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学年高中英语译林版选修7学案活学巧用 Unit1.docx

1、学年高中英语译林版选修7学案活学巧用 Unit1活学巧用1.1)单项填空This magazine consists mainly of_of new books and plays.A.advice B.comments C.collections D.reviews提示:根据句意“该杂志主要包括新书、新剧本的评论”。advice“建议;劝告”;comments“评论”,符合句子意思,但通常与介词on搭配;review指“评论;评论性的刊物”,符合题意。答案:D2)完成句子(1)学生在考试前一定要认真复习功课。Students must _ _ _ carefully before taki

2、ng an exam.(2)在仔细地回顾了政治事件后,他决定不再参加选举。After _ _ _ of political events, he decided not to vote at all.答案:(1)review their lessons(2)a careful review2.单项填空The reason why the company is successful is due to the fact that they produce _ materials.A.superiorB.expensiveC.quantityD.a lot of提示:根据句意“该公司成功的原因是由

3、于他们生产的是优质材料。”superior“质好的”;expensive“昂贵的”;quantity“质量”;a lot of“许多”,只有A项最符合题意。答案:A3.完成句子(1)这家航空公司的安全情况一向很好。The airline has _ _ _ _.(2)你应该记下你的各项开支。You should _ _ _ _ your expenses.(3)这机器正在录音。The machine _ _ now.(4)他在短池游泳方面创造了新的世界记录。He has _ _ _ _ _ _ for short distance swimming.(5)她的童年生活都记在那时的日记里。Her

4、 childhood _ _ in the diaries of those years.答案:(1)a good safety record(2)keep a record of(3)is recording(4)set up a new world record(5)is recorded4.1)单项填空(1)_ swept the north part of China.A.Cold wind B.Strong windsC.A cold wind D.B and C提示:wind前有形容词修饰时,前加a/an来修饰或使用其复数形式。答案:D(2)She _ the rope aroun

5、d her arm.A.wound B.threaded C.winded D.curved提示:根据句意“她把绳子绕到手臂上。”wound是wind的过去式,表示“缠;绕”;thread“穿过;穿针”;curved“使弯曲”;winded是错误的过去式。答案:A2)完成句子(1)天气炎热,连一丝风都没有。The weather was hot, without _ _ _wind.(2)政府正在逐步取消核计划。The government is _ _ its nuclear programme. 答案:(1)a gust of(2)winding down5.1)单项填空(1)If you

6、 _ yourself to the job in hand, youll soon finish it.A.request B.appeal C.apply D.claim提示:apply oneself to表示“努力进行;致力于”;request“要求;请求”;appeal“呼吁”;claim“声称;要求”。答案:C(2)Have you made out your _ for a passport?A.appointmentB.applicationC.appositionD.appreciation提示:application这里指“申请”,句意为:“你写申请报告了吗?”appoin

7、tment“约会;约定”;apposition“前列;同位语”;appreciation“感激”。答案:B2)完成句子(1)这种标准不适用于孩子。The rule doesnt _ _ children.(2)他努力干好新的工作。He _ _ _ his new job.答案:(1)apply to(2)applied himself to6.1)单项填空(1)The citizens demanded that the murderer be punished B.being punished D.punish提示:demand后接从句用虚拟语气,结构

8、为should+do,should可省。答案:C(2)I _ you all to be seated.A.ask B.beg C.demand D.request提示:ask是最普通的用语,含有期待肯定答复的意味;beg含有谦恭或恳求的意味;demand要求得到某种东西并且一定要得到它,request指比较正式或礼貌的请求。答案:D2)单句改错He demands me to pay._提示:demand后不能跟宾补。答案:He demands that I should pay.7.1)单项填空(1)The traffic accident _ the drivers driving af

9、ter drinking wine.A.sprang up B.sprang fromC.resulted in D.developed from提示:根据句意“这起交通事故发生的原因是司机酒后开车”。spring from“是的原因”;spring up“突然迸发”;resulted in“产生;导致”;此题使用sprang from。答案:B(2)We gave our classroom a _ cleaning before the National Day.A.through B.thoroughC.spring D.B and C提示:根据题意“国庆节前我们把教室进行了大扫除。”s

