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2、级领导以及同仁的关注支持下,推出舟山船厂基础船舶英语培训第一期教材,特别感谢市场处但威同志对此次基础船舶英语教材编写付出的精力以及给予的极大配合,望对提高广大员工的英语水平提升有一定的帮助。由于编者业务水平有限,经验不足,书中不足之处,敬请读者批评指正。 舟山船厂综合管理处 2008年4月 目 录第一单元 船舶相关总体概况 P31、扬帆简介2、情景模拟3、阅读理解和知识点4、趣味学习第二单元 管系装配工相关英语 P61、情景对话2、情景模拟3、阅读理解和知识点第三单元 船舶焊接工相关英语 P91、情景对话2、情景模拟3、阅读理解和知识点第四单元 船舶管铜工相关英语 P111、情景对话2、情景模

3、拟3、阅读理解和知识点第五单元 船舶钳工相关英语 P131、情景对话2、情景模拟3、阅读理解和知识点第六单元 船舶电工相关英语 P151、对话2、情景模拟3、阅读理解和知识点4、趣味学习第七单元 船舶涂装相关英语 P191、对话2、情景模拟3、阅读理解和知识点4、趣味学习第一单元 船舶相关总体概况一、扬帆简介Brief introduction for Yangfan Group Co., Ltd. (Yangfan)Yangfan plays a leading role in Zhejiang shipbuilding industry and it is also one of the

4、largest-scoped and the most advanced shipbuilding group in Zhejiang province. Yangfan consists of Zhoushan shipyard, and other under building shipyards such as Donghaian & Dashenzhou in Zhoushan and Weihai Yangfan shipyard in Shandong province. Zhoushan shipyard is the oldest shipyard in Yangfan, no

5、w it boasts one slipway of 80,000t, two outfitting quays, two docks of 20,000t and 15,000t, 300-tonnage gantry crane, 100-tonnage derrick and some other over 50 tonnage lifting equipments. It can manufacture the marine product strictly following the ISO2000 quality management system and the shipbuil

6、ding standard of GL, BV, CCS classification society. Its main products cover 2750TEU, 900TEU, 700TEU, 660TEU and 4350DWT exporting container series, Ultra-low temperature tunny fishing boat, 30-40 car-passenger ferry, special kind of fishers and full rotary tugboat of 2600HP, 3400HP, 4000HP and 4800

7、HP etc.On the date of 9th Aug. 2006, Yangfan was affiliated to Jianlong Steel Group which is ranked in global 500 corporations in the steel manufacturing field.In the future, Yangfan will build 16500t chemical oil tanker & 92500DWT bulk carrier and other high added value exporting vessels, And 5000P

8、CTC 2073 & 2074(1&2#) for TB marine already cutting plate in Nantong section factory on Jan. 8, 2008. Yangfan are looking forward to get good cooperation with ship owner & class and manufacturer in the world.单词注释:1、Boast 自夸(n. v.)2、Slipway 船台(n.)3、Outfitting quay 舾装码头(Phrase)4、Dock 船坞 (n.)5、Gantry c

9、rane龙门起重机 (Phrase)6、Derrick 起重机 (n.)7、ISO 国际标准化组织 (International Organization for Standardization)8、GL, BV, CCS classification society 德国劳氏,法国和中国船级社9、TEU 标准箱(系集装箱运量统计单位,以长20 英尺的集装箱为标准) twentyfoot equivalent unit10、DWT 载重吨 (Dead weight)11、HP 马力 (Horse power)12、Affiliate (使.)加入, 接受为会员 (v.)13、Corporati

10、on 公司、企业 (n.)14、High added value 高附加值 (Phrase)15、PCTC 汽车运输船 (Pure car truck carrier)中文译文:扬帆集团在浙江造船工业中处于领先地位,她在浙江同样也是一家产品范围最广和技术最先进的造船集团公司。扬帆集团现包括舟山船厂,以及在建的东海岸船厂,大神州船厂和山东省的威海扬帆船厂。舟山船厂是扬帆集团中建厂最早的船厂,目前其拥有8万吨船台一座,舾装码头2个,2万和1.5万吨的船坞各1个,300吨龙门吊1台,以及100吨和50吨以上,100吨以下的吊车数台。舟山船厂能够严格按照ISO2000的标准和GL,BV,CCS船级社的

