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1、自考口译与听力答案Unit six Opening and Closing CeremoniesLesson 1女士们,先生们,上午好! 我很荣幸地代表戴比尔斯公司欢迎你们来到美丽的大连参加“中国钻石节”。/借此机会我想介绍一下出席大会的代表们(介绍代表们的名字、职位和简要背景)。/在随后一天半的时间里,我们将有机会互相了解,并就影响钻石业的相关问题进行讨论。/今天大会的宗旨是广泛交流信息。/我们戴比尔斯公司将向你们介绍有关世界钻石珠宝市场的最新调查结果。/更为重要的是介绍最近发布的有关中国钻石珠宝业善的最新调查结果。/自从1992年我们进入中国市场以来,我们对中国的责任已大大加强。/过去的几

2、年,中国的形势令人鼓舞,经济发展显著,管理良好。/我们满怀希望期待着未来,期待你们作为企业的负责人在进一步发展钻石珠宝市场中成为我们的合作者。/希望你们提出问题,开展对话。/我们相信在明后天我们共同相处的一天半时间中,戴比尔斯公司、你们及钻石珠宝精兵成员们都会从中受益。 我就不再罗嗦了,下面请琼。布朗夫人发言。Lesson 2介绍 我代表萨斯尔大使和美国政府,欢迎大家参加这次讨论会。/感谢你们抽出时间参加会议。/萨斯尔大使要我向你们解释,他因陪同副总理兼外交部长钱其琛访问华盛顿以及谒见克林顿总统而不能参加今天上午在这里举行的会议。/不过美国驻北京大使馆的两名官员已经来到了沈阳,他们是:公务公使

3、乔治。比斯利,他今天上午就和我们在一起;商务公使艾兰。特利先生,他一会儿就到。我还要感谢文省长、郭副部长、外事办王主任及所有支持与协助这次会议的人。关系 请允许我谈一下中美两国间广泛而多渠道的关系问题。/这对我们所有的人来说都具有非常重要的意义。/你们知道,美国经济是世界上规模最大的,也是世界上活力的经济之一。/中国拥有世界上最多的人口,经济增长最快。/两国之间有着相互的共同利益。/上个月戈尔副总统成功访华,这表明美国非常重视双方所关心的一切问题的进展情况。/我们的双边合作对双方都是至关重要的,其上目的是使中国在环境方面保持敏感及可持续性发展。/这次会议体现了这一共同关心的问题。美国的进展 关

4、于美国的经验我想强调几点。/随着美国逐步发展成为世界经济强国,我们的环境问题也在加剧,直至1963年通过了空气清洁法,两年后又通过了污染控制法,这一问题才得以解决。/二十八年前,我们就成立了环保局,从那时起,虽然仍面临许多问题,但我们在环保方面却取得了显著进步。/过去三十年,我们发明了很多领先技术用来消除环境危害、控制污染,以避免损伤我们的自然遗产。/美国各公司在环境方面很敏感,他们是很好的投资者和贸易伙伴,因为无论作为买方还是卖方,他们都不愿参与破坏环境或侵犯人权的买卖。/美国公司除了不引起环境问题外,还有着有效处理和防止污染的良好声誉。/中国在这一领域有着广泛的合作空间。东北的经验 我来东

5、北前,也听到一见到过有关这里环境情况的一些负面报导。/我感到惊喜的是中国官员千方百计、日益有效地改善环境的积极态度。/东北也有成功的经验,很值得推广。/例如,大连在马澜江建造了一座12万吨的废水处理厂,洪水得到净化。/据沈阳市报导,它可以把每一万元人民币的经济产量所产生的工业废水由127吨到38吨。/近年来,沈阳及很多东北城市的空气质量已经改善。/然而,还有很多工作要做。/希望我们在这方面继续加强合作。讨论会的目标 这次讨论会旨在使大家更好地了解别人在环境方面保持敏感的观点及可持续性发展的前景。随着会议的进展,我希望能更多地了解有关中国,尤其是东北在这方面的经验。谢谢!Lesson Three

6、(All those on the rostrum and those present took their seats.) Good morning, representatives, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen! The 1999th global celebration ceremony of World Habitat Day formally opens. Please rise for the National Anthem. Sit down, Please. Now, allow me to introduce the

