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1、新视野大学英语3读写教程期末复习总结doc新视野大学英语3读写教程期末复习总结(主编:无盐不解淡)英语期末考试时间为2017年12月29至31日(共三天)考试范围1至5单元题型:1: Words in use 选择题10个,共10分。2: Ranked cloze 选择题 10 个,共 10 分。3: Expressions in use 选择题 10 个,共 10 分。4: Translation 英译汉5句,共15分。5:课外阅读理解四篇,共40分。6:作文,共15分。Words in useUnit 11. Most cities in the country have introduc

2、ed uClean Air Zones” whereby factories andhouseholds are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.在全国大部分城市都有“洁净空气区”因徃工厂和家庭只能燃烧无烟燃料。2. He knows that the pursuit of social status can consume vast amounts of his time and effort.他知道,追求社会地位可以消耗大量的时间和精力。3. The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine h

3、as been found to inhibit the spread of the disease.医生们不知所措,因为到目前为止,没有任何药物能她疾病的传播。4. We see many special education directors trying to maintain the quality of their programs with much less money and much smaller staff.我们看到许多特殊教育董事试图保捶他们的节目的质量以少得多的钱和更少的工作人员。5. People there are told it is their patriot

4、ic duty to support the national economy by buying their own products.人们有人告诉他们,通过购买自己的产品来支持国民经济是他们的爱迥义务。6. Darwirfs thinking both drew upon and transcended the conventional ideas of his time 达尔文的思想是借鉴和超越他的时代的传统观念。7n spite of all your endeavors; there may be times when you encounter difficulties in th

5、e training process.尽管你所有的努力,有吋当你在训练过程中遇到困难吋。8. My advice to Mr.Stewart is to think carefully before entering into a career in medicin巳 as this is a field which requires a lot of dedication and long working hours我对斯图尔特先生的建议是在医学上的职业生涯z前仔细考虑,因为这是一个需要大量的 奉献和漫长的工作时间的领域。9. Most Chinese parents would prefe

6、r to choose some professions that are stable ans could bring prestige and econo mic bene fits 大多数中国父母宁愿选择一些职业稳定和可能带来的业和经济效益。10t is legally possible for an elderly pers on to nominate some one to act for them, should they become in capable of looki ng after themselves 从法律上来说,如果老人生活不能自理,他可以指定某人为其代理事务。

7、Uint 21. Kids are more likely to intervene in a situation if they believe their parents expect them to help. 如果孩子相信父母希望他们能帮助他们,他们更容易干预这种情况.2. The first less on I learned as a n ewcomer for the company was never to underestimate the degree of difficulty I would face in career advancement.作为一个新来的公司,我学

8、到的第一个教训是永远不要低借我在职业发展中所面临的困难的 程度。3 Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede.正当我开始觉得我永远不会好,病情开始好转。4. Whatever the decision is, I would like you to know that your department is my first choice and I deem it a great honor if I could study in your departm

9、ent.无论决定是什么,我想让你知道,你的部门是我的第一选择,我认为这是一个伟大的荣誉, 如果我可以在你的部门。5. During one particularly bleak moment in my career, a senior colleague of mine said to meu If you follow your dreams, the mon ey will come Follow the money, and you II lose your dreams.” 在我职业生涯中的一个特别窺淡的时刻,我的一位高级同事对我说“如果你按照你的梦想, 钱会来的。跟着钱,你会失去你

10、的梦想。”6. Unless we can find a way to appraise nature and then invest in protecting it, our basic life-support systems are going to collapse除非我们能找到一种曲 口然的方法,然后投资于保护它,我们的基本生命支持系统将崩溃。7. The blizzard moved south, turning into an icy rain that paralyzed the airports for three days暴风雪向南移动,变成了一个冰冷的雨,使机场瘫痪了三

