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1、大学英语B专项练习专项练习一、交际用语练习1. Can you turn down the radio, please? _. A. Oh, I know B. Im sorry, I didnt realize it was that loud. C. Ill keep it down next time. D. Please forgive me。答案:B2. These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you so much. _. A. No, no. Its nothing B. You are welcome. C. Yes, I ag

2、ree. D. Yes, I think so, too.答案:B3. Hi, Sam, I think you did a good job. _. A. Thank you B. Dont mention it C. Not at all. D. I did it quite badly答案:A4. Good morning, sir. May I help you? _. A. No, I dont buy anything B. No, I dont need your help C. Yes, I need some sugar D. Oh, no. Thats OK.答案:C5.

3、Could you help me with my homework, please? _. A. No, no way B. No, I couldnt C. No, I cant D. Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now 答案:D6. Why dont you travel to New York on vacation? _. A. I dont want to go B. Excuse me, because I cant C. I want to but I havent got enough money D. Beca

4、use Im going to school today答案:C7. Would you like to go fishing with us now? _. A. No, I dont like B. It sounds interesting but I have lots of homework to do C. I wont tell you D. Oh, it is well答案:B8. Could I speak to John Harris, please. _. A. Oh, how are you B. Im John C. Im listening D. Speaking答

5、案:D9. Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest. _. A. Yes, I beat the others B. No, no, I didnt do it well C. Thank you D. Its a pleasure答案:C10. Can I have a look at your passport? _. A. It is B. Here is it C. Here you are D. No, you cant答案:C11. Why dont you travel to New Yo

6、rk on vacation? _. A. I dont want to go B. Excuse me, because I cant C. I want to but I havent got enough money D. Because Im going to school today 答案:12. Would you like to go fishing with us now? _. A. No, I dont like B. It sounds interesting but I have lots of homework to do C. I wont tell you D.

7、Oh, it is well答案:13. Could I speak to John Harris, please. _. A. Oh, how are you B. Im John C. Im listening D. Speaking答案:14. Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest. _. A. Yes, I beat the others B. No, no, I didnt do it well C. Thank you D. Its a pleasure答案:15. Can I have

8、a look at your passport? _. A. It is B. Here is it C. Here you are D. No, you cant答案:16. My grandmothers taken ill and Ive got to go down to the hospital. _. A. Were going to the same place B. Very sorry to hear it. I hope its nothing serious C. Really? D. Let me go with you答案:17. Well done. Congrat

9、ulations on your success. _. A. Thank you very much B. Oh, no, no C. No, I didnt do very well D. Sorry, I couldnt any better答案:18. That man alone over therewho is he? _. A. He is a student B. He is Doctor Took C. A driver, I suppose D. Hes drunk答案:19. Well, its getting late. I must be going. Thank y

10、ou again for inviting me to the party. _. A. Oh, its so late B. Thank you for coming C. Oh, so soon? D. I really had a happy time答案:20. 1 want to go to New York. Whats the fare? _. A. Pardon me? B. Im sorry C. Yes, 1 dont understand D. Im not understanding答案:21. Can I help you with the bag? _. A. No

11、, no. I can take it myself. B. Thank you C. Sorry, you cant D. No, Im all right答案:22. Hello, Id like to speak to Mark, please. _. A. Yes, Im Mark B. This is Mark speaking C. Its me here D. This is me答案:23. Can you go out with us for dinner this evening? _. A. No, I already have plans B. Thanks a lot

12、 but Im busy tonight C. No, I really dont like being with you D. Im ill, so I shouldnt go out for dinner答案:24. Sorry, I must be leaving now, because theres a meeting _. A. Oh, no, you cant B. Yes, you can leave if you like C. Do you really have to go? Couldnt you at least stay for another cup of tea

13、? D. Oh, no. I dont understand答案:25. Id like to book a flight to Shanghai, please. _. A. No, of course not B. Do you mind if I said no? C. Yes, sir, single or return? D. You cant. We are busy答案:二、阅读理解练习Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C

14、or D.Test 1An increasing number of scientists have found that anything that gives you pleasure may be more than just fun. Pleasure and humor might help us live longer, fight off illness, and cure drug addiction. Science has generally neglected pleasure and humor to concentrate on negative things lik

