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教学技术与媒体 第三单元知识点.docx

1、教学技术与媒体 第三单元知识点第三单元知识点The ASSURE Model (计划过程模式All effective instruction requires careful planning. Teaching with instructional media(教学媒体and technology is certainly no exception.(无一例外所有有效地教学都需要详细的计划,而利用教学媒体和技术进行教学显然是肯定的。The ASSURE model is a useful planning model, it guides us how to choose and use

2、media and technology in an instruction. “ASSURE”here contains two meanings: first, you can expend the ASSURE from a word to six sentences; and second, it intends to assure effective instruction.ASSURE模型是一个有用的计划模型,它能够引导我们怎样更好的在一个教学活动中选择和使用媒体和技术。ASSURE在这里包含两个意思:一个是,你可以将ASSURE从一个单词拓展到六个句子;第二个是,它能够保证有效的

3、教学活动。A: Analyze learners(分析学习者The first step in planning is to identify the learners. You must know your students best to select the best medium to meet the instructional objectives. In this part, we usually describe the learners from three aspects: (1 general characteristics一般特征, (2 specific entry

4、competencies 入门能力(知识、技能和态度等,(3 learning style of different learners学习风格 .计划的第一步是分析学习者。你必须很了解你的学生,而去选择一种最好的方法去达到教学目标。在这个部分,我们通常从三个方面描述学习者:一般特征;入门能力;学习风格S: State objectives(陈述教学目标In ASSURE model, you had better state objectives as specifically as possible. They should be stated in terms of(依据、按照what t

5、he learner will be able to do as a result of instruction. The condition under which the student or trainee is going to perform and the degree of acceptable performance should be included.尽可能明确地陈述教学目标,作为教学结果,教学目标指学生能做什么,指在什么样的条件下在何种程度上学习者取得特定的学习成果。S: Select methods, media, and materials(选择教学方法、媒体和资料O

6、nce you have identified your audience and stated your objectives, you have established the beginning points and ending points. Your task now is to build a bridge between these two points by choosing appropriate methods, technology, and media formats, then deciding on materials to implement(落实these c

7、hoices. There are three options(选择: (1 select available materials; (2 modify existing materials; (3 design new materials.一旦确定了学习者和教学目标,就明确了教学的起点(学习者当前的知识、技能和态度和终点(教学目标,教学设计的任务就是在起点和终点之间搭桥,也就是选择合适的教学方法、教学技术、媒体以及教学材料。然后选择材料去落实这些选择,有三个选择,选择合适的材料;修改已经存在的材料;设计新的材料U: Utilize media and materials(使用媒体和资料In

8、this step, you must plan how the media, materials and technology will be used to implement your methods. First, preview浏览the materials and practice theimplementation; next, prepare the class and ready the necessary equipment and facilities; then conduct the instruction实施教学过程using the utilization tec

9、hniques described in this and later chapters.首先,浏览教学材料,演练一下整个教学过程;其次,准备好设备、设施和教室环境;最后,参照本章和后面章节介绍的技巧,实施教学过程。R: Require learner participation(要求学习者参与To be effective, instruction should require active mental engagement诺言by learners. There should be activities that allow learners to practice the knowle

10、dge or skills and to receive feedback 反馈on the appropriateness 适当of their efforts before being formally assessed.教学过程中,应该安排不同类型的教学活动,让学生有机会练习他们习得的知识和技能;教学活动过程中要提供反馈信息,让学生了解自己努力的成效。E: Evaluate and revise(评价与修正After instruction, it is necessary to evaluate评价its impact and effectiveness and t o assess

11、评价student learning.教学完毕之后,适时的评价教学效果和成效还有学生的学习情况是必须的。设计目标和实施结果之间如果存在差距,则需要在下一轮教学中修正。The ASSURE model a procedural guide for planning and conducting instruction that incorporates media and technologyassumes that training or instruction is require.A full-blown process of instructional development would

12、 begin with a needs assessment需求评估to determine whether instruction is the appropriate solution to解决方法a performance problem.2 .Analyze learners(分析学习者要想让教学媒体和教学技术有效地发挥作用,必须使教学方法、媒体和技术与学习者的特征相匹配,因此,ASSURE 模型中的第一个环节就是分析学习者。Learner is the only center of an instructional system. So if instructional techno

13、logy and media are to be effectively, there must be a match between the characteristics of the learner and the content of the methods, media, and materials of our audience. In one classroom, there are many students, so it is impossible to analyze learner one by one. We usually describe the learners

