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人教版高中英语选修七unit 5 travelling abroadsection ⅰ warming upreading.docx

1、人教版高中英语选修七unit 5 travelling abroadsection warming up reading5.1 新提升课时作业.单句语法填空1Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to keep _ his courage.2Amy joined a painting group but didnt seem to fit _, so she left.3He said he would recommend me _ Mr. Li as his assistant but he didnt.4Look at your coat!

2、 It requires _(wash)5It was _ great comfort to see the boy come to himself after _ twohour operation.6Youd better substitute the washing machine repaired five times _ a new one.7It took her a while to adjust to _(live) alone after the divorce.8I dont think the color of your coat goes very well _ you

3、r shoes.9The doctor has worked with patients of this kind for eight years, so he knows what _(expect) in his job.10Not knowing much of the world yet, simpleminded teenagers are easily taken _.11It is strongly recommended that a car _(check) every year.12Its the second time that I _(be) to Shanghai.W

4、hat great changes! Its ten years since I _(leave) it last time.13How far apart do they live?As _ as I know, they live in the same neighbourhood.14Mary is _(occupy) with a translation of a French novel.15Applicants must satisfy the _(require) for admission to the university.答案:1.up2.in3.to4.washing/t

5、o be washed5.a; expect10.in11.(should) be checked12.have been13.far14.occupied15.requirements.完成句子1_ _ _ _(有人建议) the project (should) not be started until all the preparations have been made.2_ _ _ _ _ _(就我而言), you should come back after you finish your study abroad.3_ _ _ _

6、 _ _(这是第二次) he had talked with her face to face.4_ _ _ _ _(我才是) your true friend.5Having grown in the countryside, my parents found it hard _ _ _ _ _ _ _(适应城市生活)6I hardly know _ _ _ before you.(what)在你面前,我几乎不知道该说什么。7Recently she _ _ _ _ with her studies that she hasnt much time to take up the hobby.

7、(occupy)最近她一直忙于学业,以至于没有多少时间从事她的爱好。8_ _ _ _ _ _, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.(as)尽管晚上的空气很热,我们睡得还是很熟,因为长途跋涉后很累。9She came to the scene _ _ _ _ _ _.(moment)她一听到这个消息就赶到了现场。10_ _ _ _, he was a famous writer.(besides)他除了是位学者之外,还是位有名的作家。答案:1It is recommended that/Some peo

8、ple recommend that2As far as I am concerned3It was the second time that4It is I that/who am5to fit in with the city life6what to say7.has been so occupied8.Hot as the night air was9.the moment she heard the news10.Besides being a scholar.完形填空After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take anot

9、her woman out to dinner. That woman was my mother, who had been a widow for 19 years, but my work had made it possible to visit her only _1_. That night I called to _2_ her to go out for dinner. “Whats wrong?Are you _3_?”she asked. “I thought that it would be _4_ to spend some time with you,” I resp

10、onded. “Just the two of us.” She thought about it _5_, and agreed.That Friday after work, as I drove to _6_, I was a bit nervous. When I arrived at her house, I _7_ that she, too, seemed to be nervous about our _8_. She had curled her hair and was wearing the dress that she had worn to _9_ her last

11、wedding anniversary.We went to a restaurant that, although not _10_, was very nice and cozy. When I read the menu, Mom sat there _11_ me. A nostalgic smile was _12_ her lips. During the dinner, we had a(n) _13_ conversationnothing extraordinary but _14_ on recent events of each others life.A few day

12、s later, my mother died of a heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I dint have a chance to do anything for her. Some time later, I received an envelope with a note _15_:“You will never know what that night meant for me. Im looking forward to _16_ dinner. I love you, Son.”At that moment, I under

13、stood the importance of saying _17_“I LOVE YOU” and to give our loved ones the time that they _18_. Nothing in life is more important than your _19_. Give them the time they deserve, because many things cannot be _20_ till “some other time”1A.usually BoccasionallyCconstantly Deventually2A.force Bord