10、pring与thorough都可表达“大扫除”这一意义。答案:D(3)The story happened in _ spring of 1988.A.a B.the D.不填提示:在具体的某一年的春天用the。答案:B2)完成句子(1)写这部小说的想法源于一次去印度的旅行。The idea for the novel_ _a trip to India.(2)儿童娱乐场所如雨后春笋般在这个地方出现。Play areas for children are _ _all over the place.答案:(1)sprang from(2)springing up8.1)单项填空Th

11、e naughty boy takes a great_in pulling the dogs B.rapture C.light D.delight提示:“这个顽皮的小男孩以拉狗尾巴为快乐。”take (a) delight in.“表示以为乐”。答案:D2)完成句子(1)孩子们看到小狗时高兴地大笑。The children squealed _ _ when they saw the dog.(2)我对我收到的礼物很满意。I _ _ _ my presents.答案:(1)with delight(2)was delighted with9.单项填空(1)Nowad

12、ays, people in the city enjoy a _ of musical life.A.variety B.range C.extent D.width提示:根据句意“城市里的人享受着各种各样的音乐生活”。a variety of表示“各种各样的”。答案:A(2)He cant complete his paper on time for _ reasons, which are true.A.different B.various C.sort of D.kinds提示:句意为“由于种种原因,他的论文不能如期完成,这些原因都是真实的。”various“好些;多个不同的”;so

13、rt of“有几分”;D项后接of也正确。答案:B(3)Youd better _ your diet rather than eat the same things all the time.A.vary B.changedC.converted D.alter提示:句意为“你最好改变一下你的饮食结构,不要总吃同样的东西”。vary指性质特点与以往不同,“使多样化”。 答案:A10.1)单项填空I _ that you have heard the news.A.assist B.assemble C.assume D.arrange提示:“我揣想你已听到了消息。”assume“认为;揣想”

14、;assist“坚持”;assemble“集合;集会”;arrange“安排”。答案:C2)完成句子(1)咱们暂时假设计划成功。_ _ _ for a moment that the plan succeeds.(2)他们认为战事会迅速结束的看法证明是错误的。Their _ that the war would end quickly was proved wrong.答案:(1)Let us assume(2)assumption11.单项填空(1)Shopping bags are provided for the customers _.A.confidence B.complexity

15、C.convenience D.conservation提示:“购物袋为顾客们提供了方便。”convenience“方便;便利”;confidence“信心;信任”;complexity“复杂状态”;conservation“保存;保护”。答案:C(2)Our house is very _ for the shops.A.convenient B.suitableC.sufficient D.continuous提示:“从我们家去商店很方便。”convenient“便利的”;suitable“合适的”;sufficient“充分的;足够的”;continuous“连续;继续”。答案:A12.

16、1)单项填空He is a _ nobody, and it is _ a matter of time for people to forget him.A.only, mere B.mere, onlyC.mere, merely D.merely, mere提示:“他是个十足的小人物,要大家认清这一点只是个时间问题。”mere“纯粹的;仅仅的”;merely“仅仅;只 不过”。 答案:C2)完成句子(1)我只不过把它当笑话说说而已。I said it _ as a joke.(2)他什么也没说,只是微笑着看着她。He said nothing, _ smiled and watched

17、her.(3)她仅以两票之差而在竞选中失利。She lost the election by a _ two votes.答案:(1)merely(2)merely(3)mere13.单项填空(1)It may rain, but I shall go out _.I dont mind the rain.A.anything B.anyoneC.anyhow D.anywhere提示:anyhow“无论如何”;anything“任何东西”;anyone“任何人”;anywhere“任何地方”。答案:C(2)He may not like my visit, but I shall go an

18、d see him_. A.anyway B.anybody C.however D.though提示:anyway“不管怎样”;anybody“任何人”;however“然而”,though“虽然;即使”。答案:A14.1)单项填空Each has been a _ of one of the major book clubs.A.selection B.alternativeC.selection D.preference提示:“每种书都是由一家主要图书俱乐部选中的。”selection强调“对众多可供选择的对象经过鉴别从中仔细作出选择”;alternative往往是“两者之间选择”;pr