14、from several factors followed: general characteristics; specific entry competencies; learning styles.(我们一般分析集中对于媒体和技术的选择起决定作用的特征,例如:一般特征、入门能力、学习风格。学习者是一个教学系统的唯一中心。所以如果一个教学技术和媒体有效,必须在学习者的个人特征、方法和媒体的内容、读者的材料进行一个磨合。在一个课室里,有很多的学生,所以不可能分析每一个学习者,我们通常从以下几个因素来描述学习者:一般特征、入门能力、学习风格。2.1 General characteristics

15、一般特征General characteristics include broad identifying descriptors such as age, grade level, job or position, and cultural or socioeconomic 社会经济背景factors! The analysis can provide helpful leads in selecting instructional methods and media.一般特征包括年龄、年级、工作或职位以及文化和社会经济背景。【做一般特征分析的方法】You can do a small in

16、ventory about your audiences; and sometimes, academic and other records may be helpful, as well as direct questioning of and talking with learners and instructors or other group leaders.如果学习者对主题缺乏兴趣,可以考虑采用高刺激的教学媒体,如生动的录像带、模拟游戏或其他采用技术的活动;学习者首次进入新的概念领域时,需要更多直接的、具体的经验,如参观访问、角色扮演等;具有丰富背景知识的学习者可以考虑采用抽象的试

17、听教学材料或文字材料;对于异质的学习小组来说,小组成员具有不同的知识背景,可以采用录像带等试听媒体作为主要的教学材料,这类媒体可以使学习者建立共同的经验基础,为后续的小组讨论和个人学习奠定基础。2.2 Specific entry competencies(入门能力Prerequisites are competencies能力that learners must possess具有to benefit from the instruction but that you or the media are not going to teach.A mistake assumption: at t

18、he beginning of a lesson, teachers consider that the learners lack of knowledge or skills they are about to teach and that they possess the knowledge or skills needed to understand and learn from the lesson.先修知识指的是学生已经具备的(你不准备教授的,有利于下一步学习的知识和能力。教师设计一节课时通常假定学习者都缺乏计划讲授的知识和技能,需要通过课堂教学来学习,这个假定往往是错误的。Whe

19、n we analyze the specific entry competencies, we can use the strategy followed:(1 informal means: such as in-class questioning or out-of class interviews;(2 formal means: such as testing with standardized or teacher-made test;(3 entry test;(4 Prerequisites.对先修知识(特定的入门能力的要求要在学习目标中描述清楚,且要在教学开始前进行测试。在教

20、学开始之前,还要通过讨论和前测等方法,对教学内容进行前期评估。如果学习者已经掌握了学习的内容,教学的过程就不需要了,否则只是在浪费学生和教师的时间。通过对学习者入门能力的分析,可以选择适当的教学方法和教学媒体。如果教学对象的入门能力差别很大,那么就要考虑使用自学的教学资料,让他们可以自定步调学习,或者进行其他类型的个性化学习。2.3 Learning styles学习风格Learning style refers to a cluster of一群、一组、一串psychological traits心理特征that determine how an individual perceives,i

21、nteracts with,and responds emotionally to learning environments.学习风格是指一组心理特征,能够决定一个人在学习环境中的知觉与学习环境的互动和对环境的反映等。Usually, learning styles include four aspects:(1 Perceptual Preferences and strengths知觉偏好和强度主要的感觉通道有:听觉、视觉、触觉和运动知觉;学习迟缓的人更适合于采用触觉或运动知觉学习;人们对触觉和运动知觉的偏好会随着年龄的增长逐渐减弱。(2 Information Processing H

22、abits信息处理习惯这一类型按照个体认知信息处理的不同的方法,包含有多个变量。格里乔克(Gregore 提出的“智力风格”(Mind Style理论,现在,智力风格一般分为四类:具体有序、具体随机、抽象有序和抽象随机。具体有序的学习者喜欢直接的、按照一定的逻辑顺序排列的学习内容。他们采用练习本、程序教学、示范、结构化实验操作等学习方法能够取得最好的学习效果。具体随机的学习者,倾向于采用尝试错误(Trial and Error的方法,从探索性的经历很快得出结论。适合于游戏、模拟、独立研究项目和发现性学习。抽象有序的学习者擅长于解析语言和符号化信息。适合于阅读和听演讲等学习方式。抽象随机的学习者

