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1、中医英语常用语 中医英语常用语(一)中医方剂名称的翻译方法从目前的翻译实践来看,方剂名称均可以音译。如“麻黄汤”可译为Mahuang Decoction,“桂枝汤”可译为Guizhi Decoction。也有的将剂型也予以音译。但也有不少人采用直译或意译的方式翻译方剂名称。但在具体翻译时有的采用英语翻译方剂名称中的中药名(如将“桂枝汤”译为Cinnamon Twig Decoction),有的则采用拉丁语翻译(如将“桂枝汤”译为Ramulus Cinnamoni Decoction)。有关中药名称的翻译问题,请参见第二十课的有关内容。就直译和意译而言,方剂名称的翻译可以有如下一些方式:以方中君

2、药命名的方剂译式为:主药名剂型名,如“麻黄汤”可译为Herba Ephedrae Decoction或Ephedra Decoction。以主治病证命名的方剂译式为:病证名剂型名,如“疝气汤”可译为Hernia Decoction。以动物命名的方剂译式为:动物名剂型名,如“白虎汤”可译为White Tiger Decoction,“青龙汤”可译为Blue Dragon Decoction。以借喻法命名的方剂译式为:借喻物剂型名,如“碧玉散”可译为Jasper Powder,“玉女煎”可译为Jade Maiden Decoction。以功效命名的方剂译式为:功效剂型名,如“温脾汤”可译为Sple

3、en-Warming Decoction或Decoction for Warming the Spleen。以服药时间命名的方剂译式为:时间剂型名,如“鸡鸣散”可译为Rooster-Crowing Powder,“鸡苏散”可译为Rooster-Waking Powder。以主药加功效命名的方剂译式为:主药剂型名for功效,如“朱砂安神丸”可译为Cinnabaris (或Cinnabar)Decoction for Tranquilizing the Mind,“黄连解毒汤”可译为Rhizoma Coptidis (或Coptis)Decoctioin for Relieving Toxin。8

4、以颜色命名的方剂译式为:颜色+剂型名,如“桃花汤”可译为Peach Blossom Decoction,“紫雪丹”可译为Purple-Snow Bolus。9以加减方式命名的方剂译式为:君药+剂型名+plus(加)或minus(减)+加上或减去的药物名称,如“桂枝加(减)芍药汤”可译为Ramulus Cinnamoni (或Cinnamon Twig)Decoction Plus Radix Paeoniae(或Peony)。10以方中所含诸药数加功效命名的方剂译式为:所含诸药数+剂型名+for+功效,如“五味消毒饮”可译为Five-Ingredient Decoction for Elimi

5、nating Toxin。(三)中医方剂常见剂型及其翻译中医方剂剂型比较多,现就其主要种类与译法分述如下:1汤剂:Decoction2散剂:Powder3丸剂:可译为Bolus(大丸药)、Pellet(小丸药)或Pill(1)蜜丸:Honeyed Bolus(2)水丸:Water Pellet(3)糊丸:Paste Pill(4)浓缩丸:Condensed Pellet4膏剂:Paste, Ointment, Plaster, Salve(1)流浸膏:Liquid Extract(2)浸膏:Extract(3)煎膏:Decocted Paste(4)软膏:Ointment, Paste(5)硬

6、膏:Plaster 5丹剂:与丸剂同,只因多用精练药品或贵重药品制成,所以称丹不称丸。6酒剂:Vinum 7茶剂:Medicinal Tea8药露:Syrup 9锭剂:Lozenge, Pastille, Troche10糖浆剂:Syrup11片剂:Tablet12冲服剂:Granule 13针剂:Injection14栓剂:Suppository15胶囊剂:Capsule(二)中药药性的翻译1Among these materials, flowers, herbs and trees are the ones most frequently used, that is why Chines

7、e materia medica is called Chinese medicinal herbs.在这些药物中,大多数是、草和树木,所以中药又称为中草药。2The Chinese medicinal herbs are characterized by four properties (cold, heat, warm and cool) and five tastes (sour, bitter, sweet, acrid or pungent-spicy and salty). 中草药具有寒、热、温、凉四种不同的药性(即四气)和酸、苦、甘、辛、咸五种不同的味道(即五味)。3Herbs

8、such as prepared aconite root (Fuzi), which relieve cold syndromes, are characterized as warm or hot. 象附子这样能解除寒证的草药性属温热。4When the taste is not obvious, it is known as bland or tasteless. 味道不明显的草药为淡味或无味。5Also, some herbs are characterized as astringent. 还有一些药物具有收涩的作用。6Herbs that have a dispersing fun

