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1、高考易错短语搭配come off:1. 脱落,掉下;分离:His hair began to come off.他的头发开始脱落。2. 举行;进行;发生;出现:When is the wedding coming off?婚礼什么时候举行?Did everything come off all right?一切都进行得顺利吗?3. 成功;实现:The experiment did not come off.实验没有成功。4. 结束;完成;停止:He has just come off a difficult assignment.他刚刚结束了一项艰巨任务。Call:callforsth.(sb

2、.)需要,要求;接(某人)、来取(某物);喊着要人取来calloff 叫走,转移开;取消,不举行callin收回,召回get across: 使理解,使相信get through:通过;到达;做完;接通电话;度过,熬过(gettosb :使某人受到影响(causesb.tosufferorbeupset)get in1.进入,参加;What time does the train from London get in?2.收集,收割;进(货);收(税、账等):He will have to get in more money.3.插入(话) get off (从)下来;逃脱惩罚 .come t

3、hrough经历;安然度过;获得成功cut out:1. 切去,割去,剪去;删去:The doctor cut out his tonsils.医生切除了他的扁桃腺。You should cut out the unimportant details.你应当删除掉这些不重要的细节。2. 裁剪;剪出:The shoemaker carefully examined the leather before starting to cut out the uppers.鞋匠仔细察看了这张皮子以后才开始裁剪鞋帮儿。3. 口语击败;取代;排挤:Mary was going to marry Charles

4、 but Jim cut him out.玛丽本来打算和查尔斯结婚,但是吉姆把查尔斯排挤掉了。4. 口语戒除,停止服用:I have decided to cut out smoking and drinking.我已决定戒烟戒酒。 Keep up:保持 继续 维持 跟上(时代)keep up with: 1. 跟上 They walked so fast that I could not keep up with them. 他们走得那么快,我没法跟上。2. 和.保持联系 She has kept up with some of her friends since her retiremen

5、t. 她退休后一直同一些朋友保持着联系。make up:1.构成,组成;形成;占: The committee is made up of six women.2.make up (with sb.) 与某人言归于好3.准备(食物): Ill make up a packed meal for the journey.4.完成(订货、定单等);Your job will be to make up the customers orders.5.按处方配药;配制(药)合成药剂: The chemist is making up the doctors order.drop in 顺便拜访drop

6、 in on sb drop in at spcarry on:1. 从事;经营;进行;继续:Isabellas father carried on a trade in silks.伊莎贝拉的父亲经营丝绸业。2. (尤指迎着困难)进行下去,继续进行,坚持下去:They will carry on their negotiations next week.他们将于下周继续进行谈判。3. 口语举止放肆;举动愚蠢胡闹;吵闹:If you carry on in that way, youll get the school a bad name.如果你仍然那样胡闹下去的话,你就会败坏学校的声誉。4.

7、 发怒;悲伤:Our neighbour is always carrying on at her children.我们那个邻居总是向孩子们发脾气。5. 喋喋不休地诉说:She is always carrying on about the rising cost of living.她总是唠唠叨叨地抱怨生活费用不断增长。set off:1. 出发,动身:to set off in the direction of朝着的方向出发2. 使开始(做某事):to set off on something开始干某事3. 引起;激起:to set off a chain reaction引起连锁反应4

8、. 点燃:使爆炸;发射:to set a mine off引爆地雷setouttodo开始做,着手做 = setaboutdoingsb.besetup受陷害,中圈套setback推迟;使受挫setdown写入、印入(正式文件中)giveout:1.(机器或身体某部分stopworking)停止工作Allmachinesgaveouteventually.所有的机器最终都停止了运转。2.用完、用尽;精疲力竭3.分发(作业、文件、物品);散布、公布(消息、文件等)giveaway捐赠;泄露(秘密)goabout:着手做某事(begintodo/dealwithsth.),后跟动名词;到处走动go

9、over 复习;仔细察看gooff:爆炸;(枪、闹铃)响gothrough(法律、计划等)通过,批准;经受(困难);全面检查go out:1. 外出,出去:He didnt go out yesterday.他昨天没有外出。2. 出版;发刊;公布;(电台、电视台)广播:All the wedding invitations have gone out.所有的结婚请帖都发出去了。3. (灯、火等)熄灭;(发动机等)停止运转:The candle has gone out.蜡烛熄灭了。looksb.over上下打量(某人)lookon/ 把某人当作看待look away from

