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1、新人教版七年级下册英语词组总结大全Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?1、1)弹吉他 play the guitar 2) 敲鼓 play the drums 3) 拉小提琴 play the violin 4) 弹钢琴弹的好 play the piano well2、1) 下象棋 play chess 2) 踢足球 play soccer3) 打篮球 play basketball3、唱一首英文歌 sing an English song 歌手 singer4、喜欢跳舞 like dancing 会跳舞 can dance舞蹈家 dancer 擅长跳舞 be goo

2、d at dancing5、说英语speak English/ say it in English 不要讲话 Dont speak.和某人谈论某事talk about sth with sb 告诉某人某事tell sb sth/ tell sth to sb告诉某人做某事tell sb to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事 tell sb not to do sth6、加入一个音乐俱乐部(表动作) join a music club 加入一个游泳俱乐部(表状态) be in a swimming club7、擅长唱歌be good at singing/ do well in singing

3、8、 给某人展示某物show sb sth/ show sth to sb带领某人参观某地show sb around sp. 一个脱口秀a talk show9、我喜欢唱歌和跳舞。I like singing and dancing.我不喜欢唱歌和跳舞。I dont like singing or dancing.10、表演中国功夫play Chinese kungfu11、也also/ too/ either/ as well 12、老人之家Old peoples Home13、呆在家中stay at home 回家 go home/ get home14、善于应付be good with

4、 对有益be good for 对友好be good to/ be friendly to / be kind to15、和某人交朋友make friends with sb 16、今天的故事todays story17、帮助某人某事/ 做某事help sb with sth/do sth在某人的帮助下with ones help= with the help of sb18、在周末on the weekend/ on weekends/ at weekends19、教给某人某事 teach sb sth/ teach sb to do sth/ teach sb how to do stht

5、each的单三 teaches 老师 teacher20、听音乐listen to music 音乐家musician 音乐的,悦耳的 musicalUnit2 what time do you go to school?sectionA:1、what time 2、go to school 3、get up(late)4、get dressed dress+sb , put on或wear+衣服 be in+颜色5、brush (ones)teeth 6、eathave breakfast7、take have a shower8、at about six thirty =at about

6、half past six9、an interesting job 10、from to11、at a radio station 12、at night =in the night13、thats a funny time for breakfast14、be late for 15、onat weekends16、on school dayssectionB17、in the morningafternoonevening 18、a quarter past three19、a quarter to seven 20、do (ones)homework21、go home 22、take

7、a walk23、go to bed early 24、eat quickly25、play sports =take exercise 26、for+时间段27、get to get home ,get there28、eitheror eg:I either watch TV or play computer games in the evening.29、watch TV 30、play computer games31、It tastes good 32、Have a healthy life 33、Here are your clothes 34、Its good for your

8、teeth35、Have time to do sth 36、Make sb sth=make sth for sb37、the sound of 38、have fun (in)doing sth39、v:He exercises twice a day. un:If you dont take exercise ,you will get :Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes.Unit3 How do you get to school?1、gettoschool到达学校 2、takethetrain乘火车3、takethesubway乘地铁

9、 4、rideabike骑自行车5、howdoyougettoschool怎么到达学校6、ridethebiketoschool骑自行车到学校 7、walktoschool步行去学8、walkto,driveto,flyto9、howlongdoesittakesbtodosth花费某人多长时间做某事 10、tenminutes-howlong11、needabout10minutestogettoschool需要十分钟的时间到达学校12、everyday每天 13、tenminuteswalk-howfar 14、howfarisit多远 15、onehundredandfive105 16

10、、about=around大约 17、10kilometersawayfrom十公里远18、goodexercise好的锻炼 19、Imnotsure我不敢确信20、gethome到达家 21、drivehiscartowork开车去上班22、inhisfatherscar坐父亲的车23、IwanttoknowwhereBoblives我想知道鲍勃住到哪24、whatdoyouthinkof=howdoyoulike你觉得怎么样25、crossingtheriveris穿过河是26、itiseasytogettoschool=its+adj.+forsb.todosth.到达学校很容易27、t

