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1、南开17秋学期清考大学英语三在线作业满分答案17秋学期(清考)大学英语(三)在线作业 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、 单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1. I tried( ), but the line was engaged.A. phoneB. phonedC. phoningD. to phone 满分:2 分正确答案:D2. I wonder if you could help me. ( ).A. I couldB. Yes, I doC. No, not at allD. Of course 满分:2 分正确答案:D3. In my opinion, youd

2、better take a couple of days off. ( ).A. Ill take your adviceB. Let me seeC. Never mindD. Im afraid so 满分:2 分正确答案:A4. The roof of our house is broken, so it needs( ).A. repairedB. repairingC. being repairedD. to repair 满分:2 分正确答案:B5. I broke my leg when I( )skiing in America.A. 不填B. isC. wasD. has b

3、een 满分:2 分正确答案:C6. Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore? ( ).A. The bus is so crowdedB. The bookstore is five blocks awayC. No. Youd better change at the next stopD. You should wait in line 满分:2 分正确答案:C7. She has brought( )two children by herself.A. 不填B. upC. onD. away 满分:2 分正确答案:B8. My car

4、was being( )when it was stolen.A. to repairB. repairC. repairingD. repaired 满分:2 分正确答案:D9. Im leaving for New York( )three days time.A. forB. inC. atD. on 满分:2 分正确答案:B10. Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit? ( ).A. Hello! International AirlineB. Youd better look up the schedule fir

5、stC. Im sorry, but its completely bookedD. Im afraid you have to change 满分:2 分正确答案:C11. Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? ( ).A. Yes, but Ill have English classesB. Sorry. I have an appointment with Dr. BrownC. Im afraid I have no ideaD. I wont. Its kind of you 满分:2 分正确答案:B12. The road( )bui

6、lt last year.A. has beenB. has being builtC. is beingD. was 满分:2 分正确答案:D13. You like playing football,( )you?A. doB. didntC. didD. dont 满分:2 分正确答案:D14. Im in Greece at the moment. I like the weather( ).A. hereB. thereC. thatD. this 满分:2 分正确答案:B15. Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket?

7、 ( ).A. Its not very far from hereB. The supermarket is very largeC. The goods there are very expensiveD. Sorry, sir. Im a stranger here myself 满分:2 分正确答案:D16. The president claimed the terrorists should be held responsible( )the explosions that happened last month in London.A. forB. onC. atD. about

8、 满分:2 分正确答案:A17. The restaurants( )are good but the( )here are much better.A. thereonesB. hereoneC. thereoneD. here one 满分:2 分正确答案:A18. It( )that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday.A. took placeB. occurredC. broke outD. happened 满分:2 分正确答案:D19. The definition leaves( )for disagr

9、eement.A. a small roomB. much roomC. great deal roomD. not so big a room 满分:2 分正确答案:B20. It is( )that he has to ask for help.A. so a big jobB. a so big jobC. a such big jobD. such a big job 满分:2 分正确答案:D21. She was convicted( )murder.A. toB. inC. withD. of 满分:2 分正确答案:D22. In addition to rice, we need

10、 to( )our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.A. supplementB. replaceC. addD. eat 满分:2 分正确答案:A23. David, youve been losing your temper over nothing lately. ( ).A. I havent been getting much sleep eitherB. Youd better not push yourself too hard, or youll get sickC. Im sorry. I shouldnt have blown up l

11、ike thatD. Youd better do exercises regularly 满分:2 分正确答案:C24. Ami, I want this report typed today. ( ).A. Itll be ready in the afternoon, sirB. Id like you to help meC. I know nothing about the reportD. Leave it to tomorrow 满分:2 分正确答案:A25. Could I borrow your CD of English songs? ( ).A. No, I am not

12、 availableB. Im sorry. Its not at hand nowC. Its very kind of youD. Thank you very much 满分:2 分正确答案:B26. Are you free in July? No, I( )with my parents in July.A. stayB. stayedC. have stayedD. am staying 满分:2 分正确答案:D27. We have our office( )every day by a cleaner.A. cleanB. to cleanC. cleanedD. cleani

13、ng 满分:2 分正确答案:C28. I dont like the sports programs on Sundays. ( ).A. So do IB. Neither do IC. So am ID. Neither am I 满分:2 分正确答案:B29. Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? ( ).A. Certainly. Here you areB. Please dont mention itC. Its nothingD. Yes, I have a hand 满分:2 分正确答案:A30. ( ), we keep

14、records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data.A. As a wholeB. As a ruleC. On the averageD. By all means 满分:2 分正确答案:B31. Is there anything serious, doctor? ( ).A. Im going to have another check-upB. The results of the blood test are wrongC. No. Just stay in bed and drink more waterD.

