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1、期末重点句型复习期末重点句型复习 (Unit 5Unit 8)1. 那家人通过制作南瓜灯来庆祝万圣节。 The family celebrate Halloween by making pumpkin lanterns. = The family make pumpkinlanterns to celebrate Halloween. 2. 我想装扮成一个幽灵因为我觉得这很酷。 I want to dress up as a ghost because I think it is very cool. 3. 观看舞狮子怎么样? How / What about watching the lio

2、n dance?4. 在圣诞节孩子们总是收到很多好礼物。 Children always get lots of nice presents / gifts at Christmas. 5. 在那天,所有的家人聚在一起吃一顿大餐,吃月饼赏月。 All the family get together and have a big dinner, eat moon cakes and enjoy the full moon on that day. 6. 感谢你告诉我关于中秋节的事。 Thanks for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival. 7. 瞧

3、!他正在在脸上涂上颜色。 Look! He is painting his face. 8. 在10月31号的晚上,我们敲门并且和里面的人玩游戏。 We knock on/at their doors and play a game with the people inside on the evening of October 31.9. 有人在敲门。Someone is knocking on / at the door. =There is a knock on / at the door. = Theres someone knocking at the door.10. Amy,不要

4、朝你爸爸大喊。这不礼貌。 Amy, dont shout at your father. Its not polite.11. 如果他们不给我们糖果作为招待,我们就捉弄他们。 If they dont give us any candy as a treat, we play a trick on them. 12. 人们把孙杨和姚明当做英雄看待。 People treat Sun Yang and Yao Ming as heroes. 13. 我想查出谁总是第一个到学校最后一个离开。 I want to find out who is always the first to get to

5、school and the last to leave.14. 我周围一片黑暗。我找不到出路。It is dark around me. I cant find my way out.15. 那个戴眼镜的女孩和桑迪一起在拍照。The girl with glasses is taking photos with Sandy.16. 冬天人们总是喜欢戴围巾。People always like to wear scarves in winter.17. 你对你的得分肯定吗?是的,我得了九十九分。 -Are you sure of/about your score? - Yes. I get 9

6、9 points.18. 我们经常互相帮助互相学习。We often help each other and learn from each other.19. 我在纽约度假。我经常去不同的城市度假。 I am on holiday in New York. I often go to different cities for my holiday.20. 我叔叔正在考虑带领我们参观长城。 My uncle is thinking about showing us around the Great Wall. 21. 在北京你们怎样庆祝春节?What do you do to celebrat

7、e the Chinese New Year in Beijing?How do you celebrate the Spring Festival in Beijing?22. 听到这个消息之后Millie似乎很开心。Millie seems (to be) very happy after hearing the news. 23. 了解世界各地的不同节日对我们来说很重要。It is important for us to know different festivals around the world. 24. 我想买与Amy的不同的礼物。 I want to buy some pre

8、sents different from Amys. 25. 他的生活方式与我不同。 His lifestyle is different from mine. = His lifestyle is not the same as mine. 26. 大部分中国家庭在除夕夜放烟火。 Most Chinese families / Most of the Chinese families let off fireworks on New Years Eve. 27. 父母总是为我们准备新衣服和红包。 Our parents always get new clothes and red packe

9、ts ready for us. 28. 我认为快餐对我们的健康没好处。我们应该少吃快餐。 I dont think fast food is good for us. We should have/eat less fast food. 29. 一天一个苹果,医生远离我。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 30. 胡萝卜和柠檬是我的最爱。 Carrots and lemons are my favorites. 31. 我计划每天跳舞半小时。 I plan to dance for half an hour every day. 32. 我需要吃更多

10、的水果和蔬菜来保持健康。 I need to eat more fruit and vegetables to keep fit / healthy. 33. 甜食有太多的糖,它们对我们的牙不好。Sweet snacks have too much sugar/There is too much sugar in sweet snacks and they are bad for our teeth. 34. 你通常怎样花零用钱?How do you spend your pocket money? = What do you usually do with your pocket money

11、?35. 她吃得少,因此经常餐间觉得饿。 She eats little, so she often feels hungry between meals. 36. 我需要改变我的生活方式,我计划每周到我家附近的游泳池游泳两次。I need to change my lifestyle. I pan to go swimming in the swimming pool near my home twice a week. 37. 这条问题够简单,他能回答。 This question is easy enough for him to answer. 38. 这次聚会我们打算买四公斤肉,两袋

12、盐,三袋芒果, 八盒橙汁。We are going to buy four kilos of meat, two packets of salt, three bags of mangoes and eight cartons of orange for our party. 39. 苹果汁尝起来不错。我想点一瓶。Apple juice tastes nice/good. I would like to order a bottle. 40. 请先让我看看菜单。Please let me look at / have a look at / take a look at the menu fi

13、rst. 41. 那个叫做Tom的男孩喜欢不断地问问题。The boy called Tom likes keeping asking questions. 42. 他实在太胖了因为他每天吃太多的肉和汉堡。He is much too fat because he eats too much meat and too many hamburgers every day. 43. 我早饭吃一个鸡蛋,两片面包,喝一瓶牛奶,这帮助我很好地开始一天。I have an egg, two pieces of bread and a bottle of milk for breakfast. This h

14、elps me start the day well. 44. 午饭我吃米饭或一碗牛肉面。这顿饭给我整个下午所需要的能量。I have rice or a bowl of noodles with beef for lunch. This meal gives me energy for the whole afternoon. 45. 他叔叔每天弹钢琴不到两小时。His uncle plays the piano for less than two hours every day.46. 我表弟锻炼一个月不止四次。 My cousin exercises more than four tim

15、es a month. 47. 这件短裙花了她200元。The skirt costs her 200 .= She spends 200 on the skirt.= She pays 200 for the skirt.48. 我讨厌购物因为购物中心总是挤满了人。I hate shopping because the mall is always full of people.49. 沿着这条街有一个新的名叫欧尚的购物中心。 There is a new mall called “Auchan” down the street.50. 我没有钱。I have no money. = I dont have any money.51. 他需要你帮助他学习地理。 He needs you to help him with his geography.52. 这是一部相当有趣的电影。我们所有的人都对它感兴趣。It is quite an interesting film. All of us are interested in it.53. 我表妹小时候就对集邮感兴趣。My cousin was interested in collecting stamps when she was a child.54. 今晚电视上可能

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