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1、钦州港区七年级英语上册月考试题附答案听力2016年钦州港区七年级英语上册11月月考试题(附答案听力) 绝密启用前广西钦州市钦州港区2016-2017学年七年级英语上学期11月份考试试题(时间:90分钟满分:120分)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_题号一二三 四五总分得分注意事项:1本试卷共8页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。2考生必须在答卷纸上指定区域内作答,在本试卷上和其他位置作答一律无效。听力部分(20分)I 听句子,选择最佳应答语。A) 每小题你将听到一个对话,从 A、B、三个选项中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。每段对话读两遍。( )1 hats Ts favurite fruit?

2、A B ( )2 H des Lus brther g t shl?A B ( )3 hat tie des i usuall have breafast? A B ( )4 hats the eather lie tda?A B ( ) hats in the piture? A B ( )6 Is ate siing?A N, she isnt B es, she is Srr, I dnt n( )7 hats her telephne nuber?A 8431978 B 8461968 836198( )8 hat lur is Lils at? A Bla B Red hite( )

3、9 H an bs are there in lass ne? A 24 B 19 20( )10h has an E-dg? A T B ie David B) 听下面的对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,请根据你所听到的内容,从所给的A、B、三个选项中选出适当的答语。听每段对话或独白前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第一段材料,回答第1112小题。( )11 here des Lu live n? A In Beiing B In Shanghai In Xuzhu( )12 hat des Lu lie ding af

4、ter shl?A Reading B Siing Singing听第一篇短,从1 3-1小题中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。iss ub(工作) 13 H t g heShe ges he 14 n SaturdaHbb She lies 1 and siing( )13 A A dtr B A pliean A teaher( )14 A in her ar B b bus n ft ( )1 A daning B ing singing 听第二篇短,回答第1620小题。( )16 hat are the gd at? A English B ath hinese ( )17 hat d

5、 the lie t d in their hlidas? A Pla ping-png and run B Si and ride bies Si and pla basetball( )18 here d the fl ites? A Near the lae B In the par At shl ( )19h lies plaing ftball? A hn B a a and hn( )20 D the ften help eah ther? A es, the d B N, the dnt I dnt n二、单项选择(共1小题;每小题1分,满分1分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从A、B、

6、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21 - D u n an under the tree? - f urse I n, she is teaher fr the U A a; theB a; 不填 the; aD a; a22 - an u _ dg hen I a n hlida, T? - ertainl A l at B l fr l lie D l after23 Everne in fail the Vie f hina n TV A lie athing B lies athing lies athes D lie t ath 24 There lts f gd nes

7、 in tdas nespaperA is B are have D has2 -H ill ur father e and visit ur shl _the pen Da ?-He ill get here _his arA in; n B in ; b n ; b D n; in26 There are different _bs in ur shl librar and the teahers in it are ver _ us studentsA ind f ; ind t B inds f ; ind fr inds f ; ind t D ind f ; ind fr 27 -

8、 Sand in an lub? - es, she is a eber the vlle teaA Des; f B Is; at Des; in D Is; f28 - Shall e g shpping n?- Gd idea But I a afraid that the shp nA is pen B is lsed pens D lses29 ur lass teaher alas tells us ith eah ther in lass A nt t tal B dnt tal nt tal D nt taling30 Nra up earl and he _ late fr

9、shlA alas gets; is neverB get s alas; never is alas gets; never isD gets alas; is never31 - hih shl ur usins stud Suzhu? - ingfan iddle Shl A des; in B d; at des; in at D d; at in32 - r u hpes ill have the draing lessns trr - h, dear I anted t help e d the leaning A A and e; she and her B A and I; u

10、 and she A and e; her and u D A and I; u and her33 - Des her ever da help a lt? - f urs e A finishing ding B finish d finish ding D finishing t d34 - pen the ind please, ie -_? I ant hear hat u said A hat B Pardn Reall D All right 3 - I ant t n _ ull ater these flers -ne a eeA h ften B h lng h sn D

11、h uh三、完形填空(10分)先通读下面的短,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Its earl evening and Paul nes is sitting in the living r f his huse near Lndn He is reading t 36 daughter, and his sn is plaing 37 his dg abe u thin Paul ust es ba he fr r 38 he is ening his tie ith his hildren B ut u are 39 Paul is a h

12、usehusband(家庭妇男) He ls after the hildren full-tie (专职), and he 40 the sae things as an huseife des He aes the hildren 41 , gives the their breafast and taes the t shl Then he 42 the huse, des the shpping, and pis the hildren up fr shl He aes dinner 43 his fail Then he puts the hild ren t bedall hen

13、his ife is at rLinda is the anager(经理) f a pan She rs 44 hurs, s she seld sees her hildren hen she rs But at the eeends the fail 4 a gd tie tgether “an peple dnt understand e, but I ening life I ding hat I ant t d,” sas Paul 36 A hisB her its D 37 A atB ith t D f 38 A afterB and but D beause 39 A ri

14、ghtB gd rng D great 40 A taesB aes s D des 41 A dnB up aa D ut 42 A ashesB builds shs D leans 43 A tB ith fr D in 44 A shrtB a lt fe D lng 4 A have B pla ant D tae四、阅读理解 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Lin has a fe e-friends fr different untries He is telling sething abut theTn is

