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1、大庆资源与评价初中六册词组在线首字母版年级词义短语七上.岁 数词+years+old八上根据.得名.be named after七下1.5公里长1.5 kilometres long七下1300万人口13 million people七上15公斤竹子15 kilos of bamboo九上距离.400公里400 kilometres away from七下554米554 metres high八上一条建议a piece of advice八上一个美丽的古城a beautiful old city 八上一场暴风雨a big storm七上一份生日礼物a birthday present九上一点儿

2、a bit 七上一盒巧克力a box of chocolates九上一个卡通故事a cartoon story八上一个中国的婚礼a Chinese wedding七上一张电影票a cinema ticket九上照片集a collection of photos七上一个电子游戏a computer game七上一张音乐会票a concert ticket八下几个月/几周/几天a couple of months /weeks/days九上几周a couple of weeks 九上学校发生事件的记录a diary of school events九上数码相机a digital camera七上一

3、匹欧洲狼 a European wolf七上在印度in India八上一个公平的价格a fair price 九上一个著名的摄影师a famous photographer八上.迷a fan of. 八上奇妙有经历a fantastic experience 九上一本喜欢的文学作品a favourite work of literature七下几天前a few days ago八上几年前a few years ago九下十五分钟的休息a fifteen-minute break九下全职工作a full-time job 九上许多,大量的a great number of 八下一组/一群.a g

4、roup of.七下假期旅行a holiday journey 九上一块巨大的石头a huge piece of stone九上一艘巨大的航船a huge sailing boat 七上一公斤竹子a kilo of bamboo七下一种a kind of 七下一个叫的小女孩a little girl called.八上遥远a long way away 七下许多a lot of八上一个好天气a lovely day 八上 一张.的地图a map of 九上一篇名为. 的月刊a monthly article called 八上藏有许多名画的博物馆a museum with lots of fa

5、mous paintings九上一件乐器a musical instrument七下民族英雄a national hero八下民族女英雄a national heroine八下全国性的节日a national holiday七下一张你最喜欢的歌星的CDa new CD of your favourite singer九下一项新技术a new piece of technology七上一条牛仔裤a pair of jeans七上一双软运动鞋a pair of trainers九下家长会a parents meeting八上一份.的兼职工作a part-time job as九上摄影比赛a pho

6、to competition九上一张鲨鱼的照片a photo of a shark八上一首乐曲a piece of music八上一张纸a piece of paper九上名胜a place of interest 八上家外的一个地方a place outside the home九上埋葬死人的地方a place to bury dead people 八上一个看油画的地方a place to see the paintings七下一个. 的计划a plan of 八下. 的计划a plan/some plans for八下一个受人欢迎的爱好a popular hobby八下公休日a pubi

7、c holiday九下四分之一a quarter of 九上一个静谧的小山村a quiet country village 八上一名真正的宇航员a real astronaut八上一幢宗教建筑物a religious building 八上一所没电的学校a school with no electricity九上一个二手的mp3a second-hand MP3 player九下二手货商店a second-hand shop七上一件丝绸衬衫a silk shirt 八上我们星系的一小部分a small part of our galaxy七上一个小/大的家庭 a small/big famil

8、y八上一种a sort of七下特别是的假期a special holiday九下运动场a sports ground七下一个成功的演员a successful actor九上象征,.的标志a symbol of 七下乒乓球运动员a table tennis player八上一个茶话会a tea party七下的考试a test of.八下文本信息a text message九上总计a total of 九上一场艰苦的比赛a tough match九下传统菜a traditional dish 九上世界奇观a wonder of the world八上一个世界组织a world organiz

9、ation七下一个戏剧和诗歌作家a writer of plays and poems八下一个写作研习班a writing workshop九下首要的是,最重要的是,首要,首先above all八上接受礼物accept a present九上穿过终点线across the finishing line 七下穿越太平洋across the Pacific Ocean七上表演对话act out the conversation九上向.增加add to 八上把.添加到八上建议某人做某事advise sb to do sth九上讨论之后after a discussion八下毕竟aft

10、er all 九上违反规定against the rules九上同意做某事agree to do sth 九上同意某人agree with九上同意某人的看法agree with七上全世界 all around the world =all over the world八上全天all day 八下全中国all over China八上全欧洲all over Europe =around Europe八上全世界all over the world九下各种all sorts of 八上一直,总是all the time七下所的有方式和方法all the way 七下一年到头all the year

11、round八下一起all together八上各种各样的all types /kinds/sorts of 八上一年,全年,一年到位头all year=all the year round九下允许某人做某事allow sb to do sth 八上几乎不可能almost impossible九上与一起along with九上逼真的雕像amazing sculpture八上美国口音American accent七上美国青少年American teenagers七上一峰非洲骆驼an African camel七下.的高度an altitude of 九下一定数量的an amount of 七上一头

12、亚洲象an Asian elephant八上一个八岁的男孩子an eight-year-old boy八下英语俱乐部an English club七上一所英国学校an English school八上有空气的环境an environment with air九上环境问题an environmental problem九上一个重要的优势an important advantage九上日益增长的人口an increasing population九上一名意大利的马拉松选手an Italian marathon runner九上一本普通杂志an ordinary magazine八下一个户外的流行音

13、乐会an outdoor pop concert九上突然成功,一夜成名an overnight success八上抗日战争Anti-Japanese War八上任何著名的人any famous八下任何特殊的事情anything special八下世界上的任何地方anywhere in the world九下申请apply for九上和某人的约会appointment with sb 七上全世界,环球的,在世界上around the world八上环城around town七下到达arrive at .八上到达机场arrive at the airport八上和.一样 .as .as 九上作为一

