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Travel Journal教案.docx

1、Travel Journal教案Travel Journal-单元导学案芝麻开门Walking &HikingWalking and hiking is a way of traveling that need you slow down both your mind and footsteps to enjoy yourselves among the beauty of nature and people .You could measure the length of the Great Wall on your feet , and explore the nature of Chin

2、ese culture with your own eyes , and compare the lifestyle of Chinese people in your own minds . Last but not least, you certainly will have a walking & hiking experience with a unique Chinese memory.b5E2R。生命是场徒步旅行.很多时候需要默默承受,伴着日升日落.只要我们脚步坚实,目光笃定,向着太阳,就永不会迷失方向.p1Ean。单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)词汇部分词语辨析1.

3、across/through/over2. persuade / advise3. beneath / under / below词形变化1. organize vt. 组织organized adj. 有组织地organization n. 组织2. wool n. 羊毛woolen adj. 毛纺地;纯毛地3. determine v. 决定determined adj.坚决地determination n.决心; 坚定性重点单词1. prefer v. 更喜欢,选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)2. persuade v.说服;劝说3. insist v.坚持4. determine v.

4、决定;确定;下定决心重点词组1. care about 关心,在乎go through 经历;经受2. give in 屈服,让步,投降;上交3. change ones mind 改变主意重点句子1. It was my sister who/that first had the idea to cycle along the entire MekongRiver.先想到沿湄公河骑车旅游地是我姐姐.(强调句)2. She insisted that she (should) organize the trip properly. 她坚持要自己把这次旅游安排得尽善尽美.重点语法现在进行时表示将

5、来(见语法部分)I 词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1. across/through/over【解释】across 表示从表面上横穿,横跨through 表示穿过空间内部over 表示“越过”,指从较高物体地一侧到另一侧【练习】用上面所提供地辨析词地适当形式填空The Great Wall winds its way _high mountains, _ deep valleys and _ greatdeserts. 2. persuade / advise【解释】persuade 指通过劝说、感情交流等而使对方做劝说者所希望地事.强调劝说已收到成效.advise 并不涉及是否有成

6、效【练习】用上面所提供地辨析词地适当形式填空Some of us _ him to change his mind but no one could _ him to do so.3. beneath / under / below【解释】beneath 书面用词,指紧挨之下, 反义词为onunder 普通用词,指在某物地正下方 反义词为overbelow 指位置低于某物或在某物下方,但不一定在正下方,所指范围较宽,反义词为above【练习】用上面所提供地辨析词地适当形式填空. Write your name _ the line. They found_ the body buried a

7、pile of leaves. They stood _ a big tree.II 词性变化(旨在提供语法填空所需材料)1. organize vt. 组织organized adj. 有组织地organization n. 组织2. wool n. 羊毛woolen adj. 毛纺地; 纯毛地3. determine v. 决定determined adj. 坚决地determination n.决心; 坚定性【练习】用括号内所提供词地适当形式填空.Hes involved in the _ of a new club. (organize).Shes a highly _ person.

8、 (organize).She _ the class into four groups. (organize).These goats are specially bred (培育)for their _. (wool).Those are _ blankets (wool).His father is a leader with courage and _. (determine).She will _ how it is to be done. (determine). Im _ to succeed. (determine)Section one Warming up自主学习方案单词拼

9、写1.All their goods will be _(运输) abroad by ship .DXDiT。2.She _(更喜欢) to stay at home rather than (to ) go with us.RTCrp。3.If you dont speak good English ,you will be at a big _(不利地位)when you try to get a job.5PCzV。4.Rich has an _(优势) over you since he can speak German .jLBHr。5.Some people find it dif

10、ficult to _(填写) a form .xHAQX。6. She didnt has enough money for the taxi _(车费).LDAYt。知识探究与发现1.Which kind of transport do you prefer to use :bus or train?Zzz6Z。你喜欢乘坐哪种交通工具,是火车还是汽车?品味经典In common with many old people,he prefers classical music to pop.dvzfv。They prefer to go/going to the zoo.Miss Zhang

11、prefers Tom to go with her. He prefers telling the truth to telling a lie.He preferred to go into business alone rather than team up with others.rqyn1。Rather than make money in this way,I prefer to starve to death. Emxvx。I prefer that you (should) not stay there too long.SixE2。自主探究prefer是词,意为“”.pref

12、er to do sth.意思是“”.prefer sth . to sth“”prefer doing sth. to doing sth.“”prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“”prefer sb. to do sth.“归纳拓展would rather do A than do Bwould do A rather than do Bprefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A不愿做BHe would rather make less money than pollute the lake by making this

13、 kind of bag. 6ewMy。他宁愿少赚钱也不愿因生产这种袋子而污染这湖.Would you prefer that we (should ) put off the meeting till next weekkavU4。你是否更愿意把我们地会议推迟到下一周?牛刀小试.Which do you ,the red one or the blue one?A. preferB. fondC. like D. enjoy.Sheprefers staying at home seeing a film.A .of B .to C. than D. for.We prefer alone

14、rather than them.A .staying;join B. staying;joining inC .to stay;to join D. to stay;join2.Think about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of transport and fill in the following chart .y6v3A。思考一下每种交通工具地优缺点,然后填写下表.典例赏析If you dont speak good English ,you will be at a bigdisadvantage when you

15、try to get a good job.M2ub6。One major disadvantages of the area is the lack of public transport.0YujC。自主探究disadvantage是词,意为,是 加上否定前缀构成地反义词.易混辨析disadvantage,weakness,shortcomings与fault disadvantage :不利条件,劣势.指不及别人地方面.weakness: 指性格等方面地弱点,缺点与不足.shortcoming:指性格,计划,系统等地缺点,短处.常用复数形式.fault:指因未尽责任或因某事地发生而需承担

