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1、常见实用教育学专业英语词汇教育术语人为环境artificial environment 口述作文 oral composition 口授oral instruction; oral teaching; verbal instruction 口算oral arithmetic 口语表达oral expression 小学学科 primary subject 工作单元 unit of work; work unit 分析教学analytic instruction 分科教学 departmental teaching 分级;分班class grouping 分组制group system 分组教学

2、group instruction 分组实验法 brigade-laboratory method 少年文学 juvenile literature 幻灯片 lantern slide 心算mental arithmetic 户外作业 out-door study; out-door work 户外运动out-door sport 手语法 sign language 手语术chirology; dactylogy 文化学科culture subject 文学科目 literary course 方案课程 project curriculum 日课表daily program; daily sc

3、hedule; programme; time schedule 主科major subject 主学习primary learning 出席 attendance 出席簿attendance book 可教性 educability 必修学科 required subject 本土知识 native knowledge 正反例证法method of positive and negative cases 正式学科 formal subject 正误例证法 method of right and wrong cases 示范 demonstration 示范教学 demonstration t

4、eaching 再发现法 method of rediscovery 同心圆方法 concentric circle method 同时教学法 simultaneous method 同时学习 simultaneous learning 年级分组制 grade group plan 成绩进步表 grade-progress table 自由游戏 free play 自修 self-culture 自习 self-study 自然科学通论 General science 儿童中心教育 child-centered education 儿童画 childrens drawing 玩具 playth

5、ing; toy 知识科目;资讯学科 information subject 社会化教学 Socialized teaching 初级读本 primer 指定科目 prescribed course 指定读物 required reading 活动课程 activity curriculum 活动学校 activity school 相互教学制 mutual system 研究学程;研究科目;专题研究科目 seminar course 科目 course 科目;学科 subject 背诵法 method of recitation 胎教 antenatal training 乘法表 multi

6、plication table 家庭作业 home work 家庭课业 home lesson 恩物 Gift 时事教学 current events instruction 朗诵 oral reading 案例分组法 case-group method 案例法 case history method; case method; case study method 案例教学法 case method of instruction 特殊教育 special education 特殊教学法 special didactics 班级教学 class teaching 班级经营 class manag

7、ement; classroom management 记诵 memorization 记忆训练 memory training 记忆术 memory system 讨论法 method of discussion 训育学 didactics 参考书 reference book 问题法 problem method 国定教科书 national textbook 基本科目;基本学科 fundamental subject 基础课程英语反复练习 basal course 基础读物 foundation reader 专业训练 professional training 专业课程 profess

8、ional curriculum 强记 hypermnesia 从生活中学习 learning through living 从经验中学习 learning by experience 推广科目 extension course 教材 material of instruction; matter for teaching; subject matter; subject-matter 教材选择 selection of subject matter 教育电影 educational cinema 教室讨论 class discussion 教室参观 class visitation 教室课表

9、 room schedule 教科书 school book; text-book; textbook 教案 lesson plan 教学法 method of instruction; method of teaching; teaching method 教学科目 course of instruction 教学效能 teaching efficiency 教学专业 profession of teaching 教学单元 method-whole of teaching; teaching unit 教学模式 model of teaching 启发式教学 developmental mo

10、de of teaching; heuristic mode of teaching 略读 rough reading; skimming reading 野外实习 field practice 博览法 extensive method 普通教授学 General didactics 普通教学法 general method of teaching 智能障碍教育 education for mental retardation 发表教学 presentative instruction 发表学科 expressive subject 童话 nursery tale进步测验 progress t

11、est 集中学习 massed learning 填充法 completion method 新生训练 orientation course 补充读物 supplementary book; supplementary reading 诘问考试 cross-examination 跳读 skipping reading 游戏法 play method 顿悟学习;洞悟学习 insight learning 团体游戏 organized play 图示教学法 pictorial method; picture method 图画完成测验 picture completion test 实地工作 f

12、ield work 实地学习课 field lesson 实物 material object 实习;练习 practice 实习课;练习课 practice lesson 实验教育 experimental education 实验教学法 experimental didactics 实验学校 experimental school; laboratory school 演示课 demonstration lesson 演讲;辩论术 elocution = oration 精读 detailed reading 辅助班级 auxiliary class 辅助学校 auxiliary scho

13、ol 辅导算术 remedial arithmetic 辅导学习法 supervised study 札记法 notebook method 模仿学习 learning by imitation 练习法 drill method; practice method 课 lesson 课程 curriculum 课程分化 curricula-differentiation; differentiated curriculum 课程表 program of studies; table of curriculum 课程建构 construction of curriculum 课间自习 busy w

14、ork 适性教育 adaptive physical education 阅读法 reading method 阅读书单 reading list 学年会议 grade forum 学习指导 direction of learning 学习效率 learning efficiency 机械记忆 rote memory 机械教学 rote teaching机械学习 rote learning 独立阅读 independent reading 选择题 multiple-choice test 默写 dictation 默读 silent reading 婴儿班 baby class 戏剧表演法 m

15、ethod of dramatic expression 营养学 dietetics 矫正教育智能障碍教育 Correctional education; Corrective education 联想学习 associative learning 讲述法 method of telling 讲授;教导;教学 instruction 讲演 lecture 简明教科书 brief textbook 证明法 method of verification 难题箱 problem box 露天教学班 fresh-air class 读书会 reading circle 体育指导员 athletic d

