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1、全国英语等级考试三级学习资料全国英语等级考试三级学习资料下载复习第BW = Dialogues /Bcaiologues :li. You can tell they 1 ived iiring the Depression, 这个句于甲壮nr罡斷走的意思,常常把它的意思与青知、青诉聪糸在一起 腐子便砖不过弯来。翻译为:傢可以断定他们主活在那旳的大粛条朋。2、He really knows hov to bring a person out bring a person九匕堆“S个人的的意思。 翻译为:他非常善于颤励别LV隈别人振作起孤 例:to bring sh_., out意思为:t9 m

2、ake soneone feel nore cojufidentj happy, and friendly /某 人更加目信、卄朋3 he looks like his fun to be with.翻译为:他看起来是个很有意思的人。或,和他在一起应该会很肓蕙思。4、 s ince re going to recruit souif? staff so that we can get our iw sdiool going in tine=这圭的since,和汕that罡基于煽因的意乱根据意思找椅耳译成:届时 将.次便.翻译为:同偉1门将聘请一些工作人闵以便贷我们旳新字枚及时卄学.5、 Wou

3、ld yvu address character description for the comercial andi nrii 】氐十iri 詞 1 ay+s 口 t ci ff ?翻译为二你龍够给商业与工艺美术的职员讲讲特证摘述吗?arts 跟葡曲的 ci al andindutrial 连在一起看而菲芍后 fi Kstaff: the co-imsrcial and induEtrial arts staff.$、There are a tximber of other ps it ions t? cone i der number of换成冷 lot oF 或肴定a great fta

4、ny, if不行,対什么? 可以旗成瓯lot of或q great many of, position 可数名词&如果这里 星不可数名词/那么只畝用a number of代普而不能用目great many修饰可数/ 不可数都f亍;a number of/a lot of,只能傷饰可数;a great many of与 nany 性质一释7x Would you. nind letting ine talee a look in yottr briefcase4?letting 换成let行不:i亍为什么?不忏,Mrd是动词,后fi不龍直接跟动词廉形,一股接名词或动名词bit里的 lettiii

5、g足2t的动名词形式*8、 I m afraid I certainly do mind if it s all the same to you.Dq mind 垢 all the sajite 什么亘思?do nird:在英诸申强调动词,用肋动词血涪种时査励词熄枚 all M 克全一祥:用一强调=: Althcugh y?t pronisinf nresent vas the usual mi x a had sc often accjruL ated i nt? a burden too heavy for a sinsleparent hcus血d Like the one Jprah

6、Winfiney srewr up in* TTue sxate in hich she Vos tt i nonsnt 陀m vastprl Ssrk vrth hfli njpl antpd, ut.Rrpd, anrinirtirpd On Ajiri I 13, Sfi4p nearlv 血 adolescent aril vachlng i&leisiai irn the linolem flocr ci her noth* s valk-up flat in sonfetEiirjg deep inside of her. Ste asAf 11 Gan_Aneii曰at虹 re-

7、ELviLis tJue _Ltl liilutry m KLgkE&l jictlqt- Shaxing in that iLOJierrt and all it implied she 1 atei- told me, caused her to say softly to hers 已IF, If he can do that, - ondsr vkat I could do? Th# Erand hadbeon wet Th* jcLuray of Oprah Vinfriy hadbgin. The tab#, the child, the adolescent., ths youn

8、g wcmarrall thpir =trer.gth? ver* harriessed into a force of astonishing rower that nlaced itseJi in the ssrvise of nature atid tjin human ianily. Tlidt the vorld Ima changed it. jisnxnsful ways sicke 1954 is beyTnd question fprwh and heu activLties vrsre driving forces in many cf thse dianges, Her

9、enormously infljer.ti dl tilli eBov, her philandnropic work id th chi ldr an in africi and olcjvkjoro, ker pularbod liib andnAAzind, her enpowering 辽iritual nessage. her cantrlbution iby action and exwdeD to iwoir race relations-all spsak to the hixan f ajnily Ticking hearts and leaving each one Mis

