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1、听力小词 在短对话中,常常会有一些俗语,俚语或者成语影响大家的理解,所以下面的小词希望大家记住,能够帮助大家在听力小对话中准确把握言外之意。 1) take a rain check 改日再约 2) lost count 弄不清楚,数不清楚 3) be in another world 精神恍惚;魂不守舍 4) make yourself at home 随意,随便 5) save your breath 省口气吧;别白费口舌了 6) make sense 有意义,理解 7) cost sb. an arm and a leg 非常昂贵 8) burn a hole in ones pocke

2、t 很快地被花光 9) fill ones shoes 很好地顶替;令人满意地替代 10) is ice cold 表示理所当然 11) like apples and oranges 用来表示无法相比的事物 13) lose ones train of 忘记 14) meet each other half way 相互妥协,让步 15) on the dot 准时;正点 16) once and for all 最后一次;干脆 17) out of earshot 不在听力所及范围 18) out of this world 非常好 19) play by ear 随机应变,视情形而定 2

3、0) ring a bell 令人想起某件事;听起来耳熟 21) share a common outlook 有共同的观点 22) six of one and half-a-dozen of the other 半斤八两;没什么区别 23) stick around 在附近逗留或等待 24) stick with 继续做,坚持 25) straighten out 扯平;结清 26) toss and turn (身体)翻来覆去(通常表示难以入睡) 27) turn ones back (在别人遇到困难时)不愿帮助 28) under the weather 身体不适,生病 29) bit

4、e off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂;心有余而力不足;不自量力;力不从心 30) break new ground 创新 31) do the trick 做成功;达到理想的结果 32) drag ones feet 行动缓慢;磨磨蹭蹭不情愿 33) draw the line 拒绝,拒不容忍 34) feel down in the dumps 心情不好;情绪低落 35) few and far between 不多;少而分散的;不常碰到或发现的;稀少的 36) as fit as a fiddle 身体很健康 37) grin and bear 任劳任怨;毫

5、无怨言地忍受 38) hit the spot (特指吃了食物,喝了饮料之后)精神完全恢复过来或感到满足;恢复精力;提精神 39) keep between the two of us 不让第三者知道,保密 40) know a thing or two about 略知一二同学们对于学习的积极性很高,应很多同学的要求,我给大家总结下适合练习听力的影片,供大家的泛听练习。1、 The Graduate 毕业生2、 The Lion King 狮子王3、 Sound of music 音乐之声4、 Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡5、 Finding Nemo 海底总动员6、 The Shark

6、 Tale 鲨鱼黑帮7、 Forrest Gump 阿甘正传8、 Sleepless in Seattle 西雅图未眠夜9、 Pretty woman 漂亮女人(风月俏佳人)10、Shrek怪物史莱克11、 My best friends wedding 我最好朋友的婚礼12、 27 Dresses 二十七套礼服13、 Liar liar 谎言大师(大话王)14、 Youve got mail 网上情缘15、 Notting Hill 诺丁山16、 True lie 真实谎言17、 When Harry met Sally 当哈丽遇到赛丽18、 Four weddings and a fune

7、ral 四个婚礼一个葬礼19、 Philadelphia 费城20、 Legally Blonde律政俏佳人21、 Pride and Predudice 傲慢与偏见22、 Ice Age冰河世纪23、 Fifty First Dates 初恋50次24、 American Beauty 美国丽人25、 Runaway Bride 落跑新娘26、 Professional 这个杀手不太冷27、 The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救赎28、 The City ofAngel 天使之城29、 Polar Express 极地特快30、 Bruce Almighty 冒牌天神

