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1、英语阅读篇章结构题的解题技巧英语阅读篇章结构题的解题技巧 以下是关于解题的技巧,这些技巧对大家来说还是很有关怀的,所以大家在复习的时候,对于解题技巧也要具体进行了解。 篇章结构题解题技巧 对考试大纲中提出的理解文章的基本结构的要求,往往通过篇章结构题来考查。考生要学会把握文章的脉络,理解段落层次之间的关系,弄清的写作方法。英语的文章讲究使用主题段和主题句。主题段通常在文章的开头,简要概括文章的中心思想,主题句依据段落的写作手法的不同可能在段落的开头,也可能出如今段落的中间或末尾。段与段之间常用词语连接,承上启下,使文章行文连贯,规律严密。为突出主题可能接受不同的写作手法来组织文章,通过举例、比

2、较、类比等手法来透彻说明主题观点。高考对这类题型的考查主要表达在以下几个方面: 1. 确定指代关系。最常见的提问方式是:The underlined word they/it/ in prgrph refers to 2. 对句子意义或作用的理解。最常见的提问方式是:The sentence in prgrph mens .; The exmple of in used to illustrte/show . 3. 对段落大意或段落作用的理解。最常见的提问方式是:The lst prgrph minly tell us tht ; The purpose of writing Pr

3、grph is . . 4. 对文章组织结构的理解。最常见的提问方式是:How is the pssge orgnized?;Which of the following best shows the structure of the pssge? 在上述几类题中考生感觉难做的题是第四类, 这类题是近两年来出现的主要考查议论文结构的命题新方式,且逐步得到语言教育专家们的认可。并逐步推广到对其他文体结构的考查。分析这一类的题我们看出:对文章组织结构的考查不外乎两个层次。一是按段落的组织方法理解文章的结构,一是按写作方法(论证方法)理解文章的结构。 首先,看看这样考查从段落层次理解文章的结构。这类

4、题常常用到的提问方式是:Which of the following best shows the structure of the pssge? 下面具体看看05年卷E篇: The twentieth century sw greter chnges thn ny century before chnges for the better, chnges for the worse, chnges tht brought lot of benefits to humn beings, chnges tht put mn in dnger .Mny things cused the chnges

5、, but, in my opinion, the most importnt ws the progress in science. Scientific reserch in physics nd biology hs vstly brodened our views. It hs given us deeper knowledge of the structure of mtter nd of the universe, it hs brought us better understnding of the nture of life nd of its continuous devel

6、opment. Technology in the ppliction of science hs mde big dvnces tht hve benefited us in nerly every prt of life. The continution of such ctivities in the twenty-first century will result in even greter dvntges to humn beings: in pure science wider nd deeper knowledge in ll fields of lerning; in ppl

7、ied science more resonble shring of mteril benefits, nd better protection of the environment. Sdly, however, there is nother side to the picture. The cretivity of science hs been employed in doing dmge to mnkind. The ppliction of science nd technology to the development nd production of wepons of ms

8、s destruction hs creted rel dnger to the continued existence of the humn rce on this plnet. We hve seen this hppen in the cse of nucler wepons, lthough their ctul use hs so fr occurred only in the Second World Wr, the number of nucler wepons tht were produced nd mde redy for use ws so lrge tht if th

9、e wepons hd ctully been used, the result could hve been the ruin of the humn rce, s well s of mny kinds of nimls. Willim Shkespere sid. The web of our life is of mingled yrn(纱线), good nd ill together. The bove brief review of the ppliction of only one prt of humn ctivitiesscience seems to prove wht

10、Shkespere sid. But does it hve to be so? Must the ill lwys go together with the good? re we biologiclly progrmmed for wr? 72.Which of the following best shows the structure of the pssge? 理解文章段落结构,我们很简单找到答案。 共4页: 上一页1234下一页 英语阅读篇章结构题的解题技巧 以下是关于解题的技巧,这些技巧对大家来说还是很有关怀的,所以大家在复习的时候,对于解题技巧也要具体进行了解。 篇章结构题解题