7、distinguished leaders and guests present on the rostrum: Acting Executive Director of UNCHSMr.*; Minister of China Constuction Department, Mr. *; Mayor of Dalian, Mr. *; Chairman of England Construction and Social Housing Fund Committee, Mr.*; Coordinator of UNCHS, Mr. *. Lets welcome the mayor of D

8、alian, Mr. *to give the welcome speech.(The mayor gives the welcome speech.)Thank you, Mr. Mayor. The UN Secretary General, Mr. Annan has sent his greeting speech to the Habitat Day. Please project his speech. (Secretary General Annans speech is projected.) Welcome the minister of Construction Depar

9、tment, Mr. to give his speech.(The minister makes his speech.) Welcome the Actiong Executive Director of UNCHS to give his world habitat day address.(The director addresses.) It is time for the Award Ceremony of the 1999th UN Habitat Prize which is set by UN as the highest honor prize for the govern

10、ments, organizations, individuals all over the world that have made remarkable contributions in habitat field. Lets welcome the coordinator of UNCHS to announce and introduce the list of prize winners.(The list is announced.)Lets invite the Acting Executive Director of UNCHS to present the award.(Mu

11、sic is played) Welcome the Egyptian prize winners to come to the rostrum to recerive your prize. Dalian Mayorthe Indian representativesColombian representativesSlovakian .BelgianAmericanGhanaianKenyan Lets welcome the Chairman of England Construction and Social Housing Fund Committee to announce and

12、 introduce the 1999th Habitat Prizes for Individuals.(The list is introduced and announced)Welcome MR. and Mr. from Britain to come to the rostrum to receive your prizes. Lets invite the Minister of China Construction Department to present the award.(Music is played) Tody, we observe the grand globa

13、l celebration ceremony of 1999th world habitat day in Dalian, which has achieved complete success under the instruction of UNCHS and with the help of friends in all fields. The celebration, with Cities for All as its theme, has great historic and reaalistic significance. It has uplifted the activity

14、 and objective of world habitat day to a new hight and has greatly promoted the urban construction, the pleasure to declare the 1999th global celebration ceremony of World Habitat Day closed.Lesson 4Closing speech of the Manager of Dalian Port BureauOn the 9th Pan-Pacific Ports SeminarDistinguished

15、guests, ladies and gentlemen:The 9th Pan-Pacific Ports Seminar has completely accomplished its goals as of the scheduled. Today is the closing day, In here, we must first express my gratitude to those who made presentations at the conference, But their witty remarkable and brilliant views have made

16、the profound impression for everybody. We also feel grateful to every lady and gentleman in the conference who took advantage of various forms to communicate with each other, they have enriched the conference content by their unique style and the way. Whats more, wed like to thank Chinese government

17、, especially Dalian Municipal government, for their full support and assistance to the conference, which is essential for the conferences success.Certainly, we should not forget that has provided the friends who from all walks of life for the conference various aspects serve thoroughly, their hard w

18、ork had guaranteed the conference carries on smoothly. With the concerted effort, we have achieved the desired result- exchanging information, deepening understanding, promoting cooperation, and friendship between us.When the conference soon finish, we are relived undoubtedly to believe that this co

19、nference to promote between the ports of the pacific region, the ports and the shipping company, the ports and between the community the communication, the understanding and the cooperation, will play an active role. Our each people in attendance may feel regarding this gratified. Despite getting al

20、ong with each other for a short time, the conference has enhanced our understanding and friendship, leaving us a sweet memory. Today, when we say good-bye, I heartfeltly wish us blooming career and lasting friendship. Were eagerly waiting to see each other in Melbourne when the new millennium comes.