11、天。8n this introduction we have diagnosed some of the causes of the illness and, in the following chapters, we will draw attention to its various unpleasant symptoms.在这篇介绍中,我们己经诊断出了一些疾病的原因,在下面的章节中,我们将提请注意其各 种不愉快的症状。9n those days, divorce under any circumstances was socially unacceptable and there was

12、 great dismay in the family who went through it.在那些日子里,在任何情况下,离婚都是社会不可接受的,并有很大的沮丧,在家庭屮,经 历了它10. Every time she talked about being rejected in her hunt for a job, she seemed on the brink of tears, and I would quickly switch the conversation to another topic每当她谈到被拒绝在寻找工作吋,她似乎都在流泪的边缘,我会很快切换到另一个话题的谈 话。U

13、nit 31. As a number of authors point out,the urge to migrate is a(n) integral part of human nature 正如许多作者指出的那样,迁移的冲动是人性的一部分,是一个整体的一部分。2. Children should be allowed to cherish those few years of innocence before they have to learn the truth about the real world.应该允许孩子们珍慣这儿年的纯真,在他们必须了解真实世界的真相之前。3. He

14、has bee n afflicted by a horrible disease, from which one of his best trie nds died two weeks ago. 他被一种可怕的疾病折磨着,两个星期前他最好的朋友之一就去世了。4. The results of the survey are noteworthy and useful despite being from a small sample.该调查的结果是值得注意的有用的尽管來自一个小样本。5. The director said that they n eeded a you ng actress

15、who could portray some one who wasboth un bala need and confide nt at the same time 导演说,他们需要一个年轻的女演员,谁可以描绘的人都是不平衡和自信在同i吋间。6. Praise must be use wisely to complime ntstudents who perform up to expectations and to encourage students to perform to maximum levels. 表扬必须明智地使用,以赞美学生的表现,期望,并鼓励学生执行到最高水平。7n t

16、he domainof research, it is an accepted fact that scientific publications have to be written or translated into English to get published, acknowledged, and cited在这一领域的研究,它是一个公认的事实,科学出版物必须被写入或翻译成英文出版,承认 和引用。8. He received a anonymous call threatening to disclose details of his affair if he didnt pay

17、the money. 他收到一个匿名电话威胁要披露他的事情的细节,如果他没有支付这笔钱。9. The movie presents Lin coin as a stron g-willed, conscientious ma n who led the US through a moral, constitutional and political crisis.这部电影把林肯看成是一个意志坚强、有责任心的人,他带领美国经历了一个道德、宪法和 政治危机。10t is understandable that the health and welfare of their family is a(

18、n)perpetualconcern for this young couple.可以理解的家庭的健康和福利是一丞恒的关注对这一对年轻夫妇。Unit 41. Although sec on dary educati on is compulsory pare nts are not required to send their children to state schools 虽然中学教育是强制性的,但家长不需要把他们的孩子送去公立学校。2. The economic situation has bee n worse ning, causi ng econo mists to contem

19、platewhether the present policies are sustainable经济形势口益恶化,导致经济学家们考虑到目前的政策是否可持续3. He was found guilty and was imprisonedin the TDwer of London,where he died very quickly, aged only 47.他被判有罪,并被囚禁在伦敦塔,在那里他死得很快,年龄只有47岁。4t is obvious that the future of the In ter net is to globalizemore and more areas of

20、 the world, and that e-commerce and tertainment are going to go for more and more markets很明显,未来的互联网是世界上越来越多的地区,全球化,电子商务和电子娱乐要争取更多 的市场。5. However; your current losses should soon be offsetby gains; the fund will produce a positive return of 11.6 percent over a nine-month period 然而,你目前的损失很快会被收益抵消,该基金将

21、产生积极的回报率超过九个月的百分Z 11.6.6. Because she was so tall and slim, all the clothes looked marvelous on her and the other girls would Groan their ery因为她又高又苗条,所有的衣服看起來都很好,其他的女孩会抱怨他们的羡慕。7. This can be a helpful approach in discussi on some one may regard you as stubborn si nee younever want to change your min

