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1、中国民生银行中国民生银行 新街口支行 China Minsheng Banking. Cop., LTD网银体验区 E-Banking Experience Zone暂停服务,请稍后 Out of Service, Please Wait自动存取款机 Automatic Withdraw/Deposit Machine请刷卡 Please Swipe Card营业时间 Business Hour对公 For Corporate储蓄 Saving 24小时自助服务 24 Hour Self Service中国银行 Bank of China 新街口对公业务 CORPRATE BANKING (拼

2、写错误)节假日不办理 Public Holiday Closed个人业务 PRIVATE BANKING节假日营业时间 Public Holiday Opening Hours理财服务 Wealth Management私人金融业务 Personal Banking 领取汇票 To draw the draft here 汇兑 EXCHANGE & TRANSFER印鉴挂失 Report of lost seal密码挂失 Report of lost password存款证明 Certificate of Deposit10元/笔/份/张 RMB 10 per item退汇 Refunding

3、挂失止付(汇票) Loss reporting and payment stopping (draft)存入收款人现汇账户 Credit the payees amount of spot exchange代售 Agency sale买汇 Exchange purchase光票托收 Clean collection现钞托收 Banknote collection退票 Dishonor年费 Annual Fee工本费(包括开卡和补发) Service Charge ( card issue and replacement)个人人民币汇款(现金) Personal RMB remittance (

4、 CASH )人民币对公结算 The Corporate settlement of RMB 外币对公结算 The Corporate settlement of Foreign Exchanges银行卡服务业务 The custom service of bank card 服务星级 SERVICE LEVEL您对本次服务的评价 PLEASE LEAVE YOUR VALUABLE OPINIONS满意 SATISFACTORY 基本满意 AVERAGE 不满意 DISSATISFIED代保管业务 SAFE DEPOSIT DEPT.货币兑换 EXCHANGE24小时自助服务 24 hour

5、 self-service banking理财 Wealth Management兑换机 EXCHANGE MACHINE自动取款机 AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE请将银行卡正确插入插卡处 Insert your card into the slot correctly输入正确密码(请注意安全防止他人窃取) Input your correct password (watch out to avoid being peeped)按屏幕提示进行转账、存折补登、代缴费、查询业务 Make transfer, entry account to passbook, payment,

6、and query according to the direction on the screen. 出门请按钮(一按即放) PLEASE PRESS THE BUTTON ( PRESS THEN REALASE) 灭火器箱 FIRE EXTINGGUISHER BOX 东亚银行 The Bank of East Asia(China)Ltd. 新街口24小时自助服务 24 Hour Banking Services南京分行 Nanjing branch营业时间 Banking Hour投诉箱 Complain Box小心地滑 Slippery Floor请在此排队 Please Queu

7、e Here个人理财服务 Personal Financial Services企业银行服务 Corporate Banking企业及银团贷款部 Corporate Lending and Syndication Department 房地产贷款部 Property Lending Department贸易融资部 Trade Finance Department柜台服务 Counter Services小心地滑 CAUTION WET FLOOR 交通银行 Bank of Communications 新街口24小时自助服务 24 Self Service Banking进门请刷卡,无需输密码

8、 Please Insert Your Card For Entry营业时间 Business Hour 星期六、日休息 Closed on Saturday and Sunday储蓄时间 Business Hours for Savings Deposits存取款一体机 Cash Recycling Machine金融快线 BOCOM EXPRESS自动终端 Multimedia Self Banking现金服务 Cash-related Services 对公服务 Corporate Banking交行理财 BOCOM Fortune交通银行 湖南路对私服务 Private Banking

9、理财服务 Financing Service外汇兑换 Foreign Exchange注意自动门 Caution Automatic Door 中国建设银行 China Construction Bank 新街口外汇储蓄营业点 Foreign Currency Deposit Taking Office24小时自助服务 24 Hour Self Banking中山路支行 Zhongshan Road Sub-branch对公服务 Corporate Banking 节假日不办理 Public Holiday Close个人业务 Private Banking 周一至周五 Monday to F

