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1、新视野大学英语第一册教案UnitUnit 4 Section A How to Make a Good ImpressionTeaching Objectives:1. to grasp the main idea ( qualities that we can use to impress others.)2. to master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3. to conduct a serious of reading, listening, speaking and writing a

2、ctivities related to the theme of the unit.Importance and difficulties:1. The whole text structure & the main idea 2. New words and key sentence patterns3. Writing skill:a general statement support by a list of things or examples. Basic materials and references:1. new horizon college English and ref

3、erence book for teaching2. other reading materials and pictures3. 使用多媒体演示文稿,使用电脑磁带复读机及语音教室训练听力,在网上进行教师与学生的教学互动Lesson procedure:(4 periods)Period 1 (20mins)Period 2 (3 classes)Period 3 (1 class)Period 4 (1.5 classes)Warm-up exercisesGlobal readingDetailed reading ofSection AAfter reading activitiesSe

4、ction BTeaching procedure: Period 1:(20mins)I. Warm-up activities1. How long does it take us to judge the people we meet?-we judge other people within the first seven seconds of meeting them. 2. What is one way you can have a positive effect on other people? -by using unspoken languages, such as eye

5、 contacts, facial expressions and body movements. II. Global Reading: Main idea of the text: In the passage, several points that we can make use of to impress others are listed: you are the message; be yourself; use your eyes; and lighten up.Period 2: (3 classes)III. New vocabulary and language poin

6、tsA. New vocabulary: .1. impression: n. 1. the effect produced in someones mind 印象,效果He has told me his plan and hes made a good impression on me.2. an idea or opinion that one forms about something 感觉,感想I have the impression that hes not pleased. 2. conscious: n. 1. realizing something 感觉到,意识到The c

7、hildren were conscious of their mothers unhappiness. 2. fully awake; knowing what is happening around 处于清醒状态,有知觉的The patient was conscious. 这位病人处于清醒状态。3. attitude: n. 1. a position of the body 姿势,姿态strike an attitude 装腔作势2. the way one thinks and feels about something or someone 态度,看法What is your at

8、titude to her work? 你对她的工作是怎么看的?4. reaction: n. 1. the way a person reacts to something 反应What was his reaction to your idea? 2. a course of change that occurs when two or more kinds of matter are put together反应,作用a chemical reaction between iron and oxygen 铁与氧的化学反应5. range: v. 1. occur (between cer

9、tain limits) (在一定幅度或范围内)变动,变化Prices range from $10 to $25. 价格从10美元到25美元不等。2. put things in rows; order in a line or lines 排列,把排成行He had ranged the bottles from small to large in rows against the wall.n., 1. a choice; a variety 种类;广泛(性)They can take part in a wide range of free time activities. 他们能参加

10、各种各样的业余活动。2. the distance over which an object can be sent or thrown; the distance over which a sound can be heard, etc. 射程; 距离,范围We are within range of their guns. 我们正处在他们大炮的射程之内。6.:introduction : n. 1. the introducing of one person to another 介绍,(正式)引见He made the introduction and everyone shook ha

11、nds. 他作了介绍,大家都握了握手。2. the introducing of something 引进,采用the introduction of new methods 采用新方法7. interview: n. 1. a meeting and discussion with someone seeking a job, etc.(对求职者等的)面谈,面试a job interview 招聘面谈Ive got an interview with the company. 我被这家公司邀去面试。2. a discussion in which a television or radio

12、reporter asks a person questions that he thinks listeners would like to hear the answers to (记者等的)采访,访谈a TV interview 电话采访vt., question a person in an interview 对.进行面谈(或面试);对.采访They interviewed seven people for the job. 他们为这工作面试了七个人。8. encounter: n. a meeting with someone that happens by chance 意外(或

13、偶然)相遇a short encounter with a friend 与一位朋友的短暂相遇vt., meet or have to deal with (sth. bad, esp. a danger or difficulty)遇到,遭遇(尤指危险或困难)If you take up this assignment, you are likely to encounter many difficulties.9. focus:v. direct attention to one point 使(注意力)集中We must focus on increasing our home mark

14、ets. 我们必须把注意力放在拓宽国内市场上。10. persuasion : n. the act of making someone do something, or not do something, by arguing with them and advising them 说服,劝说After a lot of persuasion, he agreed to come. 经多次劝说后他才同意来。11. persuasive: a. able to persuade someone to do or believe something 有说服力的,能说得使人相信的a persuas

15、ive reason 有说服力的理由12. presentation: n. the presenting of something 表现,描述I was asked to give a short presentation on the aims of the plan.他们要求我就这计划的目的作一个简短的陈述。13. physical: a. 1. having to do with ones body 身体的,肉体的Physical activity encourages good health. 体育活动有助于健康。2. having to do with things that ca

16、n be seen 物质的,有形的,实物的physical difficulty 具体的困难physical objects 实物14. appearance: n. 1. what can be seen of a person, thing, etc. 外观,外貌,外表From his appearance he seemed very rich. 从外表看,他似乎非常有钱。2. the art of begining to exist or becoming within ones reach 出现Its been five years since the appearance of h