9、ction are pungent-spicy. 辛味之药具有宣散作用。7Herbs may be cold, slightly cold and very cold; bitter, slightly bitter and very bitter; etc. 药物或者为寒、微寒和大寒;或者为苦、微苦和苦甚。8The functional tendencies of herbs are marked by ascending, descending, floating and sinking. 药物的作用趋势为升降沉浮。9Herbs that ascend and float move upw

10、ard and outward; they promote sweating, raise yang, cause vomiting and open the orifices.具有升浮作用的药物有发汗、升阳、涌吐和开窍的功效。 10Herbs that descend and sink move downward and inward, conduct qi downward, promote urination and defecation, subdue yang and calm the mind. 具有降沉作用的药物有行气、通便、潜阳和安神的功效11In addition, proc

11、essing and preparation may change the taste and property of the herb and influence its functional tendencies. 另外,炮制有可能改变药物的性味和影响药物的作用趋向。12A herb may selectively act upon a particular part of the body to relieve pathogenic change in specific meridians and organs. 一个药物可以有选择性地作用于人体的某一特定部位以消除某一经络或器官的病变。

12、13The meridians that a herb enters depend on the corresponding symptoms relieved. 一个药物归于何经取决于它所祛除之症状。14In the Chinese Materia Medica, the words “toxic, nontoxic, very toxic or slightly toxic” often appear. 在中华本草一书中,“有毒、无毒、有大毒或有小毒”等词经常出现。15No overdose of toxic herbs should be given as this may lead t

13、o side effects. 使用有毒的药物时不要多量,以免带来副作用。(三)中医治则的翻译方法1Diaphoresis, also known as exterior-relieving method, is a therapeutic method used to open the muscular interstices and relieve exterior syndrome with the herbs for relieving the exterior and inducing sweating. 汗法,也叫解表法,是运用解表发汗的方药,开泄肌腠,解除表证的一种治疗方法。2I

14、t also can be used to treat edema serious above the waist, early stage of carbuncle and ulcer as well as inhibited eruption of measles with the same manifestations mentioned above. 本法也可以用以治疗水肿病腰以上肿甚、疮疡病初起,以及麻疹透发不畅等具有上述证候者。3Diaphoresis is either induced by herbs acrid in taste and warm in nature or b

15、y herbs acrid in taste and cool in nature. 汗法有辛温发汗和辛凉发汗之分。4the method of nourishing yin to induce sweating 滋阴发汗5the therapy of supporting yang to induce sweating 助阳发汗6Emesis is a therapeutic method used to direct pathogenic factors or toxic materials to be vomited out through the mouth. 吐法是引导病邪或有毒物质

16、,使之从口涌吐而出的一种治疗方法。7Emetic therapy is usually used to treat sthenia syndrome with urgency to vomit out things retained inside. 吐法常用以治疗病情急迫而必须迅速吐出积滞的实证。 8Purgation is a therapeutic method used to discharge feces, eliminate retention of substance and fluid inside the body and relieve accumulation of sth

17、enia-heat with the prescriptions and herbs effective for catharsis. 下法是运用具有泻下作用的方药,通过泻下大便,攻逐体内结滞和积水,并解除实热蕴结的一种治疗方法。9Mediation is a therapeutic method used for eliminating pathogenic factors and supporting healthy qi. 和法是祛除病邪扶助正气的一种治疗方法。10This therapy is used to treat a variety of syndromes, such as

18、shaoyang syndrome marked by alternative chills and fever in the semi-exterior and semi-interior phase; irregular menstruation due to disharmony between the liver and stomach and stagnation of liver qi; abdominal pain and diarrhea due to hyperactivity of the liver and asthenia of the spleen.这一疗法应用范围广

19、,如往来寒热于半表半里的少阳证,肝胃不和、肝气郁结所致的月经不调,以及肝旺脾虚的腹痛、泻泄等。11Clinically mediation is divided into four types: mediating shaoyang, relaxing the liver and harmonizing the stomach, regulating the liver and spleen, and regulating the intestines and stomach.临床上和法分为四种:和解少阳,适用于邪在半表半里之间的少阳证;舒肝和胃,适用于肝气犯胃,胃失和降;调和肝脾,适用于肝脾