10、riday节假日营业时间 Public Holiday Operate Hours个人理财中心 Personal Finance Center现役军人优先 Servicemen Priority大堂经理 Lobby Leader客户服务电话 Customer Service Hotline残疾人优先窗口 Particular Counter for the Disabled个人业务顾问 Personal Banker叫号机 Queuing Machine存款机 Cash Deposit Machine自动门 Automatic 江苏银行 Bank of Jiangsu总行营业部 Headqua

11、rters Business Dept. 广东发展银行 玄武支行 Guangdong Development Bank 对公业务 CORPORAT SERVICE 拼写错误 储蓄业务 PRIVATE SERVICE营业时间 BUSINESS HOURS24小时自助服务 24 HOURS SELF-SERVICE银行提示 REMINDER 请妥善保管银行卡和密码 Please Safeguard Your Bank Cards and PIN安全提示 Safety Hints个人服务 Personal Banking对公服务 Corporate Banking VIP服务 VIP Banking

12、等候区 Waiting Area上海浦东发展银行 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank 新街口对公业务 Corporate Banking个人业务 Personal Banking营业时间 Business Hour理财经理 Financial Planner叫号机 Cueing Machine24小时自助服务 Self Service Banking现金业务 Teller Counter公司业务 Corporate Account 等待区 Waiting Area理财专区 Wealth Management Service自助银行 Self-service Ban

13、king大堂经理 Duty Manager 中国工商银行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 长江路支行自助服务银行 Self-service Banking大堂经理 CLIENT MANEGER现金服务 CASH SERVICE华夏银行 Huaxia Bank 新街口对公业务 Wholesale Banking Service对私业务 Retail Banking Service等待区 Waiting Areas 保管箱 Safe Deposit Box自助银行区 Self-service Areas储蓄*出纳 Savings出纳 Cash涉外服务

14、 For Foreigners保管箱 Safe keeping box收费项目 Items开卡工本费 Administrative charge for card activation补卡工本费 Administrative charge for card replacement卡挂失手续费 Administrative charge for card loss reporting.免费 Free of charge每笔十元 The charge is 10 yuan per transaction外汇业务 Foreign Exchange Business汇入/汇出 汇款 Inward/Ou

15、tward Remittance 多币种汇款 Multiple currency remittance电子邮件通知 Email Notification强行改密(密码挂失) Overriding change of password ( loss of password)异地柜台存款 Exterritorial counter deposit取款 Withdrawal卡卡转账 Card-Card Transfer跨行取款 Inter-bank withdrawal跨行查询 Inter-bank enquiry退汇 Rejected Remittance止付 Payment terminatio

16、n自动取款机 Self-Drawing自动存款机 Self-Saving服务流程图 Service Flow Chart华夏银行 湖南路营业时间 Opening Time节假日不营业Weekend/Holiday Closed渣打银行 Standard Charted Bank 新街口业务办理时间 Banking Hours理财咨询时间 Financial Consultancy Hours投诉热线 Complaint Hotline电话银行服务 Phone Bank Service中国邮政储蓄 China Postal Savings 浮桥外币储蓄点 Foreign Deposit Serv

17、ice Available 意见箱 Suggestion Box业务办理 Postal Service深圳发展银行 Shenzhen Development Bank 新街口自动查询缴费机 Automatic Inquiry Payment Machine 营业时间 Business Hours 存取款一体机 CRS大堂经理 Lobby Manage填单处 Form Filling Area业务咨询处 Information个人柜台 Personal Banking Counter本行网址 Bank Web Address网点咨询电话 Network Information非本行人员莫入 On

18、ly Stuff自动取款机操作指引 ATM Operational Guide服务热线 Service Line存取款机操作指引 CRS Operation Guide 招商银行 China Merchants Bank 营业时间 Business Hours个人营业时间 Personal Business Hours对公营业时间 Corporate Business Hours节假日照常营业 Holiday Business as Usual 自助服务区 Self Service Area监督 Oversight理财中心 Premier Customers投诉 Complaints全国统一客

