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1、补充听力十听力原文及答案解析文本文件补充听力(yi)听力原文及答案解析Listening ComprehensionSection A11. W: Its a miracle that Robert came out of the air crash alive. M: Thats indeed a miracle. All the other passengers were killed.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?【听前预测】根据意思相反的两个选项中有一个可能是答案的命题规律,将答案锁定在A和C之间。【解 析】选A。对话中女士提到Ro

2、bertalive(罗伯特活着),A中的survived对应alive,故答案为A。12. M: Isnt it rather cold outside, Sally?W: It is a bit, but I cant stand the terrible smoke inside. Id rather stay here if you dont mind.Q: Why does the woman want to stay outside?【听前预测】选项中的smoke a cigarette, the smell of smoke inside等表明,对话与吸烟有关。【解 析】选D。对话

3、中女士提到but I cant stand the terrible smoke inside(但我受不了里面的烟味)。D中的doesnt like the smell of smoke inside是对此的同义转述,故答案为D。but后的内容常为考点。13. W: Im going over to see a car someone has for sale. With all your experience as a mechanic, Id appreciate your opinion.M: That was twenty years ago. Cars have changed so

4、 much. Im not sure how much help I might be, but sure Ill come along for the ride.Q: What does the man imply?【听前预测】由选项中的The woman shouldnt,He doesnt know可知,男士的话为听音重点。【解 析】选C。男士的话Cars have changed so much. Im not sure(汽车变化太大了,我不确定)为听音重点。由男士的话可知,男士对新车把握不大,故答案为C。come along意为“来,出现”。appreciate ones opini

5、on表示要征求某人的意见。14. W: Youll have to apologize a bit more sincerely if you expect your friend to actually trust you again.M: I dont know what else I could say. Besides, I dont think its an apology he wants.Q: What does the man imply?【听前预测】由选项中重复出现的apology以及He will/couldnt find可知,对话与道歉有关,男士的话为听音重点。【解 析】

6、选D。男士的话I dont think its an apology he wants(我认为他要的不仅是个道歉)为听音重点。D的内容是对此的同义转述,故为答案。由男士提到的I dont know可排除强干扰项B。15. M: Ive been running a mile every afternoon for the past month. But I still havent been able to lose more than a pound or two. I wonder if it is worth it.W: It always seems hard when you are

7、 just starting out.Q: What does the woman mean?【听前预测】由选项中的running daily, exercise, warm up可知,对话很可能与锻炼身体有关。The man should表明,女士的话为听音重点。【解 析】选D。女士的话It always seems hard whenjust starting out.(刚开始时总是很难)为听音重点。D的内容是对此的同义转述,故为答案。It always seems hard when you are just starting out常用于鼓励别人坚持做某事,别因为开始的困难而放弃。16

8、. W: Im really looking forward to this trip with our geology class. But Im not certain if I have the strength to carry a backpack up and down the mountain, especially when its full of tools.M: They are taking two donkeys to carry the tools. We just have to carry our personal items, like clothing and

9、 sleeping bags.Q: What does the man mean?【听前预测】由He doesnt know/mind可知,男士的话为听音重点。【解 析】选C。男士的话two donkeys to carry the tools(两头驴驮工具)为听音重点。驴驮工具,说明女士不用背工具,故答案为C。personal items意为“私人物品”。17. W: Do you ever get tired of the same topics always being discussed at council meetings?M: Do I? You know sometimes I

10、 think some members have nothing better to talk about.Q: What does the man mean about the council members?【听前预测】由选项中重复出现的They,topics,discuss可知,对话与某些人讨论的话题有关。【解 析】选A。对话中女士提到the same topics always,男士提到have nothing better to talk about(没有什么更好的话题可谈论),A中的have a narrow range of topics to discuss是对此的同义转述,故

11、为答案。get tired of意为“对厌烦”。bring up意为“提出”。18. M: I feel horrible. Daisy was furious that I lost her notes. Do you think I should apologize again?W: If I were you, Id let her cool off a few days before I approach her.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?【听前预测】由选项中重复出现的Daisy以及Apologize, apology可知,对话

12、可能与向Daisy道歉有关。【解 析】选C。对话中女士提到let her cool off(让她消消气),C中的when Daisy is less angry是对此的同义转述,故为答案。cool off意为“冷静下来”。Conversation One【听前预测】预览四道题各选项,结合books,bestsellers, bookstore等可推测,对话与书有关。W: Interested in this book? This is our bestseller this week.M: Bestseller? I am considering what new ideas it gives

13、 about how to deal with the aggravating people.W: It asks people to quit complaining and do something. What surprises many people about this book is that it suggests that the best thing to do is to change yourself because you are not going to change the other person.M: Really? Its “me” that has to c

14、hange as opposed to the other person?W: Well, have you ever changed anybody?M: Ive tried many times. Its not really possible though.W: Thats right.M: But how can I do that?W: The book is here. Bring it back home and read it and you can find the answer.M: Before I pay my money I should be clear that

15、this book is useful for me. I dont want to pay for it and then find I have paid for nothing.W: This book is definitely worth the money. The book even tells you how to deal with different types of workers, co-workers and bosses, from the most common annoying type to the worst kind.M: Give me the most