20、失调;调和肠胃,适用于邪在肠胃,寒热互见。12Warming therapy, also known as cold-eliminating therapy, is a therapeutic method used to eliminate pathogenic cold and invigorate yangqi with the prescriptions and herbs warm and hot in nature. 温法,也叫祛寒法,是运用性质温热的方药,以祛除寒邪和补益阳气的一种治疗方法。13Clinically warming therapy is divided into

21、three types: warming the middle to eliminate cold, resolving phlegm and retention of fluid by warming and restoring yang to rescue collapse.临床上温法分为三类:温中祛寒、温化痰饮、回阳救逆。 14Warming therapy also includes such therapeutic methods as warming the lung to resolve fluid retention, warming the kidney to promote

22、 water metabolism, warming meridians and the liver and warming the stomach to regulate qi. 温法还包括温肺化饮、温肾利水、温经暖肝、温胃利气等。15Heat-clearing therapy is a therapeutic method used to clear away heat by means of reducing fire, removing toxin and cooling blood with the prescriptions and herbs cold and cool in n

23、ature. 清法是运用性质寒凉的方药,通过泻火、解毒、凉血等作用,以清除热邪的一种治疗方法。16Heat-clearing therapy is clinically divided into four types: clearing away heat to reduce fire, clearing away heat to remove toxin, clearing away heat at ying phase to cool blood, and nourishing yin to clear away heat.临床上清法分为四类:清热泻火、清热解毒、清营凉血、养阴清热。17R

24、esolution is a therapeutic method used to remove the retention of food and eliminate stagnation with herbs effective for promoting digestion. 消法是运用助消化、导食滞的方药,以消积导滞的一种治疗方法。18Clinically resolution is divided into three types: promoting digestion to eliminate food retention, removing mass and resolving

25、 accumulation and regulating qi to resolve stasis. 临床上消法分为三类:消食导滞、消痞化积、行气消瘀。19Other resolving therapies include resolving phlegm to remove fluid retention, resolving water to subside swelling and softening hardness to resolve stagnation.消法还包括消痰化饮、消水散肿及软坚散结。20Invigorating therapy is a therapeutic met

26、hod used to treat asthenia and weakness by means of supplementing essence, blood and body fluid with the prescriptions and herbs effective for tonifying and reinforcing the body. 补法是运用滋养强壮作用的方药,以补充精、血、津液等物质,消除虚弱证候的一种疗法。21Clinically invigorating therapy is divided into four types: invigorating qi, to

27、nifying blood, invigorating yin, invigorating yang.临床上补法分为五类:补气、补血、补阴、补阳。(四)病机病症翻译1. Pathogenesis refers to the mechanism involved in the occurrence, development and changes of disease. 病机即疾病发生、发展与变化的机理。2Such a combat between healthy qi and pathogenic factors damages the relative equilibrium between

28、 yin and yang in the body, or leads to dysfunction of the viscera and meridians, or results in disturbance of qi and blood, which consequently bring on various local or general pathological changes. 正邪相争破坏了人体阴阳的相对平衡,或使脏腑、经络功能失调,或使气血功能紊乱,从而产生全身或局部的多种多样的病理变化。3Although diseases are various and clinical

29、 manifestations are complicated, the pathogenesis, in general, involves no more than such factors as superabundance or decline between healthy qi and pathogenic factors, imbalance between yin and yang, disorder of qi and blood as well as dysfunction of the viscera and meridians.尽管疾病的种类繁多,临床征象错综复杂,但总

30、离不开邪正盛衰、阴阳失调、气血失常、经络和脏腑功能紊乱等病机变化的一般规律。4In this case the healthy qi is difficult to launch an intense struggle against pathogenic factors and eventually leads to an asthenia syndrome. 在这种情况下,正气难以有力抗击邪气,引起虚证。5The clinical manifestations of asthenia syndrome are spiritual and physical lassitude, luster

31、less complexion, palpitation and shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, night sweating, or feverish sensation over five centers (palms, soles and chest), or aversion to cold and cold limbs and weak pulse, etc. 虚证的临床表现是神疲体倦、面容憔悴,心悸气短,自汗,盗汗,五心烦热,畏寒肢冷,脉虚无力等。6Under such a condition, the conflict bet

32、ween healthy qi and pathogenic factors is intense and brings on a sthenia syndrome. 在这种情况下,邪正之争激烈,导致实证。7The clinical manifestations of sthenia syndrome are profuse phlegm, indigestion, accumulation of fluid and dampness, interior retention of blood stasis, high fever, mania, high and coarse voice, unpalpable abdominal pain, constipation, dysuria and powerf

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