19、户服务电话 China Client Service Telephone综合业务 Integrated Services代发业务 Salary Release Service现金快速通道 Fast Track Deposit and Withdrawal接待区 Reception理财服务区 Financial Services个人贷款业务咨询 Personal Loan Business Consultant 会计结算 Accounting Settlement个人理财专柜 Wealth Management Area一卡通金卡业务 All-in-one-card gold card serv

20、ice.储蓄专柜 Cashier Service因您而变 We are here just for you光大银行 China Everbright Bank 新街口营业时间 Customer Service个人业务 Retail Service出纳 Cashier会计结算 Accounting理财缴费机 Self Help Machine for Paying Bill现金存取款机 Cash Deposit & Drawing Machine现金取款机 Cash Drawing Machine多媒体查询机 Multi-media Checking Machine取款机操作提示 Note fo

21、r ATM Operation南京银行 Bank of Nanjing 新街口综合业务 General Services私人业务 Personal Banking公司业务 Corporate Banking国际业务 International Banking大堂经理 Reception Manager现金取款机 Cash Drawing Machine现金存取款机 Cash Deposit & Drawing Machine自助服务终端 Self-help Service Terminal操作说明 Operating Instruction中信银行 China Citic Bank 湖南路营业

22、时间 Business Time储蓄时间 Deposit Time大堂经理 HALL MANAGER对公业务 Corporating Banking Business对私业务 Retail Banking Business现金结算 Cash Settlement24小时服务热线 24 Hour Hotline紧急按钮 Emergency Button中国农业银行 Agricultural Bank of China 湖南路现金服务区 Cash Service自助服务区 Self-Service Area客户等候区 Customer Waiting Area咨询引导区 Consulting Ar

23、ea保管箱 Lock Box24小时自助服务 24 Hours Banking自助服务终端 Self-service Terminal 操作指南 Operation Instructions插卡 Insert card输入密码 Key in PIN查询 Inquiry转账 Account Transfer改密 Modify PIN挂失 Reporting a loss理财卡 Wealth Management Card查询子帐户 Inquiry Subaccount 通知存款 Call Deposit外汇查询 Foreign Exchange Inquiry市价交易 Market price

24、transaction委托 Request银证 Banxecurity 第三方存款 The third partysafe keeping 银期转账 Bank-option account transfer银行转期货 Bank-to-futures查期方余额 Inquiry the balance of the future输入账号、密码 Input account number, password代缴费 Charging service as agents存折补登 The passbook renewed 交易结束 Transaction end退出、取卡或存折 Exit, take car

25、d or passbook无卡存折 Non-card deposit核对户名 Check Username放入现金 Put in Banknote核对张数、金额 Check up number of sheets, account确认存款 Confirm the deposit活期存折 Demand account for passbook活期/定期 Demand account/Time account自动存取款机 Automatic Deposit and Withdrawal Machine自动取款机 Automatic Teller Machine自助服务终端使用说明 Users gu

26、ides for Self-service Terminal本机只受理农行金穗系列卡和存折等业务 Kin card series and passbook of Agriculture Bank of China only本机不能办理存取款业务 Non-cash Business客户热线 Custom Service Hot-line本机可受理加入“银联”的其他银联卡 This machine can handle any “union pay” card请妥善保管好银行卡和密码,在使用时请用时候身体挡住他人视线,谨防他人窥视您的密码 Please take of your bank card

27、 and PIN, guide against others peeping your PIN while using the card每次取款上限2000元,每日累计最多取款十次,每日累计取款限额20000元 Ceiling of 2000 yuan per withdrawal, with 10 times at most, for amount of 20000 limit per day存款现钞面额仅限100元 Deposit domination: 100 yuan only请不要将残币、不平整的钞票或其他异物放入本机 Please do not put the damaged, untidy banknotes or things other banknotes into this machine.如遇机器吞卡,请于次日持本人有效证件到营业厅柜台领取 In case of card-swallowing, please go to the business hall with your own identity documents to take back your card the next day恒丰银行 Evergrowing Bank湖南路中国人寿保险股份有限公司China Life Insurance Company Limited

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