8、 当然还有其他很多值得一看而且可以提高听力的泛听英文电影,主要是动画片、爱情片和文艺片为主。暑假不能荒废,持续努力吧。四级听力冲刺(听力小词,复合式听写高频词) 首先,第一部分是我自己总结的是2003至2008 年大学英语四级真题中出现的听力小词。第二部分复合式听写小词是转载的。还有三天就考了,大家再把考过的小词加强一下,看看你都认识吗,很多都是反复出现的,还有复合式听写100个常考词,也许21号的考试中你会遇到也不一定啊。听力小词:2003.1crossed puzzle (一种填字游戏)The rates are down 50%be dueIts easier said than don

9、e.2003.6make a reservationdrop bya real bargainThe test score is released Luck goes against me.optional course2003.9holdup in traffic (这个词组在四六级中考过至少3次)be out of print ( 联系out of film, out of ink, out of gas)figure outgive sb a ridea class permitregistrationby mistake ( 联系by chance)2004.1make an appo

10、intmentincrediblestay up the whole night2004.6ran intohear fromin person (personally)high blood pressureteachers certificateremind ofget through (度过,读完, 通过) the novel2005.1drop my information science class (放课,还有另外常考意思把谁放下)the want ads (招聘广告)spare copy (备用的,spare key 备用钥匙)weather forecast2005.6the s

11、ecurity officegreatest hit 畅销,主打the cinema is a little out of the way ( remote)fill out the request formnothing but ( 联系anything but)2006.1non-stop traingraduate schoolbe beyond sb (想不出来,做不出来)spare rooms (空房间)recruit graduates2006.6physician (内科医生,联系surgeon)seminarHelen is just opposite. (相反)2006.6m

12、ake a messfreezing to deathdessertruin ones healthsection (部门,区域)save the trip (不用来了)2006.12be around the corner (即将来临)watch ones weightI wish I could. (表示否定,联系if only )in advance (beforehand)crash into2007.6breakthroughwaste paper basketrecommendturn out (结果是)block ( 街区,阻碍)2007.12run into (偶遇,撞上)be

13、 overworkedconfuse sboccur to (想到)复合式听写高频词(转载)01 appetite 02 deserve 03 athlete04 initial 05 bargain 06 vehicle07 boost08 purchase 09 budget10 inspire11 cancel 12 essential 13 cassette14 conquer 15 collapse16 attempt17 comedy 18 intimate 19 decline20 schedule21 abundant 22 challenge23 accompany 24 c

14、lassical 25 accelerate26 capacity 27 accumulate 28 category29 advertise 30 commercial 31 appreciate32 criminal 33 arbitrary 34 decorate35 authority 36 emphasize 37 beneficial38 function 39 ceremony 40 horizon41 accommodation 42 flat 43 anniversary44 range 45 anticipate 46 course47 architecture 48 sy

15、stem 49 boundary50 rest 51 circumstance 52 special53 competition 54 mineral 55 concentrate56 flood 57 considerate 58 regard59 contribute 60 consist 61 refrigerator62 available 63 alternative 64 distinct65 attractive 66modern 67 enterprise68 object 69 individual 70 describe71 indispensable 72 explore

16、r 73 investigate74 discuss 75 prejudice 76 root77 literature 78 produce 79 negotiate80 dispose 81 fundamental 82 eventually83 incredible 84 gratitude 85 opportunity86 optimistic 87 resident 88 executive89 temporary 90 generous91 surrender92 ensure 93 familiar 94 average95 variety 96 taboo 97 normal9

17、8 stable 99 typical 100 guarantee六级听力冲刺(2008-06-18 19:53:14) 转载 为了进一步巩固广大考生的六级听力,给大家总结出了2003至2008年考过的六级听力重要小词。最后几天了,再努力努力,注意新题旧题结合练习,达到温故知新,保持水平和良好心态。2003.1Come up with 提出,拿出Available 用空的,有货的,可以被获得的CreditRemind ofCandidate2003.6Press shutterApplication letterShelfThe place is so out of the way. 四级考过

