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1、高考英语总复习21Culturalrelics测含名师解析2.1 Cultural relics单元检测卷(时间15分钟;满分100分)班级_姓名_考号_得分_I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分10分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 【北京市丰台区2018届高三上学期期末】阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Thanks for Taking Care of MeLike most elementary schools, it was typical to have a parade of stud

2、ents in and out of the health clinic throughout the day. As principal, my office was right next door to the clinic, so I often dropped in to lend a hand and _1_ out with hugs.One morning I was putting a Band-Aid on little Marys bloody knee and I _2_ that she was shivering in her thin little shirt. I

3、 found her a warm sweater and helped her pull it on. “Thanks for _3_ me,” she whispered.It wasnt long after that when cancer invaded me. I considered whether or not to tell the students about my _4_. The word cancer seemed so frightening. When it became evident that the children were going to find o

4、ut one way or another, I _5_ to tell them myself. The empathy and _6_ I saw in their faces told me I had made the right decision. When I gave them a _7_ to ask questions, they _8_ wanted to know how they could help. I told them that what I would like best would be their letters, pictures and prayers

5、.Little Mary threw herself into my arms and looked up into my face. “Dont be afraid, Dr. Perry,” she said earnestly, “Its our _9_ to take care of you.”No one _10_ have ever done a better job. The kids sent me a book they had written and a video of every class in the school singing get-well songs. Wh

6、en I would have an operation, the letters and pictures _11_ coming until they covered every wall of my room. What healing _12_ I found in being surrounded by their caring!At long last I was _13_ enough to return to work. As I headed up the road to the school, I was suddenly overcome by _14_. If the

7、kids have forgotten all about met what should I do?_15_ they dont mint a skinny bald principal? Then I caught sight of the school marquee “Welcome Back, Dr. Perry,” it read. As I _16_ closer, everywhere I looked were pink ribbons._17_ flooded over me.Little Mary was first in line to _18_ me. “Dr. Pe

8、rry, youre back!” she called. “See, I told you wed take care of you!”What an amazing day! I didnt look for or expect anything in _19_ when I helped them, but when they did return the favor, it was an enormous and positive _20_.4071. A. help B. watch C. take D. rush2. A. agreed B. noticed C. thought

9、D. predicted3. A. listening to B. playing with C. calling on D. taking care of4. A. opinion B. difference C. disease D. experience5. A. regretted B. decided C. promised D. hesitated6. A. concern B. trust C. pleasure D. fear7. A. challenge B. change C. chance D. choice8. A. also B. hardly C. mostly D

10、. even9. A. idea B. lesson C. duty D. turn10. A. could B. should C. need D. must11. A. stopped B. kept C. started D. delayed12. A. prayers B. warnings C. comfort D. welcome13. A. brave B. prepared C. confident D. well14. A. curiosity B. pride C. doubts D. difficulties15. A. What for B. What if C. Ho

11、w come D. How often16. A. stood B. grew C. stayed D. drew17. A. Relief B. Disappointment C. Pain D. Surprise18. A. greet B. thank C. amuse D. tease19. A. time B. return C. mind D. order20. A. effect B. attitude C. contribution D. bonus【答案】1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. A 11. B 12.

12、C 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. D【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。作者是一所小学的校长,办公室靠着门诊部,经常过去帮助照顾孩子们。后来作者患了癌症,孩子们告诉他轮到他们来照顾他,给予他极大的安慰,增强了他康复的信心。当他终于痊愈返回学校时,孩子们热烈欢迎他。作者帮助孩子们时从没想过得到回报,没想到回报是这个大。1. 考查动词辨析。Ahelp帮助;Bwatch观看;Ctake那;取;Drush冲;奔。根据上文I often dropped in to lend a hand可推断,我经常顺便过去帮忙,用拥抱帮助解决困难。help out“

13、帮助解决困难”。故选A。4. 考查名词辨析。Aopinion意见;Bdifference不同之处;Cdisease疾病;Dexperience经历。根据上文It wasnt long after that when cancer invaded me.可推断,我患了癌症,考虑是不是告诉学生我的疾病。故选C。5. 考查动词辨析。Aregretted遗憾;Bdecided决定;Cpromised许诺;Dhesitated犹豫。根据上文When it became evident that the children were going to find out one way or another,

14、可推断,癌症明显时,孩子们无论如何会弄知道的,因此我决定自己告诉他们。故选B。6. 考查名词辨析。Aconcern关心;关注;Btrust相信;信任;Cpleasure快乐;Dfear害怕。根据下文I had made the right decision可推断,我从他们的脸上看到的同感和关心告诉我我做出了正确的决定。故选A。7. 考查名词辨析。Achallenge挑战;Bchange改变;Cchance机会;Dchoice选择。根据语境可知,当我给他们问问题的机会时,他们主要想知道他们如何帮助我。故选C。8. 考查副词辨析。Aalso也;Bhardly几乎不;Cmostly主要地;Deven

15、甚至。根据上文The empathy and 6 I saw in their faces可推断,孩子们对我充满关心,因此他们主要想知道如何帮助我。故选C。9. 考查固定句型。Aidea想法;Blesson课;教训;Cduty职责;Dturn次序。根据上文小玛丽说的“Dont be afraid, Dr. Perry”可推断,她说轮到我们来照顾你。It is ones turn to do sth.“轮到某人做某事”是固定句型。故填D。10. 考查情态动词。Acould能够;Bshould应该;Cneed需要;Dmust必须。根据下文The kids sent me a book they h

16、ad written and a video of every class in the school singing get-well songs.可推断,作者此处表扬孩子们,从来没有人能够做得更好了。故选A。11. 考查动词辨析。Astopped停止;Bkept保持;Cstarted开始;Ddelayed耽搁。根据下文until they covered every wall of my room可推断,当我进行手术的时候,信件和图片不断地到来直到覆盖了我房间的墙。keep doing sth.“不断地做某事”。故选B。12. 考查名词辨析。Aprayers祈祷;Bwarnings警告;C

