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1、08希望之星复赛试题2008希望之星复赛试题第I卷 听力测试 一、听句子,选出你所听到的单词 录音只听一遍1 A. ship2 A. place3 A. look B. sheep B. play B. book C. shelf C. plane C. good C. interested C. grade C. falling C. polite C. along C. coffee C. suffer D. shift D. plant D. god D. inventor D. green D. four D. place D. belong D. cafe D. sudden 4 A

2、. interesting B. internet5 A. great6 A. follow7 A. please8 A. alone9 A. copy10A. supper B. grape B. fell B. police B. long B. couple B. super 二、听对话和问题,选择最佳答案 录音只听一遍2008年度中央电视台迎奥运 “希望之星”英语风采大赛深圳赛区小学组复赛试题 第 1 页 共 15 页 () 11 A. In Japan. () 12 A. Ella. B. In England. C. In India. B. Candy. C. Lily. C.

3、Visitor. C. Seven. D. In America. D. Both Candy and Lily. D. Taxi driver.D. Five. () 13 A. Zoo keeper. B. Bus driver. () 14 A. Three. B. Four. () 15 A. Go to the park. C. Go to have a picnic.B. Go to the beach.D. Go for a walk. B. Changhong. D. Shenzhou. B. 200. D. Less than 200. () 16 A. Dongfangho

4、ng. C. Shenzhou. () 17 A. More than 200. C. More than 400. () 18 A. It is snowing. B. It is winter. C. It is very hot.D. It is warm. B. In the afternoon. D. At noon. C. No, she is not. D. Yes, she is. () 19 A. In the morning. C. At night. B. Yes, it is. () 20 A. Yes, he is. 三 、听句子,选出最合适的应答句 录音只听一遍()

5、 21 A. The same to you.C. You too. B. Thank you. D. Its nothing. B. I worked with my father. D. I went to Europe for holiday. B. Where is the apple juice? I want some juice. D. You are so nice. B. But I like music very much. D. You can do that by yourself. B. Two times a month. D. Twice a year. B. Y

6、es, its interesting. D. Yes, its not interesting. B. I like sunny day. D. Youd better put on your hat. B. How about you? D. Thank you. C. Wait. D. No. () 22 A. I go to New York.C. I am not at home. () 23 A. No, I dont like fish.C. Thanks, Mrs. Lee. () 24 A. Sorry. Ill do that at once.C. Wait a minut

7、e. () 25 A. One time a week.C. Three times a day. () 26 A. Yes, I like it. C. Yes, my father likes it. () 27 A. What a bad day! C. Lets go out. () 28 A. Everything is OK. Thanks.C. Hows your grandpa? B. Sorry. () 29 A. Sure. () 30 A. Sorry I dont know.B. I have gone to Italy. C. I have been to Italy

8、. D. I never been to shanghai. 四、听短文,判断正误,正确的选A,错误的选B 录音听两遍() 31 When a person goes to a foreign country, he will soon get used to the life there. () 32 Americans prefer to call on their friends at any time they like. () 33 If an American friend gives you a present, its better not to open it in fron

9、t of him. () 34 It is unusual for a Chinese to say “Thank you” or “Im glad to hear that” when he answers others praises. () 35 “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” means that you must accept the customs of the people you are living with. 五、听短文,判断正误,正确的选A,错误的选B 录音听两遍 () 36. The space between the sun,

10、the moon and the stars is called universe. 2008年度中央电视台迎奥运 “希望之星”英语风采大赛深圳赛区小学组复赛试题 第 2 页 共 15 页 () 37. The earth is travelled around by the moon. () 38. Spaceships with people have reached other parts of the universe.() 39. “With their help?” Theirhere means people in the satellites. () 40. Many star

11、s are not very bright, so we cant see them clearly. 六、听短文,选择最佳答案 录音听两遍() 41How often does a yearbook come out? A. Twice a week.C. Once a year.B. Once a week.D. Twice a month. () 42 The book is for . A. students B. teachers C. both A and B D. little students only () 43 What will the students in the y

12、earbook Club not do?A. Write.B. Design.C. Take photos.D. Do sports. () 44 When is the yearbook printed? A. In the middle of the year.B. At the end of the year. C. Before the end of the year.D. At the beginning of the year. () 45 What does the phrase “best dressed” mean?A. A student who dressed well.

13、 B. A student who dressed in fashion. C. A student who dressed not well.D. A student who dressed beautifully. 七、听短文,选择最佳答案 录音听两遍() 46The story is mainly about _.A. the mosquitoes B. how interesting the mosquitoes lives are C. the different types of mosquitoes D. why mosquitoes live near rivers and l

14、akes () 47Mosquitoes can be found in almost every part of the world except _. A. very cold and dry places B. swamps, rivers and lakes C. the surface of the waterD. both B and C () 48. Which of the following statements is true? A. Only male mosquitoes bite for blood. B. Female mosquitoes lay their eg

15、gs in the places where they like. 2008年度中央电视台迎奥运 “希望之星”英语风采大赛深圳赛区小学组复赛试题 第 3 页 共 15 页 C. Both female and male mosquitoes bite people and animals. D. Female mosquitoes usually fly to the surface of the water and lay their eggs in the water. () 49What is the Chinese for mosquito according to this pass