14、名小学生as a pupil八下结果as a result九上凭我记忆as far as remember八下好像仿佛as if 八下一.就 .as soon as八下像往常一样as usual八上也as well八上而且,和,也,还as well as 八下除了.还,并且,和as well as 八上你知道的as you know九下和一样as.as九上请帮个忙ask a favour七上邀请大明去篮球赛ask Daming to go to a basketball match八上寻求,要ask for九下寻求建议ask for advice 八上向某人索要某物ask sb for sth

15、八下让某人做某事ask sb to do sh 九上在一天的不同时间at different times of the day七下在周末at /on the weekend九上在音乐会上at a concert 七下在一个朋友家at a friend,s home九上一次,每次at a time九下一直at all times七上在北京大学at Beijing International School七上在大连体育馆at Dalian Stadium九下在英语角at English corner 七下首先,起先at first七上在花园宾馆at Garden Hotel七上在八点半at hal

16、f past eight八上在国内外at home and abroad 八上最后,最终at last八下至少at least七下在中午,在正午at midday =at noon =in the middle of day 七上在新时代电影院at new times Cinema八下在北京电台at Radio Beijing八下在.末端,在.结束时at the end of 八上在.的终点at the end of .九上在高等学府at the academy八上在.岁时at the age of.=when sb was .years old七下在机场at the airport九上在初期

17、/开始时at the beginning of九上在.的底部at the bottom of 八上在车站at the bus stop九下最后,终于at the end 八下在 .末尾,末端at the end of九上在这个月末at the end of this month 八下在这学期末at the end of this term七上在医院at the hospital八上现在,目前at the moment =now七下在北极at the North Pole九上在颁奖典礼上at the prize-giving ceremony九下同时at the same time 九上在体育运

18、动中心at the sports centre九下在开始时at the start of 七上在周末 at the weekend七下此时此刻at this moment =at the moment =now八上在塔桥附近at Tower Bridge七下在28岁at twenty-eight七下在工作at work九上吸引了越来越多的人attract more and more people八上一万名观众audiences of 10000 people八下避免危险avoid danger八下避免某事/做某事avoid sth/doing sth八上后街男孩Backstreet Boys九

19、上坏行为bad behaviour七下糟糕的天气bad weather九上圆珠笔ballpoint pen九上学校禁止垃圾食品ban junk food from school八上基本问题basic questions九上篮球场basketball court八下为.自豪be proud of八上生某人的气be /get angry with sb 七下为.做准备be /get ready for八下能,能够be able to 九下能够做某事be able to do sth 八上在国外be abroad八上恐怕be afraid 九下害怕,担忧be afraid of 八上害怕飞行be a

20、fraid of flying八下害怕某物/做某事be afraid of sth/doing sth八下害怕做某事be afraid to do sth九上反对be against九上被允许做某事be allowed to do sth八上独自一个be alone 八下与某人生气be angry with sb八下在身边be around七下睡觉be asleep八下醒着be awake九下以.为基础be based on 七下出生be born 八上出生于(某地)be born in 八上被叫做.be called.七上是中国人/英国人/法国人be Chinese/English/Fren

21、ch九上穿着绿色的衣服be dressed in grass九下对.至关重要be essential for 八上对.感到激动be excited about七下以.著称,著名be famous for九上以 .闻名be famous for 七下著名be famous for/as 九上离.远be far (away)from七上是朋友/成为朋友be friends九上充满be full of 八下在方面擅长 擅长某事,擅长, be good at 七下擅长做某事be good at sth/doing sth九下很高兴做某事be great to do 九上难理解be hard to un

22、derstand七上和某人一起在中国be in China with sb九上有大麻烦be in deep trouble七下成碎块be in pieces九上被 影响be influenced by 七下对.感兴趣be interested in 九上涉及be involved with 九上被认为是,作为. 闻名be known as 七下迷路be lost九上对某人生气be mad with /at sb 九上被制成.be made into九上由.制造be made of /from九上更像.be more like sth九下更放松be more relaxed九下以.命名be na

23、med after 九下感到紧张be nervous about 八下对.来说不错be not bad for (sb)九下对.有很大/一些/几乎没有/没有价值be of great/some/little /no value to.八上即将离开去某地be off to sp七上上映,上演be on七下参加学校的郊游be on a school trip七下进行长城之旅be on a trip to the Great Wall=have a trip to the Great Wall=go on a trip to the Great Wall七下开着be open八下不在家be out九

24、上高兴做某事be pleased to do sth九上对.满意be pleased with八下受的欢迎be popular with八上以.为自豪,以.为骄傲be proud of 九上因为受到惩罚be punished for八下安静be quiet九下对.负责be responsible for九上与相似be similar to 九下对.要求严格be strict with 九上对.感到惊奇be surprised at 九下对.感到惊讶be surprised at 九上很吃惊地做某事be surprised to do 七下累了be tired九上和某人有关be to do wi

25、th sb 七下不舒服be uncomfortable九下被用于,被用来be used for 九上被用很久了be used for ages九下因 而著名be well-known for 八下和.一起be with九下担心be worried about七上来自于be/come from九上习惯于做某事be/get used to doing 九下由于,因为because of 九下变得普遍(时尚)become common/fashionable八上和.成为好朋友become good friends with sb 八下以.(由).开始begin with七上在体育馆的后面 behind the gym八上北京首都机场Beijing Capital Airport八上京剧Beijing Opera八上属于belong to 九下最好做better do sth 七上贝蒂的礼物 Betty,s parents八上在.和.之间between.and八上你学校入口外beyond your school entrance 八上大本钟Big Ben七下比.又大又繁忙bigger and busier than.八下咬伤某人的手bite sb on the hand八上打碎/坏某物break sth 八上将.结合地一起bring .together八上把.

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