17、comfort安慰;Dwelcome欢迎。在他们关爱的包围中我找到非常多的痊愈的安慰。此处表示孩子们的关心让我充满安慰。故选C。13. 考查形容词辨析。Abrave勇敢的;Bprepared准备好的;Cconfident自信的;Dwell健康的。根据下文enough to return to work可推断,终于我足够健康到能回去上班了。故选D。14. 考查名词辨析。Acuriosity好奇心;Bpride骄傲;Cdoubts怀疑;Ddifficulties困难。根据下文If the kids have forgotten all about me, what should I do?可推断,

18、在我去学校的路上,我突然充满怀疑。故选C。16. 考查动词辨析。Astood站;Bgrew成长;Cstayed保持;Ddrew来临;临近。当我走得更近时,我看到到处都是粉红丝带。故选D。 17. 考查名词辨析。ARelief救济;安慰;BDisappointment失望;CPain疼痛;DSurprise惊奇。根据上文I was suddenly overcome by 14 .可知,我内心充满怀疑,因此推断当我看到校园里的欢迎牌和到处都是粉红丝带时,我感动欣慰。故选A。18. 考查动词辨析。Agreet欢迎;Bthank感谢;Camuse使愉快;Dtease嘲弄。根据下文“Dr. Perry

19、, youre back!” she called. “See, I told you wed take care of you!”可推断,小玛丽第一个排队欢迎我。故选A。19. 考查名词辨析。Atime时间;Breturn返回;Cmind介意;Dorder订购。根据下文but when they did return the favor, it was an enormous and positive 20 .可推断,当我帮助他们时,我没有需求和期待任何回报。in return作为回报。故选B。20. 考查名词辨析。Aeffect影响;Battitude态度;Ccontribution贡献;

20、Dbonus意外获得的东西。根据语境可知,但是当他们确实得到回报的时候,它是巨大的积极的意外。故选D。第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 【云南省昆明第一中学2018届高三第八次月考】阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Switzerland is the worlds most famous watchmaker,_21_makes it little surprise that_22_(it) people are the most punctual in the world. For them, being on time i

21、s not only a nice thing to do, but its a strict_23_(believe) that they build almost every aspect of their lives on.According to the BBC, everything in Switzerland, from trains and buses_24_personal meetings, is on time. If someone says they are meeting you at 3 pm, they_25_not be there at 2:55 or 3:

22、05 - just 3 pm. It shows “a deep expression of respect for other people”, US writer Eric Weiner, who_26_(recent) traveled to Switzerland, wrote for BBC News. “A punctual person is a _27_(consider) one. By showing up on time for everything, a Swiss person is expressing he values your time and, by ext

23、ension, he values you.”This valuable quality of Swiss people_28_(report) to originate from the countrys mountain areas. Due to poor weather, people had to plant and harvest crops exactly on time,_29_they would have nothing to eat.However, being punctual also has its problems. Since everybody has the

24、ir lunch at exactly 12 and takes their coffee break at 4 pm, elevators and coffee shops all tend_30_(be) full at the same time.【答案】21. which 22. its 23. belief 24. to 25. will 26. recently 27. considerate 28. is reported 29. or/otherwise 30. to be【解析】这是篇说明文。瑞士是世界上最著名的手表生产国,因此瑞士从个人到交通工具都是非常准时,这一宝贵的品质

25、有时也有弊端,就是会造成中午就餐时间电梯和咖啡馆人满为患。24. 考查介词。fromto是固定短语,意为“从到”。这句的意思是:在瑞士,从火车、公交车到个人会面都是准时的。故填to。25. 考查动词时态。主将从现原则:if从句用现在时,主句用一般将来时。故填will。26. 考查副词。副词修饰动词,美国作家艾里克最近到瑞士旅游。故填recently。27. 考查形容词。形容词修饰代词。这句的意思是:守时的人是一个考虑周到的人。故填considerate。28. 考查动词时态语态。空格处缺少谓语动词,“宝贵的品质”和“报道”是被动关系,通篇是一般现在时。故填is reported。II阅读 (共

26、两节,满分30分)第一节 阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A【云南省昆明第一中学2018届高三第八次月考】Organizations that support women and promote equality and fairness in wages, in behavior, and with opportunities have spent years putting womens rights first as their missions. Check out the instit

27、utions that are helping fight for whats fair, no matter where women are in the world.School Girls UniteThis nonprofit deals with education discrimination among young women in developing countries. In Mali, Africa, for example, only one in four girls make it to the 7th grade. School Girls Unite spons

28、ors the girls education, often at a cost as little as $75 per child, and follows them to complete their education.Every Mother CountsModel Christy Turlington Burns founded this activist group that seeks to improve medical care for mothers around the world by training professionals, improving transpo

29、rtation to care facilities, and donating crucial supplies to clinics. The organization has arranged funds that have improved mother mortality rates in Tanzania, Haiti, and India.ANITA B. ORGSince 1987, this social enterprise has pursued the mission statement of founder Anita Borg by putting women in

30、 a position to excel in the technology field. The group provides resources for education in coding and diversity both in the U.S. and abroad. In India, they organize career fairs for women only, offering companies the chance to improve their gender diversity in the workforce.Dress For SuccessWearing

31、 appropriate clothes for a job interview is vital for potential employees. For over 20 years, the caregivers at Dress for Success have been helping women realize their professional goals by providing suits they might not otherwise be able to afford. The nonprofit accepts clothing donations and then distributes them to countries and areas in need.31. School Girls Unite helps women by _.A. training female

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