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专题一 听力场景词汇.docx

1、专题一 听力场景词汇听力口语写作场景词汇一、校园场景: 1. 学生freshman 大一学生, sophomore 大学二年级生, 有二年经验的, junior student 大三学生senior student 大四学生高年级学生, undergraduate student 本科生graduate student / postgraduate student 研究生, masters degree 硕士学位,bachelors degree 学士学位, doctor student / doctor 博士研究生, science 理科 literal arts 文科 engineerin

2、g 工科 major专业 scholarship 奖学金2. 老师professor 教授, teaching fellow 讲师, tutor / director / supervisor 导师, dean 系主任department 系, president 校长, staff 全体员工(商店、企业), faculty 全体教职员工 take the course 选课, drop the course 退课, register 注册, sign up for the course 选课pick up = learn, cancel 取消, requirement / required

3、/ compulsory course必修课selective course / elective course / optional course 选修课lecture 讲座, seminar 讨论班, credit 学分, course 初级课程,advanced course 高级课程math 数学, computer course 计算机, psychology course 心理学, physics 物理学economics 经济学, computer science, sociology 社会学, geology 地质学chemistry 化学, biology 生物学, bioc

4、hemistry 生物化学 3. 作业homework / assignment / project, book report, presentation 课堂发言,reading list 书单, turn in / hand in上交, proposal 开题报告extension 延期, paper 论文 / essay 小论文, term paper, thesis 毕业论文论文写作: survey调查, collect data 收集资料, word limit, deadline/due, ask for an extension, timetable,research metho

5、ds, approach, research instrument, feed back, a case study, hypothesis, valid, draw ones conclusion得出结论, share ideas, 分享思想,submit, hand in, revise, rewrite, proofreading4. 考试mid-term exam 期中考试, final exam 期末考试, quiz 测验, pop quiz 随堂考试grade / score 分数 pass 及格 passing grade 及格分 failing grade 失败GPA grad

6、e point average平均分, make up exam 补考 cheat 作弊 Academic performance 学习成绩 5. 图书馆shelf 书架stack 书库reading room 阅览室reference room 参考书阅览室periodical room 期刊阅览室copier 复印机librarian 图书馆长, 图书管理员catalogue 书目index 索引volume 卷,宗library card,writing permission 书面许可book reservation 借书check out 外借overdue 超期renew 续借fin

7、e 罚款return 还书magazine 杂志journal 期刊periodical 期刊quarterly 季刊current issue 现刊,back issue 过刊author 作者subject 题目title 名字key words 关键字overdue 超期 reserve续借 out of print 绝版 publisher 出版商 news section 新闻版classified ads 分类广告6.校园security office 保卫处 lecture theatre 大教室 administrating office 办公室tuition 学费 stude

8、nt union 学生会二、天气场景1. 天气:sunny, cloudy, snow, rain, drizzle毛毛雨, shower, rain cats and dogs, windy, breeze, gust, typhoon, tornado龙卷风, hurricane, storm, tsunami, cold, warm up, forecast, cloud over天阴起来,clear up 天晴起来, sweat出汗, swing不稳定, extremes极端天气, weather forecast 天气预报, coupled with strong wind 伴有强风

9、, freezing 非常冷2. 活动:BBQ(barbecue), laundry, camping三、医院场景1. 受伤: twist, strain, injure, hurt, wound;2. 受伤部位shoulder, ankle, knee, wrist手腕, waist, stomach, liver, lung, heart;3. 检查措施:make an appointment, check, x-ray, operation, treat, cure, diagnose, take ones temperature health center / clinic 卫生所 /

10、 门诊部, emergency , check up / exam 检查4. 症状描述:tired, sneeze打喷嚏, running nose, have ringing in the ears, feel under the weather感觉身体不舒服, catch a cold, cough, flu流感, headache头痛, sore throat嗓子痛, fever发烧, toothache牙疼; have a heart attack5. 建议处方: ward, take two days off, more vegetables, less fried(fast) fo

11、od, quit(give up) smoking, prescribe 开药方, pill / tablet 药片, liquid 喝药水,injection = shot 注射, operation 手术, dosage药剂量pain-killer止痛药, syrup 糖浆6. 相关人员: doctor, nurse, dentist, surgeon外科, physician内科, psychologist心理医生;7. 诊断行为: fix, mend, repair, stop working, go wrong.四、工作场景1. 申请: apply, application lett