11、技巧 对考试大纲中提出的理解文章的基本结构的要求,往往通过篇章结构题来考查。考生要学会把握文章的脉络,理解段落层 接下来再来看看这样从论证方法上考查对议论文结构的理解。把握了议论文常见的写作方法,我们不难理解议论文的论证过程。从论证方法上讲,常见的议论文结构有以下两类: 一、Put forwrd question nlyze the question Solve the question 这就是提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的过程;二、rgument/ide Evidence conclusion/ restting the ide 这就是由论点到论据到结论或者强调论点的过程。 对说明文、夹叙夹

12、议类文章结构的理解,只要我们弄清段落意义和段落之间的关系,很简单理解其结构。看看下面的例题我们或许会得到一些启发。 例1: I receive lot of emils every time column is published in 21st Century. The mjority of questions I get re like this: My English is still very poor, could you plese give me some dvice? Since this kind of question is so big nd so vgue, ny ns

13、wers will be too brod or too generl. In fct, sking questions is n rt tht needs trining nd prctice in itself. nd I would like to offer the following tips: lwys contextulize your question. If you relly wnt to sk for dvice on something, you need to provide brief description of how you cme up with the q

14、uestion nd how you cn benefit from sking it. For instnce, if you need to improve your English, you need to stte the skill re you re in the gretest need of improving, nd wht difficulties you encounter tht cuse you so mny problems The second piece of dvice is tht your question should be focused nd spe

15、cific. By tht I men tht you might hve lot of questions, but choose the one tht is most importnt nd t the sme time the lest complicted. Third, you cn prctise sking one question in multiple wys. For instnce, if you re interested in knowing how you cn boost your confidence in speking, you might conside

16、r sking: I often feel nervous before I sk question, how cn I overcome my nxiety? Could you shre with me your experience of speking in front of others? Of course, the best wy to sk good questions is through the prctice of questioning. I highly encourge you to seek opportunities to sk questions. It tk

17、es time to be relly good questioner. How is the text orgnized? .Topic-rgument-description B.Opiniondiscussion-explntion C.Min ide-comprison- supporting exmples D.Topic -rgument-conclusion 解析:文章一开始就提出本文要讲的中心, 然后进行论述, 最终得出结论。由此,我们不难得出答案是D。 共4页: 上一页1234下一页 英语阅读篇章结构题的解题技巧(2) 接下来再来看看这样从论证方法上考查对议论文结构的理解。

18、把握了议论文常见的写作方法,我们不难理解议论文的论证过程。从论证方法上讲,常见的 例2: (05 XX卷 C 篇) In the course of working my wy through school, I took mny jobs I would rther forget. But none of these jobs ws s dredful s my job in n pple plnt. The work ws hrd; the py ws poor; nd, most of ll, the working conditions were terrible. First of

19、ll, the job mde huge demnds on my strength. For ten hours night, I took boxes tht rolled down metl trck nd piled them onto truck. Ech box contined twelve hevy bottles of pple juice. I once figured out tht I ws lifting n verge of twelve tons of pple juice every night. I would not hve minded the diffi

20、culty of the work so much if the py hd not been so poor. I ws pid the lowest wge of tht timetwo dollrs n hour. Becuse of the low py, I felt eger to get s much s possible. I usully worked twelve hours night but did not tke home much more thn $ 100 week. But even more thn the low py, wht mde me unhppy

21、 ws the working conditions. During work I ws limited to two ten-minute breks nd n unpid hlf hour for lunch. Most of my time ws spent outside loding trucks with those hevy boxes in ner-zero-degree tempertures. The steel floors of the trucks were like ice, which mde my feet feel like stone. nd fter th

22、e production line shut down t night nd most people left, I hd to spend two hours lone clening the floor. I styed on the job for five months, ll the while hting the difficulty of the work, the poor money, nd the conditions under which I worked. By the time I left, I ws determined never to go bck ther

