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1、会计术语中英文对照成本会计直接人工成本差异(direct labor variance) 直接材料成本差异(direct material variance) 在产品计价(work-in-process costing) 联产品成本计算(joint products costing) 生产成本汇总程序(accumulation process of procluction cost) 制造费用差异(manufacturing expenses variance) 实际成本与估计成本(actual cost and estimated cost) 工资费用分配(salary costs allo

2、cation) 成本曲线(cost curve) 农业生产成本(agriculture production cost) 原始成本和重置成本(original cost and replacement cost) 工程施工成本 直接成本与间接成本(direct cost and indirect cost) 可控成本(controllable cost) 制造费用分配(manufacturing expenses allocation) 理论成本与应用成本(theory cost and practice cost) 辅助生产成本分配(auxiliary production cost all

3、ocation) 期间,费用 成本控制程序(procedure of cost control) 成本记录(cost entry, cost recorder cost agenda) 成本计算分批法(job costing method) 成本计算分步法 直接人工成本差异(direct labor variance) 成本控制方法(cost control method) 内河运输成本 生产费用要素(elements of production expenses) 历史成本与未来成本(historical cost and future cost) 可避免成本与不可避免成本(avoidabl

4、e cost and unavoidable cost) 成本计算期(cost period) 平均成本与个别成本(avorage cost and individual cost) 跨期摊提费用分配(inter-period expenses allocation) 计划成本(planned cost) 数量差异(quantity variance) 燃料费用分配(fuel expenses allocation) 定额成本控制制度(norm cost control system) 定额管理(management norm) 可递延成本与不可递延成本(deferrable cost and

5、 undeferrable cost) 成本控制标准(standard of cost control) 副产品成本计算(by-product costing) 责任成本(responsibility cost) 生产损失核算(production loss accounting) 生产成本(production cost) 预计成本(predicted cost) 成本结构(cost structure) 房地产开发成本 主要成本与加工成本(prime costs and processing costs) 决策成本(cost of decision making) 成本计算品种法(cate

6、gory costing method) 在产品成本(work-in-process cost) 工厂成本(factory cost) 成本考核(cost assess ) 制造费用(manufactruing expenses) 动力费用分配(power expenses allocation) 趋势分析法(trend analysis approach) 成本计算简单法(simple costing method) 责任成本层次(levels of responsibility cost) 对比分析法(comparative analysis approach) 约当产量比例法(equiv

7、alent units method) 原始记录(original record) 可比产品成本分析(general product cost analysis) 成本计算方法(costing method) 成本计算对象(costing objective) 成本计算单位(costing unit) 成本计划完成情况分析 成本计划管理体系(planned management system of cost) 成本计划(cost plan) 成本会计(cost accounting) 成本核算原则(principle of costing) 成本核算程序(cost accounting qro

8、cedures) 成本核算成本(costing account) 成本核算(costing) 成本归集(cost accumulation) 成本管理(cost management) 成本分析(cost analysis) 成本分配(ocst allocation) 成本分类账(cost ledger) 成本分类(cost classifiction) 成本费用界限 成本调整(cost adjustment) 成本差异(cost variance) 成本报告(costing report) 成本(cost) 车间成本(workshop cost) 厂内经济核算制(internal busin

9、ess accounting system) 厂内结算价格(internal settlement prices) 产品寿命周期成本(product life cycle cost) 产品成本项目(cost items of product) 产品成本技术经济分析 产品成本计划(the plan of product costs) 产品成本(product cost) 初级会计汇总原始凭证(cumulative source document) 汇总记账凭证核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using summary ovchers) 工作底稿(working paper)

10、 复式记账凭证(mvltiple account titles voucher) 复式记账法(Double entry bookkeeping) 复合分录(compound entry) 划线更正法(correction by drawing a straight ling) 汇总原始凭证(cumulative source document) 会计凭证(accounting documents) 会计科目表(chart of accounts) 会计科目(account title) 红字更正法(correction by using red ink) 会计核算形式(bookkeeping

