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人教新课标高中英语必修三Unit 3学案.docx

1、人教新课标高中英语必修三Unit 3学案Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note练习一 一、 翻译下面单词和短语。1. 大量的2. 嫉妒3. 前进; 说吧; 4. 意外地; 偶然5. 衣衫褴褛6. 老实说; 说实话7. 对做出解释8. 迷路; 倾心于9. 陷入困境10. 碰运气 11. 赚取旅费12. 打赌13. 至于; 就而言14. 允许某人做某事15. 十年16. 幽默的; 诙谐的17. 人物;特征; 性格18. 耐心19. 小说20. 难以置信的 二、用以上单词或短语的正确形式填空21. The accident caused _ damage.22. If

2、you think you can solve the problem, _.23. Columbus discovered America _.24. There is no _ taste.25. I dont want to _ with you on who will win the match.26. _, I dont like him very much because he is always _ others success.27. You will have to wait and _.28. In the end I lost my _ and shouted at he

3、r.29. The poor man _ and looked hungry.30. He _ the book and didnt pay attention to the outside world.三、根据中文或首字母提示,填写所缺单词的适当形式。31. Your brother is full of h_; he had us laughing all through the meal.32. Zhang Yimou is one of the best d_ in the history of Chinese film industry.33. People like his pla

4、y because they find all the c_ in it are real.34. The Japanese are used to b_ to each other when they meet.35. The little girl s_ when she saw a mouse running by her feet.36. It was really u_ that he fell off the truck without being hurt.37. It is hard to imagine that she should be so r_ to an old l

5、ady.38. Every night he would sit on the door steps, s_ into the darkness.39. The first _ (场景) of the play was almost over when they got to the theatre.40. There were too many people and he had to force a _ (通路) through the crowd.41. It is good _ (礼貌) to give your seat to an old man on the bus.42. Th

6、e sudden _ (出现) of the policeman caused the thief to run away.43. Though they were classmates, he was _ (嫉妒) of Marys success.44. In order to keep his money safe, he opened an _ (账户) with the bank.45. Be a little _ (耐心). I will be ready in a few minutes.四多项选择( )1Where did she find _old pictures? She

7、 found them in the drawer by _ ccident. A/;/ Bthe;the Cthe;an Dthe;/( )2Stay awake!You should know that it _ to sleep in class.Adoesnt permit Bis not permittedCwill not be permitted Dwas not permitted( )3I rang you at about nine,but there was no reply.Oh,that was probably _I was seeing the doctor.Aw

8、hy BwhenCwhat Dthat( )4_should any money be given to a small child.AOn no account BBy any meansCIn that case DTo some degree( )5I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?_.Im not using it anyhow.ASure,go ahead BI dont knowCYes,indeed DI dont care( )6I have no _ with people who are always

9、 complaining of their misfortunes.Adevotion BbeliefCpatience Dbalance( )7When he looked up,he suddenly found himself _ by a group of teenagers,_looked at him anxiously.Ato be surrounded;which Bsurrounded;whoCbe surrounded;who Dhaving been surrounded;which( )8Its wise of you to _ your fathers advice

10、when you come to any difficulty.Aask BseekCtry Dattempt( )9When the man was trying to break into the bank,he was caught by the police_.Ain a spot Bon the spotCoff the spot Dto the spot( )10I hear Johnson was badly injured in the accident._,lets go and see him.AIf not BIf soCIf necessary DIf possible

11、( )11The poor young man is ready to accept _ help he can get.Awhichever BhoweverCwhatever Dwhenever( )12I had finished my homework and _ watch the Olympics when the power was cut off.Awas going to Bwas about toCwas to Dwould( )13If you have any trouble _ the work within the time,please tell me.Ato f

12、inish BfinishCwith finishing Dfinishing( )14He has behaved in the most extraordinary way;I cant _ his behavior at all.Aresult from Bdepend onCwatch out Daccount for( ) 15. Do you think it is _ good manners to hear others conversations in _curious manner?Athe;a B/;/C/;a Dthe;the五、完形填空Valentines Day w

13、as the time my father chose to show his love for the special people in his life. Over the years I fondly (天真地) thought_31_him as my “Valentine man”My first recollection of the_32_he could bring to Valentines Day came when I was six. That morning at the breakfast table I found a card and a giftwrappe

14、d package at my chair. The card was_33_“Love,Dad” and the gift was a ring with a small piece of red glass to_34_my birthstone,a ruby (红宝石)There is_35_difference between red glass and rubies to a child of six,and I remember_36_that ring with pride that all the cards in the world_37_not surpass (超越)_3

