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仁爱七下 U7U8 知识点整合.docx

1、仁爱七下 U7U8 知识点整合Unit7 Topic 1(一)核心词汇:birthday, May, celebrate, party, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, twelfth, twentieth, date, January, March, April, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, alone, were, born, was, thousand, present, shape, hill, square, circl

2、e, ago, machine, football, special, candle, surprise.(二)常用词组:1. plan to do sth. 计划做某事 2. be born 出生 3. have a look 看一看 4. just now 刚才 5. use sth. for / to 用某物作用 6. do some cleaning 做扫除(三)重点句型:1. How do you plan to celebrate it? 你打算如何庆祝?2. -When were you born? 你什么时候出生?-I was born in June, 1970. 我生于19

3、70年6月。3. -Were you born in Hebei? 你出生于河北吗?-Yes, I was. 是的,我是。4. When was your daughter born? 你的女儿什么时候出生?5. -Was she born in Hebei, too? 她也生于河北吗?-No, she wasnt. 不,她不是。6. -Where was she born? 她出生于哪里?-She was born in Henan. 她出生于河南。7. -Whats the shape of your present? 你的礼物的形状是什么? -Its round. 它是圆形的。8. -W

4、hat shape is it? 它是什么形状?-Its a rectangle. 它是长方形的。9. -What do we use it for? 我们用它来做什么?-We used it to study English. 我们用它来学习英语。10. -How long / wide is it? 它多长/ 宽?-Its 60 centimeters long/wide. 它60厘米长/宽。 (四)交际用语:1. -Would you like to come? 你想要来吗?-Yes, Id love to. 是的,我想要来。2. -What day is it? 今天星期几?-Its

5、Thursday. 星期四。3. -Whats the date today? 今天几号?-Its May 8th. 5月8号。4. -Can I have a look(at sth)? 我可以看一下()吗?-Sorry, Im afraid you cant. 对不起,恐怕你不能。(五)语法精粹:1. 一般过去时(I)一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常与 a minute ago, yesterday, last year, in those days, just now, in 1990等表示过去的时间状语连用;一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。如:I got

6、up at 6:30 yesterday. 昨天我6点30分起床。My father was at work yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午我父亲在上班。He always went to work by bus last year. 去年他总是乘公共汽车上班。 2. 基数词和序数词的用法1,2,3,特殊记,th四加起8后面减去t, nine后面不要eve 要用f替, ty变成tie几十,几百几,只变个位记心里(六)典型习题一)用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Would you like to _ (celebrate) your birthday with your go

7、od friends?2. The twins _ (be) born on December 22nd, 2005. They are three years old now.3. Mr. White lives on the _ (twelve) floor in this building.4. September is the _ (nine) month of the year.5. There _ (be) a kite on the wall just now.二)单项选择题:1. -When did Hong Kong return to our motherland?-_ J

8、uly 1st, 1997.A. On B. In C. At D. For 2. - What was the date yesterday? -_ A. It was June 2nd. B. Its May 8th, 2008. C. It was Sunday. D. Its Tuesday.3. -What do we use MP3 for? -We _ it _ some music. A. use; to listen to B. use; listen C. is listening; to listen D. are listening; listening4. The g

9、irls friends give her many presents _ her birthday. A. at B. on C. to D. in5. Tom and bill _ afraid _ English classes a year ago. But now they are good at it. A. are; to have B. were; to have C. were; having D. are; having6. -Today is your birthday. Happy birthday and here _ a birthday card _ you. -

10、Thank you very much. A. is; to B. are; to C. is; for D. are; for7. - What _ Jim like? And what _ he like? -He is thin and tall. And he likes apples. A. is; does B. is; look C. is; is D. does; look三)句型转换:1. He was born in April, 1983. (对划线部分提问)_ was he born?2. Today is Saturday. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is it to