11、hereis就近原则 28、between-and在两者之间29、theriverrunquickly河水流的快30、quickly动作上 fast速度上 soon时间上31、onaropeway在索道上 32、goonaropewaytocrosstheriver坐索道穿过河33、lovetodo喜欢做某事 34.an11-year-oldboy一个11岁大的男孩35、tenminuteswalk/aten-minutewalk10分钟的路36、leavefor.离开到某地 37、beafraidtodo,beafraidofsth/doing害怕做某事38、cometrue实现 39、be

12、likeafathertome像父亲一样做某事40、why-because 41、leavesthat/on/in+地点把某物留在某地42、whynot+v原形 43、thanksfor+n/doingsth为什么而感谢44、howtodoit怎么来做它45、atabout8:00在大约8点UNIT4 Dont eat in class.1、 arrive late for=be late for 2、be on time 3、 run in the hallways 4、 eat in the classroom 5、 in the dining hall 6、 listen to musi

13、c 7、 fight with 8、fight for 9、 have a fight 10、school/class rules 11、a lot of rules 12、follow the rules 13、break the rules 14、have to 15、 a uniform 16、be quiet 17、be noisy 18、go out 19、 practice doing 20、on school days/nights 21、bringto 22、see friends 23、some of 24、too many/much 25 、leave sth.+地点 26

14、、make ones bed 27、in the kitchen 28、do the dishes 29、make breakfast 30、before dinner31、feel like doing 32、remember doing/ to do 33、be strict in sth. 34、 be strict with sb.35、 good luck 36、 lucky dog 37、keep ones hair short 38、 learn to do 39、 learn from 40、 learn by oneself 41、 have fun doingUnit 5

15、Why do you like pandas?一、重点词组:1、 kind of scary (= a little = a bit = a little bit) 有点儿吓人 2、all kinds of animals 各种动物3、South Africa 南非 an (African) elephant 一只非洲象4、 walk on two legs 用两条腿走路 5、 sleep all day 整天睡觉6、 come from = be from 来自 7、 save the animals 拯救动物 8、get lost 迷路 9、a symbol of good luck 好运

16、的象征 10、be in (great) danger 处于(极大的)危险中11、cut down the trees 砍树 cut them down12、 lose their homes 失去他们的家园13、places with food and water 有水和食物的地方 14、be made of 由制成 15、 forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事 forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事16、 over = more than 超过17、kill elephants for their ivory (U) 为象牙杀死大象18、 be friendly to

17、 对友好 make friends (with sb.) (与某人)交朋友二、重点句型和语法:1、 Lets see the pandas first. 咱们先去看熊猫吧。此处first为副词,作状语,表“首先”,前面无冠词the.区别:He is the first one to get to school. 此处first为序数词,“第一”,前面要加冠词。2、-Why do you want to see them? 你为什么想先看他们呢? -Because they are kind of interesting. 因为他们有点有趣。Why + 一般疑问句? 用来询问原因,一般用beca

18、use引导的句子来回答。注意:because表“因为”,so表“所以”,但他们不能同时出现在同一个句子中。我们可以说:Because koalas are really cute, I like them a lot. 或者 The koalas are really cute, so I like them a lot.3、Why dont you like the cat? = Why not like the cat? 你为什么不喜欢这只猫?Why dont you + 动词原形?= Why not + 动词原形?用来提出自己的建议或征求对方的意见4、 The elephant is o

19、ne of Thailands symbols. 大象是泰国的象征之一。one of +可数名词复数,表示“之一”。5、 We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. 我们必须挽救树木,不买象牙制造的东西。 此处made of 是过去分词作定语修饰things.区别:The desk is made of wood. 这张桌子是由木头制成的。Unit 6 Im watching TV.1、 watch TV看电视 2、read a newspaper 看报纸3、 make soup 做汤 4、 do some cleaning

20、 打扫4、go to the movies看电影 5、 talk on the phone 通过电话聊天5、eat out 出去吃饭 6、drink tea 喝茶7、 swimming pool 游泳池 8、listen to a CD 听CD9、 use the computer 使用电脑 10、wash the dishes 清洗餐具11、 Not much. 没干什么 12、join me for dinner 加入我吃晚餐13、 see you then 到时候见 14、live with. 和.居住在一起15、make zongzi 做粽子 16、 watch . on TV 在电视

