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1、高考英语单选精编精练6套最新衡水中学专用精品专题训练资料 高考英语单选精编精练6套高考英语单选精编精练(1)1. The guard_old man to pass after he showed him the pass. A.promised B.agreed C.let D.permitted2. He used to _his teaching when he was young.A.devote to devoted to C.devoting to D.being devoted to3. She_much younger than she really is. A.tu

2、rns B.becomes C.grows D.appears4. When filled with a gas lighter than air,a balloon can_in the air. B.float C.wander D.sail5. We have good relations for centuries,and we must _the friendship between us. A.go on with B.keep on C.keep up D.remain6.The designs of the new tools should be_carefully

3、 ,so that we can pick out the one which suits our job.A.examined B.tried on C.tested D.experimented 7.We_you a pleasant journey to Shanhhai. A.hope B.wish C.want D.expect8.Careless driving_a lot of high accidents. A.affects B.makes C.causes D.results9.The door remained_after the discussion was over.

4、 A.shutting be shut C.shut shut10.Have you_? Yes,I_for about five years. A.been married;married married;have married C.married;have married married;have been married11.We_this recorder for five hundred yuan. A.spent B.cost C.bought D.paid12.My brother is very tall.The little be

5、d wont_for my brother. A.prepare D.do13.I_Jack to ring up to see if Mary was there. A.suggested B.hoped C.advised D.made14.All of us_the view that the idea of “the survival of the fittest”is exactly right. A.make C.hold D.say15. I love to go to the seaside in summer.It_good to lie

6、in the sun or swim in the cool sea. A.does B.gets C. feels D.makes16. What has made you so happy,Mary? Oh,Ive just_an old friend I havet seen for years. A. come up B.come in C.come out D. come across 17.Will someone go and get Dr White? Hes already been_. A.asked for B.sent for C.called off D.looked

7、 for18. Dont worry,Marry!You will_this climate before long. A. get on with B. get used to fit for D.used to19. The world is _seven continents and four oceans. A.made up of B.made out of C.made from D.made in20.When Jack arrived he learned Mary_for almost an hour. A.had gone B.had set off C.had

8、left D.had been away21.I really dont want to go to the pary,but I dont see how I can_it. A.get back from B.get out of C.get away D.get off22.The captain_an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather. A.made B.said C.put D.passed23.Readers can_quite well without knowing the exact m

9、eaning of each word. A.get over B.get in C.get along D.get through24. The countrys mineral resources have been _ by foreign powers. A. exploited B. exploded C. dug D. drilled25.I can_you to the market in my car. A.send B.pick C.ride D.take26.If no one _the phone at home,ring me at work. A.returns B.

10、replies C.answers D.receives27.All the leading newspapers_the trade talks between China and the United Stares. A.reported B.printed C.announced D.published28.Youre_your time trying to persuade him;hell never join us. A.spending B.wasting C.losing D.missing29. She_his number in the phone book to make

11、 sure that she had got it right. A. looked for B. looked up C.picked out D.picked up30.I can hardly hear the radio .Would you please_? A.turn it on B.turn it down C.turn it up D.turn it off高考英语单选精编精练(2)1. The president _ an important report at the meeting. A. talked B. announced C. delivered D. said

12、2.How did you _ the movie last night? Oh, both interesting and instructive. A. find B. consider C. think D. feel3 -I would like everyone to hand in their homework right away. Are you going to _ it or is this just for practice? A. level B. grade C. judge D. do4. The killings were said to have been _

13、by members of the People s Temple. A. carried away B. carried out C. carried on D. carried back5. The boss _ 30 dollars from my salary without any good reason. A. brought down B. kept back C. cut off D. held up6. However, at times this balance in nature is _ , resulting in a number of possibly unfor

14、eseen effects. A. troubled B. puzzled C. disturbed D. mixed7.She was trying to make a final statement, while people kept _ her speech by shouting. A. taking out B. putting off C. giving up D. getting along8.Before you make a speech, you should _ your thoughts and ideas. A .get B. take C. bring D. co

15、llect9. The seller would sell the skirt for fifty dollars, but the customer_ only half the price. A. asked B. charged C. sold D. offered10.How came your business goes wrong? But I have done all that is _ by law.A. required B. judged C. requested D. desired 11 . Why did you arrive so late? We were _