11、day?3. His birthday is May 1st. (同义句转换) He was born _ _ _.4. Tom and Mike were born in the U.S.A. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Tom and Mike born?5. I was born in Shandong on September 10th. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ born in Shandong on September 10th?四)根据汉语提示完成句子:1. Next Sunday is Kangkangs birthday. We want to _ (举行生日聚会)for hi

12、m.2. Li Xing often helps his mother to _ (打扫卫生).3. -Can I _ (看一看) at your fathers new car?-Yes, you can.4. We want to buy a beautiful present to _(给他一个惊喜).5. Her mother _(在做丰盛的晚餐) for her birthday.6. He _ (出生于) on August 1st of 1992.Unit 7Topic 2 (一). 重点短语 1. 在晚会上 at the party 在康康的生日晚会 at Kangkangs

13、birthday party 2. 弹钢琴 play the piano 踢足球 play soccer 打球类比赛 play ball games 3. 唱汉语/英文歌曲 sing Chinese/English songs 唱一首英文歌曲 sing an English song 4. 跳迪斯科 dance the disco 跳/表演芭蕾舞 perform ballet 5. 玩儿得高兴 have a good time = enjoy oneself 6. 把这些花拿到晚会上去 take these flowers to the party 把那些花拿到晚会上来 bring those

14、 flowers to the party bring/take to (有方向、远近之分) 7. 如此多的人 so many people (people集体名词,单复数同形) 如此多的水/牛奶/果汁 so much water/milk/juice 一些人/水/学生 some people/water/students 8. 爬树/山 climb trees/ hills 9. 照相 take photos/ pictures 给某人照相 take photos/pictures of/for sb. 10. 画画 draw pictures 11. 讲、说日语 speak Japanes

15、e 用日语说这个单词 say the word in Japanese 12. 做飞机模型 make model planes 13. 户外活动 outdoor activities 室内活动 indoor activities 14. 一年前 one year ago 四年前 four years ago 15. 擅长做某事 be good at +n./ pron./doing 在某方面做得好 do well in +n./ pron./doing 在某方面做得更好 do better in +n./ pron./doing 16. 在岁时 at the age of 17. 在某人的帮助

16、下 with someones help with the help of someone 18. 开始做某事 begin to do sth. = start to do sth. 19. 对困难 be hard for 20想要做某事 would like to do sth. / want to do sth. (二)重点句子总结 1. Can you count the photos for me? 你能为我数数这些照片吗?-Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 好的,可以。/ 不,不可以。2. Do you want to sing Chinese songs or E

17、nglish songs? 你想唱中文歌还是英文歌? -Chinese songs. 中文歌。3. Can you dance the disco or perform ballet? 你会跳迪斯科还是跳芭蕾舞? -I can dance the disco. 我会跳迪斯科。4. What else can you do? 你还能做其他什么吗?(else为形容词,做后置定语。一般放在不定代词和疑问词之后) -I can dance and play the guitar. 我会跳舞和弹吉他。5. I can only/also sing English songs. 我只/ 也会唱英文歌。(o

18、nly/also一般放在be动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前)6. I can swim a little / very well.(修饰动词不能用very good) 我会一点游泳。/ 我游泳游得很好 I cant swim at all. 我根本不会游泳。7. Im sure well have a good time at the party. 我确信我们在晚会上一定会过得很愉快。(be sure of / be sure to do. be sure (that)+句子 8. Happy birthday to you! 生日快乐!Best wishes to you! 衷心祝福你!

