.形容词(包括分词作形容词)一般都应重读 数词一般都应重读The streets are wide, cle

6、an and beautiful.This narrow valley was the scene of a famous battle.His first daughter is fifteen. Its a dull and disappointing film.Thats exciting news. The worried man entered the crowded street.He bought ten cups and I bought only four.冠词 一般都不重读He lives in a house not far from the school.Its an

7、hours drive from the old station.The man over there is my brother. An elephant is an animal.动词 主要动词,或称实意动词、行为动词(notional verb)都要重读 (be、have 除外)He takes a walk after supper every day. Dont forget your homework.I suppose you know him.非限定动词一般也都要重读 不定式 We decided to start the next day.分词 We sat at the d

8、esk writing a letter.动名词 Its no use asking him about that.助动词和情态动词与not构成的缩略式要重读I dont want to go there today.He wasnt surprised when I told him the news.We cant stay any longer.Dont you think you shouldnt say such things?We must do it now, mustnt we?cannot不缩写成cant 时,重音也在can 上I cannot agree with him.

9、 Do 用于肯定句中表示强调时,总是重读的I do hope this will be effective.He does need your help.We did warn you before.Do drop in when you are in Xuzhou.不重读的动词助动词 He did not work hard for the exam.We were impressed by their achievements.Much has been said about it.They will be surprised at that.情态动词 He should be criti

10、cized for doing that.Mary could do it better than Herbert. I must go now.Who can answer this question?动词 be(是),have(有)一般不重读 I have so many things to do today.Few people had TV sets in those days.The key was in the box.以上几类通常不重读的动词用于简短回答,或其后省略了主要动词时,要重读; 用于一般疑问句句首有时重读,但在比较随便的谈话中不必重读 ()Have you any br

11、others and sisters? Yes, I have.()Are you a student? Yes, I am.()Can you come this afternoon? Yes, I can.He said more than he should at the meeting. I dont want to go there, but I must.副词 一般都重读 They came back early yesterday. Where did you buy it? Why do you come? You meet people everywhere. Ive nev

12、er heard of such a thing before. Perhaps shell arrive tonight.Tell him to come in. A car dashed past. Thank you for coming to see me off.但关系副词不重读 He visited the small village where he was born.They came right at the time when we needed their help.This is the reason why they failed.介词 单音节介词一般都不重读 All

13、 but one of the family are at home.How far is it from Paris to London? What are you looking at? Thats what I was thinking of.多音节的介词常重读,但也可不重读Ill do it ()after lunch. He finished the article ()during the holidays.The man walked a()long the street.He searched a()mong the papers. I forgot all a()bout i

14、t. I have nothing to say con()cerning this problem. Put it opposite the door.在不重读的连系动词be或人称代词后,不论是单音节或多音节介词都重读 Theyre by the window. He was in the sitting-room. Is it near the post office? The teacher was with us at the picnic. It was during the interval.He was beside himself with rage. They are beh

15、ind the door. 介词在句首时常可重读 On his way home he met an old friend. In the room they found a little boy. Under the tree stands a tall man.连接词 单一的并列连接词(包括关联连接词both and neithernor等)和从属连词都不重读 He came and spoke to us. I saw it but didnt read it. Lets run or well be late. That takes both time and energy. Neit

16、her you nor I can solve the problem. I suggest that we give up the plan. He was angry with me because I was late. The professor was busy writing when I went to see him.We took the taxi to the station so (that) we could be in time for the train. She didnt arrange the chairs as I told her. Put it wher

17、e it can easily be seen. He wants to see you before you leave. She insisted on going, though I told her not to. They were disappointed whereas we were delighted. You cant understand it until you read it to the end. 连接词词组 其中重要的词要重读,还有一些意味较强的连接词也要重读 If only I knew how to do it. Hell help us on conditi

18、on that we trust him. Well start tomorrow even if it rains. They have never met ever since 1980. The meeting will begin as soon as the guests come. Youll succeed so long as you work hard. Its such a pity that you cant come. He spoke so fast that I could hardly follow him.Will you try again supposing