11、规范制造船舶。她的主要产品是:2750TEU, 900TEU, 700TEU,660TEU 和4350吨散货系列出口船,以及超低温金枪鱼钓船,30-40车客渡船,各种类型的渔船,2600HP、3400HP、4000HP和4800HP全回转拖轮等。2006年8月9日,扬帆集团成为在世界钢铁领域500强的建龙集团的一员。未来,扬帆将建造16500吨化学品船,92500吨散货船以及其它高附加值的出口船。目前5000车1/2#已于2008年1月8日在南通分段厂开工。我们也同样期待着与世界上的船东、船检和设备厂家取得良好的合作。二、情景模拟 (Training of scene)1、Talking ab

12、out the basic equipments in zhoushan shipyard (谈论舟山船厂的基本生产设备)2、Talking about the major equipments in engine room for 2750TEU (谈论2750TEU机舱的主要设备)三、阅读理解和知识点 (Reading understanding and the useful parts)Nowadays it is shipbuilding times, so it is very important to know the complete process for one ship.

13、First of all, shipowner will give the order which it is clear in which kind of ship, main dimension, ME power etc. to marketing department, then maketing department will give quotation to shipowner accordingly, technical department of shipyard will discuss shipbuilding specification with owner. Afte

14、r everything is OK, two parties will sign a shipbuilding contract. Normally, the shipbuilding contract consists of below documents:1) Technical specification2) Makers list3) General arrangement planAfter the shipbuilding contract was signed, the following jobs should be done:1) Technical department

15、will prepare to design relevant drawings and documents2) Marketing department will prepare to purchase marine equipments and materials3) Production department will prepare to make detailed shipbuilding schedule and arrange shipbuilding4) Quality control department will prepare to make inspecting pro

16、cedure and workmanshipNormally, the whole shipbuilding construction is including the steel cutting, keel laying, launching, dry-docking, sea trial, and delivery.After delivery, the yard also should give one year guarantee to the ship.In China, almost every shipyard shall face to below challenges:1)

17、Shipbuilding management2) Shipbuilding technical drawing and design3) Shipbuilding supply for marine equipmentsIf who can solve the above problems firstly, then who will get the bright future.China, with our ships sailing across the four oceans and our friends all over the world, we wish for genuine

18、 cooperation and universal progress. Emphasizing on mutual benefit and dealing in both export and import business, We are keen on learning advanced foreign techniques to ensure high quality products and to promote foreign trade as well as international cooperation.单词注释和知识点:1、Order 定单 (n.)2、Main dime

19、nsion 主尺度 (Phrase)3、ME 主机(Main engine)4、Quotation 报价 (n.)5、Shipbuilding specification 建造规格书 (Phrase)6、Shipbuilding contract 造船合同 (Phrase)7、Technical specification 技术规格书 (Phrase)8、Makers list 厂商表 (Phrase)9、General arrangement plan 总布置图 (Phrase)10、Marketing department 市场处 (Phrase)11、Technical departme

20、nt 船研所 (Phrase)12、Production department 生产部门 (Phrase)13、Quality control department 质检处 (Phrase)14、Steel cutting 开工(Phrase)15、Keel laying 上船台 (Phrase)16、Launching 下水(n.)17、Dry-docking 进出坞(Phrase)18、Sea trial 试航(Phrase)19、Delivery 交船 (n.)20、Shipbuilding management 造船管理 (Phrase)21、Shipbuilding technica

21、l drawing and design 造船技术设计 (Phrase)22、Shipbuilding supply for marine equipments 造船设备配套 (Phrase)23、Genuine 真实的, 真正的, 诚恳的 (adj.)24、Emphasizing 强调 (n.)25、Benefit 利益, 好处 (n.)26、Keen 热心的, 渴望的 (adj.)中文译文:当今是一个造船时代,所以知道一艘船的整个过程是非常重要的。首先,船东要给船厂的市场处一个船舶定单,定单里明确船型、船的主尺度以及主机功率等基本数据,然后市场处要依此相应地报价,且船研所要与船东谈论造船规


23、海,我们的朋友已经遍天下,我们希望彼此真诚地合作和共同地发展。且强调在进出口业务上互利双赢,我们渴望学习国外先进的造船技术以确保船舶的质量,并且促进国际贸易和国际合作的发展。四、趣味学习 (Funny learning)1) 笑话 JokeSon: Dad, How can you tell if you are drunk(adj.喝醉了的)?Father: Look, Son. If I look at the two policemen over there and say there are four of them, Im drunk.Son: But there is only o