12、er, resume, CV履历, personal statement; certificate 资格证书The want ads 招聘广告2. 找工作,跳槽: job-hunting, job vacancy, recruit; job hopping. Personnel manager人事经理 , board 董事会, sales/ marketing unit 部门 3. 面试: interview, interviewer, interviewee, suit西装, working experience工作经历, annual vocation年假;4. 服务人员; carpent

13、er, plumber5. 经历:get a promotion, get a raise, slack at work 偷懒, ask for a sick leave,work overtime 加班Lay off 解雇五、买卖场景1. 买卖租赁: for sale, rent, let, book, reserve, reservation;2. 廉价购买: on sale, bargain, Sunday market, flea market, garage sale;3. 买书,家具等:book, paperback平装本,简装本, hardcover, edition, best

14、seller, copy, volume, magazine, issue, periodic, furniture, furnish, TV set, model;4. 广告: advertise, advertisement5. 工作: forward email, log in/off, attachment附件, typing, type writer, typist, typing errors, arrange appointment(files), confirm arrangement;6. 出差: business trip, on behalf of, vacation;7

15、. 雇佣关系:employment, employee, employment, director, boss, secretary, be with + 单位/领导(be with the local newspaper).六、娱乐场景1. 票务:ticket, fare;2. 观赏活动:film, movie, theatre, concert, play, show, TV,art gallery美术馆,画廊;3. 相关词汇: channel, part, actor, actress, scene, act, oil painting, romance, love story, hor

16、ror, action, documentary, commentary, science, news, sports, comedy, soap opera, quiz show智力竞赛节目, sit-com(situation comedy), thriller, magician魔术师acrobat杂技演员 clown小丑4. 参与活动: dance, disco, sing, karaoke.5. 出游:camping, picnic, boating, skating, swimming, visiting, historical sites, natural beauty, sce

17、nery, tourist attraction, sightseeing观光游览;6. 球赛:game, match, score, season, superstar.7. 电影: horror film, detective movie, cartoon, romance,8. 旅馆:lobby大厅, register, reception desk, a double room, room service; laundry, spare room 空余房间七、用餐场景1. 预定:a table for four, reserve a table, reservation, book,

18、corner table; credit card2. 等待:hungry, starving, order, menu, waiting line, queue kju:3. 用餐:appetite, salad, soup, main dish, side dish, menu,main course,local specialties当地特色菜 4. 食物:French fries炸薯条, pizza, apple pie, sea food; steak(rare, medium, well-done) dessert 甜点5. 埋单:treat, my turn, on me, go

19、 Dutch; tip, keep the change, receipt八、交通场景1. 送别: airway, airport, sad place, keep in touch, see sb. off.2. 询问: flight, fly; direct flight, transfer; arrival, departure, destination, rear-endone-way ticket, return ticket, first class, business class, economy class, airline, air lounge机场休息室, waiting

20、room; book, reserve, reservation, be booked up, get ticket changed, switch, delayed, postponed, put off, behind schedule, cancelled,ticket office, further notice 另行通知 3. 登机: luggage tag, baggage, suitcase, briefcase, bag, check-in, boarding gate, boarding card登记牌 Visa签证 ,passport护照,round ticket, hav

21、e something to declare,customs declaration form 4. 机上: take off, land; fasten, seat belt, safety belt, life belt; blanket, drink,, on schedule , the cause of delay5. 故障: bad weather, mechanical problems机械故障6. 人:captain机长,船长, pilot, airhostess, passenger, porter.7. 交通堵塞:be held in traffi

22、c, be stuck in traffic, break down; rush hours, traffic jam, air crash, peak season;8. 事故后果:consequence, crash, minor injury, slightly injured.9. 工具:car, van面包车,运货车, truck, lorry, jeep, bus, coach长途公共汽车 subway 地铁express train 快车; hard sleeper 硬卧; soft sleeper 软卧; nonstop train 直达10. 工具的一部分:wheel, ty