10、sissippi, too sens to be iRelloiing out into a nore congenial pLace than it v.3 in 194, hat may als be paitly Jue to the very sbecial eneray that io Cfi? ok Winfrey-a ccuriious, Aiuny, ccaipausionjatOj veil-informed, dizzlingly curious pore on, 姑 down-t 种子正在播种漣源在険4年*冃均H,世已成长为一个骨少年,在她母亲那 间无电林的公审的由齐地磯

11、上,电视里的一些乐西深深地触动 。那时地正在 肴輿昕卡奖项的现为直 m 年青的芙固聲人演员谢箜予f电影讦吐中的最高 亲育亠在讨寻那个祁圣的B寸制之后,她育诉技所有辽一切老陌暗睛也促使加 轻雷坦肯诉目己心也龍领劉,睢這扛就他兀到吗孑路已经, Oprah Winfrey卄始flffi的赧程。从矍丿剧小孩、到肯少年、 冃到旨轻丈士一一占事俱备,使得她在廉务于目然界与人类冢區上进岌出一杀P康 人的能力。从195呂年起,華无疑11,世界鸥U种枳楹旳方式发生看疏变。 gh和並削脚I再罡旦旧旳很新衣賈胡巧“迪詐恥血的翎 黒、胡帥乃至 其览方EF卜技15耄華現K广复就 超削书熠杂正保东部、激胡人心的渣说S齐

12、以島代那么力徴害种族茨系Mr乍的页眼 这一囚都谦箱人类観釦融功f他匸的内密曲西比也芟到f潮流的尉此 比M肚年看起来适意得筝。其屮的音硏也讦冋 祥归功于即工山啊nf妊y的菲常独特的精押力莹 个勇抓 有翹、冨有同情 心、见识广博、闷耀看知识光辉的人,罡我所知的人中最脚曙实地、让人钟浸的第二刮忻:Phrases and Sent sice:1、 I donn t ever vrant to have the effect on a person that this person had cnne, vhere i was jwt blown st ay by disappointjiient. Lt

13、 took a few years to get over it.这个旬于卬重点解析的是的首思口翻译为;拔甚至从和过雯给绐我留下用象的人留下印象二任这一点上找感 到十分失望出我用r许务年才克服这个毛病在否走旬中起力嚼语气的作用, not ever 从禾 2、 One thing I do is work vith Hke-A-ish If an ill child s one 卽ish to see a celebrity and he picks me, then I maka tiiae to see him. But I have to be very careful vith thes

14、e kids, because if you. get too attached, you Te just salting yourself up ior Less.这个句子Ep重点_解析的是 because i you get too attached, youf,re just setting yourself ujj for loss.,f 的意思翻偉松我做的一件事帝看许愿做事.如杲一个病的孩于的恵望是想看一 个名瓦并且他选择的是拟 然后搁田出呵间去看望他昇旦是找必须非常小0的跟 这些核子榔也凶为如杲怖太依恋悔会感到不舍。because if you get attached, youJ

15、 re just s et ting yur self up for loss. 因为如果你太依瓦你会感到不舍。其attchE:便喜爰使依恋:凶情感因素,如爰戟或忠城使联结。set oneself qj fox loss 引起目己建于艾损失或失去的杭态。3 Thank you for giving me the inspiration to stick around, at age 50, you have feel yew re etntriLuting sdmething.这个句子甲車点.解需的是yvu have to feel you-3 re contributing to sonij

16、ething.翻译为:谢谢你给找关于等待的启示p在&3岁巧 你必须感到你正在做贡猷。 have to fell you re contributing to something这句话的育思就是: 在前岁时你龙锁感到你正在对某些事情做贡載。4、恥 stayed 适t the Ritz-Carlton and just had a blast Crr I 11 give EPerybody a ride in the Ultra light-it s a flying kite这个句子中重庶解析的是teri 在这字怎么翻译。翻谨为:我们待在Rit旷如1伽1井卄个狂戏会。否贝戢会给每个人乘坐一下 超

17、轻型 个飞行刑风筝。ilde就罡乘坐* day 1s llkavt ny cwntiiiijecuE. !,In ulhtr vards, every generatipngts to Lnprc oti the drmu旧 of 止巳 last 弓日neration, 彌译力;甫朝一日,我将拥有冃己的庸AK比腳实观巨己的梦衢。换旬话说, 每世人必滇在也上代人的梦魁上有所提高匕、Bus i.i cats wiih a nr ice becaufe when ha vas drirkirigT 帕 had j,bs and iiney. Wlitai he quit, we traded alo