16、in the rush for half an hour. A. put up B. held up C. broken up D. given up12. If he keeps working hard like that, he is sure to _ sooner or later. A. get out B. break down C. give off D. hold on13.He failed his exam again. But what did you _? Had he ever been working hard? A. think B. expect C. con

17、sider D. regard14. On the bus I always managed to _ the headlines in the newspaper. A. examine B. notice C. glance at D. look at15.Alice, _ where you are so that I can easily find you. -Yes, Mum. But will you be back soon? A. leave B. remain C. go D. get16.As soon as the accident took place, two pol

18、icemen were sent there to _ the case. A. look over B. look into C. look up D. look through17.This book is said to be a special one, which _ many events not found in other history books. A. writes B. covers C. prints D. reads18.Did you enjoy the book? Yes, it was so interesting that I could hardly _

19、it. A. get rid of B. break away from C. keep away from D. tear myself away from19.Have you bought the jacket? No, Its too expensive for me to _ it. A. offer B. cost C. supply D. afford20. Youll _ in hospital if you drive so fast. A. die out B. end up C. turn off D. give up21 . In character-training

20、of children, what really _ much is what their parents say and do. A. cares B. matters C. considers D. minds22.All the lights have gone out in our classroom building. -Yes. Perhaps they have _ electricity.A. cut through B. cut down C. cut off D. cut up23. Working for the country, one must learn to _

21、all his knowledge with the whole scientific world. A. spare B. give C. share U. devote24.These batteries are not good. At best they will _ A. pass B. continue C. exist D. last25.Julia is always saying that she cant _ being laughed at. A. understand B. permit C. allow D. stand26 The student was about

22、 to _ the question, when suddenly he found the answer. A. arrive at B. work out C. give up D. work on27. After his illness, the doctor gave him medicine to_ another attack. A. protect B. defend C. kept D. prevent28. Important people dont have much free time as their work _all their time.A. takes awa

23、y B. takes up C. takes over D. takes in29Id like to go to the cinema with you, Dad. Sorry, my darling, but the film is _ for adults onlyA. admitted B. intended C. promised D. permitted30. Youll have to buy new shoes as these are _ A. used up B. broken down C. gone off D. worn 高考英语单选精编精练(3)1.Would yo

24、u slow down a bit, please? I can t _ you.A. keep up with B. put up with C. make up to D. hold on to2. Have a good rest. You need to _ your energy for the tennis match this afternoon A. leave B. save C. hold D. get3.My chest _ when I make a deep breath, doctor. A. harms B. wounds C. hurts D. injuries

25、4. He came to my class every week, but his attitude _ he was not really interested in the subject. A. expressed B. described C. explained D. suggested5. Time will _ whether I made the right choice or not. A. see B. say C. know D. tell6.Youd better _ some money for special use. A. pick up B. set asid

26、e C. put off D. give away7. In order to _ with the advanced countries, we must keep learning. A. catch up B. get along C. put up D. go on8. We didnt pan the exhibition like that, but it _ very well. A. worked out B. tried out C. went on D. carried on9.As we joined the big crowd , I got _ from my fri

27、endsA. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed10. Im planning to hold a party in the open air, but I can make no guarantees because it _ the weather.A. links with B. depends on C. connects to D. decides on11 . Alice trusts you ; only you can _ her to give up the foolish idea.A. suggest B. attract C. t

28、empt D. persuades12. Her son , to whom she was so _ , went abroad ten years ago.A. loved B. cared C. devoted D. affected13.The lift_ yesterday. Well have to walk up to the eighth floor this evening. A. took down B. broke down C. came dawn D. got down14.She didnt want to go to the party . So she _ an

29、 excuse. A. made up B. made out C. put up D. put out15. If you want to telephone her, you will have to _ the number in the book. A. look through B. look at C. look for D. look up16. Our teacher always gives us two or three hints( 暗示) before she _ the answer. A. puts away B. gives away C. gets away D

30、. takes away17. He left the meeting early because he had to _ his daughter from school. A. take up B. put up C. pick up D. catch up with18. Peter didnt want to go to the cinema but they begged so hard that he _ and went with them. A. gave off B. gave in C. gave out D. gave up19. Things are getting more expensive now. Its certain that prices will continue to _. A. go up B. set up C. put up D. take up20. Because of the heavy fog many flights were delayed to_ A. get off B. turn off C. set off D. take off11. I heard Back Street boys will sing at the New Theatre. Wh

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