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1、深圳牛津版九年级chapter15单元词汇句型训练Chapter 1 I. Word changes:1.disappointed(adj.失望的)- disappointing(adj. 令人失望的) - disappointment(n. 失望)- disappoint(v. 令失望)2. senior(adj.)- junior(adj. 初级的)3. employee(n.雇员)- employer(n. 雇主)- employ(v. 雇用)- employment( n. 雇用、就业)- unemployment(n. 失业)4. agency(n.代理)- agent(n. 代理人

2、、密探)5. impression(n. 印象)- impress(v. 留下印象)- impressive(adj. 令人印象深刻的)- impressed(adj. 印象深刻的)6. part-time(adj. 业余的)- full-time (adj. 全职的)7. greet(v. 打招呼)- greet sb greeting(n.问候) 8. speech n. 演讲speak(v. 演讲、讲话)- speaker(n. 演说者, 扬声器)9. appearance(n. 面容、外貌)- appear(v. 出现)- disappear(v. 消失)appear= show up

3、 : 出现10. hesitation(n. 犹豫)- hesitate(v. 犹豫)- hesitant (adj. 犹豫不决的)11. remind v. 提醒 reminder n. 提醒的人;通知信 a reminder letter 催函12. identify v. 识别;辨别identification n. 辨认, 鉴定, 证明- identity( n. 身份)-identity( ID ) card : 身份证13. graceful adj. 优美的;优雅的grace n. 优美;优雅14. flowing adj. 流畅的 flow n. v. 流动 flow- flo

4、wed, (fly, flew, flown)15. bless v. 祝福;保佑 God bless you! blessing n. 祝福16. congratulate v. 祝贺 congratulation n. 祝贺Congratulations !17. sign v. 签字 signature n. 签字18. express (v.) 表达 expression (n.)表达、习惯用语19. frequent (adj.) - frequently (adv.)经常地,频繁地20. west -western-westerner 西方人21. pronounce (v.)-p

5、ronunciation (n.)发音22. beautiful -beautifully -beauty (n.)美人 23. appear (v.) 出现appearance (n.) -disappear (v.) 消失 appear= show up : 出现II. Phrases1. at work:在工作中2. a travel agency旅行社3 a well-dressed lady一位穿戴得体的女士4 glance at匆匆瞥了一眼5 walk over to someone朝某人走过去6.greet someone cheerfully愉快地跟某人打招呼7 a senio

6、r employee一个高级雇员8 prefer Debbie to me喜欢Debbie 而不喜欢我 9 the way you communicate with others你与别人沟通的方式10 a chance to speak to与某人说话的机会11 your gesture and the expression on your face 你的姿态与你脸上的表情12 leave sb. a good impression / make a good impression on sb.给某人留下一个好印象13 rest ones head on ones hand手托着头14 loo

7、k up 抬起头;look very happy:看起来很高兴(look+ adj:看起来)15 make eye contact with sb与某人进行眼神交流16 improve his body language 改进他的肢体语言17 without hesitation毫不犹疑18 remind sb about sth提醒某人某事remind sb of sth使某人想起某事 remind sb to do sth提醒某人去做某事remind sb that提醒某人 19 reception desk接待处、前台20 understand one another: 相互理解21 k

8、ind of + n 某种22. smile at 对微笑23. get a chance 得到一个机会24. look like 看起来像( 25. far more 何止26. as a matter of fact/ in fact / actually 事实上IV. Paraphrase1. The customer glanced at the new clothes.The customer had a quick look at the new clothes.2. Debbie greeted us cheerfully.Debbie said hello to us happ

9、ily and warmly.3. They prefer beef to pork.They like beef better than pork.4. You dont look very happy.You look unhappy.5. How can we contact with you ?How can we get in touch with you ?6. I decided to go with you.I made up my mind to go with you./ I made a decision to go with you.7. Whats up?Whats

