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1、雅思写作第一反应词替换词雅思写作第一反应词替换词中文第一反应词考官推荐真题例句事业的巅峰TopPinnacle/peakIt cannot be ignored that not everyone will reach the top of their careers. 有一点不能忽视的是并不是每一个人都能达到他们事业的巅峰。片面的,没有说服力的One-sided Biased/unpersuasiveRegarding a career as the main priority of happiness is biased and unpersuasive.把事业成功作为幸福的优先决定因素这

2、种说法是片面和没有说服力的品味人生TasteSavour Ultimately, anyone can savour a fulfilling and fruitful life总的来说,每个人都可以品尝充实而有意义的生命成功,发展Succeed Thrive/flourish/excel/prosperTo ensure children thrive in both academic performances and extracurricular activities保证孩子们可以在课内和课外活动上都能够获得成功找到一个平衡点FindDiscover A balance between

3、study and life needs to be discovered by both parents and teachers家长和老师需要为学生找到一个学生和生活的平衡点时间被占用Be occupied Be overtaken/be engulfed/be consumedThe time which is supposed to be spent on hobbies would be engulfed理应花在爱好上的时间就会被占用了罪犯,违法者Prisoner/criminalOffender/lawbreaker/wrongdoer/culpritThere are a var

4、iety of alternatives for minor wrongdoers to recognize their mistakes and be penalized仍然有很多其他替代方式让这些违法者得到惩戒共同协作Work together Collaborate Prisons alongside other approaches can collaborate as a complementary entity.监狱和其他方式可以共同协作变成一个互补的整体立即,马上Immediately Instantaneously Todays technology allows studen

5、ts to connect and interact with teachers instantaneously via the Internet今天的科技可以让学生通过网络即时与老师进行沟通互动明智的It is wise toIt is advisable toIt is advisable for colleges to offer a more flexible plan 大学最好提供一种更加灵活的方案改变ChangeTransform Todays scientific and technological advancement has greatly transformed our

6、lifestyles今天的科技发展极大地改变了我们的生活方式同时地At the same timeSimultaneouslyThe large-scale application of clean energy offers a better solution for reducing carbon emissions and cutting expenses simultaneously清洁能源的大规模应用可以提供一个同时减少碳排放和降低成本的绝佳方案做生意Do businessConduct business activities/engaged in commercial activi

7、tiesInternet has increased the speed of globalization and reshaped the way we live, study or conduct business activities.互联网在加快全球化的同时也改变了我们生活学习和从事商业活动的方式取得巨大进步Make a great progressCreate a giant stride forwardSpace exploration and genetic engineering has created a giant stride forward in the discove

8、ry of new civilizations and bio-scientific possibilities. 空间技术和基因工程在探索新文明和研究生物科学方面取得了巨大的进步 危害到环境Endanger/undermineCompromiseThis current development has compromised the environment, causing enormous devastation and pollution of natural resources. 现有的发展模式已经危害到了环境,也对自然资源造成了破坏和污染减少,降低Reduce/decrease Di

9、minish The costs of medical research can be considerably diminished with laboratory animals实验室的动物可以极大地降低医学研究的成本城市居民Urban citizens/residents UrbanitesThe wellbeing of urbanites would be undermined to live in hazy and cramped conditions生活在雾霾和拥挤环境中得城市居民会发现他们的生活质量会降低带来,造成后果Lead to/bring aboutIntroduce/r

10、esult inIrresponsible advertising introduces a series of disturbances to both individuals and society不负责任的广告会给个人和社会带来一系列的危害动机,出发点Motivation/starting pointIncentive Tax exemption benefits can encourage incentives for individuals to continuously contribute to their retirement savings accounts税务减免政策可以促

11、使个人持续为自己的退休金账户做出贡献制定实施法律Lay downImplement Governments should care citizens by enacting legislation and implementing social protection procedures政府应该通过颁布法律和制定实施社保制度来照顾这些公民许多Many/lots of/loads ofA variety of/an array of/a plethora of Todays consumers have an array of opportunities for selecting produc

12、ts今天的消费者在购买商品方面有非常多的选择吸引人的Attracting/appealing Captivating This is the reason why policy makers and businessmen possess such energy and ambition in persuading the public to purchase more through economic stimulus packages or captivating advertising campaigns. 这是为什么政策制定者和商人都非常努力地通过激励机制和吸引人的广告来鼓励消费鼓励,

13、鼓舞,推动Encourage/motivate Invigorate The encouragement of consumption can help to invigorate the workforce and thus rescuing the economy.鼓励消费可以推动就业,从而拯救经济形势。根除,消除Get rid of/eliminate Eradicate The reinforcement of proper values to eradicate materialism or extravagance正确价值观的加强可以根除物质主义或者奢靡之风持续向前Move for