17、er first book. 自她的第一本书出版已有五年了.15. rate: n. 1. the speed with which something happens or is done 速度,速率He works at a very fast rate. 他工作的速度非常快。2. the number of occasion within a certain period of time when something happens 比率,率There is a high accident rate in this factory. 这个工厂的事故率很高。16. pitch n. the

18、 highness or lowness of a voice or a musical note(说话等)声音(或音调)的高低度;音高He raised his voice to an even higher pitch. 他的声音提得更高了。17. tone n. the quality of a sound, esp. of the human voice 音调,音Her tone showed that her patience was limited. 她的语气表示她的耐心是有限度的。18. gesturen. a movement of the hand, head, etc. t

19、hat expresses something 手势,示意动作The driver of the car in front made an angry gesture and drove off.前面那辆车的司机作了个愤怒的手势,然后开走了。19. absorbvt. 1. hold someones attention completely or interest someone greatly吸引的注意力,使感兴趣History is a subject that absorbs her. 历史是一门使她全身心投入的课程。2. take in and hold something 吸收Th

20、is material absorbs water. 这种材料能吸水。20. stridevi., walk with long steps, often because you are feeling very sure and determined大踏步走,阔步行进He strode up to the house and knocked on the door. 他迈开大步走向屋子,敲起门来。n. a long step 大步; 步态, 步法21. impress vt. make someone feel admiration and respect 给深刻的印象,使钦佩Shes al

21、ways trying to impress people with her writings.22. consistent a., 1. always having the same opinions, standard, behaviour, etc. 一贯的He was consistent in arriving late. 他一贯迟到。2. agreeing 一致的This report is consistent with what we already know. 这个报道与我们所知道的是一致的consistently ad. 一贯地,一直We must try to keep

22、up a consistently high standard. 23. depress vt. make someone unhappy 使抑郁,使沮丧The thought of going to work tomorrow really depresses me. 想到明天要上班我就心烦。Hes been very depressed since he lost his job. 24.audiencen., a group of people who watch or listen to a play, concert, speech, the television, etc. 观众,

23、听众The audience was /were wild with joy. 观众欣喜若狂。25. contactn., 1. a state in which two people or things touch each other 接触Children need a close physical contact with a caring adult. 2. communication with a person, official group, country, etc. 接触,联系,交往Ive lost contact with most of my school friends.

24、 26. relaxv., make or become less worried or stressed; spend time not doing very much使(困难等) 减少;(使) 休息,放松This holiday will give you a chance to relax. 27. entertainment n. things to do that interest and humour people 娱乐,供消遣的东西entertainment industry 娱乐业28. roar vi. make a loud, deep sound 大声叫喊,咆哮He ro

25、ared with laughter at the joke. 听到这笑话,他哈哈大笑。29. humor (英 humour)n. the funny or pleasing quality or qualities of somebody or something 幽默,诙谐It is sometimes hard to understand the humor of another country. 有时很难理解别国的幽默。30. broodv., (over, on) worry, or think a lot about something that makes you sad(不快

26、或怨忿地)想;忧伤;考虑to brood on a failing or a fault 入神思忖那次失败B: Phrases and Expressions1. make up ones mind decide 下定决心,打定主意I cant make up my mind between these two dishes that the restaurant offers.2. range from. to. occur 从. 到. (范围或幅度内)变化His feelings on the matter have ranged from bitterness to h

27、ope.The market prices of commercial housing range from 2,000 to 8,000 yuan per square meter.3. focus ondirect (something such as ones attention) firmly on (a subject); pay attention to He focused his attention on the map. 他的注意力都集中在那张地图上。The speech focused on the way the Internet influenced our life.

28、4. drive someone crazy make someone feel very angry or annoyedHis lack of order drove his girlfriend crazy. 5. at ones best in ones best state or condition 处于最佳状态,在全盛时期This is an example of his work at its best. 这代表了他最佳时期的作品。6. communicate withspeak to; send a message to; be understood by (someone)

29、与.交谈,与.交流We can communicate with each other by telephone. 我们可以用电话相互交流。7. lighten upsomething you say to tell someone to stop being so serious or annoyed 放松,不要生气Lighten up, would you? She didnt mean to break the glass. 别生气了,行吗?她不是有意打碎瓶子的。8. take .seriouslytreat a thing or person as important 认真地对待某人或

30、某事Dont take him seriously-hes often joking. 别跟他认真- 他常开玩笑。C. Language Points1. Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them. (Para. 1)Meaning: Research shows within the first seven seconds when we meet someone, we form our opinio

31、n about him or her through nonverbal communication. make up our minds about people: form our opinions about people. The phrase make up ones mind also means decide. 2. Consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions, ranging from comfort to fear. (Para. 1)Meaning: Whether we are aware of, or unaware of it, we use our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes to express our feelings. This causes a sequence of various reactions fro

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