16、age? A. 跳蚤 B. 蚂蟥 C. 蚊子 D. 蚯蚓 () 50What does a male mosquito eat or drink? A. Plant leaves. B. Plant juice. C. Orange juice. D. Water. 八、听对话,根据对话内容的提示选择正确的体育项目 遍 () 51. A. 体操 B. 自体操 C. 艺术体操 () 52. A. 鞍马 B. 平衡木 C. 高低杠 () 53. A. 掷链球 B. 掷铁饼 C. 掷标枪 () 54. A. 水上运动 B. 水球 C. 水上芭蕾 () 55. A. 自方式 B. 自泳 C. 自选动作

17、 九、听短文,选择正确答案 录音听两遍 Opinions in the passage 1. Unnecessary. 2. Help people to do business. 3. Shouldnt use in public places. 4. Can send urgent messages. 5. Make noise in public. 6. Make someone fell safe. 7. Can talk with others in anytime. 8. Easy to carry. 9. Just not healthy for children. () 56.

18、 Erics opinions on cell phones are_. A. 1 , 2 , 3 B. 1 , 5 , 7 , 3 , 5 , 3 , 5 () 57. Ellas opinions on cell phones are_. A. 4 , 6 B. 1 , 4C. 2 , 7 D. 4 , 8 () 58. Rebaccas opinions on cell phones are_. 2008年度中央电视台迎奥运 “希望之星”英语风采大赛深圳赛区小学组复赛试题 第 4 页 共 15 页 录音听两 A. 2, 6 B. 4, 6C. 2, 4, 7 D. 2, 4 () 59.

19、 Peters opinions on cell phones are_. A. 7 B. 7 , 8 C. 8 , 7 , 8 () 60. The writers opinions on cell phones are NOT_. A. 1 B. 1 , 9 C. 9 D. 1 , 2 第II卷 笔试 一、选择填空 () 61. The teacher asked us _ so much noise. A. dont make B. not to make C. not make D. not making () 62. Youd better_ the room today. A. t

20、o cleanB. cleaning C. to cleaningD. clean () 63. It was_ hot the day before yesterday. A. too muchB. too many C. much tooD. many too A. two desks and a chair C. a desk and two chairs A. sonB. two desks and two chairs D. desks and chairs D. husband () 64. Theres _in the room. () 65. Mr Brown is Mrs B

21、rowns _. B. father C. brother () 66. Would you like to have _ bread? Thank you. Ive had enough. A. some more B. any more C. some D. any () 67. He can sing the song in English and. A. so can Ican soC. can I so D. so I can A. neitherB. both A. canA. to have C. all D. either D. should D. to be () 68. T

22、heres only one ticket for the concert tonight, so _you or I can go. () 69. He can hardly hear you, _ he? B. cantC. must B. hasC. be() 70. There is going_ a meeting this afternoon. () 71. I havent seen Jack for three days .Is he ill ? _ . His mother told me that he was in hospital. AI am afraid so CI

23、 dont expect BI hope not DI am afraid not 2008年度中央电视台迎奥运 “希望之星”英语风采大赛深圳赛区小学组复赛试题 第 5 页 共 15 页 () 72. His grandpa_ for eight months. A. has been diedC. has died B. has been deadD. died D. on D. saved D. at D. getting D. To D. of () 73. She was born_ Feb. 26, 1968. A. in B. at C. by A. saveB. to save

24、C. saving A. withB. in C. to A. will get B. get toC. get A. In B. OnC. OfA. on. B. byC. in() 74. The doctors tried their best _the boys life. () 75. The teacher was satisfied _what I had done. () 76. I will do my homework as soon as I home. () 77. I dont mind.fact, I am very glad to hear that. () 78

25、. Kate needs an MP3 her own. () 79. Our teacher said the eartharound the sun. A. goesB. was goingC. would goD. went A. million; a lot ofB. millions; a lot of () 80. Fivedollars is_money.C. million of; much D. millions of; many A. sometimeB. sometimesC. some timeD. some times A. The; areB. The ; isC.

26、 A; is D. A; are A. visitB. visitingA. play; to go skiingC. play; go swimming C. visitsD. to visit () 81. He will stay here for_. () 82.number of students in our school over 1000. () 83. He enjoyed _the Great Wall very much. () 84. Id rather basketball but Mary would like_. B. to play; swimming D. t

27、o play; to ski () 85. Do you know whether Bob will go to the party? Im not sure. She says she will stay at home unless sheto the party. A. is invitingB. invitesC. was invitedD. is invited D. some time () 86. You can borrow two booksin the library. A. at timesB. at a timeC. at any time 二、找出下列句子中的一处错误

28、 ()87. What time do you go to bed at night? Late than ten. 2008年度中央电视台迎奥运 “希望之星”英语风采大赛深圳赛区小学组复赛试题 第 6 页 共 15 页 ABC D() 88. By the way, did you see an one-year-old boy last Friday?AB CD () 89. If it wont rain tomorrow, well go swimming. A BCD () 90. What a bad weather! I have to stay at home.A BCD ()

29、 91. Something must do to stop his bad habits.ABCD 三、用同义词或词组代替句中划线部分() 92. Smoking is bad for you and others, please give it up. A. go on doing it C. stop doing it B. stop to do it D. keep doing it () 93. Sooner or later Ill be a player in the Olympic Games. A. Very soon B. In the future C. Early or later D. More or less

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