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1、非谓语动词对比非谓语动词对比练习1 (1) - Im very _ with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious. - Mm, it does have a _ smell. (2002北京) A. pleasant; pleasedB. pleased; pleasedC. pleasant; pleasantD. pleased; pleasant (2). The salesgirls always gives customers _ smile and the customers are very _. A. pleas

2、ant; pleasedB. pleased; pleasedC. pleasant; pleasantD. pleased; pleasant2 (1) _ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. (2001全国) A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To sufferD. Suffered (2) _ from a bad headache, he had to follow the doctors advice and stay in bed

3、for a couple of days. A. Having sufferedB. SufferingC. To sufferD. Suffered 3. (1) When _, the museum will be open to the public next year. (2002上海春) A. completedB. completingC. being completedD. to be completed (2) After _ the museum, we will open it to the public next.A. completedB. completingC. b

4、eing completedD. to be completed 4. (1) Unless _ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. (2003上海春)A. invitedB. invitingC. being invited D. having invited (2) Without _ to speak, you should remain silent as the conference. A. invitedB. invitingC. being invited D. having invited (3) When

5、 _ many guests, they hurried back to school to get everything ready. A. invitedB. invitingC. being invited D. having invited 5. (1) Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage _ the girl and took her away, _ into the woods. (2004上海春) A. seizing; disappeared B. seized; disappearedC. seizing; disap

6、pearing D. seized; disappearing(2) Suddenly, a tall man _ the girl and taking her away _ into the woods. A. seizing; disappearedB. seized; disappeared C. seizing; disappearingD. seized; disappearing 6. (1) In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run companies are stri

7、ving _ their products more competitive. (2002上海)A. to make B. makingC. to have madeD. having made (2) In order to gain more interest, you should spend less money _ their products more competitive.A. to make B. makingC. to have madeD. having made 7. (1) An army spokesman stressed that all the soldier

8、s had been ordered _ clear warnings before firing any shots. (2003上海) A. to issueB. being issuedC. to have issuedD. to be issued(2) It is said that there is some important information in the magazine _ next month.A. to issueB. being issuedC. to have issuedD. to be issued 8. (1) Im going to the super

9、market this afternoon. Do you have anything _? (2004上海春)A. to be buyingB. to buyC. to be boughtD. bought (2) The novel _ at a low price in second-hand bookstore is very interesting.A. to be buying B. to buyC. to be boughtD. bought 9.(1)_hardandyoullmakerapidprogressinyourEnglishlearning._hard,youllm

10、akerapidprogressinyourEnglishlearning. A.WorkingB.Towork C.WorkD.Worked 10._,wewentforaswimintheriver. _,sowewentforaswimintheriver. A. BeinghotB.Itbeinghot C.AsithotD.Itwashot 11.Theflowerneeds_rightnow. A.waterB.watering C.towaterD.beingwatered Thewarm-bloodedanimalsdontneed_. A.hibernateB.tohiber

11、nate C.hibernatingD.beinghibernated 12. Icanthelp_whenIhearthatterriblenoise. Hesaidhecouldnthelpbut_when heheardthatterriblenoise. A.laughingB.laughed C.laughD.beinglaughed Icanthelp_theroom,forIamverybusynow. C.havecleanD.cleaned13. Inthe_weekwellhaveanotherexam. Intheweek_,wellh

12、aveanotherexam. A.comingB.tocome C.comeD.came 14. _fromthetower,ourTianjincitylooksmorebeautiful. _fromthetower,wecanseeourbeautifulTianjincity. A.SeeingB.SeenC.Tosee D. Havingseen 15.Thesportmeet_nextweekisofgreatimportance. Thesportsmeet_nowisveryimportant Thesportsmeet_lastweekisofgreatimportance

13、. A.holdingB.beingheld C.tobeheldD.held 16. Heraisedhisvoiceinordertomakeus_him. Heraisedhisvoiceinordertomakehimself_. A.heardB.hearing C.hearD.tobeheard 17. (1)Hestoodtherewithhiseyes_hismother (2)Hestoodthere,_hismother A.staringatB.staredon C.fixinguponD.fixedupon 18. Mostofuswenttoseeher,_someg