16、 common annoying type of co-worker.W: The most common annoying type of co-worker is called “boundary busters”. So, its someone who invades your space, makes too much noise, eats up your time or chews your ear off. They are boundary busters.M: And how do I deal with them?W: Again, sir, the book is he

17、re. Bring it back and read for the answer.M: It seems you know a lot about this book. Can I draw the conclusion that you fancy it?W: Well, frankly, I am the author.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. What do we learn about the woman?【解析】选C。对话中女士频频劝男士把书买回家好好读,最后提到

18、I am the author,由此可知,她在推销自己的书,故答案为C。in person意为“亲自,本人”。【点睛】选项都是对女士身份的描述,故听音时应对关键信息作笔记。20. What is surprising about the book the woman recommends?【解析】选B。由对话中女士提到的What surprises many people about this book is that it suggests that the best thing to do is to change yourself可知,这本书最令人惊奇的是它建议人们最好是改变自己,故答案

19、为B。【点睛】surprises对应问题中的surprising。对话中的What surprises many people about this book为主语从句,第一个that引导表语从句。21. What kind of person is the man?【解析】选A。选项表明,本题考查人物性格或爱好等。由对话中男士提到的Before I pay my money I should be clear that this book is useful for me. I dont want to pay for it and then find I have paid for not

20、hing.可推测出他是个花钱很谨慎的人,故答案为A。22. What is a boundary buster?【解析】选D。对话中女士提到的The most common annoying type of co-workers is called “boundary busters”表明,答案为D。【点睛】boundary buster在对话中有所解释,D的内容是对原文信息的再现。Conversation Two【听前预测】由选项中的parked illegally,exceeded the speed limit,The woman gets a ticket等可推知,对话很可能与女士违反

21、了交通规则有关,涉及到对女士的处罚等。M: Okay. May I see your drivers license please?W: What? Did I do anything wrong?M: License, please. And your car registration.W: Oh, yeah. Its here somewhere in the glove compartment. Yeah, here it is.M: Madame, did you realize that you were speeding in a school zone? W: What? No,

22、 I didnt, but thats probably because my odometer is broken, I mean, malfunctioning.M: Yes, you were going 50 miles per hour in 20 miles per hour zone. And, you failed to come to a complete stop at the intersection back there.W: Rolling stops dont count?M: And, one of your break lights is out, youre

23、not wearing a seat belt, and your drivers license expired six months ago.W: And your name is Officer Smith? Hey, are you related to the Smiths in town? My husbands cousins husband, I think his name is Fred, works for the police department here. Or is that the fire department? Anyway, I thought you m

24、ight be good pals, and you knowM: Hey, are you trying to influence an officer? I could have this car impounded right now because of these infractions.W: No, of course not.M: Okay, then, heres your ticket. You can either appear in court to pay the fine or mail it in. Have a nice day.W: Do you take ca

25、sh?Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23. What is the relationship between the two speakers?【解析】选D。预览选项可知,本题考查对话双方的关系。对话一开始男士就说“我能看一下你的驾照(drivers license)吗?”,由此可知,对话双方是警察和司机的关系,故答案为D。【点睛】人物关系要根据说话者的语气、语调、关键信息词进行推断。see your drivers license为警察的常用语,由此不难选出答案。24. What la

26、w did the woman break in the school zone?【解析】选C。选项中的She,parked illegally,drunk-driving等表明,本题可能与女士违反交通规则有关。对话中男士说did you realize that you were speeding in a school zone?(你意识到你在校区超速行驶了吗?),故答案为C。【点睛】听到问题中的in the school zone 不难选出答案。C She exceeded the speed limit是对you were speeding的同义转述。25. What happens

27、at the end of the conversation?【解析】选A。选项中的The woman,gets a ticket,arrests等表明,本题可能考查对女士的处罚结果。对话中男士说heres your ticket(这是你的罚单),由此可知,女士最后收到了一张罚单,故答案为A。注意ticket在对话中意为“罚单”。【点睛】ticket为一词多义,注意听清对话的主要内容是关于交通违规就不难选出答案Section BPassage One【听前预测】 选项中的Time,goes by quickly,show what is right,The old等表明,短文与老人及对时间的探

28、讨有关。I recently turned fifty, which is young for a tree, midlife for an elephant, and ancient for a sportsman. Fifty is a nice number for the states in the US or for a national speed limit but it is not a number that I was prepared to have hung on me. Fifty is supposed to be my fathers age, but now I

29、 am stuck with this number and everything it means.A few days ago, a friend tried to cheer me up by saying, “Fifty is what forty used to be.” He had made an inspirational point. Am I over the hill? People keep telling me that the hill has been moved, and I keep telling them that the high-jump bar ha

30、s dropped from the six feet I once easily cleared to the four feet that is impossible for me now.“You are not getting older, you are getting better,” says Dr. Joyce Brothers. This, however, is the kind of doctor who inspires a second opinion.And so as I approach the day when I cannot even jump over

31、the tennis net, I am moved to share some thoughts on aging with you. I am moved to show how aging feels for me physically and mentally. Getting older of course, is obviously a better change than the one that brings you eulogies. In fact, a poet named Robert Browning considered it the best change of

32、all:Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.Whether or not Browning was right, most of my first fifty years have been golden ones, so I will settle for what is ahead being as good as what has gone by. I find myself moving toward what is ahead with a curious blend of both fighting and accepting my aging, hoping that the philosoph

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