15、 Yes. You can go home tomorrow 满分:2 分正确答案:C32. Will you please turn down the TV? ( ).A. Ill turn it down next timeB. Never mind if you turn it downC. It sounds reasonableD. Sorry. I havent realized youre sleeping 满分:2 分正确答案:D33. Im sorry to be late. Thank you for waiting. ( ).A. Tell me the reason w

16、hy youre lateB. Thats OKC. It really took up my much timeD. Its a pleasure. I come here 10 minutes ago 满分:2 分正确答案:B34. Joe will come to the party at Jane and Ians, wont he? ( ).A. Oh, yeah, 1 forgotB. Its at 8 oclockC. Yeah, hes bringing his cousin, SandyD. Yeah, its a nice party 满分:2 分正确答案:C35. Aft

17、ernoon, sir. Where to? ( ).A. Please get me to the airportB. Please pick me up next timeC. Ive been to the airportD. The plane will take off in an hour 满分:2 分正确答案:A36. His attitude toward us seems( ).A. nicelyB. warmlyC. kindlyD. friendly 满分:2 分正确答案:D37. We failed in our( )to climb the mountain.A. t

18、rialB. contemptC. desireD. attempt 满分:2 分正确答案:D38. Bushs farm( )is said to be at bottom of the state of Texas in north America.A. streetB. roadC. laneD. avenue 满分:2 分正确答案:C39. If I get the new job, I( )buy a better car.A. 不填B. willC. wouldD. might 满分:2 分正确答案:B40. Do you know who telephoned me? ( ).A

19、. I heard it was SallyB. Yes, I remember it nowC. No, I didnt phone youD. Yes, I know you well 满分:2 分正确答案:A41. There is an hour to go. Could we sit somewhere to have a drink? ( ).A. Have a tryB. SureC. Dont go, pleaseD. No, thanks 满分:2 分正确答案:B42. Help yourself to the steak, Maggie. ( ).A. Sorry, Ive

20、 had enoughB. Thank you, HelenC. Yes. But it isnt cooked wellD. Help yourself to it, too 满分:2 分正确答案:B43. Why are you so late? ( ).A. Its a shameB. I came across an old friendC. Never mindD. Thats all right 满分:2 分正确答案:B44. Where( )the recorder? I cant see it anywhere. I( )it right here, but now its g

21、one.A. did you put; have putB. have you put; putC. had you put; have putD. were you putting; have put 满分:2 分正确答案:B45. Ed said that his boy fell off a tree. ( ).A. Oh dear! I hope he wasnt hurtB. Oh, no. A lucky boyC. He might have broken his armD. Nothing serious 满分:2 分正确答案:A46. History is the story

22、 of( )happened to the people before today.A. whicheverB. whomeverC. whateverD. wherever 满分:2 分正确答案:C47. Im sorry. Bobs not in his office. ( ).A. Can you take a message for meB. Are you sure for thatC. Would you like to leave a messageD. Can you phone me 满分:2 分正确答案:A48. Is this the motel you mentione

23、d? ( ).A. It looks comfortableB. Yes, its as quiet as we expectedC. Youre so considerateD. No, the prices reasonable 满分:2 分正确答案:B49. If you dont promise to help build more houses, ordinary people( ).A. will not benefitB. would not benefitC. should not benefitD. could not benefit 满分:2 分正确答案:A50. I tried( )the book in a few days, but actually I couldnt, just because of too much work for me.A. finishB. finishingC. to have finishedD. finished 满分:2 分正确答案:B

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