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1、笔试部分笔试部分(100分)I. 词汇 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)A) 选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语。1. Mike doesnt like science. He thinks it is less interesting than English.A. as as B. so as C. not so as D. not very as2. The man doesnt want to change his mind because he thinks hes right.A. way B. idea C. life D. sound3. The runner co

2、uldnt catch up with the others in the race.A. fell behind B. beat C. ran faster than D. was neck and neck with4. Study hard or you will fail in the maths exam.A. get good results in B. drop C. not pass D. miss5. Mother has gone shopping. Shell be back in a minute.A. later B. very soon C. on time D.

3、at the momentB) 根据下面句子的意思及所给的汉语,写出空缺处单词的正确形式。每空一词。6. I think John can finish the work _ (容易地).7. The mountains will be covered with trees in a few _ (年) time.8. Please take this medicine, or youll feel even _ (更糟).9. The book Red Star Over China was _ (写) by Edgar Snow.10. Oh, this coat is too big!

4、Its almost _ (两倍) the size of mine.单项填空(共20 小题,每小题1分,计20分)11. There _ a table with three legs in Jennys room.A. is B. are C. has D. have12. Can I borrow _ pencil? _ is broken.A. you, My B. your, Me C. your, Mine D. yours, My13. There are _ in the field. Theyre eating grass.A. a horse B. much horses

5、C. many horse D. many horses14. Would you please say it _? I still cant follow you.A. more slow B. much slow C. more slowly D. much slowly15. - Where is Jim?- He _ England.A. has been in B. has been to C. goes to D. has gone to16. Mike had nothing for breakfast, _?A. does he B. did he C. didnt he D.

6、 had he17. _ he _ the doctor the day before yesterdayA. Have, seen B. Has, seen C. Did, see D. Does, see18. Never trouble me while I _ in my room!A. will sleep B. asleep C. am sleeping D. slept19. That white building _ two years ago, but it looks quite old now.A. built B. was built C. is built D. bu

7、ilds20. - I watched the TV programme last night.- _.A. So I do B. So I did C. So did I D. So do I21. - How long _ you _ the bicycle?- About two weeks.A. have, had B. have, bought C. did, buy D. have, get22. I dont quite like _. Its too hard.A. the fifth lesson B. the lesson five C. five lessons D. t

8、he fifth lessons23. He was _ tired _ he couldnt go on working.A. too, to B. such, that C. so, that D. too, that24. I remember Susan left _ a very cold morning of January.A. in B. on C. at D. from25. Youd better keep the windows _. Its so hot here.A. open B. opening C. opens D. opened26. He wasnt _ w

9、ith the knife. He cut himself.A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully27. There are so many kinds of radios in the shop. I cant decide _.A. to buy what B. to buy which C. what to buy D. which to buy28. I have two sons, but _ of them lives with me.A. all B. both C.

10、neither D. few29. Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me _?A. where I can find the toilet B. where can I find the toiletC. where do I find the toilet D. the toilet is where30. Ill meet him at the station when he _.A. will return B. return C. returns D. returned情景对话(本题共10小题。其中A部分共5小题,每小题2分,计10分;B部分共5小题,每小

11、题1分,计5分;共计15分。)A) 选择最佳答案完成对话。(Bob is ill. He is phoning Ann for the school work.)Ann: Hello.Bob: Hello. _31_Ann: Hi, Bob. How are you feeling today?Bob: Oh, Im fine now. Can you tell me what happened in our class?Ann: Sure. _32_ Oh, yes. In history we finished talking about World War II. We have to

12、study Unit 7 and Unit 8 for an exam tomorrow.Bob: _33_ I didnt read Unit 8 yet. What did you do in English?Ann: Not much. We worked on a play in groups. We dont have any homework.Bob: _34_Ann: We have a lot of maths homework. We have to do the problems on pages 17, 18, 19 and 20.Bob: Oh, dear! _35_

13、Maybe I can be ill tomorrow, too.31. A. Who are you? B. Whos that? C. Im Bob. D. This is Bob.32. A. Let me see. B. Let me show you. C. Let me look for it. D. Let me tell you.33. A. Oh, yes! B. Dont do that! C. Oh, thats too bad! D. Thank goodness!34. A. What was maths? B. What do you think of maths?

