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1、学年高中英语Unit3BacktothepastSectionWelcometotheunitSection Welcome to the unit & ReadingLanguage Points学生用书P61 品句填词1We could see thick black smoke was _(涌出) out of the roof.答案:pouring2The pictures in the museum show the ancient _(文明) of Greece and Rome.答案:civilization3The professor regularly gives _(演讲)

2、 about modern English literature.答案:lectures4He often drives to buy things in that big supermarket instead of at the _(附近的) shop because there arent many goods here.答案:nearby5It is said that the film is a huge _(商业的) success.答案:commercial6His father _(创建) the American Socialist Party.答案:founded7We _

3、(装饰) the Christmas tree last night.答案:decorated8The colors changed _(逐渐) from orange to yellow.答案:gradually9They sheltered _(在下面) their umbrellas.答案:beneath10They had led the country into economic _(灾难)答案:disaster 单句改错1A good team has to be found on cooperation. _答案:foundfounded2Fortunate for John,

4、he had an understanding wife. _答案:FortunateFortunately3That lots of trees were cut down resulted from the city being buried by sand. _答案:fromin4The car broke away on the way. _答案:awaydown5In spite of their quarrel,they remained as the best friends. _答案:去掉as 完成句子1看! 你们的老师来了。Look! _your teacher.答案:Her

5、e comes2她注视着顺着窗户往下流的大雨。She watched the rain _ the windows.答案:pouring down3你完成了家庭作业, 他也完成了。You finished your homework, and _答案:so did he4在这些人中有一个叫布朗的人。 _was a man named Brown.答案:Among the people5今天能和你们在一起我觉得很幸运。I feel _ to be here with you today.答案:so fortunate 课文语法填空Both Pompeii in Italy 1._ Loulan

6、in China became 2._(lose) civilizations about 2,000 years ago.Pompeii 3._(found) in the 8th century BC and was taken 4._ by the Romans in 89 BC.On 24th Aug.AD 79, a volcano 5._(eruption) and the city was buried 6._(live)Loulan was a 7._(stop) point on the Silk Road.8._ was covered by sandstorms.Ther

7、e are just a few buildings 9._(leave). A lot of treasures, including coins, painted pots, material such as silk, documents and wall paintings, 10._(find) by Sven.答案:1.and2.lost3.was founded4.over5.erupted6alive7.stopping8.It9.left10.were foundA卷 学生用书P121(单独成册) 单句语法填空1They want to see the famous bask

8、etball match and so _ I.答案:do2She broke _ and cried when she heard the bad news.答案:down3Julie has turned _ to be the best student in our class.答案:out4Guernica is the name of a town that _(destroy) during the 1930s war in Spain.答案:was destroyed5Now that the problem is solved, nothing remains _(say)答案

9、:to be said6The sudden fire makes people flee _ all directions.答案:in7We all want to see him,but _(fortunate) he wont be here tomorrow evening.答案:unfortunately8They wanted to pour _ their own bitterness.答案:out9Buddhism is the religion _(found) by Buddha in North India.答案:founded10There _(stand) a chu

10、rch near our school in the past.答案:stood 阅读理解Almost every night for more than ten years, Kirk Alexander, 48, of Salem, Oregon, ordered dinner from his local restaurant Dominos Pizza.Then one day, he stopped calling.“It had been several days,”Dominos general manager Sarah Fuller said, “which is not l

11、ike him.”Sarah had known Kirk since 2009. Many Dominos delivery drivers regularly made the short trip to Kirks house,about six minutes away. She knew he worked from home and that he hardly went outside. She also knew that he had suffered health problems in the past. Sarah was worried. Perhaps someth

12、ing was wrong.Around 1 am. on Sunday, May 8,Sarah sent delivery driver Tracey Hamblen to Kirks home. Tracey approached the door as he had countless times before and knocked. He could plainly see the TV set and lights were on, but after several minutes, Kirk still hadnt answered the door. Tracey call