18、此词组。Subscribe to 订阅Pull through 度过难关,恢复健康Run in red 财政赤字Pick up 注意它的一词多义2003.9Make up 弥补BudgetThe sink is leaking.Maintenance manThe price is a little steep. 价高Sigh up for 报名Work like a horse.Feel like fish out of water 令人感到窒息不舒服2004.1You said it. 表示同意BleedAnything but 表否定Stop by2004.6As hot as a fu

19、rnace 热得要死Epidemic 传染病 (acute chronic)BoothComedyExpertise2005.1Unfurnished furnishedSocial welfareMake senseDistractionPostponeFirst draftSupervisorGo in one ear and out the otherSkip the classBusy season peak season2005.6Stick toExplorationBe addictedCalorieKeep an eye on 留意Early birds catch worms

20、.Major inLook a little overwhelmed2006.1Take over 接管Pass ones prime 过季了Join ones feet together 共同完成Lost ones temperSubmitLook for a needle in a haystackBeyond the reach of sb 超过谁的承受力能力2006.6Freshman orientation program 新生入学向导课Idle aroundReach sb at 以什么联系(在翻译中也多次考查)比如:You can reach at the following a

21、ddress.IntersectionFussyCavityClap ones hand2006.12.23Get a promotionDoctoral degreeBrideSue for (accuse of)2006.12.24RecommendTenant (renter)Be tied up withSneak up on sbComprehensive universityNurture (cultivate)Hold up2007.6GenerosityHelp out 帮助解决困难East, west, home is best.Depressed ( 注意复合式填词)Buc

22、k (dollar)2007.12Compromise (meet each other half way)Hang on to the phone (一直霸着电话)Gear 变速器 (修车场景clutch e-brake)ScratchPrecautionLong sleeves四六级听力考前总结归纳 做听力题的五个步骤看 猜 勾 听 选小对话听前 (看什么)1快速预读题干:topic 问题本身2分析选项:关联原则( 结构,内容)相似相近相反怎样scan1 Scan 时间不够 扫读略读 1小时2 扫描技巧:选项的句子越来越长,单词越来越多,时间越来越紧,难度越来越大 a. 名词、动词b. 先

23、竖读、再横读(找异同)听中考察思路:1言外之意(虚拟,疑问)2小词考察 (听力小词、一词多义)3标志词 (but, especially, notably, particularly)内容原则:“悲惨原则 ”If anything can go wrong, it will.1出去玩,下雨2打车打不到3订票订不到4等人等不到5飞机晚点取消空难6考试难作业多教授要求严格7房子漏水,买二手货“阴盛阳衰”男生差,女生优秀身体棒吃饭香女生周一到周五学习,周末打工性格特好、十分大度、乐于助人热衷学校选举,还是校记录保持者男生:1成绩差2身体差3男生很懒4迟到早退旷课长对话适用原则:1首尾原则2顺序原则3

24、转折、因果原则4语气带入原则5替换原则顺序:预读选项,a. topicb. 选项内和选项间的联系( 联系原则)段子题三类最可能出现的问题:科普类:人物类社会问题类做题的关键:1预测Topic 问题本身 联系原则2强调词Most, best, first, purpose, main reason, but, however, because, since, that is to say, namely, in contrast, majority, on one hand, on the other hand, additionally, in conclusion3. 其他小技巧先做最后一道题(首尾原则)重复原则问答原则听即原则的发展替换复合式听写 (记什么)1预测Topic 搭配2速记前面的单词:词首法后三句:造句法第一遍 大意、主要记中间实词第二遍 进一步添加第三遍 再次添加根据上下文造句技巧:指代词原则 简单词原则3语法检查主谓一致、时态一致、单复数、大小写六级核心词汇至少应该背会的单词,看看你都会吗?(2007-10-16 07:50:23) 转载标签: 六级核心词汇必备分类:四、六级听力 在六级班提了一下六级的核心词汇,说没时间的同学至少应该花时间背诵。很多同学问我到底有哪些,迫切希望知道。今天给大家列一部分出来,看看你都会吗?还有另外的核心词汇在一个Wo

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