14、C. What about maths? D. Did you enjoy the play?35. A. I dont know I can finish all of that! B. I dont think I can finish all of that!C. Im afraid I can finish all of that! D. Im sure I can finish all of that!B) 选择最佳答案补全对话。(Mike comes to see Dr. White. W: Dr. White; M: Mike)W: _36_M: Well, doctor. It

15、s my eyes. I cant see clearly.W: _37_M: Since last week, I think.W: Let me have a look. Oh, Mike, I guess you are working too hard these days and taking less care of your eyes.M: _38_ What should I do then?W: Well, when you feel tired, just stop working and come out to enjoy a short rest. Remember,

16、never go to bed too late and dont read in bed.M: _39_W: Sure, Mike.M: _40_ Thank you very much.A. Do you think that will help?B. Thats true.C. You are wrong.D. Whats the trouble, Mike?E. How long have you had the problem?F. Good idea!G. All right, doctor. Ill try it.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)Debbie got

17、up early last Saturday morning. She wanted _41_ in Green Park with some of her friends. She was very happy about it._42_ she was ready, she got on her bike and left for the park - it was on the other side of the town. Suddenly, as she was riding fast, she _43_ sirens (警笛). The sound of the sirens wa

18、s getting _44_, so Debbie looked _45_ her to see what was happening. As a result (结果), she fell off her bike and lay in the middle of the road. Luckily, Debbie wasnt hurt, _46_ a car hit her bike. After the car _47_, two men got out and started running. _48_, a police car stopped next to the same ca

19、r and three policemen got out and started running after the two men. One of the policemen shouted, “Stop the thieves (贼)!”_49_ a policeman came to see Debbie. He thanked her because, in a way, she had helped them _50_.41. A. goes to skate B. go skating C. going to skate D. to go skating42. A. While

20、B. As soon as C. If D. As quickly as43. A. heard B. listened to C. found D. saw44. A. close and close B. closer and closer C. big and big D. bigger and bigger45. A. after B. in front of C. behind D. before46. A. because B. so C. but D. and47. A. fell over B. passed away C. turned back D. stopped48.

21、A. A few minutes later B. Just then C. After an hour D. Very fast49. A. In a few days B. Sometimes C. Some time later D. At the same time50. A. get out of the car B. run after the two menC. catch the thieves D. shout at the thieves. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)AIt was a very hot summer morning but inside

22、the Pyramid(金字塔) it was quite cool. Tom and his classmates had just walked into the Pyramid and were very surprised to see what it was like.They went to the Queens Room. They saw a passage ( 通道). At the end of it there was a small room. They were told that they couldnt go into that room, because it

23、was newly found. Tom looked towards the passage. Two of his friends Jason and Peter saw him and said “Dont get into trouble, Tom!”. As soon as nobody was looking, Tom went up the dark passage, opened the door and walked in. Suddenly the door closed behind him. The room was very dark, but luckily Tom

24、 had brought a torch (手电筒 ) with him. When he turned it on, he saw two white faces in front of him. “Oh, no!” he cried and ran to the door. He quickly opened it and went down the passage to the Queens Room as fast as he could.As soon as Tom disappeared, Jason and Peter took the pieces of white cloth

25、(布) off their faces and walked slowly down the passage. They couldnt stop laughing. “That will teach him a lesson,” said Jason.51. Why did Jason and Peter say “Dont get into trouble, Tom!”?A. Because they knew that Tom was thinking of getting into that small room.B. Because Tom had got into trouble

26、earlier that day.C. Because Tom was very much afraid.D. Because they were not good friends.52. What did Tom do when the door closed behind him?A. He was afraid and cried loudly. B. He waited quietly in the dark.C. He turned on his torch. D. He ran away quickly.53. The word “ disappeared” most possib

27、ly means _.A. found the secret B. couldnt be seen C. cried loudly D. closed the door54. Jason and Peter laughed because _.A. they had got Tom into trouble B. they liked telling jokesC. they had played a joke on Tom D. Tom didnt listen to themBLetter ADear Rose,I like your programmes very much. Im no

28、w writing to ask you something about American social customs (社交习惯). My American friends want me to join them in their dinner party. I am very happy and have decided to go, but Im a little worried about it, too. The social customs in my country are very different from here, so Im afraid of making mi

29、stakes.Should I bring a present, such as sweets or flowers? Should I arrive on time or a little late? At the dinner table, how can I know which fork (叉子) or knife to use? How can I let the family know that Im thankful for their kindness?Wang LinLetter BDear Wang Lin,Its a good idea to bring a small

30、present when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always nice, or you may bring a bottle of wine (葡萄酒) if you know that your friends drink it.You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Dont get there early. If youre going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell th

31、em.Try to be free at the dinner table. If you dont know about choosing the right fork or knife, just watch the other people, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, ask the person next to you.If you like the food, say so. Of course, youll thank them for the meal and for their kindness. Its also a good idea to send a thank-you card the day after.Rose55. Wang Lin wants to _.A. make friends with Rose B.

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