23、善于从以人为媒介的演讲中抽取中心意思,他们会对演讲者的语调、演讲风格以及传达的信息做出回应。适合于采用小组讨论、附有问答的讲授、看电影和看电视等方式学习。(3 Motivational Factors动机因素动机是一种内在状态,这种状态引导人们选择或者回避特定的目标和经历。动机决定人们将做什么而不是他们能做什么(Keller ,1987。这些动机决定着学生将注意那一个学习目标,忽视哪一个学习目标,对学生的学习成绩有很大的影响。动机决定了学生将在那些教学目标上下工夫。诱发动机的因素有内驱型(Instrinsic 和外驱型(Extrinsic两类。内驱型动机指的是由经历和任务本身产生的动机,例如挑

24、战和好奇等。外驱型动机指的是由任务以外的因素产生的动机,例如分数和表扬。研究发现,内驱型动机一般来说更有效。一个内驱激励的学生,由于个人对学习资料的兴趣,通常会花更多时间学习,习得的知识也更多。因此,如果可能的话,最好培养学生对学习的内驱动力。Keller 的ARCS模型,可以帮助我们描述学生的动机:注意(Attention:指学生是否感觉教学是有趣的,值得他们认真对待。适当(Relevance:指学生是否感觉教学能够满足或实现个人的目标或需要。自信(Confidence:指学生是否希望通过自己的努力获得成功。满意(Satisfation:指学生从教学中获得的内在和外在的奖励。(4 Physi

25、ological Factors生理因素与性别、健康和环境条件有关的因素对学习效果有明显的影响。男孩和女孩对不同的科目态度也不一样。例如,男孩比女孩更喜欢竞争性、攻击性的活动。所以,他们在竞争性活动中的成绩要比女孩好。饥饿和疾病明显地影响学习。温度、噪音、光线、一天中不同的时间等,影响我们是否能集中和维持注意力。不同的人对这些因素的偏好和忍耐力也各不相同。3. State Objectives (陈述学习目标3.1 What is objective ?(1 The definition of objectiveAn objective is a statement not what the

26、instructor plans toput into the lesson but of what learners ought to get out of the lesson.教学目标指设计者希望每一个学习者取得什么样的学习结果,或者是完成教学任务后学生应该掌握什么新技能。教学目标应该陈述的是获得什么,而不是如何获得。(2 Why need objective?First, you must know your objectives in order to makeappropriate selection of methods and media; another basic reas

27、on forstating your instructional objectives is to help ensure properevaluation.陈述教学目标的必要性:首先,知道教学目标,是为了选择合适的教学媒体和教学方法,教学目标会引导我们设计合适的教学活动顺序,选择合适的教学媒体;其次,教学目标的确定是为了评价教学效果。3.2 The ABCDs of Well-Stated Objectives教学目标陈述的ABCD一个好的教学目标开始要说明对象是谁,即这个教学目标是为谁确定的。然后要指出需要显示的行为或者能力。还要指出这些能力在什么条件下观察到。最后,要定义掌握新技能的熟练

28、程度。(1A :Analyze the learners(教学对象A major premise一个大前提of systematic instruction is to focus on what learners are doing, not on what the teacher is doing. Because accomplishment of the objective depends on what learners do, the objective begins by stating whose capability is going to be changed.描述教学目标

29、时,首要要明确地是谁的技能发生了变化。Examples:Good audience description:Sixth grade Earth Science StudentsTelecommunications通讯;电信学department 部门group managersBad audience description:LearnersStudents( 2 B :Behavior(行为The heart of the objective is the verb describing the new capability that the audience will have after

30、 the instruction. This verb is most likely to communicate your intent clearly if it is stated as an observable behavior.目标描述的核心是动词,以说明教学完成后,学生将具有什么新能力。如果动作是可观察的行为,最有可能明确地表达教师的意图。教师应避免使用知道、理解、意识这样含糊不清的词汇。Examples:Bad objectives:Learners will navigate a multimedia tutorial一本多媒体指南successfullyLearners w

31、ill understand the water cycle.Good objectives:Learners will raise their hands in class before speaking.Learners will knit编织a scarf that is 10 inches wide by 3 feet long.具体动词选择见下表: ( 3 C :Conditions(条件A statement of objective should include the conditions under which the performance is to be observe

32、d.教学目标描述中要说明,学生在什么条件下,展示他们习得的技能。Mager (1997 suggests three critical questions that you ask yourself when trying to write the conditions: What will the learners be expected to use when performing (tools, forms, pens, pencils, paper, etc.? What will the learner NOT be allowed to use when performing (study guide, checklist清单、备忘录, textbook, etc.? What will be the real-world conditions under which the performance will be expec

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