10、wrong ? /Whats the matter ?8. Daisy didnt go to the park. Instead she stayed at home.Daisy stayed at home instead of / in place of going to the park.9. Can you do it on your own?Can you do it by yourself? Can you do it alone?10. How can you deal with the science problem?What can you do with the scie

11、nce problem?11. What kind of / language is it?What sort of / / type of language is it?12. Foreign guests were deeply impressed with these young volunteers.These young volunteers made a deep impression on foreign guests13. A lady who dressed well came into the office just now.A well-dressed lady ente

12、red the office just now.Revision of Chapter 2 I. Word changes:1. care (n. 小心,照料,忧虑v. 关心,喜爱,介意) careful (adj. 小心的;仔细的) carefully (adv. 小心地)careless (adj. 粗心的)carelessly (adv. 粗心地)carelessness n. 粗心2. suit (v. 合适;适合 n. 衣服)- suit/fit sb 合适某人suitable (adj. 合适的;适当的) be suitable for / be fit for 3. daily

13、adv. 每日(every day) adj. 每日的(everyday) day(n. )4. wonderful (adj. 令人惊奇的) - wonder (n. 奇迹v. 想知道) wonder land5. shine v. (shone, ) 照耀,闪亮shiny adj. 发光的5. loosen v. 使松散 op. fasten扣紧 fasten the seat-beltloose (adj.) 6. dirt n. 污垢;泥土 - dirty adj. 肮脏的7. dry(v.) 弄干drier/dryer (n.干燥机, 干燥剂)/ dry(adj. 干的) - wet

14、(adj.湿的)8. gently(adv.轻轻地)- op. hard gentle(adj. 温柔的)gentleman(n. 绅士)9. available(adj. 有空的;有用的)unavailable (adj. 得不到的)availably(adv. )10. exclamation (n.感叹)- exclaim (v. 感叹、惊叹)11. recommend(v.)-推荐 recommendation (n. 推荐)12. mind(v. 介意)- minded adj. 有意的,留神的 absent-minded 心不在焉mind(n. 心意;精神)13. later(ad

15、j. 以后的)- latest(adj. 最新的)- late(adj. 迟到的, adv. )- 14. specialist(n. 专家expert)- special (adj. 特别的)specialty (n. 专业、专长)-especially (adv. 尤其的,特别的)expert n. & a. 15.notify(v.)- notification (n. 通知,告知)16. regret (v & n. )- regretful(adj. 后悔的)17. afterwards ad. op. before hand forward, backward17. wise (

16、adj.) 英明的wiser wisdom (n.) 明智18. free freedom (n.) 自由19. missmissing (adj.) =lost 丢失的20. appoint(v.) 约定-appointment 21. advertise (v.) 做广告-advertisement (n.)广告-advertising (n.) 广告业Phrases in Chapter 2 :1. IV. Paraphrase1. My computer breaks down.My computer doesnt work.There is something wrong with

17、my computer.2. Our games made the children feel on tope of the world. Our games made the children feel very happy.3. You can always call in Michael when you are in trouble.You can ask Michael for help when you are in trouble.4. Its wise of you to dry you hair with a towel rather than a hairdryer. It

18、 is wise of you to dry your hair with a towel instead of a hairdryer.You are wise to dry your hair with a towel instead of a hairdryer.5. To look after a short hairstyle is easy for you.It is easy for you to care for a short hairstyle.6. The game is so easy that everyone can pass.It is such an easy

19、game that everyone can pass. The game is easy enough for everyone to pass.7. Lack of protein and iron can make your hair less shiny.If you are short of protein and iron, your hair will be less shiny.8. She suggests that we should keep our hair clean.She advised us to keep our hair clean.9. Your spee

20、ch is important. Your body language is important too.Your speech is important, so is your body language.Your speech is as important as your body language.10.The newspaper is free to readers.10. Readers neednt pay for the newspaper.Revision of Chapter 3 I. Word changes:1. lie - lay- lain- lying 位于,躺,