23、e gin. 52.How is the text orgnized? .TopicrgumentExplntion B.OpinionDiscussionDescription C.Min ideComprisonSupporting exmples D.IntroductionSupporting exmplesConclusion 解析:这道题考查考生对文章组织结构的理解,把握了文章的脉络,我们不难得出答案:D。 20XX年XX高考英语试题题型(商量稿)中提出把篇章结构作为特地的一节来考查:要求把标有-F的句子或段落插入到文章中标记的适当位置,使文章意义完好,结构连贯。 共4页: 上一页

24、1234下一页 英语阅读篇章结构题的解题技巧(3) 做好这一类题,要先理解全文的意义和结构,然后理解段落的意义和结构,分析句与句之间的关系,句与段落的关系。一般说来,文章中空格的地方主要是三类的句子或者段落:一是段落的主题句;二是和段落主题紧密相关的详情句;三是段落或句子之间的过渡句/段。所以学会了分析句与句、句与段、段与段之间的关系做这类题并不难。下面我们来具体看一个例题: 阅读下面短文,请将标有-F的句子或段落插入到文章中标号为71-75的合适位置,使文章意义完好,结构连贯;其中一个段落或句子是多余的。 Some twenty yers go, the performnce of girl

25、s nd boys in clss ws compred. 71 Now, the sitution is reversed (颠倒) with girls consistently doing better thn boys. 72 John Dunsford, leder of the ssocition of hed techers of secondry schools, sys tht the cdemic filure of boys is problem which hd its roots in society rther thn the clssroom. Girls, mo

26、re thn boys, see eduction s pssport to good job. On the other hnd, ccording to Penny Lewis, hed techer, young men lck confidence, which they hide with show of brvdo (逞能). Theyre uncertin bout their plce in society. 73 Moreover, boys my lern in different wy from girls, preferring smll mounts of work

27、with immedite hedlines rther thn lrge projects stretching (连续) into the distnce. nd eduction is not seen s cool. 74 This is not just problem in Britin. In study by the Orgniztion for Economic Coopertion nd Development nd UNESCO, girls did better thn boys t reding t the ge of 15 in ll 45 countries. T

28、he UK rnks ninth out of the 45 countries for reding despite the fct tht pupils in the UK spend less time reding thn in most other countries. 75 . So, wht hs gone wrong with the boys, nd wht cn be done bout it? B. Interestingly, the study suggested tht British children red for plesure more often thn

29、those in other countries. C. Boys scored better in exms, so vrious mesures were introduced to improve the performnce of girls, including hving single sex girl-only clsses. D. This study cn offer gret help to techers nd school leders in terms of proper eduction to different people. E. Some boys grow

30、up in fmilies where there is no mle role model to follow. F. s one contributoe to BBC website put it, Girls chieve more t school becuse they re wtching the future while the boys re wtching the girls. 解析:这是一篇说明文。首先通读文章了解文章的中心:全文分析当前在学校女生比男生表现好的缘由。文章结构简洁明了:首先提出问题,然后分析缘由。接下来我们来逐段分析: 第一段提出问题,71空后面说如今状况颠

31、倒过来了:女生比男生好了,看了这句话,我们确定能推断前一句话的大意应当是:从前的状况是男生比女生表现好。那就从选项中去看哪个句子表达的是这个意思。快速扫瞄-F选项,我们得到答案C。 第二段分析缘由。段首的空格72,应当是一个承上启下的过渡句。扫瞄选项,我们快速得到答案。段尾的73空应当是一个详情句,对前一句具体说明,能够具体说明Theyre uncertin bout their plce in society一句的只有选项E。 第三段进一步分析缘由。74空应当是个详情句,具体说明男生比女生表现差的缘由。这里我们不难找到答案F。 第四段说明这种现象的普遍存在。段尾的75空是一个接续前句的详情句。扫瞄剩余的选项,我们很确定地找到答案B。 共4页: 上一页1234下一页 英语阅读篇章结构题的解题技巧(4) 做好这一类题,要先理解全文的意义和结构,然后理解段落的意义和结构,分析句与句之间的关系,句与段落的关系。一般说来,文章中空格的地方主要是

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