15、e depression and illness, said Dr. William Fry, a psychiatry professor at Stanford University Medical Center in California. But theres a growing realization of just how powerful pleasure is.For example, research shows that smiling and laughing can actually strengthen your immune system, reduce stres

16、s and physical pain, and even help cancer patients. One research project at Loam Linda University showed these beneficial effects of laughter on the body. In the study, ten medical students were hooked up to several machines and spent an hour watching a funny videotape of a man smashing watermelons

17、with a hammer.Researchers were not trying to prove that smashing watermelons is a funny thing to do. They already knew that the volunteers would probably howl with laughter. What the researchers wanted to find out was how grinning, chuckling, and howling affected the volunteers as they watched the v

18、ideo.The researchers were delighted to discover that small but important changes were taking place in the volunteers bloodstream as they giggled or roared with laughter. Their blood showed increased production of white blood cells (the blood cells that defend us against infection and disease). At th

19、e same time, a decrease was noticed in the levels of chemicals that stop the immune system from working properly.Studies such as this seem to show that you should laugh, chortle, and howl as much as possible! You will increase your chances of living a long, healthy life, Thats what one researcher me

20、ans when he says, He who laughs, lasts. For years weve thought that laughter and other forms of pleasure were good for you. Now its a physiological reality.Text 1 译文:越来越多的科学家发现,任何乐事带来的不仅仅是乐趣。快乐和幽默可以使我们增寿、抵御疾病和治疗药物成瘾。“科学家们一直以来忽略了快乐和幽默的作用,而重视研究负面的东西,比如,失落和疾病。”威廉弗莱博士这样说到,“但是也越来越多地认识到快乐的强大力量。”比如,一项研究表明微


22、表明了你应该尽可能地大笑、咯咯地笑或狂笑出声!你长寿、健康的机率会大大增加。这也是一位研究者想要说的:“笑的人才会持久。很多年来我们都认为笑或其他表示快乐的形式都会对你有好处。现在,这是一个生理上的现实了。”46. According to the text pleasure and humor might _.A. cure cancer B. cure infectious diseases C. help people concentrate D. help people quit smoking答案:D第一段中提到pleasure and humor might help us liv

23、e longer, fight off illness, and cure drug addiction,但文章并没有提到能够治疗癌症、医治传染病和使人精力集中。所以A, B, C 答案都不对。Smoking可以认为是一种drug addiction,所以答案应是 D。47. In Dr. William Frys opinion scientists _.A. have paid enough attention to the effect of laughter B. have neglected depression and illnessC. have preferred pleasu

24、re and humor to depression and illnessD. have realized the importance of pleasure in peoples lives答案:D第一段中提到Dr. William Fry讲But theres a growing realization of just how powerful pleasure is。文章也提到科学家忽略了pleasure的作用,而重视研究depression和illness。所以A、B和C肯定是错误的。48. Laughter helps to fight off illness because _

25、.A. it increases blood flow in human body B. it helps the production of blood cellsC. it can strengthen the immune system and reduces physical pain D. it can reduce chemicals in human blood答案:C这一题是逻辑推理题。Laughter能够有助于抵御疾病,其原因必须是直接原因。抵御疾病的直接原因应是免疫系统能力的提高和减轻病痛,所以答案应是C。49. In the text the researchers we

26、re trying to find out _.A. how the ten students would laugh B. why the ten students laughedC. how laugh would affect the students D. why smashing watermelons was funny答案:C第三段中提到科学家实验的目的并非是要了解砸烂西瓜是否有趣,他们最终是要了解笑是如何影响这些接受实验的学生。50. The best title for the text would be _.A. Laughter-A Powerful Medicine B

27、. Laughter-An Illness KillerC. Laugh and Live Long D. A Psychological Reality答案:A本文的核心是讲笑能帮助抵御疾病。所以“有效的药物”来形容笑是比较合适的。而killer(杀手)一词有些言过其词了,C和D离题材又太远了。Test 2Thomas Alva Edison, the American inventor, was born in 1847. Even as a child, he was always curious and always trying to invent new things. He wa

28、s not a good student in school, but by the time he was a teenager, he had already had several jobs: store owner, telegraph operator, and inventor. He also had done lots of chemistry experiments on his own.However, what Edison really wanted to do was research. He established his first laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey, and later he set up another one in West Orange, New Jersey. In these laboratories, he enjoyed trying to come up with solutions to problems that no one else had been able to solve.One of his most exc

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