10、把目光从移开Instead,lookawayfromtheproblembyexercising,walking around, going to a store,ortalkingtosomeoneabout it.相反的,通过运动、散步、逛商店或者和某人谈论该问题来转移对此问题的注意力。paydown 当场支付,现金支付putup张贴;搭建;举起;提供临时住处put on:1.增添,增加(体重、肌肉、速度等);加(若干数目)在价格(等)上:He didnt want to put on more weight.2.装腔作势,装模作样:Shes not really ill;she puts

11、 it on to get others sympathy.3.表演;演出,上演(戏剧等):The local drama group are putting on “Sister Jiang” at the Capital Theatre.putdown镇压;写下;放下Put out1.伸出Its dangerous to put out your hand now. 2.灭火;出版 Settle down 安下心来; 定居 takesb.in欺骗某人 takeaftersb.(在外貌、性格上)像某人 takeeffect 生效,起作用 takesth.outonsb 拿某人出气 takeu

12、p占去时间、空间、位置等;开始从事某项工作或活动Haveyoueverthoughtoftakingupacting?takeoff 休假;(事业)腾飞;脱衣;(飞机)起飞;turnup(人或机会出乎意料或事先无计划地)出现:开大turnover翻过来turndown拒绝,谢绝(某人建议、忠告);关小(声音)turnin 上交(也用handin)turn around(使)转身;(使)好转;改变意见;使变得完全不同Do you think our housing sales willturnaroundduring this year?Hold:hold out: 1.伸出,张开 2.顶住,坚

13、持 We must hold out till victory.我们必须坚持到胜利hold out on sb/sth瞒着I dont know why hes been holding out on me.我不知道他为何一直瞒着我。hold to sth1.紧握 2.坚持If we believe something is true and good, we should hold to it.如果我们认为一件事是正确的而且有好处,就应该坚持下去。hold up 1. 举起,抬起,拿起 Hold up your right hand. 2.支持,支撑,承受住 Dont worry. The

14、house will hold up.别担心,房子不会倒下来。3.(天)继续晴下去,放晴 I hope that the fine weather will hold up for some more days. 我希望晴天再持续几天4.(情况)良好、属实 Everyone was doubtful at first, but his statement in detail held up. 起初大家都怀疑,但他的详细叙述证明情况属实。hold over 1.推迟,延续 The meeting holds over until next week.会议延期至下星期召开rule out排除;取消

15、;划去;反对;阻止Build up:1.加大,加强,增多 Eg:The music builds up to a rousing climax.音乐逐渐达到了令人振奋的高潮。 sb/yourselfup增强的体质 sth up建立,开发 Eg:These finds help us build up a picture of life in the Middle Ages. 这些发现有助于构建中世纪的生活画面。 sb/sth up吹捧,鼓吹Eg:The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I fou

16、nd it very disappointing 那部戏被捧为杰作,可我却大失所望。Agree with: 1.(食物、天气、工作等)对适宜”。如:The food does not agree with me.这食物对我不适合。Take a turn for the better 好转I believe the market will take a turn for the better next month. take a turn for the worse 恶化Rather than 而不是(instead of )Other than 1.除之外; 2.非 The actor per

17、formed other than perfectlyin regard to = with respect to 关于Other than / except / besides:1.We went to the park except / other than Joe. 除了Joe,我们都去了公园。(Joe没有去公园)2.We went to the park besides Joe. 除Joe之外,我们也去了公园。(Joe也去了公园)错题:1.Itsgoingtorain.XiaoFeng,willyoupleasehelpme_theclothesontheline?A.getoff B

18、.getback C.getinD.geton2“Goodbye,then,”shesaid,withouteven_fromherbook.lookingdownB.lookingupC.lookingawayD.lookingon3.Theexamresultswillbe_onFridayafternoon.A.putdown B.putoff C.putupD.putaway4.Theexperimenthas_thepossibilityoftheexistenceofanylifeonthatplanet,butitdoesnotmeanthereisnolifeonotherpl

19、anets.A.foundoutB.pointedoutC.ruledoutD.carriedout5.Youlookwell.TheairandtheseafoodsinSanyamust_you,Isuppose.A.agreewithB.agreetoC.agreeonD.agreeabout6.Withinspirationfromotherfoodcultures,Americanfoodculturecantakea_forthebetter.A.share B.chance C.turn D.Lead7.Theformcannotbesignedbyanyone_yourself.A.ratherthan B.otherthan C.morethan D.betterthan

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