21、Now, I declare the closing of the 9th Pan-Pacific Ports Seminar.Unit seven WelcomeLesson One联合国人居中心执行行政主任在世界居住日的讲话名位来宾、女士们、先生们: 欢迎各位来到中国大连, 很高兴与诸位一起庆祝世界居住日。大连是庆祝这个节日的最佳地方,这座城市和这个国家都体现了迎接不断变化、不断城市化的世界所需的进取精神和奉献精神。 今天我非常高兴能来到这里,因为这个时刻标志着我们已跨越新千年的门槛。1999年,全球已经或将要城市化,有史以来居住在城市里的人口将首次超过一半以上。这次城市革命为我们这个时代

22、提供了最大的机遇,同时它也向世界提出了严峻的挑战。 今年世界居住日的主题全人类的城市,它把我们的注意力集中在了所有的、被排除在享受城市生活乐趣之外的城市居民身上,这个现实可能是我们集体管理的最大失败之一,它导致城市分化为:服务齐全的“高级城市”和一成不变的、贫穷的“低级城市”。联合国发展计划署的人类发展报告显示,13亿人喝不到清洁的水,同样数量的人每天生活费不足一美元,我们所目睹的完全是大规模的城市贫困化。 与此同时,世界财富却在创造新的记录,人类发展计划报告显示,“1994年至1998年间世界最富有的200人的净财富从4400亿美元增长到一万亿美元以上,”这个数字相当于48个最不发达国家国民

23、生产总值的总和。 贫富之间的悬殊导致了多种形式的隔离,人们自身与环境隔离。穷人无家可归,贫困潦倒,难以行使自己的权利。而这些权利本应是其理所当然应该享有的,包括隐私权和家庭生活权。不及时、不可靠的公共交通对于有能力的人和无能力的人都是一种阻碍;路灯的不足使得市民感觉在夜间很不安全,对妇女和儿童更是如此。 隔离也是一种社会现象,无论是在发展中国家还是在发达国家,种族歧视,即按照种族、宗教、或文化的不同而在城市划一些分界线。一些国家的法律、法规规定妇女不能拥有财产和房屋。更多的人把有限的钱财投资到建造住宅上,而又不被官方或金融机构认可。城市的贫穷是经济隔离过程的最终结果。缺乏教育、培训,充满竞争的

24、就业市场及误导性政策削弱了城市的生产能力,阻碍了那些官方部门充分发挥其市场潜力。 最具有影响的隔离形式之一就是政治隔离,教育的缺乏加上政治上的隔离使得穷人无法积极参与到影响他们生活的决定中去。The Vice-Mayor of Dalians welcome speech 0n the International Urban Water Conservation WorkshopDelegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, and FriendsFirstly, I will extend our sincere congratulation on the opening

25、of the international urban water conservation workshop on behalf of the government of Dalian and the people of Dalian. Let us express our warmly welcome to domestic and foreign friends to participates in symposium.Dalian is one of the cities of severe water shortage in China. Since 1954, Dalian has

26、made great contribution to the ensurance of the safe water supply to the city. For twice Dalian has been conferred honorable awards on “Model City of Water Conservation” by the state. Compares with the domestic and foreign advanced cities, there still some way to go. This workshop provides us with a

27、n excellent opportunity to modestly learn their advanced experiences, carefully compares and finds the weak points and promotes our work. The peoples government of Dalian has solved the municipal water use question to list as one of the priorities urban development summary important contents, and we

28、 have been taken the practical effective measure to further improve the citys water conservation. While the city government proposed to stick to the policy of “broaden sources of income and reduces expenditure”, we will not in the slightest degree, and never neglect the work in the mitigatory situat

29、ion of water supply for the city, and strive for building Dalian into a city of water conservation.This international conservation has great significance ton promote our citys water conservation work. I hope the organizing department and the unit concerned will do the service work well, and warmly a

30、nd thoughtfully, and the seminar will attain the result as expected.Finally, I wish the international urban water conservation workshop a complete success.Welcome speech of the Vice-mayor of DalianOn the reception of the 9th Pan-Pacific Ports Seminar of the Pacific RegionDistinguished guests, ladies

31、 and gentlemen:Its my great pleasure to have opportunity to merrily gather with all the friends from the port-shipping field of the Pacific Region. All of you get together in the beautiful coastal city of China-Dalian, from afar to attend the 9th Pan-Pacific Ports Seminar of the Pacific Region and e

32、xplore together the mutually concerned issues of the port-shipping field of the Pacific Region. This is really the grand occasion of the field.Please allow me, on behalf of the peoples government of Dalian, to extend warmest welcome to all of the friends.Ladies and gentlemen:In the vigorous economic region of China, Dalian plays the important role, in 1997, the GDP of Dalian were ¥82,9 billion, the total import and export values of the self-managing products was

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