11、procedures) 过账(posting) 会计分录(accounting entry) 会计循环(accounting cycle) 会计账簿(Book of accounts) 活页式账簿(loose-leaf book) 集合分配账户(clearing accounts) 计价对比账户(matching accounts) 记账方法(bookkeeping methods) 记账规则(recording rules) 记账凭证(voucher) 记账凭证核算形式(Bookkeeping proced ureusing vouchers) 记账凭证汇总表核算形式(bookkeeping

12、 procedure using categorized account summary) 简单分录(simple entry) 结算账户(settlement accounts) 结账(closing account) 结账分录(closing entry) 借贷记账法(debit-credit bookkeeping) 通用日记账核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using general journal) 外来原始凭证(source document from outside) 现金日记账(cash journal) 虚账户(nominal accounts) 序时账

13、簿(book of chronological entry) 一次凭证(single-record document) 银行存款日记账(deposit journal) 永续盘存制(perpetual inventory system) 原始凭证(source document) 暂记账户(suspense accounts) 增减记账法(increase-decrease bookkeeping) 债权结算账户(accounts for settlement of claim) 债权债务结算账户(accounts for settlement of claim and debt) 债务结算账

14、户(accounts for settlement of debt) 账户(account) 账户编号(Account number) 账户对应关系(debit-credit relationship) 账项调整(adjustment of account) 专用记账凭证(special-purpose voucher) 转回分录(reversing entry) 资金来源账户(accounts of sources of funds) 资产负债账户(balance sheet accounts) 转账凭证(transfer voucher) 资金运用账户(accounts of applic

15、ations of funds) 自制原始凭证(internal source document) 总分类账簿(general ledger) 总分类账户(general account) 附加账户(adjunct accounts) 付款凭证(payment voucher) 分类账簿(ledger) 中级会计固定资产(fixed assets) 利润总额 利益分配(profit distribution) 应计费用(accrued expense) 商标权(trademarks and tradenames) 全部履行法 净利润(net income) 应付利润(profit payabl

16、e) 未分配利润 收益债券(income bonds) 货币资金 利息资本化(capitalization of interests) 公益金 工程物资 预付账款(advance to supplier) 其他应收款(other receivables) 现金(cash) 预收账款 公司债券发行(corporate bond floatation) 应付工资(wages payable) 实收资本(paid-in capital) 盈余公积(surplus reserves) 管理费用 土地使用权 股利(dividend) 应交税金(taxes payable) 流动资金 负商誉(negati

17、ve goodwill) 费用的确认(recognition of expense) 短期投资(temporary investment) 专项资产【旧】 专有技术(know-how) 专营权(franchises) 资本公积(capital reserves) 资产负债表法 资金占用和资金来源旧 自然资源(natural resources) 存货(inventory) 车间经费【旧】 偿债基金(sinking fund) 长期应付款(long-term payables) 长期投资(long-term investments) 长期借款(long-term loans) 长期负债(long

18、-term liability of long-term debt) 财务费用(financing expenses) 拨定留存收益(appropriated retained earnings) 标准成本法(standard costing) 变动成本法(variable costing) 比例履行法 包装物 版权(copyrights) 高级会计期货交易市场(market of futures transaction) 期货交易(futures transaction) 举债经营融资租赁(leveraged lease) 金融工具(financial instruments) 企业集团(b

19、usiness qroup) 年度报告(annual report) 内部往来(transactions between home office and branches) 合伙企业(partnership enterprise) 合并资产负债表(consolidated balance sheet) 合并主体的所得税会计(accounting for income taxes of consolidated entities)(美) 合并现金流量表(consolidated statement of cash flow) 合并价差(cost-book value differentials)

20、 合并会计报表(consolidated financial statements) 购买法(purchase methed) 企业整体价值(the value of an enterprise as a whole) 权益结合法(pooling of interest method) 期内所得税分摊(intraperiod tax allocation)(美) 期末存货的未实现损益(unrealized profit in ending inventory) 公司间的长期资产业务(intercompany transactions in long-term assets) 名义货币保全(ma