13、ed Kirk. The call went straight to voice mail.Tracey then called 911, and soon officers were on their way. When they arrived at Kirks house, they heard a man calling for help from inside. They broke down the door and found Kirk on the floor in need of immediate medical attention after suffering from

14、 what Sarah said was a stroke. One day later, and they might have been too late.So is keeping an eye on regular customers part of Dominos business plan? Not really, says Sarah.“Kirk is part of our family here,”she said. “We felt like we needed to do something.”【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了一家比萨店的善举挽救了一位老顾客性

15、命的故事。1What can we learn about Kirk?AHe is out of work.BHe lives with his family.CHe enjoys staying indoors.DHe always goes to Dominos.C解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的he hardly went outside可知,Kirk基本足不出户。2What happened to Kirk on May 8?AHe called 911 for help.BHe had a sudden serious illness.CHe locked himself up in

16、 his house.DHe was knocked down outside his house.B解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的内容和第五段中的found Kirk on the floor.stroke可知,Kirk在5月8日这天突发疾病。3What can be the best title for the text?APizza Saved a LifeBSmall Acts MatteredCNeighbor Lent a HandDDominos Set an ExampleA解析:标题归纳题。通读文章后可知,一位比萨店的老顾客几乎每天都要订餐,然而接连好几天没这样做,该店的经理

17、觉得事有蹊跷,因此派人过去查看,最后发现该顾客中风倒地。如果不是比萨店经理的此举,该顾客已经性命不保。由此可知,A项概括了文章主旨,作标题形象、贴切。 完形填空Mary and her husband Jim had a dog named “Lucky”Whenever friends visited Mary and Jim, they would _1_ their friends not to leave their luggage open _2_ Lucky would steal treasures and put them in his toy box in the _3_It

18、 happened that Mary found out that she had a _4_The night before she was to go to the hospital, she thought, “If I die, Lucky will be abandoned(抛弃)Lucky wont understand that I dont want to _5_him.” The thought made her sadder than thinking of her own _6_The operation was _7_, but Mary had to stay in

19、 the hospital for three weeks._8_ the day came for Mary to leave the hospital.When she arrived home, Mary was so _9_ that she couldnt even make up to her bedroom.Jim made his wife comfortable on the _10_ and left her to sleep.Lucky stood watching Mary but he didnt come to her when she _11_It made Ma

20、ry sad.But _12_ soon overcame her and she fell asleep.When Mary woke, she couldnt understand what was wrong.She couldnt _13_ her head and her body on the couch, and she felt _14_ and hot.But she laughed happily when she _15_ the problem.She was covered with every treasure Lucky owned! While she had

21、slept, the sad dog had made trip after trip to the basement _16_ his beloved mistress(女主人) all his favorite things in life.He had _17_ her with his love.Mary forgot about dying._18_, she and Lucky began living again, _19_ further and further together every day.Its been 12 years now and Mary is still

22、 cancerfree.Lucky? He still steals treasures,but Mary _20_ his greatest treasure.1A.advise BpersuadeCwarn DforceC解析:因为 “幸运” 喜欢 “偷” 东西, 所以夫妇俩总会告诫来访的朋友不要把行李敞开着, 此处用 “warn” 一词还具有幽默调侃的意味。2A.after BwhileCwhen DbecauseD解析:前后为因果关系, 空后是说明夫妇俩之所以这样做的原因, 故选D。3A.basement BbedroomCkitchen DyardA解析:本空根据倒数第二段 “the

23、 sad dog had made trip after trip to the basement” 可知答案为A, “幸运” 是把东西藏在地下室的玩具箱里。4A.cold BcancerCheadache DstomachacheB解析:从下文 Mary到医院做了手术住院三周可知这不是感冒之类的小毛病, 再从最后一段 “Mary is still cancerfree” 可知 Mary 有一天查出自己患了癌症。故选B。5A.keep BloseCpunish DleaveD解析:注意此处的时态, 本处是在描述 Mary 当时的心理活动, 她在想: “幸运” 不会明白我不愿意离它而去(因为她想