18、dial is n ot Luting dirt-poor.这亍勻子申重点辭析的屋wm traded alcoholisn for being dirt-ppor. ff 这 旬话rantrXv劄译为:回电有一走的代俨:劭当也钦洒的吋僞 献们有工仆和二拟 为他 極酒p rtflTBt只育僭酒箱感知那赔1we traded alebhjGlisw fbr h&ing dirt-poor: 具中的 trade th. far stk. . 和交拐M砲和祈凶谆倒交易o7 It got so had that he wither uit or got fired 这个旬子中重点解析的总作。HhW在毗旬

19、中的意又总 飜译为:一独8th妣是WL.以、至干.的議崽,垃里上下旬不是阂臭关系: 尘骨橹棲的昂他瞬戏由排莊也嚴由砒斡雇。石半囹that hF pitherejjit ar got fgd龙so bad的补无诚堵曲巨b什元说阴时bad的细也 不雯点拘泥诒法塔 砌 更应读注直的匕1 英诸诒序特征乱英诒国冢的人旳逻辑思蛍特征。EL Ho wan a tool puchor occantialLy, cold drill hits to il-iilling eaipanies.帥译为:他其决是一个工旦捲梢出卖牯头结计采石曲射仓口h9、I never think that I F doin edit

20、-jiiiujte cure5 m telerisicin, But I think that 50 paront of the 6elution to 邓 prcblan lias in dofinin it first. I can b= an anotionsl tespasg that points then dewn the path 这个目子甲亜点解布酌是 论工彦与竹扌曲,n-削囂息,另1卜 Dointidown浪词组吗 ?蜃三口试*笔董血?帼uo*qq:劭91觀43翻译为:扶从未憩过新在用电视做一井钟昂白疗。但罡找认为任何问題珈 的解欣万送在于黄齐走拔可能足沿看路径指冋已们的情愍

21、岁盘甘旨南针o 0】畜呵$胡几声诚相后面的d可以认为没有关甌 这空不最词组, Mr这里的意思眾“沿看;相兰于门化d the ath丘订宗结枸词独 在句中piirrte than的补壬伏谱。建仅:不要从垢法分祈看丰采字习英酉,固为这祥密银差。最甘罡握宫1耻卖重 i一tJligi将百理FfrmIS,让常屈词应爾阅谨时旳副产品*If a computer vere to design the perfect ILN_ Seereftary-General, he ar she wquLcI lock sonething Like this: African bom; European and Aji

22、erican educated, vith decades of service in the U. M. sys tern; marri ed td 赳 Eureka an; and possessing a quiet charisma and. calm authority as cha-s arises That the U. N. in 19?6 found such a person to restore i ts sense of directi on and purpose was a aear miracle. Ent out of the IL N. s f ai lure

23、s in Bosnia, Somalia and Miranda caie Eopl Armani lhe career lnTETnati cnal civil servant vho had prticipaxed in the洋 di5 asters yet soietK* survived and learned fran than.Today Aiman is in the middle of bin seond tern Bis taoli is not finished and the V. N. 1e still far iron 初hat it sh?fjld b. Bet

24、Anmn has tested the lini ts *t the job, acouftiila tiri hore authoritycne cannot use the verd Per, sivai the constraints the U, 1, 21却 olaGes on hin-than arv cf his predecessors,His 匚onplmi iclationhip with tlie UE* 赛vein曰丈 is litile understuo Yhcn Annan talw; positiflnn in pcblic that arc displ eas

25、ins to the busn iduinistrati-or it trilefiehes Its Attack dig?. Yet 曽 hm adniri strati on officials foind their roLicies tn ran tlotrderini, they asked the U. K, fcr heir. Seme observers told Amar. that, hie should responsibilitvas to The cause of stabilizing 14 He tegan to Tort toward :he oecisive data jf Jun? 30;, whei the jl a: will hand over ccnlroil lo utlirities and sn urxertain sitJiaticai viLl pre

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