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1、浙江省台州市临海市大成中学学年九年级上学期开学考试英语试题2020学年大成中学初三第一次统练笔试部分(95分)二、完型填空(本题有15个小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。One day during a Spring Festival, I 16 a walk near my house when suddenly therecame a _17_. “Excuse me,sir,” I turned around and saw an old beggar(乞丐).“Have you _18_some money, about

2、fifty yuan, around here? I lost it just now.”He looked at me and_19_me reply. “Sorry,I havent. I answered. He went away saying in a low voice. “Where is it?_20_should I do now? I really need_21_ money.”I could sense that he was_22_. Then I got an idea. I look out a fifty yuan note(纸币)anddropped it o

3、n the ground. Here! Here is the money! I picked it up and_23_ it to him. Then I walkedTowards my house. A week later,_24_a snowy afternoon, I heard someone knocking at the door. It was theold beggar with a heavy bag on his shoulder. He put down the bag_25_and said. “Thankyou so much. I knew you gave

4、 me your own_26_ that day, for the money I lost was inchange(零钱). But my wife was_27_, and I really needed it to buy some medicine for her.So I didnt return it to you.” He added. I have nothing to pay for your_28_.Heres somerice I got from door to door for your_29_.As the saying goes.A child who is

5、fed bymany families grows stronger.I will be pleased_30_ you like it.” Hearing his words,mywife and I were so moved that tears ran down our faces.16. A.took B.was taking taking D.had taken17. A.voice B.sound C.noise D.singing18. A.made B.lent C.seen D.dropped19. A.looked for B.paid for C.left f

6、or D.waited for20. A.How B.Which C.What D.Why21. A.a C.the D./22. A.worried B.bored C.interested D.relaxed23. A.pushed B.passed C.led D.threw24. B.on D.for25. A.carefully B.easily C.carelessly D.hardly26. B.drink C.cloth D.money27. A.well B.sick C.busy D.free28. A.cuteness

7、lness C.kindness D.sadness29. A.parents B.grandparents C.friends D.children30. A.before B.whether C.though D.if二、阅读理解(本题共15小题,每小题2分;共计30分)阅读下面短文,然后请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AHeres a shopping receipt (收据) of Linda.Jiulong Great World 118 Tongguan North Road Lianyungang, 222000 13/04/201815:17 PMNumber Ite

8、m (物品) Product# Price 1 Pair of trousers3597981144¥150.00 3 Pairs of socks 8294653379 ¥10.00/each 1 Sweater 3607889911¥375.0WELCOME NEXT TIME!1.How many kinds of things did Linda buy?A.Four B.Five. C.Three. D.One2. Where did Linda go shopping?A.Times Supermarket B.Jiulong Great WorldC.the Department

9、 Store D.Star Shopping Mall3.How.much money did Linda spend on them?A.150 B.555 C.375 D. 535 BNote-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork. lt can make you confident when you are studying. But unluckily, most students dont know how to take notes.Write down key facts. If yo

10、ur teacher writes notes on the blackboard, thats great. You can copy them or write down the most important facts of all in class. Different teachers do things differently. For example,some teachers may focus on(关注)lots of dates and facts in class, but they only write the important ones on the blackb

11、oard. Other teachers may not write anything down,but they may say something important again and again.Ask. Dont be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat what you miss. If your teacher speaks too fast and you cant follow what he is saying,you can ask him-after class.Compare.Comparing your notes with y

12、our classmates can be good for your learning. It can also help you and your classmates correct some mistakes.Organize. Note-taking also needs organization. Keep notes for each subject in one notebook, so that you can find everything easily when a test comes.Good note-taking takes time. lf you decide

13、 to recopy your notes every evening,youll surely have less time to watch TV.But youll save time in the coming test.34. What should you write down in your notebook in class?A.Every word. B.Lots of dates.C.The most important facts. D.Your complaints about the teacher.35.If you cant follow your teacher

