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1、高考中译英试题解读分析三高考中译英试题解读分析(三)翻译自练(I)根据汉语完成句子1. Whatever is worth doing _(值得做好).2. When he took the subway _(第一次), he didnt know where to get the ticket.3. The little boy was punished(因为向老师说谎) _.4. Car prices are much lower(与两年前相比) _.5. Spending the Spring Festival abroad _ (越来越受普通家庭的欢迎).6. She should b

2、e made aware _(她身上的缺点).7. _(碰巧) I read the same book as you did.8. _(众所周知), practice makes perfect.9. Lessons _(容易吸取)are easily forgotten.10. _(人们普遍认为)the more expensive the goods, the higher the quality.11. How disappointed Mr. Thompson was _(得知真相)!12. A really wise man often _(若愚).13. Something is

3、 wrong with my bicycle. Would you mind _(借用你的吗)?14. Do you know _(真理)where there is life there is hope?15. _(你真好)to invite me to have dinner with you.16. She was so worn out that she fell asleep _(一上床).17. _(不到半个世纪)since the computer was invented.18. This is the first time that _(她上课迟到).19. Show you

4、r student card _(就让你进语音室).20. What do you think I can do _(以摆脱困境)?21. _(你花在物理上的时间越多), the better you will be at it.22. Any information you want _(能在网上得到).23. _(随着圣诞节的临近), the kids are getting more and more excited.24. _(是通过努力)that she was able to win the first prize in the competition.25. _(相对而言), m

5、en are stronger than women.26. He hesitated a long time _(才作出决定).27. We all wonder at _(她教育子女的方式).28. It is no good _(打探他人私事).29. _(毫无疑问)family education affects the growth of the kids.30. _(在21世纪初)more people began to benefit from modern technology.31. I left in such a hurry that I _(忘了跟父母道晚安).32.

6、Mr. Platt never allows anyone _(指出他的错误).33. _(说实话), I cant tell the two phrases apart.34. _(是真的吗)we wont have to take the optional courses?35. He prefers to eat instant noodles _(而不想在餐厅用餐).36. A man _(永不放弃)can never be defeated.37. _(为了实现你的梦), you have to double your efforts.38. _ (多浪费) it is throwi

7、ng away all those newspapers!39. _(是由于天气恶劣)that the flight was canceled.40. The reason he was running a fever was that he _(淋着雨了).41. How I long for a room _(属于我自己的)!42. What you dream at night _(与 . 有关)what you have thought and done during the day.43. _(应该警告学生)not to take mobile phones to the schoo

8、l campus.44. He laughs best_(笑在最后).45. _(没必要)to empty your room to do the cleaning.46. Nowadays more and more youngsters _(失去兴趣)literary works.47. He _(睡得太晚)that he had to skip breakfast.48. Reading aloud the texts again and again _(对你有很大好处).49. _(只有谦虚)can you become a learned person.50. Eating habi

9、ts _(因人而异).(II)第七页中译英(I)翻译下列句子括号内所给词为代词、连词、介词等1. 据说饭后散步有益于健康。(It is .)2. 他是把所有的零钱花在了邮票上。(lt is .)3. 那位工程师已经三年没回家乡了。(since)4. 乐于助人的人最容易相处。(those)5. 他第一次乘飞机时紧张得说不出话。(the first time)6. 她兴奋得不能自已。(too .)7. 如果你们不相互合作,就很难完成任务。(unless)8. 有些老人不服药就睡不着觉。(without)9. 英雄们一下飞机就被鲜花包围了。(On)10. 无论你从事何种职业,懂电脑是必不可少的。(w

10、hatever)11. 不管多忙,只要邻居需要,他都会去帮忙。(as long as)12. 城市的发展离不开环境的保护。(without)13. 那位科学家谦虚地说他所做的不值一提。(worth)14. 尽管自己缺钱,他仍在资助那个山里娃。(. as .)15. 好好休息,你很快就会恢复体力的。(and)16. 那些孩子不顾大雨,仍在兴奋地踢球。(despite)17. 除了下雨他每天早晨环湖慢跑半小时。(except)18. 据我所知,那位作家从未写过情书。(as far as)19. 他不太在乎旁人对他言行的看法。(Little .)20. 他在颁奖典礼上没有说一句话。(Not .)21

11、. 你最好放弃,否则后果不堪设想。(otherwise)22. 毫无疑问,我们都被他的谎言欺骗了。(there)23. 我们能拿下这场比赛靠的是运气而不是实力。(rather than)24. 你一旦作出承诺,就一定不能使大家失望。(once)25. 看到家乡的巨变,我几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。(Hardly .)26. 对于高一学生来说,这道计算题再简单不过了。(cant)27. 该读书俱乐部欢迎任何喜爱古典文学之士。(whoever)28. 他抱怨说等我们等到花儿也谢了。(until)29. 爬了一天的山,他累得连澡也没洗就睡觉了。(so . that .)30. 该村方圆十公里没有人烟。(