22、d, whereas you see yourself as determined.这可能是一个有益的方法在讨论有人可能认为你是题固鱼,因为你永远不想改变你的想法,而你看 到自己的决心。8. At weekends, the school park is almost empty except that a few cars cluster near the entrance.在周末,学校公园儿乎是空的,除了入口附近的儿辆汽车稚。9n the photographers finest pictures there is also a degree of ambiguity, which all

23、ows them to be interpreted in a variety of ways.在摄影师的最优秀的照片中,也有一个模糊度,这使他们能够以多种方式解释10. Tim stretched out a hand in apology for his thoughtless remarks and was con soled by a firm handshake from Mark.提姆伸出手为自己的轻率言论道歉并安慰马克握手。Unit 51. The gen eral con sidered all the in formation that had bee n gathered

24、and gaugedwhat possible moves the enemy might make before issuing his ordersi般认为所有已收集和鈕敌人可能在发布他的命令做什么可能的移动信息。2. The new preside nt said she would dedicate herself to protecting the rights of the old and the homeless, who are otherwise helpless and vulnerable.新总统说,她将奉献致力于保护老人和无家可归者这是他们无助和脆弱的权利。3. Cel

25、l phone conversation which are fairly commonplace on commuter trains, can be annoying to fellow commuters在通勤列车上,手机通话是相当普遍的,可能会让人讨厌的通勤者。4. Ask your doctor whether a low-fat diet and a daily walk will suffice to reduce your high blood pressure 问你的医生,是否低脂肪的饮食和每天的步行就足够了,以减少你的高血压。5. The revenue from tour

26、ism is the biggest single contribution to GDP in the Maldives; every year many tourists from all corners of the world spend their holidays there旅游业的收入是马尔代夫GDP的最大贡献,每年都有來自世界各地的许多游客在那里度假。6.Since the begi nning of this cen tury, China has built many modern con fere nee centers withunderground parking,

27、air-conditioning and simultaneous translation systems.本世纪以来,中国已建造地下停车场很多现代化的会议中心,空调和回声传译系统。7. While advertising offers a stimulus to buy, sales promotion offers aincentive to bu% but consumers must have their own reason to buy.虽然广告提供了刺激购买,促销提供了一个刺激购买,但消费者必须有口己的理由购买。8n general, smokers living in citi

28、es are slightly more proneto lung cancer than smokers who are living in the country 在一般情况下,生活在城市的吸烟者比在该国生活的吸烟者更軽患肺癌。9. A large proportion of important innovationsare brought about by people who step outside of conventional categories or traditional assumptions.一大比例的重要创新带来的人谁步骤以外的传统类别或传统的假设。10. The h

29、abit of going to coffee houses was fostered by the citys relatively small size, safe streets, goodpublic transportation, and moderate climate.去咖啡屋的韭是市城市的相对较小的规模所形成的,安全的街道,良好的公共交通和温和 的气候。Ranked clozeUnit 1Where there is a will, there is a way. This proverb means that if you are really determined to d

30、o something, however difficuIt it might be, you will l)eventually find a way t o d o i t well. The 2 ) premier point is that you must have the will to achieve success Ninety percent of the failures that occur are due to the fact that there is no strong will involved. Many people simply say that they

31、 want something, but they do not make any 3) endeavor to achieve it. So, instead of getting it, they use the poorest excuse to explain the situation away. On many occasions, people tend to4) bypass every minute obstacle, making the objective impossible to attain. I reality, if they have the will t o

32、 succeed, they can get r i d of the5) handicaps a nd achieve their goals Onlythose with a( n) 6) committed and focused will and spiritcanfighttheirwaytofinal victory. Manya famous man has the same experienee. They have 7) attained their prestige because they have had the will to8) transcend appare ntly in superable (无去克月妆)obstacles. Many artists, statesmen, writers a nd irwntorshave manged to succeed

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