14、irls. Mostofuswenttoseeher,somegirls_. A.includeB.including C.included D.toinclude 19. Hewassurprisedtoseesomevillagers_there. Tohissurprise,hesawsomevillagers_themselves. A.seatB.seated C.seatingD.toseat 20.Theman_Zhaosanusedtolivehere. Theman_himselfZhaosanusedtolivedhere. A.calledB.calling C.toca

15、 21.Hehadnochoicebut_atthebus-stopintherain. Hehadnothingtodobut_atthebus-stopintherain. A.towaitB.waiting C.waitD.shouldwait 22.ThebookisusedinEnglish_countries. Toimprovehis_English,hepracticesspeakingeveryday. A.spokenB.speaking C.tospeakD.spoke 23. (1)ImnotfreethiseveningbecauseIhavealot

16、ofthings_. (2)Hewassolazythathehadallofhiswashing_. A.todoB.tobedone C.doingD.done (3)Iwonthaveyou_toyourmotherlikethat A.tospeakB.spoken C.speakingD.speak24. (1) Heoftenseethem_footballontheplayground. Themissingboyswerelastseen_neartheriver. A.playingB.played C.playD.toplay 25. (1)Weareconsidering

17、_upanewfactoryhereinthistown (2)Weareconsideringhow_upanewfactoryhereinthistown (3)Theboyisconsidered_agoodexampletohisclassmates A.settingB.toset C.tohaveset D.havingset 26.Idlike_youforadviceonhowtolearnEnglish. Idrather_myteacherforhelpwithmyEnglish. A. toaskB.askingC.askedD.ask 27.Soonhehasgotus

18、edto_insuchaclimate. Heusedto_insuchaclimatewhenhewasinthearmy. A. livingB.lived 28. (1)Mr.Liissaid_abroad,butIdontknowwhichcountryhestudiedin (2)Mr.Liissaid_abroad,butIdontknowwhichcountryheisstudyingin A.tostudy B.tohavestudied C.tobestudying D.havingstudied 29.Hedidwhathecould

19、_downtheweepingwoman. Hesaidhecould_downtheweepingwoman. A.tocalmB.calm C.calmingD.calmed 30. (1)Iinsistthatyou_memymoneyback (2)Iinsistedonyour_memymoneyback A.giveB.togiveC.givingD.wouldgive (3) TheoldmaninsistedthatI_hiswallet A.hastakenB.took C.shouldtakeD.hadtaken31. (1) Idontenjoy_funofothers.

20、 (2)Idontenjoy_funofbyothers. A.tomakeB.tobemade C.makingD.beingmade 32. (1) Iftime_,Illgotoseemyfriendstomorrow. (2)Time_,Illgotoseemyfriendstomorrow. A.permittedB.permits C.permittingD.permit 33. (1) Hehadnochoicebut_aloudthetextintheclassroom. (2)Hedidnothingbut_aloudthetextintheclassroom.

21、ingB.toread C.readD.tobereading 34. (1) Wouldyoumindmy_hertotheparty? (2)Wouldyoumindnot_totheparty? A.invitingB.tobeinvited C.beinginvitedD.invited 35. (1) Thisisanimportantletter.Dontforget_itthisafternoon. (2)Dontlookfortheletter.Youmusthaveforgotten_itthisafternoon. A.topostB.posted C.postingD.p

22、ost 36.(1)_by some officials, Napoleon inspected his army. (2)_ others, John came into the hall, too. A. Followed B. Following C. Being following D. Having been followed(3) The trainer arrived and _ by six little dogs.A. followed B. was following C. following D. was followed 37. (1) _ more attention

23、, the trees could have grown better. (2) _ all his time to teaching. Mr.Li almost forgets his wife and son.A. Give B. To give C. Giving D. Given38. (1) _ in the magazine, I made a decision to read it again. (2) _ by the magazine, I made a decision to read it.(3) _myself in the magazine , and I made

24、a decision to read it.A. Interest B. Interested C. To interest D. Being interested 39. (1) There were 12 persons in the bus, _ a baby. (2)There were 12 persons in the bus, a baby_. A. to include B. including C. included D. being included40. (1) He was too busy _ his friend. (2) He was very busy_ his accepting B. with C. to receive D. receiving 41. (1) Do what you like _. (2) Do what you are told _.A. / B. to C. do D. to do42. (1) _ from the hill, the park seems more beautiful. (2) _ from the hill, youll fid the park more beautiful.(3) _ fr

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