19、-Thank you(very much) / Thanks (a lot). (非常)谢谢! 9. When she was five, she could only dance a little. 当她五岁时,她会跳一点儿舞。 (when在这里是连词,后跟句子。也可做疑问词,引导提问日期的特殊疑问句) 10. One year ago, she couldnt do it at all. 一年前她根本不会做这件事。 11. They could do it before, but not very well. 他们一年前会做这件事,但是做得不是很好。 12. Zhang Jun can r

20、ide a bike this year, but he couldnt do it a year ago. 张军今年会骑自行车,但是他一年前并不会。 13. Michael cant come to school today because he hurt his right leg. Michael今天不能来上学了,因为他伤到了他的右腿。 14. I couldnt play the piano when I was four and I still cant now. 我四岁时不会弹钢琴而且我现在仍然不会。 15. Kangkang is good at playing soccer,

21、while Michael does well in basketball. 康康擅长踢足球,而Micheal篮球打得好。(表示对比) 16. Six years ago, there was something wrong with her eyes.(there be 过去时) 六年前,她的眼睛出了毛病。 17. She couldnt see anything. = She could see nothing. 她什么都看不见了。 18. Life was very hard for her when she was young. 当她年轻的时候,生活对她来讲是艰难的。 19. In E

22、nglish, “hard” means “difficult” here. 英语中,“hard”的意思是困难的。 20. No way! 没门!绝对不行!(三)重要语法总结情态动词can / could 的用法 1. 情态动词本身有各种意义,但不能单独做谓语,只能和动词一起构成谓语,表示说话人的语气和情感。没有人称和数的变化。 2. can/could 表示一般的能力,could表示过去的能力,can 表示现在或将来的能力。 3. 当表示允许别人某事时,用can而不用could. 4. 表示提议和请求。在语气上could较客气,但can较肯定。 e.g. A monkey cant swim

23、.She couldnt draw before.-Could I open the door now?-Yes, of course you can.Could you tell me the way to the hospital? (四) 典型练习题一)单项选择1. Bob likes to play _soccer and he also likes to play _piano.A. /; the B. the; the C. the; / D. /; / 2. -_do you want to eat?-Thanks. Im full.A. What else B. What ot

24、her C. Else what D. Other what3. -Do they both like reading books?-Yes. Lucy likes reading science books, _Lily likes reading storybooks. A. so B. or C. while D. when4. -Can Jane sing English songs _the party?-Yes. She can sing them _her teachers help now. A. at; under B. of; with C. of; under D. at

25、; with5. -Can I take away these nice presents?-_. They are for my friends. A. Not way B. No way C. Dont worry D. All right6. -Could Jane dance the disco_?-No, but she could play ball games three years _. A. before; ago B. ago; before C. ago; ago D. before; before7. -Are you good at _?-No, but I do w

26、ell in _. A. swim; fish B. swimming; fishing C. swim; fishing D. swimming; fish8. -Can you draw pictures for me? -_ I have too much homework to do. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I cant. C. Yes, he can. 9. -Li Ming often plays sports on the playground. Can he play basketball? -Yes, he can. He can do it _ A.

27、a little B. very well C. very good 10. We have very _water left. Please go and get some. A. any B. little C. a lot of 11. -There are _drinks in the room. What do you want?-No, thanks. A. so many B. so much C. a little12. -What present would you like to _to the party, Jack?-Its a secret. A. carry B.

28、take C. get13. -Are the twins _in the same school?-Yes, they are. A. all B. both C. each14. She can sing English songs, but she doesnt know _about Chinese songs. A. some B. anything C. a lot二)首字母或适当形式或汉译英填空。1. The word “hard” _(意思是)difficult.2. 我爸爸在十八岁时就能开车了。My father _a car _eighteen.3. 昨天我的自行车坏了。T

29、here _ my bike yesterday.4. 今天公园里有如此多的人。There are _ people in the park today.5. Mary _(写)to her parents twice a month.6. What does the new word _(意思是)?7. 在我父亲的帮助下,我能阅读了。 I can read _.8. _(别的什么) can you sing?9. Maria _(擅长于) performing ballet.10. Life is very _(对困难) him.11. Jane couldnt ride a bike. She _her _(伤了左腿)。12. Something is w_with his eyes. He can see nothing.13. You help me so much, but I s_ cant do it.14. Lucy can _(draw) pictures.15. John and Mike _(fly) k

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