21、上观看.17、 any other 任何一个其它的 18、 host family 寄宿家庭19、 like . a lot 非常喜欢 20、 study for a test 为考试而学习Unit 7 Its raining1、今天天气怎么样?How is the weather today? What s the weather like today? 2、广州经常下雨。 Its often rainy in Guangzhou. It often rains in Guangzhou.3、上海天气怎么样?(3种) 阴天/ 刮风/ 有雾。Whats the weather like in

22、Shanghai? Hows the weather in Shanghai? Its cloudy/ windy/ foggy.4、Jim 的爸爸是个厨师。 Jims father is a cook.他做饭很好。 He cooks well. 他正在厨房做饭。 He is cooking in the kitchen. 5、 做给某人吃 cook sth. for sb. /cook sb. sth.我妈妈给我做了一些鱼。 My mom cooks some fish for me. / My mom cooks me some fish. 6、厨具很贵。 The cooker is de

23、ar/ expensive. 7、 我是Jim. (电话用语) This is Jim speaking. = Jims speaking. 8、最近怎么样?很好/ 还行/ 糟糕。 How is it going? Great!/ Not bad./ Terrible. 9、 在公园里 at/ in the park 去公园 go to the park10、 在他朋友家 at his friends home11、 那听起来不错。 That sounds good. 听起来你好像玩得很开心。 That sounds like you are having fun. 那听起来是个好主意。 Th

24、at sounds like a good idea. 12、捎口信给他 take a message for him 留口信给他leave a message for him得到口信get a message13、你能帮我吗? Can you help me? / Could you help me? 14、没问题 no problem15、让某人(不)要做某事 tell sb. (not) to do sth. 老师让她打扫教室。 The teacher tells her to clean the classroom. 老师不让我们上课说话。 The teacher tells us n

25、ot to talk in class. 告诉某人关于某事 tell sb. (about) sth. 告诉我你的梦想。 Tell me about your dream. 16、给我/ Tom回电话 call me back call Tom back = call back Tom17、做某事很高兴 have fun/ a good time (in) doing sth. 他们在公园里踢球踢得很开心。 They are having fun/ a good time playing football in the park. 18、 做某事有问题 have problems doing

26、sth. Lucy学英语有问题。 Lucy has problems learning English. Tom说英语没问题。 Tom doesnt have problems speaking English.19、外面在下雨,是吗? Its raining outside, isnt it?他们在公园玩得很开心,是吗? They are having fun in the park, arent they? 她能给我捎个口信,是吗? She can take a message for me, cant she? 你每天早上早起,是吗? You get up early every mor

27、ning, dont you? 她不喜欢刮风, 是吗? She doesnt like windy days, does she? 20、每周六 on Saturdays = every Saturday 在周六on Saturday 21、 现在 right now = now22、 感冒have a cold23、 他每年去北京。 He visits Beijing every year. 我总是去看望爷爷奶奶。 I often visit my grandparents. 这是我第一次去洛阳。 This is my first visit to Luoyang.公园里有一些游客。 Som

28、e visitors are in the park. 24、 在加拿大/ 欧洲 in Canada/ Europe25、去夏令营go to summer school/ camp26、 学英语学得好study English well 27、 学了很多learn a lot = learn much 学了一点/ 没学Learn a little/ little28、 我的许多朋友来自美国。 Many of my friends are from the USA. 我的一个朋友来自美国。 One of my friends is from the USA. 29、 我很高兴又见到了他们。 Im

29、 happy to see them again. 30、 坐在游泳池旁sit by the swimming pool在海边散步 walk by the sea 站在河边stand by the river31、 喝橙汁drink orange juice 两杯橙汁two glasses of orange juice32、马上见! / 下个月见!/ 明天见! See you soon/ next month/ tomorrow.33、 她不在。 She is not here. / She is not in. / She is not at home. 34、 在雨天in the rai

30、ny weather / on rainy days35、我在阅读。 Im reading (a book)/ doing some reading. 36、 戴着/上帽子 wear a hat / put on a hat37、我妈总是给我买俄罗斯面包。My mother always buys Russian bread for me.My mother always buys me Russian bread. 38、 你必须带书包回家。 You must take your schoolbag home. 你必须带书包去图书馆。 You must take your schoolbag to the library.39、 许多男孩在雪里玩。 Many boys are playing in the snow. 40、 一个女孩在河上溜冰。 A girl is ska

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