24、到自己可能会死)。并不是 “幸运” 有什么病或变故, 故B不可选。D项符合句意。6A.pain BsadnessCbusiness DdeathD解析:由上文 “If I die.” 可知本句是说:这一想法让 Mary 感觉比想到自己死还要难受。故选D。7A.successful BexpensiveCdifficult DpainfulA解析:从后文 Mary 出院回家并且活了十二年, 癌症没有夺去她的生命可知手术很成功。故选A。8A.Gradually BFinallyCUnluckily DNaturallyB解析:Mary 在医院里治疗了三个星期, 最后终于迎来了出院回家的日子。故选B

25、。9A.frightened BdisappointedCtired DexcitedC解析:从后文 Mary 在沙发上昏昏睡去可知此处是说进了家门后, Mary 如此精疲力竭甚至连走进自己卧室的力气都没有了。故选C。10A.floor BchairCbed DcouchD解析:从下一段 “She couldnt _ her head and her body on the couch” 可知 Jim 是把妻子安顿在沙发上, 让她睡一会儿。故选D。11A.greeted BsmiledCcalled DcriedC解析:“幸运” 站在那里注视着 Mary, 当 Mary 呼喊它的时候, 它并没

26、有凑上前去, 这使得 Mary很难过, 此处用 greet (问候)不妥, 应是 Mary 招呼 “幸运” 到跟前去。故选C。12A.sleep BpainCdisappointment DangerA解析:上文讲 Mary 非常疲劳, 下文有 “she fell asleep” 和 “When Mary woke” 这些信息, 由此可知此处是说 “但很快睡意袭来”。故选A。13A.shake BmoveCraise DcontrolB解析:依据后文 “幸运” 把自己最珍爱的所有 “宝贝” 都给心爱的女主人搬来给她盖上可知此处应是讲由于她被这么多东西 “盖” 住了, 所以她感觉到在沙发上头和身

27、体动弹不得。若用 raise 和 head 搭配, raise the head 含有 “look up” 的意思, 即抬起头往上看, 同时也无法同后面的 body 搭配, 不妥。故选B。14A.hard BworriedCheavy DnervousC解析:因为身上压了这么多东西, 所以她感觉很沉很闷热。故选C。15A.caused BsawCsolved DrealizedD解析:根据语境, 是 “当她认识到问题出在哪儿时, 不由得开心地笑了起来”。故选D。16A.showing BreturningCtaking DbringingD解析:她睡着的时候, 这条悲伤的狗一次又一次地跑到地下

28、室, 把自己最珍爱的所有 “宝贝” 都给心爱的女主人搬来了。take 意为 “带去, 拿走”, 指把某物从说话者所在地拿走, bring 的意思正相反, 故C不妥。D符合句意。17A.closed BprotectedCcovered DburiedC解析:因为 “幸运” 的这一行为表明了它对 Mary 的爱, 所以作者把 “它用玩具把女主人盖了起来” 说成了 “它用爱把女主人盖了起来”, 写得含蓄巧妙。故选C。18A.Instead BHoweverCCertainly DSurelyA解析:Mary 不再想着会死的事, 而是和 “幸运” 重新开始了新的生活, 在讲完不做某件事后, 若紧接着

29、讲做另一特定的事情, 常用 instead, however 没有此用法。故选A。19A.hiking BwalkingCrunning DgoingB解析:Mary 和 “幸运” 每天都一起出去散步, 走得越来越远。每天跑或徒步旅行不合常理或不合Mary 的身体状况。B符合文意。20A.remains BbecomesCturns DseemsA解析:从全文来看, 应是 “幸运” 以前最爱 Mary, 视她为自己最珍贵的 “宝贝”, 现在他们每天待在一起, “而 Mary 依然是它最珍贵的宝贝”。因为自始至终是这样, 所以用B或C不正确, 只有A项表示 “状态的始终如一”。B卷 学生用书P123(单独成册) 阅读理解ADo you suppose Darwin, one of the greatest scientists of all time, really did foolish experiments? Or did he

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