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高考英语 二轮语法强化训练2 定语从句.docx

1、高考英语 二轮语法强化训练2 定语从句2019-2020年高考英语 二轮语法强化训练2 定语从句.单项选择(每题1分,共20分)1(xx天津卷)I wish to thank Professor Smith,without _ help I would never have got this far.Awho Bwhose Cwhom Dwhich答案B句意:我想要感谢史密斯教授,没有他的帮助我就不会走得这么远。whose在定语从句中作关系代词,表示“的”,句中先行词为Professor Smith。whose help在句意上相当于“Professor Smiths help”,whose是

2、关系代词,引导定语从句。考生容易误选C,因为只看到了without whom语意上相当于without Professor Smith,而忽略了题干中的help。若选C项的话,可去掉题干中的help。牢记定语从句各种引导词的用法并准确分析句子结构是解题关键。2(xx重庆卷)Sales director is a position _munication ability is just as important as sales skills.Awhich Bthat Cwhen Dwhere答案D句意:导购员是一个沟通能力和销售能力同样重要的职位。分析题干可知a position后是一个定语从

3、句,而该从句的引导词在从句中作地点状语,即in whichin the positionwhere,故选D。在定语从句中,当position,point,case,stage,situation等表示抽象地点的名词充当先行词时,若定语从句中缺少状语,则用where来引导定语从句。3(2011福建卷) She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students _allows them to municate freely with each other.Awhich Bwhere Cwhat Dwho答案A考查定语从句。which引导限

4、定性定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰先行词atmosphere。4(xx江西卷)The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister _she would stay for an hour.Awhere Bwho Cwhich Dwhat答案A考查定语从句。句意:这个女孩与她姐姐一起在培训中心上钢琴课,在那儿她经常待上一个小时。where引导限制性定语从句,修饰at the training centre。5(xx福建卷)Stephen Hawking believes that the ea

5、rth is unlikely to be the only planet _ life has developed gradually.Athat B where Cwhich Dwhose答案B考查定语从句。句意:Stephen Hawking认为地球不可能是唯一的有生命逐渐形成的星球。这是一个由where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词planet,根据句意,从句中缺少地点状语,选B项。6(xx北京卷)Children who are not active or _ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.Awhat Bwhose Cwhich

6、 Dthat答案B考查定语从句。whose引导定语从句,和前面的who引导的定语从句并列,共同修饰先行词children,并且whose在从句中作定语,修饰diet。7(xx南昌一模)We stayed in a quiet hotel,_Anext to it was a thick woodBnext to which was a thick woodCnext to it there was a thick woodDnext to which a thick wood was答案B考查定语从句和倒装。句意:我们居住在一个安静的旅馆,它的旁边是一片茂密的树林。后半句是定语从句,句中的wh

7、ich代指hotel,从句是倒装句。8(xx江南十校联考)What does the notice say?All the storytellers should meet at the same hall _won the first three prizes.Awhat Bas Cwho Dwhich答案C考查定语从句。根据句法,这是个分隔式定语从句,从句“_won the first three prizes”缺少主语,先行词“All the storytellers”指人,所以用关系代词who或that,且不能省略。9(xx甘肃二诊)It was reported that a gir

8、l suddenly got into a strange situation _she was unable to speak.Awhere Bthat Cwhich Dwhy答案A此处先行词是a strange situation,其在定语从句中作地点状语,故选A。10(xx福州一检)Believe it or not,my sister and I are twins.Oh,you must have had the case _you were taken for your sister.Awhich Bwhose Cwhere Dwhom答案C考查定语从句。语意表示你肯定有过被误认为

9、是你姐姐的情况。where you were taken for your sister是定语从句,修饰先行词the case,表示的是抽象地点,where可用in which替换。11(xx西城期末练习)I need to call my friend David _coat I walked off by mistake yesterday.Ain whose Bin thatCwith which Dwith his答案A此处coat与David之间为所属关系。句意:我需要给我的朋友David打个电话,昨天我误穿他的衣服走了。12Where did you get to know you