12、within)括号内所给词为名词31. 相声是人们喜闻乐见的娱乐形式。(form)32. 邻里关系于我们日常生活关系重大。(part)33. 要特别注意同音词。(attention)34. 小心别打破那个瓷壶。(care)35. 我尽管学习英语多年,写起信来还是感到吃力。(difficulty)36. 政府注意到了旅游对该地区自然环境的影响。(effect)37. 这个小区里的住户从不相互帮忙。(favor)38. 有时我感到总有人在背后默默支持我。(feeling)39. 周末在海边钓鱼多有趣!(fun)40. 少食多动有益健康。(good)41. 学校决定为退休教师举行一个茶话会。(hon

13、or)42. 老师在生物课上做的实验给我们留下了难忘的印象。(impression)43. 尽管年幼,他却对企业文化倍感兴趣。(interest)44. 为给弟弟树立榜样,他下定决心改掉恶习。(mind)45. 仅凭我们三个人,绝没有成功的机会。(opportunity)46. 很遗憾我错过了一场精彩的拳击赛。(pity)47. 在舅舅的帮助下我的棋艺大增。(progress)48. 她太紧张,结果忘了作自我介绍。(result)49. 新体操房占地200平方米,是原先的三倍大。(size)50. 你应该从此次失利中得到教训:千万不能低估对手。(lesson)51. 他十年如一日,不辞辛苦为孤

14、老买菜做饭。(trouble)52. 消息传来,姐妹学校师生将推迟来访我校。(word)53. 我每天早饭鸡蛋加牛奶是从未打破的规则。(rule)54. 对是否取消学生回家作业老师们意见分歧。(opinion)52. 我区别不了英式英语和美式英语。(difference)56. 他发现网上聊天很有趣。(. it .)括号内所给词为动词57. 那位学者给了我们很多语言学习的建议,使我们受益非浅。(benefit)58. 他被指控非法入侵他人住宅。(charge)59. 发型取决于脸型。(depend)60. 由于自然条件差,那个国家不得不依赖进口原材料。(rely)61. 他梦想有朝一日能亲眼看

15、到海上日出。(dream)62. 禁止无证驾驶。(forbid)63. 这事不怪你,你不必内疚。(blame)64. 应该鼓励学生积极参加植树活动。(encourage)65. 他坚持为不能照顾父母而自责。(insist)66. 不该阻止孩子做他们想做的事。(prevent)67. 许多宾馆房间为客人提供一本圣经。(provide)68. 阅读习惯因人而异。(vary)69. 中国又成功发射了一颗人造卫星。(succeed)70. 他决心向那位英雄学习,长大当一名宇航员。(learn)71. 伤病使他无法出战决赛。(prevent)72. 他们俩兴趣相投,但思维方式却大相径庭。(differ)

16、73. 老师警告我们不要轻易相信网友。(warn)74. 如你能在韩国帮我买到他的新专辑,我将感激不尽。(appreciate)75. 应该鼓励学生养成勤查字典的习惯。(form)76. 由于细心,他们避免了一场可能的灾难。(avoid)77. 比起过去,我们现在仿佛生活在天堂。(compare)78. 真难相信小狮子出生时体重仅相当于一只小狗。(weigh)79. 缺乏合作使他们错失良机。(cost)80. 由于害怕被责骂,他不敢和父母讲真话。(hesitate)81. 数学老师说话有口音,我们很难听懂。(follow)82. 他忘了通知团员们写电影的观后感了。(inform)83. 老师陈

17、旧的教学方法阻碍了学生积极思考。(keep . from)84. 他的一席话令我们愕然。(leave)85. 学生们都在期待代表学校参加运动会。(look forward)86. 该公司没有员工介意周末加班。(mind)87. 我老是把可乐当成葡萄酒。(mistake)88. 此次去法国留学的机会难得,不容错过。(miss)89. 出院后他打算请为他开刀的医生吃饭。(operate)90. 老师轻拍他的肩膀,鼓励他继续努力。(pat)91. 很难说服他放弃自己的想法。(persuade)92. 虽然耐力差,老师却表扬了我毅力强。(praise)93. 她起床后的第一件事是练琴。(practis