24、ne policeman, Dad!中文译文:儿子: 爸爸,如果你喝醉了怎么告诉别人啊?爸爸: 儿子,你看。如果我看到那边有两个警察,而我说成四个,证明我醉了。儿子: 爸爸,可那里只有一个警察啊!2) 谚语 AdageA: A good beginning is half done. 善始者善终 / 好的开始是成功的一半B: A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友C: Keep a low profile. 保持低调 D: Still water runs deep. 沉默者深谋 / 宁静致远E: Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量第二单元 管

25、系装配工相关英语一、情景对话1.船上的工人A正在安装管子,船东代表B(coming from Denmark)负责船上各种管路系统的安装工作检查,这时B刚好碰到A,想询问一下管系安装情况:B: Hello,are you installing the pipes?A: Yes,sir,I am installing the fuel oil pipes.What can I do for you?B: Oh, could you please tell me what the diameter of the pipes is?A: Its 200 millimetres exactly, an

26、d well install the pipes according to the drawing.B: OK.But I want to tell you that these screws are loose, and they should be tightened.A: Dont worry .Thats easy to deal with. We will make a change according to your request as soon as possible.B: I hope so.And I think we should have a check to see

27、if there are other troubles.A: No problem.Shall we do the tightness test of pipeline at first?B: Good idea.There shouldnt be any air leakage from the pipe.B:你好,你在安装管子吗?A:是的,先生,我在安装燃油管。我可以为您做点什么吗?B:哦,你可以告诉我这些管子的直径吗?A:确切地说是200毫米,我们将按照图纸安装管子。B:好的。但是我想告诉你这些螺丝钉松动了,要拧紧。A:不用担心。这个很好解决。我们将按照你的要求尽快修改。B:希望如此。我

28、认为我们应该检查一下看是否有其他问题。A:没问题。我们要做管道密闭性试验吗?B:好主意。确保管子不会泄露空气。基础词汇:1、install 安装,安置,使就职vt.2、pipe 管子,导管n.3、loose 宽松的,不精确的,不牢固的adj. 解放,放任,放纵n.4、exactly 正确地,严密地adv.5、tighten 变紧,绷紧,拉紧v.6、request 请求,要求n./ v.7、millimetre 毫米n. 8、as soon as possible (ASAP) 尽可能地快9、according to 按照,根据船舶词汇:1、screw 螺丝钉,螺旋,螺杆n.2、pipeline

29、 管道,传递途径n.3、leakage 漏,泄露,渗漏n.4、diameter 直径n.5、fuel 燃料n. 加燃料 v.6、tightness test 密性试验2.舟山船厂负责建造的2750TEU3#船的主机已经完整并报验结束,单船总监Mr.Wang邀请了外国技术专家Mr. Hason来检验主机完整性:W: Mr.Hason,the main engine system is complete. Lets have a check to see if there is anything wrong.H: OK,its necessary.You can start the machine

30、 now,because the system should be tested under operating conditon.Listen if the engine has abnormal noise.(After three minutes)W: I heard the noise, and I also feel the vibration was so fierce. Lets see where the trouble lies.H: Maybe the installation position of foundation is not reasonable. And it

31、 results in such problems.W: I agree with you. And we need to check the foundation, and see if something wrong with the foundation.H: OK, and you should also check other equipments.W: I will try my best. W:汉森先生,主机系统已经完好。让我们确认一下是否还有问题。H:好的,这很有必要。你现在可以起动机器了,因为系统在工作条件下才能测试。听听发动机是否有不正常的噪音。(三分钟后)W:我听到了噪音,而且我感觉振动很剧烈。我们看一下问题出在哪里。H:可能是底座的布置位置不合理,导致了这些问题(的产生)。W:我同意你的看法。我们需要检查一下底座 ,看看是否有什么问题。H:好的,你也检查一下其它的设备。W:我会尽力的。基础词汇:1、main 主要的,重要的,全力的adj. 主要部分,要点,大陆,干线n.2、complete 完整的,完好的 adj.3、necessary 必须品n. 必要的,必然的adj.4、system 系统,体系,制度,秩序,规矩,法规n.5、condition 条件n.6、abnorma

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