10、r wife?It was in the university _we studied together.Athat Bwhere Cwhen Dwhich答案B先行词是the university,在定语从句中作地点状语,所以用where。13When was it that the exhibition was held?It was on May 5_the famous ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan was honored.Awhen Bwhat Cwhich Dthat答案AMay 5作先行词,在定语从句中作时间状语,所以用when或on which,答案

11、选A项。14The media can often help solve problems and draw attention to situations _help is needed.Athat Bwhich Cwhen Dwhere答案D分析句子结构可知,本题考查定语从句的引导词,引导词在定语从句中作地点状语,故用where,相当于in which。15The poor student,_and living expenses are paid by the Hope Project,is admitted by Peking University.Aall of which book

12、s Ball of his booksCwhose all books Dall of whose books答案D考查定语从句。The poor student作先行词,定语从句相当于all of the poor students books and living expenses are paid by the Hope Project,所以答案选D项。16We hope the measures to control house prices,_are taken by the government,will succeed.Awhich Bthat Cwhat Das答案A考查定语从

13、句。which are taken by the government是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the measures,which在从句中作主语。17The small mountain village_we spent our holiday last month lies in _is now part of Hubei.Awhich;where Bwhere;whatCthat;which Dwhen;which答案B第一空处The small mountain village是先行词,在定语从句中作地点状语,故用where,第二空处是what引导的宾语从句。18I admire

14、my English teacher.I can remember very few occasions _she stopped working because of ill health.Athat Bwhere Cwhen Dwhich答案C考查定语从句。句意:我记得,她很少会因为身体差而停止工作。occasion在句中表示时间概念,所以用关系副词when引导后面的定语从句。19There is a big garden in the residential buildings,_ actually has bee a good place for people to meet and

15、municate.Awhere Bin which Cwhich Dthat答案C考查定语从句。空处所在的句子是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词garden,which在从句中作主语。20There is no experience you can have _is more exciting than skating on real ice.Aof which Bwhat Cthat Dwith whom答案Cexperience作先行词,在定语从句中作主语,且先行词被no修饰,所以用关系代词that。.试说新语(每题1分,共7分)21address(熟义:n.地址;v.写地址)It is sa

16、id that our headmaster will address the meeting._22admit(熟义:v.承认;允许进入)The great hall can admit 5,000 students. _23against(熟义:prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰)The picture looks nice against the white wall. _24age(熟义:n.年龄)Worry aged him rapidly. _25aggressive(熟义:adj.好斗的,侵略的)If he wants to succeed,he has to be aggress

17、ive. _26air(熟义:n.空气)Dont air your troubles too often. _27affect(熟义:vt.影响)The insect can produce a kind of chemical which can affect the mosquitos. _答案21.vt.向发表演说;直接向说话22.v.容纳23.prep.映衬24.v.(使)变老25.adj.进取的26.v.抒发,倾诉;播送27.vt.侵袭2019-2020年高考英语 代词 数词讲解与运用教案 新人教版代词是高考考查的重点语法项目之一,也是考生容易出错的项目,因为代词具有较大灵活性。考生

18、在做代词选择填空时最容易犯的错误是1)机械地套用语法规则;2)用汉语思维去分析题意。从高考考查情况看,高考考查最多的是不定代词,因为不定代词是整个代词中最为活跃的部分,其次是名词性物主代词和反身代词。I.代词的分类单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称人称代词主格Iyouhe she itweyouthey宾格meyouhim her itusYouthem物主代词形容词性myyourhis her itsouryourtheir名词性mineyourshis hers itsoursyourstheirs反身代词myselfyourselfhimself herself i

19、tselfourselvesyourselvesthemselves指示代词this that suchthese those such相互代词宾格each other one another所有格each others one anothers不定代词可数one each, many, (a) few ,both, another, either., neither不可数much, (a) little可数不可数any other all some复合不定代词anyone anybody anything somebody something someone everyone everyth

