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高考英语写作专题复习概要写作 练习题6篇含答案.docx

1、高考英语写作专题复习概要写作 练习题6篇含答案高考英语写作专题复习:概要写作 练习题6篇一Ive been taking time this week to smell the roses. Literally. I bend over in my neighbors front yard, check that nobody is watching, then bury my head in the flowers.Ive also been walking into bakeries and walking around without buying anything.After havi

2、ng surgery (外科手术) on my broken nose 18 months ago, I havent been able to smell or taste things.This week, however, my nose is back in business.Ive been overwhelmed by smells, and its given me a new way of thinking. Scent is just one of the little bits and pieces that make life enjoyable, but which w

3、e often ignore. I remember once, when my son was 5 months old, I was carrying him down the street. Wind swept through and almost tipped us over. He threw his little head back and giggled (傻笑). Hed never felt the wind on his face. When is the last time I laughed at the weather?The first time I ate ba

4、con, I rushed home to my parents, determined that we ate this deliciousness at every meal. My father smiled and agreed.Do you recall when you learned that the voice actors of Mickey and Minnie Mouse were married in real life? Do you enjoy sleeping in new, clean bedsheets? Is there someone on the rad

5、io whose voice is as smooth as velvet (天鹅绒)?We dont write postcards about the small things. We dont frame them in photographs. They arent that great or grand, but without them, life is altogether too loud. These quiet experiences give us a chance to enjoy the simple fact of being alive.As my sense o

6、f smell returns to me, its like Im smelling things for the first time. Theyre full of memories and magic. Food tastes better, and the air is indeed sweet. I know what the poets mean now. It almost makes my broken nose worthwhile. Now, I am waiting for this bandage to come off. Theres an itch (痒) I c

7、ant reach!Summary writing 概要写作Please write a summary of the article in about 60 words.参考答案 possible version I lost my sense of smell after surgery months ago. However, this week, my sense of smell is back along with a new way of thinking. Through recalling the bits and pieces in life and enjoying sm

8、all things here and there, I realize we cant ignore the small things they are what makes us fully alive.二Ive always been sorry that I dont know more about the stars and galaxies.I was especially sorry a few weeks ago when I went out early one morning and saw a bright light in the eastern sky. It was

9、 so brilliant that I wondered if it was a UFO.I Googled it when I went back inside. It was Venus.I am envious of people who can confidently point out the Big Dipper (北斗七星) and the Little Dipper (小北斗七星). Sometimes I think Ive found them, but then I link all the stars and wind up with something differ

10、ent.Someone who lives in the country where stars shine brightly in the dark showed me where the family watches the space station at night.“It starts over there,” she said, pointing to the top of a tree. “It crosses this way,” her finger drawing overhead (在空中), “and we lose sight of it over there at

11、the top of that tree.”Maybe thats what I need for looking at stars: a house in the country and enough space to watch the sky.I had an opportunity to learn about the stars as a kid when I went to a two-week summer space camp. We made paper planets and astronaut helmets from empty ice cream containers

12、. My most vivid memory of space camp is the smell of mint (薄荷) chocolate chip.Ive always wanted to learn about astronomy but somehow never have. The first obstacle is overcoming the embarrassment of checking out childrens books from the library. The second obstacle is that my poor sense of direction

13、 on land is multiplied (乘以) 500 times in space.I am finally getting serious about the stars having downloaded the SkyView Lite app. I trained it on that early morning eastern sky four days running, and it confirmed (确认) the bright light as Venus.“Ive found Venus!” I shouted to all the sleeping neigh

14、bors.Progress is slow, but I now know the North Star is part of the Little Dipper. Theres rarely a night when I dont look at the stars and wonder if theres mint chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer.Summary writing 概要写作Please write a summary of the article in about 60 words.参考答案 possible version I

15、ve always been regretful about my knowledge of astronomy. I have always longed to learn about it but never practiced it due to my embarrassment of going to the library to check out childrens books and my poor sense of direction. However, after downloading the SkyView Lite app, I made up my mind to t

16、ake learning about stars seriously. Now I look at stars nearly every night and make slow progress.三One of my grandchildren sent a self-portrait (自画像) she created for art class. The top half of the portrait shows her hair parted in the middle with her big brown eyes peering through her glasses.The bo