14、ward Advance/pursue/progressIt is imperative to continue pursuing space tourism without jeopardizing a countrys economic structures and social wellbeing.非常有必要在持续推动空间旅行的同时不伤害一个国家的经济结构和人民福祉在全世界的范围里In the worldwide scope On a global scale The greatest benefit is that now both buyers and sellers can opt

15、imize their requirements and resources on a global scale最大的好处在于买卖双方都可以在全世界的范围之内优化资源配置条件不好的学生Poor students Unprivileged students Governments are meant to serve an essential purpose of offering financial aid for underprivileged students政府理应在财政支持贫困学生方面扮演重要角色不稳定的,间歇性的Unstable, unreliable Intermittent Gi

16、ven that wind and solar power are still intermittent and inefficient, a constant source of low-carbon and low-cost electricity is greatly desired.鉴于风能和太阳能的不稳定性和低效率,我们更需要一种低碳廉价的发电来源加剧的,严重的Accelerate/aggravate Exacerbate/perpetuate Those problems have exacerbated the water crisis for households, facto

17、ries, farms and industries这些问题加剧了民用,农业和工业的用水危机防止,妨碍Prevent from Deter fromThis will deter people from seeking medical help and further place their health in jeopardy这也会进一步的妨碍人们寻求医疗上的帮助,也进一步把他们的健康放在危险的境况下。注定会,一定会Be supposed to be/must beBe bound to Without this knowledge, mistakes are bound to be rep

18、eated.认识不到这一点,错误肯定会重复地出现得到一份心仪的工作Get a favourite jobAttain a desired jobFor example, in international trade businesses candidates who are fluent in at least one foreign language gain a better chance at attaining desired jobs.打个比方,在国际贸易领域,那些会讲流利外语的求职者可以得到一份心仪的工作不论No matter how Regardless ofStudents s

19、hould be encouraged to learn foreign languages regardless of their level of talent.学生应该不论才能的高低都被鼓励去学习一门外语根据依据According to In accordance to Teachers can prepare relevant and suitable materials for each class in accordance to students comprehension ability so that they could absorb knowledge more effe

20、ctively.老师可以根据学生的理解能力给出相关合适的资料,从而让他们更有效地学习知识妨碍, 影响Hinder, impactImpede Nevertheless, streaming is likely to impede healthy growth on children.尽管是这样,按能力分班教育很可能会妨碍儿童的健康成长过多的Too much/an excess of Excessive As a result, young kids spend excessive time on study, leaving them little opportunity to partici

21、pate in extra-curricular activities such as sports.结果是,年龄小的学生花过多的时间在学习上,而失去了很多参加课外活动的机会,例如体育运动优势AdvantagesStrength By contrast, slow learners may lose self-confidence and ignore the strengths that they do possess.相比之下,学的慢的人就会失去自信,并且看不到自身所具有的优势束缚,限制Restrict Constrain Their output may be constrained t

22、o mere imitation.学生的创造力就会被限制,只会人云亦云减轻,缓和Ease/alleviate Mitigate Consequently, any misunderstanding or culture shock will likely be mitigated after such cross-cultural comprehension.结果是,任何的误会或者文化差异都会在这样的跨文化沟通下得到缓解和消除留下不好的印象Leave a bad impressionTarnish impressions Potential threats such as environmen

23、tal pollution are prone to tarnish impressions.环境污染等潜在的威胁往往会给游客带来不好的印象缓解紧张关系Relieve stress Diffuse tension In summary, international tourism promotes healthy acknowledgement of the worlds various cultures and helps in the diffusing of tension between countries.总的来说,国际旅游可以促进不同文化的健康发展,同时也可以有益于缓解不同国家间的

24、紧张关系有利可图的,有利润的Profitable Lucrative For example, a pharmaceutical corporation may focus on developing their most lucrative antibiotic, but cut investments into other medicines.打个比方,一个医药公司可能会专注于发展他们利润最大的抗生类药物,同时减少了其他药物的研究经费减轻压力Release pressure Lessen pressure Moreover, companies paying for scientific

25、research lessen the pressure on the governments limited finances.另外,公司行为推动药学研究可以减轻政府有限财的政压力带来,引起Bring on Give rise toThe prominence of multinational companies has given rise to active trading between numerous countries and continents.跨国企业的蓬勃发展使国家和各大洲之间贸易往来更加的活跃使便利,帮助Facilitate Be an aid toOnline shopping is an aid to our daily life.网上购物可以让我们的生活更加便利

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