15、fr the USA He is thirteen ears ld He is tall and gd-ling And he lies plaing bas etball His drea is t be a great basetball plaerLisa is 12 ears ld Shes a Geran(德国的) girl She has brn and lng hair She lies listening t usi But she lies draing best Her drea is t be an Art teaherud is a 12-ear-ld Australi

16、an girl Her hbb is reading bs She has an friends beause she is friendl t everne Shed lie t be a reprterEri is fr apan He is furteen ears ld Hes strng beause he ften des sprts His favurite subet is aths And he ants t be a sientist46 These e-friends e fr _ different untries A t B three fur D five47 Th

17、e underlined rd “sientist” eans _ in hinese A作家 B 科学家 艺术家D 运动员48 Fr the passage, e n ud _ A es fr Geran B ants t be a plaer is gd at aing friends D lies t d sprts bestBEah tea has three plaers The plaers are running and uping in the ht sun usi is all arund In ust telve inutes, the gae is ver But a n

18、e ne starts right aa (立刻) H exiting!This is streetball Its uh lie basetball But its faster Peple pla it utside and its interesting Usuall, hildren pla streetball n an pen urt The use nl half f the urt hat the need is a basetball gal (球框) hildren lve lts f things abut the gae “Its ver nie t be utside

19、 in the sun And the usi is great”, said Bai Xue, furteen, a girl in Shenang Se sa streetball as fr Eurpe (欧洲), thers sa it ae fr Aeria But n, bs and girls in an untries lie t pla it Streetball is a gae fr all 49 H an plaers are there in eah streetball tea? A 1 B 2 3 D 4 0 hih ne is NT right? A The g

20、ae is ver in telve inutes B Peple usuall pla a streetball utside nl girls lie t pla the gae D The use nl half f the urt1 hats the best title (题目) f this passage? A Streetball: An Exiting Gae B Different Ball Gaes H t Pla Streetball D Streetball And Basetball Hell, everne! nae is Steve Lunhtie is fav

21、rite tie I lve the shl lunhan students dnt lie the shl lunh The tae their n (自己的 ) lunh t shl Their thers a ae haburgers and salad fr the fr lunh S e students tae leftvers(剩饭菜) fr lunh But I dnt! The lunh is ver heap Fr nl $13, I an eat a lt f gd and health fd Then I tae fd t lunh table and sit ith

22、friends Bs dnt sit ith girls e eat lunh and e lie t tal (谈论) abut sprts and TV shs (电视节目) e als tal abut shl life: ur favrite subets, ur favrite teahers and ur favrite das After ur lunh, e us uall pla gaesAt shl, I lve lunhtie Fr e it is the best tie f da!2 Students dnt tae _ t shl fr lunh A saladB

23、leftvers haburgersD fruit and vegetables3 The dnt tal abut _A favurite girlsB favurite subets favurite teahersD favurite das4 hih ne is right?A Steve desnt lie shl lunh B Bs ften sit ith girls at lunhtie All the students tae fd fr lunh t shl D Fr Steve, lunhtie is the best tie f his da hats the titl

24、e(题目) t the passage()?A Sh lB Favurite Da lassatesD Lunhtie五、任务型阅读 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)A阅读下列短,根据短中的信息完成后表格。(每空一词)Dear friend, nae is David I a 12 I a fr Aeria I learning hinese in shl Lin ang is hinese teaherHere are friends i is tall and he has bla hair He is gd at plaing basetball He is in the Ba

25、setball lub a is shrt and she ears glasses and a ell dress She speas English ver ell Sall is a bla girl She has shrt hair She lies vlleball She plas vlleball best I lie usi I the b ith glasses rite t e sn and tell e abut ur friendsurs, David David s 6 NaesLs7iHe has 8 hair and he is tallHe is a 9 f

26、the Basetball lubaShe 60 glasses and a ell 61 She is gd at 62 EnglishSallShe is a bla girl 63 shrt hairShe lies 64 She is a ver gd vlleball 6 B阅读短并回答问题(本题共小题;每小题1分,满分分) The eeend is ing again I thin I ill have anther happ eeendn Saturda rning, I dnt need t get up earl, s I an sleep fr a little re ti

27、e But I have t d her in the rning And then, I pla ith friends I g t the bshp and read se bs There are s an bs in the bshp and I lie reading there The shp assistant is nie t e In the evening, I g ut fr dinner ith parentsn Sunda rning, I an still sleep fr a little re tie I g t the librar at abut 9:30

28、a And then, I g t listen t usi I lie pp usi ver uh In the afternn, I g shpping ith ther66 hen an the riter sleep fr a little re tie?_67 h des the riter lie reading in the bshp?_68 hat des the riter d n Saturda evening?_69 hat ind f usi des the riter lie?_70 H d u lie the riters eeend life?_六、词汇运用 (本

29、大题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)71 _ a ee, I g shpping ith ther in that shpping all (t)72 The b ften ith his friends a ite in the par (fl) 73 He an spell all his favurite basetball _ naes in English (pla)74 The are ur ne lassates, e shuld a e fiends ith _ (the)7 hih f the bs d u lie _? (ell)76 Sand lies eep _ t help her reeber things (日记)77 _ is ne f favurite subets (地理)78 Its _ gd that e have a al after eals (确实)79 D u en _daning ever da? (练习) 80 His hair bees gra hen he is nl _ (四十)七、缺词填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)根据对话内容和首字母提示,在下空格处填入适当的词使对话完整。(每空一词) hat d u d at eeen

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