16、irector 观念联合;联想 association of ideas 观察法 observation methodCase study 个案研究 Basic knowledge 基础知识Basic skill基本技能 Full-time educational programme 全日制教育计划Skilled worker 技术个人 Semi-skilled worker 半技术个人School-leaver 毕业生、离校生 Comprehensive school 综合学校Specialized staff 专业教师 Block release 离校学习、离岗学习Vocational q

17、ualification 职业资格 Career education 生计教育Social skills 社交技能 Life skills 生活技能School environment 学校环境 Work experience 工作经验Actual experience 实际经验 Work-study programme 工读计划Co-operative education programme 合作教育计划Lower technician 初级技术个人Technical education 技术教育 Final examination 期末考试Practical experience 实践经验

18、 Dual system 双元制The Ministry of Education/abor 教育部/劳动部L Physical education 体育 Sandwich program三明治教育计划 Vocational guidance 职业指导Job mobility岗位/职业流动 Educational research 教育研究Cognitive/affective/psychomotor domain 认知/情感/动作技能领域Performance/behavioral objective 操作性/行为目标Evaluation technique 评价技术 Information

19、 service 信息服务Tracer system of school-leaver 毕业生追踪制度Job analyses 工作分析 Social status 社会地位Disadvantage group 弱势群体 Teacher training 教师培训Entrance level入学水平 College of advanced education 高等教育学院Teachers college 师范学院 Infant teacher 幼儿教师Full-time course 全日制课程 Part-time course 部分时间制课程Teacher-preparation 师资培养

20、Home science 家政学Technical college 技术学院 Government/public/dependent school 公立学校Post-graduate degree硕士学位 Bachelor of Education教育学学士 Pre-service training 职前培训 Monotechnical institution单一技术教育机构Concurrent programme双轨教育计划 Student teacher师范生Non-government/private/independent school 私立学校Bachelor of Arts/Sci

21、ence 文学士/理学士 Economic benefits经济效益Technological progress 技术进步 Polytechnical college 多科技术学院Vocational course职业课程 Tertiary eduction 高等教育Director of education 教育局长 Principal of college 学院院长Teaching staff 教师队伍 Educational facilities 教育设施Diploma student 大专学生 University student 大学学生Senior staff 资深教师,老教师 S

22、ocial sciences 社会科学Humanity sciences人文科学 Diploma course文凭课程(大专课程)Well-qualified staff 优秀教师 Academic standard 学术标准Tertiary non-university education 非大学实施的高等教育Bachelor Of Technology技术学士 Bachelor Of Business 商学士Agricultural college 农学院 Scientific principles 科学原则Specialist institutions专业性教育机构 Academic s

23、tature 学术水平salary scale工资级别 academic status 学术地位Primary student(小学生) secondary-level student(中学生)secondary diploma student(中专生) diploma student(大专生)university student(大学生) postgraduate student(研究生)Diploma course/degree course(学位课程)Subject matter学科内容 College preparatory curriculum 大学预科课程Science curri

24、culum理科课程 Premedical curriculum 医科大学预科课程Curriculum design课程设计 Curriculum development 课程编制/开发Curriculum planning 课程规划 Subject curriculum 学科课程Planned curriculum规划的课程 Formal curriculum 正式课程Experienced curriculum 经验的课程/体验的课程Perceived curriculum 领悟的课程 Instructional strategy 教学策略Curriculum objective 课程目标

25、Learning situation 学习情境Learning process 学习过程 Learning outcome 学习结果Competency-based education 能力本位教育Vocational education 职业教育 Learning environment 学习环境K-12 programs 幼儿园至12年级教育计划subject centered curriculum学科中心课程 Open curriculum 开放课程Curriculum-program-course-subjectPrimary school(英国用法) elementary schoo

26、l(美国用法)Accountability model 奖惩性模式 Merit pay 奖金Local education authority(LEA) 地方教育当局Professional development model 专业发展模式Education innovation 教育改革 Headteacher 主任教员Pilot study 试点研究 Appraisal cycle 评价周期Classroom observation课堂听课 Appraisal statement 评价报告经典术语it never rains but it pours.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。It takes

27、three generations to make a gentleman.十年树木,百年树人。Jack of all trades and master of none.门门精通,样样稀松。Judge not from appearances.人不可貌相,海不可斗量。Justice has long arms.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。If you venture nothing, you will have nothing.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.要想求知,就得吃苦。Industry is the parent

28、of success.勤奋是成功之母。It is better to die when life is a disgrace.宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。It is easier to get money than to keep it.挣钱容易攒钱难。It is easy to be wise after the event.事后诸葛亮好当。It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.创业容易守业难。It is hard to please all.众口难调It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老

29、。It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。Lies can never changes fact.谎言终究是谎言。Life is half spent before we know what it is.人过半生,方知天命。It is the first step that costs troublesome.万事开头难。It is the unforeseen that always happens.天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。It is too late to grieve when the chance is past.坐失良机,后悔已迟。Lif

30、e is not all roses.人生并不是康庄大道。Life without a friend is death.没有朋友,虽生犹死。Like a rat in a hole.瓮中之鳖。Like author, like book.文如其人。Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。Like for like.一报还一报。Like knows like.惺惺相惜。Like mother, like daughter.有其母必有其女。Like teacher, like pupil.什么样的老师教什么样的学生。Like tree, like fruit.羊毛出在羊身上。Little things amuse little minds.小人无大志。Look before you leap.摸清情况再行动。Lookerson see more than players.当局者迷,旁观者

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