21、卧lie-lied -lied -lying 说谎 lay-laid-laid-laying 将置放、孵蛋2. base(n.)basic (adj. 基本的) be based in 以为基础3. bronze(n)/ silver(n. 银)/ gold (n. 金)44. scenery(n.风景)scenic (adj. 景色优美的) scene(n. 场景)5. reflection (n.)reflect (v. 反映、反射)reflect on sth考虑(回想, 回顾)6. direction(n.) direct(v. 指导、指挥 adj. 直接的)7. director(n

22、.导演)-directly(adv. 直接的)8. cheat v. 欺骗ed n. 欺骗; cheater n.骗子 9. appreciate v. 感谢 d appreciation n. 感谢;赏识;欣赏appreciative 10. painting(n.) 上油漆,绘画, 画,油画,水彩画 painter(n) (油)漆工,画家 paint(v.) 9. organize - organization (n.) 组织10. attract (v.) 吸引attractive (adj.) 有吸引力的-attraction (n.) 11. construct (v.) -cons

23、truction (n.) 建筑,建造constructive (adj.) 建筑性的12. magnificent (adj.) 华丽的-magnificently (adv.)-magnificence (n.)13. memory (n.) 纪念-memorial (adj.) / (n.)纪念物,纪念碑14. lie-lay-lain( vt. 躺下,位于); laylaidlaid( vi.放置)lieliedliedlying 说谎II. Phrases 1. come from 来自 2. on business 出差 3. in charge of 负责 4. place of

24、 interest 名胜5. go hiking 徒步旅行 6. take shape 成形7. more than 多于 8. be famous for 因而出名 9. pay attention to 注意 10. be worried-about 担心. 11. in advance 提前(P39) 12. best regards 致以诚挚问候13. know about 知悉,了解 14. at-anytime 在任何时候15. in memory of 为了纪念 16. get married 结婚17. two return tickets 两张返程车票19. lie in t

25、he center of20. a large number of. 21. take a boat trip22. be attracted / fractionated by . 23. take a mud bath24. What make of watch is it? 25. children aged from 2 to 5年龄从到26. a letter of request 27. contact sb by phon 28. seat an audience of 5000 能容纳.观众29. be located 5 km east of Xian 坐落在西安以东.30.

26、 in the style of 以风格IV. Paraphrase1. Whats the weather like today?How is the weather today?2. Walking along the river is fun.It is fun walking along the river.3. We spent a long time in building the house.It took us a long time to build the house.4. The park is located in the middle of the city.The

27、park lies in/ is in the middle of the city.5. After a years hard work, the long bridge was formed at last.After a years hard work, the long bridge took shape at last.6. Take a boat trip, and you will feel excited.If you take a boat trip, youll feel excited.7. In the museum , you can find a great man

28、y ancient Chinese bronzes, painting, etc.In the museum , you can find a large number of ancient Chinese bronzes, painting, etc.8. You will be attracted by the peaks along the river.You will be fascinated by the peaks along the river.9. The hall can seat an audience of 5000.The hall can hold 5000 peo

29、ple/audience.7. To help preserve the building, only a few people are admitted each day.10. To help keep the buildings safe, only a few people can enter it each day.Chapter 4Vocabulary1. 1 behave-behaviour- behavioural ( adj.) - behaviourally (adv.)behaviourism “行为主义”behaviourist “行为主义者”2 hurt v. hur

30、t hurt (injure 同义词) 3 bully v. - bullying n. 欺凌弱小者;土霸4 violent adj.-violently adv. violence n. 5 help-helpful adj. unhelpful adj. helpless adj.6 education- educational (adj.)educator educator “教师,教育工作者” educationalist “教育家“7 medical- medicine n. 8 advise v. advice n. adviser “顾问” suggestsuggestion 9 conclusion n. conclude v. concluding (adj.) “结束的”10 formal-informal (非正式的) -formally 11 communicate v. communication n.12 accident n.- accidentally adv. 13 complain v. complaint n. 14.error mistake(同义词) mistaken err v. 15. counsel v.

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