19、eference有“偏爱”之意;election“选举”。答案:C2)用select,choose与pick填空(1)You can _ a book from these.(2)We _ some for seeds.(3)Will you help me _ strawberry?(4)There are ten to _ from.答案:(1)choose(2)selected(3)pick(4)choose15.1)单项填空(1)You may refer to your dictionary _ the case of case

20、 any case no case提示:根据句意“万一碰到困难,你可以查字典。”in case of“万一;一旦”,引出条件状语;in the case of“就而言;至于”;in any case“无论如何”;in no case“在任何情况下都不”。答案:B(2)I had to go to work, in _ case my child would always live with his grandmother.A.this B.that C.which D./提示:“我不得不工作,那样我的孩子总是和他奶奶住在一起。”which引导非限定性定语从句。答案:C2)完成句子(1

21、)_(不管怎样) I shall return in a day or two.(2)Ive got the key _(万一) we want to go inside.(3)_(无论如何都不) are you to leave your post.(4)_(如果那样的话) I have no more to say.答案:(1)In any case(2)in case(3)In no case(4)In that case16.1)单项填空A good friend is one who will _ you when you are in trouble.A.stand for B.s

22、tand byC.stand up to D.stand up with提示:“一个好朋友应该是在你有困难时总是支持帮助你。”stand for“代表”;stand by“支持;帮助”;stand up to“勇敢面对”;stand up with“作傧相”。答案:B2)完成句子(1)部队随时待命行动。The troops are _ _.(2)她是那种在人群中很显眼的人。She is the sort of person who _ _ in a crowd.(3)你必须维护自己的权利。You must _ _ _ your rights.(4)不要袖手旁观,工作都让别人去做。Dont _

23、_ and let others do all the work.答案:(1)standing up(2)stands out(3)stand up for(4)stand aside17.1)单项填空(1)Hes not _ of learning English in 3 months.A.capable B.ableC.interested D.efficient提示:“他不可能在三个月之内学好英语。”capable与of搭配,指“有能力”;able表示“能”,一般后面跟不定式,不能与of连用;interested一般与in连用;efficient往往指“人胜任某工作的本领或实力。”答案

24、:A(2)It has a _ for heat and moisture.A.skill B.capacityC.talent D.capability提示:“它具有吸热和防潮的能力。”capacity主要指“容纳和吸收方面的接受力”;skill指“人做事的本领或具有的技能等”;talent指“先天所赋的才智或后天所得的办事能力”;capability指“在智力或体力方面的才能或本领”。2)完成句子(1)我完全有能力做好这项工作。I_perfectly _ _ doing it well.(2)他有艺术鉴赏能力。He _ _ _ judging art.答案:(1)am;capable of

25、(2)is capable of18.1)单项填空We have little _ information about development in this field.A.virtual B.present-dayC.modern D.up-to-date提示:“我几乎没有关于这方面发展的最新消息。”virtual“实际上,事实上”;present-day“当前的;当代的”;up-to-date“直到最近的;新式的;时新的”。答案:D2)完成句子(1)他不能胜任他的工作。He is not _ _ the job.(2)你在干什么?What_you _ _?(3)她的新作没有达到她平常的水

26、准。Her latest book _ _ _ her usual standard.答案:(1)up to(2)are,up to(3)isnt up to19.单项填空(1)He didnt know much English, so he had to read Shakespears plays in _.A.translation B.originalC.earnest D.name提示:“他不太懂英语,所以,只好读莎士比亚戏剧的译文。”in the original“原文”;in earnest“认真的;严肃的”;in name“名义上”。答案:A(2)This story was translated _ French.A.from B.into C.of D.A and B提示:用A项句意为:这篇故事译自法语;用B项句意为:这篇故事被译成法语。答案:D20.1)单项填空We must _ the pros and cons if we want to give a right B.evaluate D.weigh提示:“如果要得出正确的结论,我

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