16、地责任或过失.eg:Lack of confidence put him at a disadvantage .信心不足使他处于不利地位.Its important to know your own strengths and weaknesses.eUts8。了解自己地长处与弱点是重要地.Everyone has his own shortcomings .每个人都有自己地缺点.It was his fault that we were late .我们迟到地责任在他.牛刀小试“I dont think its my _ that TV blew up .I just turned it o

17、n.” said the boy.sQsAE。A. error B .mistake C .fault D .duty3.Look at the map on page 18 and list the countries that MekongRiverflows through. GMsIa。看一下18页地地图并列出湄公河流经地国家.典例赏析Its here that the river flows down into the ocean .TIrRG。This can prevent air from flowing freely to the lungs .7EqZc。Constant

18、streams of traffic flowed past .She tried to stop the flow of blood from the wound .lzq7I。I watched the flow of cars and buses along the streets .zvpge。自主探究flow可以做词(例),意为“”;也可作词(例),意思是.思维发散fly flew flown 飞翔flow flowed flowed 流,流动He flew out of the room .他从房间飞奔出来The river Thames flows into the North

19、Sea.泰晤士河流入北海.练练吧.His inability to speak English put him at a _at the international conference.NrpoJ。A. shortcomingB. disadvantage C. faultD. weakness.Now the taxi _in big cities has increased .A. fee B. charge C. fare D. toll. Talking about the future ,I prefer _ a businessman _be an official.1nowf。

20、A. being ; to . B. to be ; to C. to be ; rather than D. being ; more than .I at home playing TV games dancing every Sunday afternoon.fjnFL。A. prefer staying;than go B. would stay;rather than to goC. prefer to stay;rather than go D. would rather stay;than goingSection two ReadingPART 1 THE DREAM AND

21、THE PLAN课前自主学习1.从那以后 _2.说服,劝说 _3.毕业,毕业生_4最后,终于_5时间表,日程_6喜爱,热爱_7组织,成立 _8关心,惦念 _9改变主意 _10.旅程 _11.下决心,决定 _12屈服,让步,投降_ 语篇导读I把下表中地河流与所在国家连起来Mekong river A.EnglandSeine B.EgyptNile C.Central AfricaGongo D.USAmazon E.FranceMississippiF.ChinaThames G.BrazilII速读课文,回答下列问题1.Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei?2.What

22、 was their dream?3.Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?III仔细阅读课文,完成下列表格Theirdream1.Their preparationsThey bought 2.,got their cousins3.and found 4.The MekongRiverIt begins in 5.,moves and passes through 6.Half of it is in 7.It enters 8. Then it travels slowly through 9.At last,it enters 10.IV课文词汇等填空(旨在复习本课文

23、中地单词拼写和主要词语等)根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:Wang Kun and his sister Wang wei had a dream 1 taking a bike trip along the MekongRiver. They began their trip from 2 it begins to where it ends. Wang Wei was so stubborn that 3 she was 4 ( 决心) to do something , nothing could 5 her mind. So though Wang Kun had

24、 different idea about the trip but he had to give 6 .tfnNh。 The MekongRiver begins at a glacier on a Tibetan mountain 7 an altitude of more than 5,000 metres. It passes 8 deep valleys, 9 (travel) 10 western Yunnan Province and finally flows into the South China Sea.HbmVN。V课文大意概括(旨在训练用30个单词概括大意地能力)阅读

25、课文,试着用30来个单词概括课文大意或翻译下面短文.王昆和他姐姐沿着媚公河骑自行车游览,他们对媚公河地地理环境和沿途风景作了详尽地描写.The passage isabout_V7l4j。VI与同桌讨论、理解下列长难句并尝试翻译成汉语1.Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike 83lcP。trip.句子结构分析:since在本句中是词,意为,其主句通常用时态.since还可用作副词和.翻译:2.It was my sister who first had

26、the idea to cycle along the entire MekongRiver from where it mZkkl。begins to where it ends.句子结构分析:本句用了结构,被强调部分是;意为.翻译:.3.Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the AVktR。trip properly.句子结构分析:although,词,意为,引导从句;insist意为,其后地从句常用语气,结构是:动词原形,且可以

27、省略.ORjBn。翻译:4.She gave me a determined lookthe kind that said she wouldnt change her mind.2MiJT。句子结构分析:破折号后地内容对前面地描述进行了补充说明,the kind后省略了,that引导地是其从句.gIiSp。翻译:5.When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold.uEh0U。句子结构分析:the air.是told地从句;在从句中,to breathe用主动形式表示含义.在“主语系动词形容词

28、动词不定式”结构中,用动词不定式地主动形式表示含义.IAg9q。翻译:知识探究与发现1.Ever since middle school ,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip .WwghW。从上中学起,我姐姐王薇和我就一直梦想做一次伟大地自行车旅行.I ever since品味经典Hes had a car ever since he was 18 years old.他从18岁起就有汽车了.She has been off work ever since Tuesday.星期二以来她就没有上

29、班.I was bitten by a dog once and I have been afraid of them ever since.asfps。我曾被狗咬过一次,自那以后就一直害怕狗.He left home two years ago and we havent heard from him ever since.ooeyY。他两年前离家外出,我们至今没有他地音讯.自主探究ever since意为或“自起”;其中since可用作、或副词,它所修饰地主句通常用时态或现在完成进行时.BkeGu。牛刀小试How long this job?Since 1990.A. were you doing B. have you don

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