15、8_I grew older,the gifts gave_39_to heartshaped boxes filled with my_40_chocolate and always included a_41_card signed “Love,Dad”In those years my thankyou became_42_of a perfunctory (敷衍) response. The cards seemed less_43_,and I took for granted that the Valentine would_44_be there. I had_45_my hop

16、es and dreams in receiving cards and gifts from “significant others” and “Love,Dad” just didnt seem quite_46_.His final card remains on my desk today. Its a_47_of how special fathers can be and how important it has been to me over the years to know that I had a father who continued a_48_of love with

17、 simple acts of understanding and an ability to express happiness over the people in his life.Those things never_49_,nor does the memory of a man who never_50_being my valentine.( )31. A. of Babout Cup Dover( )32A. memory Bmagic Cpuzzle Dpresent( )33A. read Bwritten Cshown Dsigned( )34A. recover Bre

18、semble Crepresent Dreplace( )35A. much Blittle Cgreat Dless( )36A. having Bowning Cwearing Dwatching( )37A. could Bdid Cmust Dshould( )38. A. Because BSince CWhen DAs( )39A. room Bway Chonour Dseat( )40A. favorite Blovely Cdear Dprecious( )41A. usual Bcommon Cstrange Dspecial( )42A. less Blittle Cmo

19、re Dmuch( )43A. important Bbeautiful Cfamiliar Dstandard( )44A. surely Balways Cregularly Doften( )45A. let Bkept Cplaced Dremembered( )46A. suitable Benough Ceffective Dsacred( )47A. signal Bcertificate Cconsequence Dreminder( )48A. tradition Bhobby Chabit Dcustom( )49A. lose Bdie Cmiss Dappear( )5

20、0A. thought Bwanted Ctried Dstopped 练习二一. 请从下面方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空。 make a bet, go ahead, by accident, account for, to be honest, in rags, even if get into trouble, be lost in, do with, take a chance, be about to1. They _ get down the hill when suddenly it began to rain heavily.2. My brother never mi

21、sses a class _ he is ill and has a high fever.3. The girl _ so _ listening to music that she forgot the meeting.4. There is so much rubbish here that I really dont know what _ it.5. Though he was told it was hard to find a job there, he still decided to _.6. I wonder if I could use your typewriter?

22、Sure, _.7. How did you find this important letter? Quite _.8. He has been asked to _ his absence.9. If you dont listen to the teachers advice, you will _.10. _, I dont like the way he does things.二. 完成句子1. 第二天早上, 我正感到绝望的时候, 一艘船发现了我.The next morning I had about given up for lost _.2. 我靠做义工来顶替船费, 这就是我

23、为什么衣冠不整的原因了.I earned _ an unpaid hand, which _ my appearance.3. 她很有礼貌地与我们谈话.She talked to us in _.4. 英格兰银行今年发行了两张这样面值的钞票. 不管怎样, 它不可能是假钞. Two notes _ by the Bank of England this year. _, it _ fake. 5. 马克吐温出生在佛罗里达, 并在密西西比河边密苏里州的汉尼拔尔度过了他的童年.Mark Twain _ Florida and _ in Hannibal, Missouri, _ the Missis

24、sippi River.6. 耶路大学和牛津大学为他的作品向他表示敬意.Yale and Oxford University _ .7. 快到黄昏的时候, 我发现自己被一阵大风刮到了大海上._, I found myself _ by a strong wind.8. 患难才是真朋友.A friend _ is a friend _.9 你对我母亲得有耐心, 她的耳朵越来越背了. Youll have to _ my mothershe is going rather deaf.10. 恐怕明天会下雨。假如下雨的话,我们就不能举行足球赛了。 Im afraid it will rain tom

25、orrow. _ _ (假如下雨的话), we wont be able to hold our football match.三. 阅读理解AI want to talk about a soldier. I saw him yesterday as my husband and I were enjoying a wonderful lunch in the cave-like dining room of an old hotel. It is hard to imagine being comfortable in a room that probably seats a thousa

26、nd, but the real magic of the place is its wonderful setting. Every comer is a wood and stone masterpiece, with high glass windows that look out to the huge cliffs (悬崖) of the valley. A man entered with his family and took a seat. He wasnt in uniform, but he walked with the dignity of a soldier, and

27、 a slight limp (瘸). My suspicion was confirmed when he removed his hat and placed it on the table where I could see it. Embroidered (绣) on the cap were the words: Iwo Jima Survivor. As they were waiting for lunch, the others talking happily, this gentleman was stating out of the window. He was content to be left out of the conversation and allowed to take in the

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