18、e)94. 与其当看客,不如我自己上场踢球。(prefer) .95. 没有把握你不能承诺能修好他的电子词典。(promise)96. 应教会孩子自我保护,防止意外伤害。( (protect)97. 学校斥巨资用电子白板取代了传统的黑板。(replace)98. 那位编辑愉快地回复了小读者的来信。(reply)99. 商店决定延长工作时间为顾客服务。(serve)100. 他这阵子忙得一天也腾不出来陪儿子玩。(spare)101. 你应尽可能花时间阅读英语原著。(spend)102. 消息越坏,传得越快。(spread)103. 他忍受不了与喋喋不休的人合作。(stand)104. 老师建议我

19、们读些英语小诗。(suggest)105. 是太阳为我们提供了光和热。(supply)106. 没人知道古人如何建造了金字塔。(tell)107. 牺牲健康换来财富是不明智的。(trade)108. 他至今不明白自己合理的请求会遭拒绝。(turn down)109. 你不该浪费这么多时间在网上聊天。(waste)110. 她的自信为她赢得了观众的支持。(win)111. 自然界一定存在人类尚未发现的秘密。(exist)112. 非常感谢你的帮助。(appreciate)113. 他主动为社区老人服务以弥补自己的过失。(offer)114. 每一项科学发明都是大量实验的结果。(result)11

20、5. 应该鼓励学生将课堂所学与实践相结合。(encourage)116. 我认为他们不会同意你的想法。(agree)117. 上海在最近十年发生了巨变。(see)118. 你应为你犯的错误向布朗夫妇道歉。(apologize)119. 这家商店的营业员在营业时间不许相互交谈。(permit)120. 地铁使人们外出更方便了。(make it)121. 你认为我什么时候才能通过驾驶考试?(pass)122. 我校化学实验室没有得到充分利用。(make use)123. 据报道,市中心的几条主要马路正在拓宽中。(be reported to)124. 曾有一段时间,天气预报和事实根本不相符。(ag

21、ree)括号内所给词为形容词125. 在电脑的帮助下他得以顺利完成任务。(able)126. 你一定要准时参加明天的考试。(sure)127. 今年流行的东西明年就可能会被人遗忘。(likely)128. 如果你把握不了这次机会,你将来一定会后悔的。(sure)129. 树大招风。(the more)130. 只要你肯努力,大学的门永远向你敞开着。(open)131. 人类要多久才能住在海底至今尚不清楚。(certain)132. 写英语作文时最好用你熟悉的句型。(familiar)133. 你必须准备一个笔记本随时记下生词。(necessary)134. 没有现代化设备你无法在沙漠生存。(p

22、ossible)135. 所有到场的人无不为英雄的汇报而感动。(present)136. 老师对我们在社区的表现感到满意。(satisfied)137. 为实现大学梦,他几乎放弃了一切娱乐活动。(true)参考答案根据汉语完成句子1. is worth doing well2. for the first time3. for having.lied to his teacher / for having told a lie to his teacher4. compared with those two years ago5. has been more and more popular

23、with ordinary families6. of her own shortcomings7. It happens that8. As is known to all / As we all know9. learned easily10. It s widely accepted that11. to learn the truth12. appears to be a fool13. my borrowing yours14. the truth that15. It is kind of you16. as soon as she went to bed17. It is les

24、s than half a century18. she has been late for school19. and you will be admitted into the language lab20. to get out of the trouble21. The more time you spend on physics22. is available on the Internet23. As Christmas is drawing near24. It was by making efforts25. Relatively speaking26. before he m

25、ade his decision27. the way she educates her kids28. inquiring about other peoples private affairs29. There is no doubt that30. At the beginning of the 21st century31. I forgot to say Good Night to my parents32. to point out his mistakes33. To tell the truth / To be honest34. Is it true that35. rath

26、er than eat in the restaurant36. who never gives himself up37. In order to realize / achieve your dream / In order to make your dream come true38. What a waste of time39. It was because of the terrible weather40. was caught in the rain41. of my own42. is related to43. Students should be warned44. wh

27、o laughs last45. There is no need46. Have lost interest in47. slept until so late48. does you a lot of good49. Only if you are modest50. vary from person to person / depend on the individual中译英参考译文(I)1. It is said that taking a walk after a meal does good to ones health.2. It is on stamps that he ha

28、s spent all his pocket money.3. It is three years since that engineer left his hometown.4. Those who are ready to help others are the easiest to get along with.5. The first time he took the plane, he was too nervous to speak.6. He was too excited to control himself.7. It is difficult for you to comp

29、lete the task unless you cooperate with each other.8. Some elderly people cant fall asleep without taking pills.9. On getting off the plane the heroes were surrounded by flowers.10. Whatever career you follow, its essential to have a knowledge of computer.11. However busy he is, he will go to his neighbors help as long as he is needed.12. The development of the city cant do without the protection of the environment.13. That scientist said modestly that what he had done was not worth mentioning.14. Short of money as he is, he is still funding the country child.15. Have a

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