21、intaining capital in units of money) 基金论(the fund theory) 功能性货币(functional currency)(美) 汇兑损益(exchange gains or losses) 合并财务状况变动表(consolidated statement of changes in financial poition)合并财务状况变动表(consolidated statement of changes in financial poition) 换算损益(translation gains or losses) 举债经营收购(Leveraged

22、 buyouts,简称LBC)(美) 母公司持股比例变动(change in ownership percentage held by parent) 交互分配法(reciprocal allocation approach)(美) 货币项(monetary items) 合伙清算(partnership liquidation 全面分摊法(comprehensive allocation) 固定资产投资方向调节税 合并费用(expenses related to combinations) 间接标价法(indirect quotation) 买入汇率(buying rate) 期货合约(fu

23、trues contract) 混合合并(conglomeration) 控投公司(holding company) 股票指数期货(stock index futrues) 横向销售(crosswise sale) 固定汇率(fixed rate) 纳税影响法(tax effect method) 记账汇率(recording rate) 横向合并(horizontal integration) 合并前股利(preacquisition dividends) 可变现净值(net realizable) 企业合并会计(accounting for business combination) 平仓

24、盈亏(offset gain and loss) 卖出汇率(selling rate) 金融期货交易(financial futures transaction) 会计利润(accounting income) 合并损益表(consolidated income statement) 公允价值(fair value) 期权(options) 间接控股(indirect holding) 两笔交易观(two-transaction opinion) 破产清算(bankrupcy liquidation) 企业合并(business combination) 企业论(the enterprise

25、theory) 商品寄销(consignment) 个人所得税(personal income tax) 个人财务报表(personal financial state-ments)(美) 改组计划(reorganization plan)(美) 改组(reorganization) 复杂权益法(complex equity method) 附属公司(associated company) 负权人偿金(dividend) 浮动汇率(floating rate) 分支机构会计(accounting for branch) 推定赎回损益(constructive gains and losses

26、on bonds) 推定赎回(constructive retirement) 投机(spculation) 贴水(discount) 特定物价指数(specific price index) 分支机构(branch) 分期收款销货(installment sales) 分次清算(installment liquidation) 分部报告(segmental reporting) 房地产收入(real estate revenue) 房地产成本(cost of real setate) 房地产(real estate) 多种汇率法(multiply exchange rate) 对境外实体的净

27、投资(net investment in foreign entities) 订量单位:(units of measurement) 递延法(deffered method) 当代理论(contemporary theory) 单一汇率法(singal method) 退休金(pension plan) 退休金会计(accounting for pension plan)(美) 退休金给付义务(pension benefit obligations)(美) 外币(foreign currency) 外币业务(foreign currency transaction) 吸收合并(merger)

28、物价变动会计(accounting for price changes) 无偿债能力(insolvency) 完全合并(full consolidation) 物价指数(price index) 物价变动(price changes) 完全应计法(full accrual method) 物价总指数(general price index) 外汇期货交易(foreign exchange frtrues transaction) 下推会计(push-down accounting)(美) 先折算后调整法(translation-remeasurement method) 现行成本/稳值货币会计

29、(current cost/general purchasing power accountin) 现行成本(crurent cost) 现行成本会计(current cost accounting) 先调整后折算法(remeasurement-translation method) 销售代理处(sales agency) 相互持股(mutual holdings) 相对账户调节(reconciliation of home office and branch accounts) 新合伙人入伙(admission of a new parther) 向上销售(upstream sale) 衍生

30、金融工具(derivative financial instru-ments) 销售式融资租赁(sales-type financing lease) 向下销售(downstream sale) 消费税(consumer tax) 一笔交易观(one-transaction opinion) 业主权论(the proprietorship theory) 一般物价水准会计(general price level accounting) 一般购买力单位(units of general purchasing power) 招股说明书(prospectus) 中间汇率(middle rate) 中期报告(interim reporting) 重置成本

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