19、 you fail? I must go there although it is raining. The school bus will leave directly thebell rings. You can never succeed unless you work hard.从句放在主句前面时,处于句首的连接词常重读 (that 除外)When he comes Ill introduce him to you. After Ive finished it Ill show it to you. As I was waiting for the bus, it suddenly b

20、egan to rain. 但 That we can do it without him is absurd.连接代词who (whom, whose) what, which 和连接副词when, where, how, why 可以重读,也可以不重读 I wonder who that was. Ask him which is better. I dont know how they are. I dont know how things are in their school. Im not sure when hes coming. I cant understand why he

21、 refuses to go. Do you see what I mean? He doesnt know what he should do next.感叹词 感叹词是表示某种感情的自然一般都重读 Ah! Oh! Ugh!uh Eh? Fancy! Goodness!Nonsense! Hello! Indeed! How awful!但如果后面紧跟一个有强重音的词,单音节的感叹词可以不重读,但音调很高Ah no! Oh well! Oh dear!不合乎语句重音一般规律的例外情况任何本来有句子重音的词,如果上文刚出现过,第二次提到时一般不应重读 -How many times have

22、you been there? -Three times. The boy shouted to the other boys. -They want strong men. -Very well. I am strong. Study as Lenin studied. A new committee has been set up and Dr Li is on the committee.名词 street 在街名中不重读 Oxford Street Downing Street Eighth Street Wall Street但road, avenue, lane, way, hil

23、l, town, park, palace等词在街名地名中都要重读York Road West Lake Hyde Park Buckingham Palace Hampton Court 一个名词受另一个名词(或形容词)修饰时,如修饰语与别的词形成对比时,或两个词意义上联系很紧密时,被修饰的名词不重读,只重读前面的修饰语 railway journey 坐火车旅行(区别于坐汽车或飞机旅行) pleasure trip 旅游(区别于因事旅行) high school 中学 safety razor 安全剃刀 life-saving apparatus 救生装置 door handle tenn

24、is ball camping ground golf club violin string examination paper指示代词 this, that, these, those有时没有很强的指示意味,其意义很接近于冠词the,特别是当其修饰的名词前面已提到时,这些指示代词不重读 He managed this matter wonderfully. It is necessary to take these measures. He couldnt bear the gaze of those eyes. 在 this morning, this afternoon, this ev

25、ening 等词组中,this 不重读such 后面跟有强调的词时不重读such a curious shape such quantities of wood 如果后面的词不可能重时,则重读 suchSuch a thing should never have happened.副词so在 think so, do so等词组里不重读 I think so. I didnt say so. I believe so. Who told you to do so?副词so, now, then用来在语气上连接上下文时,不重读So he went into the garden. Now lis

26、ten to me carefully. Then dont forget to write to me after you arrive there.某些插入语不须重读Im afraid hes not coming.Hes not coming, Im afraid.Please sit down. Sit down, please.He said, “Im sorry.” “Im sorry,” he said.One作为数词要重读,但用作代词时不重读Thats a good one. How are the little ones? Youve got the wrong one, I

27、 want the green one.二、语调在英语说话和朗读时不但要注意句子的重读、音的长度、音的变化,而且很重要的是要注意句子或短语的语调 在英语中通过语调的高低、句子重读、音的长度,使语言表达丰富多彩,声情并茂。英语语调或升或降,或高或低,一般落在短语或句子的最后一个重音上。 可以将英语语调归纳为四种: 降调 升调 平调 降升调用降调的句型1. 陈述句 Thank you. Not at all.Youre quite right.Im afraid I must be off.2. 特殊疑问句What time can I see you?Whats the matter with

28、you?3. 祈使句 Come in. Close the door.Fetch me my gloves.Please drop in any time you like.Hurry up or well miss the train.4. 感叹句What a hot day!Isnt it lovely!用升调的句型1. 一般疑问句 Have you been staying here long?Are you free tomorrow morning?Is this lesson too difficult?2. 祈使句 表示很婉转和客气的请求,祈使句有时也可以一般疑问句的形式出现Wont you take a seat? Shall we go to the dining room?3. 陈述句 有些陈述句包含不肯定、疑惑、安慰、抱歉、无能为力、轻蔑、不在乎、不耐烦,以及其他一些没有直接表达出来的情绪时,用升调 I cant wait that long. I thought everything wo

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