23、re(tire), flat tyre(tire), steering wheel方向盘, headlight, windscreen, brake.九、家庭生活1. 家用物品:cushion, quilt, pillow,carpet/ rug, mattress床垫,褥子Oven, toaster, apron围裙, plug, Flush toilet, toilet tissue, detergent清洁剂 (stubborn stain), press the shirt Ash tray, door knob, sink, corridor, balcony, elevator,

24、2. 节日:Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, birthday, Christmas;3. 出游: travel, tour, trip, journey, visit, quite an experience.4. 礼物: gift, present, give, buyfor, getfor, send, present.; power failure 十、公共生活1. 银行:open an account, loan, interest, interest rate, cash a cheque, deposit, draw, overdraft透支

25、,透支额, exchange; bank teller2. 填表:surname, last name, family name姓, first name, given name, sex, gender, address, occupation, marital status, print, sign, signature;3. 邮局:deliver, send, mail, parcel, postage邮费,邮资, registered mail挂号信, express mail, priority mail优先邮件;4. 租房:book, reserve, reservation, l

26、et, full up, booked up,single room, double room, three-bedroom house, bathroom, waiting room, living room, sitting room, kitchen, dining room, balcony;5. 交通标示: sign, one-way street, drunk driving, traffic rules, regulation, observe the speed limit 遵守速度限制规定.6. 打电话 long distance call, collect call对方付费

27、 deposit a coin in the slot 放硬币入投币口, hold on,answering machine, directory姓名地址录 busy signal 忙音7. 开车 gas station 加油站 garage 车库 engine 引擎 safety belt 安全带 parking lot 停车场 Intersection 十字路口 driving license 驾照 spare tire 备用轮胎 a flat tire 车胎瘪了十一 人物性格热情的 enthusiastic;精力旺盛的 energetic;乐观的 optimistic-;pessimis

28、tic外向的 outgoing勤奋的 hard-working;独立的 independent;博学的 knowledgeable;高效的 efficient夸夸其谈/吹牛的 boastful;饶舌的 talkative;谆谆善诱的 persuasive;雄辩的 eloquent;善于表达的 expressive敏锐的 acute/ alert;幽默的 humorous;勇敢的 brave;有雄心的 ambitious; 好斗的aggressive思维敏锐的 quick-minded,strong-minded 有主见的精明的 shrewd;狡猾的 cunning;有欺骗性的 tricky;

29、专横跋扈 bossy; 势力的snobbish 专横的 bossy;严肃的 serious;夸张的 exaggerated;苛刻的 critical耐心的 patient;宽容的 tolerant;无私的 unselfish;有爱心的 loving;体贴的 considerate;平和的 calm; 同情的 sympathetic; 谨慎的 careful / cautious;诚实的 honest/ truthful;正直的 upright;可信赖的 trustful;好脾气的 good-tempered; 听话的 obedient 值得信任的 trustworthy情绪化的 emotion

30、al;敏感的 sensitive;内向的 in/ex-troverted;胆怯的 timid;好奇的 curious;开放的 open-minded;冒险的 adventurous;随和的 easygoing;直率的 frank; 细心的 thorough;聪慧的 intelligent;温柔的 gentle;有创造性的 creative, innovative 善于社交的 sociable;会周旋的 diplomatic;就事论事的 matter-of-fact;敬业的 dedicated十二 环境保护1. 碳排放 carbon emission 汽车尾气排放 motor vehicle e

31、xhaust 辐射 radiation 城市污水domestic sewage工业废水industrial effluents 2. 环境恶化 environmental degradation 城市化失控 uncontrolled urbanization贫瘠的土地 barren land 污水 contaminated water 空气流通 circulation,森林砍伐 deforestation 灭绝 extinction水土流失 water and soil erosion/conservation 濒危野生动物 endangered wildlife火山爆发 volcano er

32、uption酸雨 acid rain干旱 drought 沙尘暴 dust storm 地震 earthquake洪水 flood泥石流mudflow/landslide海啸 Tsunami暴风雪 blizzard 干旱 Drought 飓风(台风)Hurricanes, Tropical cyclones热带气旋, Typhoons,冰雹 ice storm,龙卷风 tornado森林大火 wildfire,流行病 Epidemic 饥荒 Famine 3. 中国环保基本方针 Chinas guiding principles for environmental protection绿化面积 affores

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