14、s in class,what should you do?A.Ask them after class. B.Ask them before class.C.Stop listening in class. D.Complain to them about the class.36.Which way can help you correct mistakes in your notes?A.Organizing the notes. B.Recopying your notes after class.C.Asking your teachers for help. D.Comparing

15、 your notes with others.37.Which can be the BEST title for this passage?A.How to Take Notes B.What to Do in ClassC.How to Study for a Test D.What to Do with ProblemCAlthough people everywhere seem to enjoy drinking coffee,they dont all have the same coffee culture. In Europe,for example, coffee shop

16、s are common places for people to meet friends and to talk while they drink coffee.On the other hand, places like this were not as common in North America in the past.Instead, people in North America liked to drink coffee in their homes with friends. The coffee culture in the USA changed when Starbu

17、cks(星巴克)coffee shops spread across the country.The first Starbucks coffee shop opened in 1971 in downtown Seattle,Washington, in theUSA.It was a small coffee shop that cooked its own coffee beans.The coffee shops business did well, and by 1981 there were three Starbucks stores in Seattle.Things real

18、ly began to change for the company in 1981. That year,Howard Schultz met the three men who ran Starbucks.Schultz worked in New York for a company that made kitchen equipment.He noticed that Starbucks ordered a large number of special coffee makers,which caused his great interest.Schultz went to Seat

19、tle to see what Starbucks did.In 1982,the original Starbucks owners hired Schultz as the companys head of marketing(市场营销).In 1983, Schultz traveled to Italy. The special environment of the espresso(浓咖啡)bars there caught his eyes.Back in the USA,Schultz created an environment for Starbucks coffee sho

20、ps that was comfortable and casual,and customers everywhere seemed to like it.Starbucks began opening more stores across the USA.Then the company opened coffee shops in other countries as well. Today,there are more than 16,000 Starbucks coffee shops all over the world.However,that does not mean Star

21、bucks has not had problems. In fact, many Starbucks stores have been closed over the past few years.On the one hand,this is because there were too many coffee shops competing for business in one small area.On the other hand,stores in some countries were closed because the coffee culture there did no

22、t match with the “feel the same everywhere” environment offered by Starbucks.38.The underlined wordranin Paragraph 3 probably meansA.closed B.managed C.left D.sold39.According to the passage,which is the right order for the following sentences?a.Schultz helped to make Starbucks a huge coffee company

23、.b.Starbucksbegan asasmallcoffeecompany in Seattle in the USAc.SchultzwenttoSeattletolearn about the company and later worked for it. d.SchultznoticedStarbucksordered lots of specialcoffeemakers.Aa-b-d-c Bc-a-b-d Cb-d-c-a Dd-c-a-b 40.Why were so manyStarbucksclosed in small areas?ABecause thecoffeei

24、n these places was too expensive. BBecause the style of thecoffeestores seems the same. CBecause people liketodrinkcoffeeat home with friends. DBecause there were too manycoffeeshops in one place. 41Which of the following shows the right structure of the passageDOne day after school, I went to the t

25、eachers office to see my teacher, but nobody was there. As I was about to leave, I noticed a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and saw the words FINAL-TERM EXAMINATION at the top. I put the paper into my school bag secretly and ran out of the room.AfterIcamebackhome,Itookoutthepaperquickly



28、heexam.Irantothetoilet,tookoutthepaperandcarefullyreaditfromthetop.Oh!Itwaslastyearsexampaper.IreadallthequestionsbutIhadntreadthedate.This is a lesson in which I know I have to put my feet on the ground. I regretted doing such a silly thing. After that, I told my teacher the truth and I promised to

29、 be honest. From then on, I worked harder than ever before.42.The writer went to the teachers office to _.A. take an examB. see his teacherC. get his school bag D. ask some questions43.The writer felt _ when he first saw all the questions were different.A. surprised B. excitedC. nervousD. crazy44.When did the writer know it was last years exam paper?A. Before he read all the questions.B.Assoonashereturnedhome.C. Until he went into the teachers office.D. After he read the paper in the toilet.45.What might the writer write in his diary?A.I mgladthatIdidverywellintheexam.I

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