17、ttom half of the self-portrait is a bright blue facemask with colorful flowers, cheerful as she is. It is a clever art project with the facemask as a cover. The mask is removable (可去掉的), but we received her picture with the mask on. Such a sensible (明智的) child, protecting her grandparents.Her eyes l

18、ook a touch confused. Who hasnt looked confused in recent months? Fortunately, I think I know what the problem is. The child needs to work on her smize.Fashion model Tyra Banks coined (创造) the term “smize” several years ago. A smize is a combination of smile and eyes, meaning to smile with your eyes

19、. Models can make their eyes smile without moving their mouths.Smizing is big right now. Its hard to convey friendliness when the smiling half of your face is covered. Restaurants are coaching wait staff to perfect the smize behind facemasks, and shop owners are coaching sales staff.Two exercises ca

20、n help improve your smize. First, practice scrunching (使收缩) up your eyes.Go ahead, try it. Hold your mouth still and squint so your eyes scrunch.The second part of a smize is to use cheek fat to help push your eyes up from the bottom to create a smiling effect.I have cheek fat, but for several years

21、 now it has been bent (倾斜的) on a slow downward movement, not upward. My cheek fat attempts to respond to my facial movements and only serves to strengthen my glare.Like most people, I can mask and smile at the same time, but my eyes cant smile without my mouth. They have an unbreakable bond.Too bad

22、we often cant see one another smiling these days because smiling is like yawning highly contagious (传染的). Smiling and kindly acknowledging one another as fellow human beings wouldnt be the worst thing to sweep the nation. Go ahead, smize or smile, whatever you can do. Spread it around.Summary writin

23、g 概要写作Please write a summary of the article in about 60 words.参考答案 possible version The self-portrait I received from one of my grandchildren reminded me that she needed to improve her smize, which is a better way to convey our friendliness these days when we have to wear facemasks. A smize is to sm

24、ile with your eyes. There are some ways to practice a smize but its still difficult to smile without moving your mouth. Even so, lets try to spread smizing or smiling around.四What do you want to be when you grow up? My answer has always been a vet (兽医).We didnt have pets growing up because my mother

25、 was scared of animals. She passed on some of this fear to me. Its not common you find someone whos scared of animals but wants to be a vet. Still, I knew this is what I wanted.Vet school was nothing like I had imagined. Within the first few weeks, any fears I had about being a vet vanished (消失). In

26、 the fourth year, we were introduced to surgery (外科手术). I loved it. Stitching (缝) wounds was like a satisfying game of Tetris (俄罗斯方块,一种益智游戏), where all the pieces fit beautifully together to make something broken whole again. It solidified my belief that this was the right fit for me.These were the

27、most challenging and rewarding two years of my life, and before I knew it, they were over. I was officially a veterinary surgeon (兽医). Surprisingly, I felt empty after I finished. Why wasnt I excited to move on? I had completely forgotten to think about what comes next. I panicked! I felt as if I ha

28、d spent the last decade of my life writing exams and working crazy hours only to come out on the other side, completely clueless.There were so many options to choose from. I could start a clinic, work at another practice or even pursue further studies. It was my father who suggested I travel to gain

29、 some perspective. I hesitantly decided to spend some time in New Zealand with my aunt who also happens to be a vet.New Zealand was beautiful! I finally had a chance to think about what I wanted. One of the vets there allowed me to observe their practice. Working with vet nurses really stood out for

30、 me. We dont have vet nurses in India! It is a blessing (幸事) to have such experienced and dedicated individuals as a part of your support system. After a whole year of what felt like aimless wandering (徘徊), this experience helped me decide I wanted to work overseas.So, to all the other confused vets

31、 out there who havent figured things out: Its completely okay to feel confused and lost! Most people feel the same way at some point in their careers. Dont be afraid to try new things even if you feel difficult or impossible.Summary writing 概要写作Please write a summary of the article in about 60 words

32、.参考答案 possible version I decided to become a vet despite my mother passing on her fear of animals to me. Vet school life melted away my fear and solidified my choice to become a vet. However, I felt lost after graduation. Luckily, my experience in New Zealand helped me make up my mind. Its fine when you feel confused or lost, but never stop trying new things.五What is a family? Why does it matter? What does it teach us that we cant learn on our own? These questions seem especial

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