20、ing everybody nobody nothing疑问代词who whom whose which what连接代词who whom whose which what(参见专题八)关系代词who whom whose which that(参见专题八)II.代词的用法1.人称代词2.物主代词3.反身代词用作宾语、表语,或主语、宾语的同位语He teaches himself Japanese every evening.(宾语)She is not quite herself today.她今天身体不太舒服。(表语)I myself can repair the bike.(主语的同位语

21、)常用含有反身代词的惯用语归纳by oneself= alone 独自 for oneself独立、为自己be oneself处于正常状态,显得自然 enjoy oneself玩得愉快seat oneself坐下 dress oneself in 给自己穿devote oneself to专心于、献身于 help oneself to 自行取用、不用客气e to oneself苏醒 make oneself at home 不要客气4.指示代词this和that是近指, that和those 是远指I dont want this book. I want that one.有时为了避免重复,

22、常用that/ those 来代表前面出现过的名词At this time of year, the weather here is much colder than that in Nanjing.this和that都可代表前面提到过的事情,若出现两个名词,指代前面的用that指代较后面的用this;但若指下文将要叙述事情,则只能用this,不能用that。此外,还可用于代替上文中出现过个单数或不可数名词,且后面带有of短语修饰。Health is above wealth; this cannot give so much happiness as that.健康胜于财富;财富不会像健康那

23、样带来那么多幸福(句中this=wealth;that=health) They cant afford it.That/this is their problem.What I want you to remember is this :English is of great use.(此句中this不能用that替换)The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Suzhou.such的用法such 一般在句中作定语和主语.用作定语时,它所修饰的名词前的不定冠词应放在之后。Such is my answer.Such are the r

24、esults of the exams.I have never seen such beautiful flowers.用作定语时,它所修饰的名词前的不定冠词应放在such之后such a good book。5.相互代词在句中可作宾语They help each other and learn from each other.加s后成为所有格,作定语They asked about one anothers life and work.6.不定代词不定代词种类较多,在使用时应注意其用法与区别。为了便于记忆我们择其重点以表格的形式列出。不定代词区 别例 句one, some,any和iton

25、e可以泛指人或者事(东西),其复数为ones。Weve been looking at the houses but havent found _ we like yet. B.ones D.them Cars do cause us some health problems in fact far more serious _ than mobile phones do. B.ones D.those some可用于疑问句中,表示盼望得到肯定的答复,或者表示建议,请求等。Your coffee smells great! Its from Mexi

26、coWould you like _? B.some C.this D.1ittlesome 和any修饰可数名词单数时,some表示某个,any表示任何一个。I have read this article in some magazine. Please correct the mistakes, if any.Which of the three ways shall I take to the village? _way as you please.A.Each B.Every C.Any D.Eitherone指同类中的一个,it指代同一种类的东西。记住下列三点区别:it =

27、the /this/ my+单数名词one =a/an+单数名词it代替特定的单数名词one代替不特定的单数名词one之前加上定冠词the可以表示特指,one前如有形容词修饰,之前还可以加上不定冠词,但是it之前既不能加冠词也不能加形容词修饰。There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow ? No, Id rather buy in the bookstore.;one;one;it;itThis film is an interesting one.

28、Of all the dresses, this is the one I like best.some多用于肯定句,any多用于疑问句和否定句。Theres _cooking oil in the house. Would you go to the corner store and get _. A.1ittle,some B.1ittle,anyC.a little,some D.a little,anyWe had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for _.A.none B.either C.any D.

29、eachHe doesnt have _ furniture in his room -just an old desk.A. any B. many C. some D. mucheach和everyeach强调个别,代表的数可以是两个或两个以上,而every强调整体,所指的数必须是三个或三个以上。Each student has a pocket dictionary.Each (of us) has a dictionary.= We each have a dictionary.Every student has strong and weak points. Every one of us has strong and weak points.all和bothboth指两个人或

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