14、erCadvise Dinvite3A.ill BsickCwell DOK4A.glad BsurprisingCinteresting the moment Bfor a momentCin a moment Dfor the with her Btake her onCget her in Dpick her up7A.noticed BlookedCwatched Dheard8A.arrival BtalkCdate Dmovie9A.congratulate BcelebrateCmemorize Dhonour10A.el

15、egant BcleanCcomfortable Dcheap11A.talking with Bstaring atCspeaking to Dlistening BbeyondCabove Don13A.deep BquietCagreeable Dhonest14A.catching up Btaking upCmaking up Dfilling up15A.written BsayingCread Dtelling16A.the next Bthe lastCthe better Dthe more delicious17A.on time Bat a timeCi

16、n time Dat one time18A.waste BdeserveClose Drequire19A.mother BwifeCfamily Dwork20A.put off Btaken overCcut off Dpicked up答案与解析:1解析:此处意为“但我的工作让我只能偶尔去看看母亲”。occasionally表示“偶尔”。答案:B2答案:D3.答案:D4解析:从句的主语是it,所以要用pleasant; glad的主语是人。答案:D5答案:B6.答案:D7解析:我“注意到”她也很紧张。notice“注意到”。答案:A8答案:C9.答案:B10解析:尽管它不“雅致”。el

17、egant“雅致的”。答案:A11答案:B12.答案:D13解析:agreeable意为“愉悦的,令人高兴的”。答案:C14答案:A15.答案:B16.答案:A17解析:我懂得了及时说“我爱你”的重要性。in time“及时”。答案:C18答案:B19.答案:C20解析:因为许多事情不能被推迟到,put off(推迟,延迟)与in time照应,符合语境。take over“接管”;cut off“砍下,阻碍”;pick up“捡起,好转”。答案:A.阅读理解Consulates(领事馆) exist to help citizens abroad to help themselves. Ev

18、ery year millions of people go abroad for pleasure or profit. There are consular officers ready to do what they can to help if people get into difficulties, but for all sorts of reasons there are limits to what they can do. Most times things go well for travellers abroad but occasionally things go w

19、rong.So,whether you are an experienced traveller or a firsttimer, going by yourself, with the family or a group,there are things you should do before you go. Think about money and tickets well in advance. Take enough money including enough to pay your return fare, and hold on to it. Better still, bu

20、y return tickets in the first place. In an emergency a consul will contact your relatives or friends and ask them to help you with money or tickets. But theres no law that says a consul has to lend you money and if he eventually does (and it will have to be repaid) he will want to be satisfied first

21、 that you really do have no money and there is no one else you know who can help.It is also important to take out proper insurance for everything from car breakdowns to loss of life. A consul cannot pay your medical or any other bills,nor can he do the work of local travel representatives or motorin

22、g organizations.1What does the underlined word “emergency” mean?AA lucky chance.BA hot discussion.CA serious situation.DAn exciting travel.2What is the author trying to do in the text?ATo inform people about laws abroad.BTo describe an international problem.CTo explain how to visit a consulate.DTo g

23、ive advice about going abroad.3Why would somebody read the text?ATo know how to contact a consul.BTo find out how to make a complaint.CTo know when to contact a consul.DTo find out where a consul lives.4You can borrow money from a consul if you _.Aneed to stay abroad longerBhave to help a relativeCh

24、ave no other financial meansDneed to have your car repaired答案与解析:1解析:词义猜测题。从“.a consul will contact your relatives or friends and ask them to help you with money or tickets”看出当一个人突遇紧急情况的时候,领事才联系你的亲戚或朋友要求他们为你提供钱或票据。emergency是“紧急情况,突发事件”的意思,a serious situation意为“严峻的形势”,二者含义相符。答案:C2解析:主旨大意题。本文讲述了游客在国外遇突发情况时领事馆的作用。答案:D3解析:推理判断题。读完本文后就可以知道在国外时什么情况下可以联系领事馆的工作人员。答案:C4解析:细节理解题。从“.he will want to be satisfied first that you really do have no money and there is no one else you know who can help”看出,只有当领事确认你的确没有钱,也没有其他人能给你帮助的时候,你才能够借到钱。答案:C

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