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中学届高三上学期期中考试英语试题附答案 12.docx

1、中学届高三上学期期中考试英语试题附答案 12存瑞中学2018-2019学年第一学期期中试卷高三年级英语试题第I卷命题:白翠平第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman think of the car journey? A. Its too long. B. Its very exciting. C. Its rather dangerous.2. Why is John la

2、te for school? A. He was stuck in traffic. B. He hurt his head. C. He did a good deed.3. What are the speakers talking about? A. A farm. B. Some houses. C. A corn field.4. What does the man say about the movie? A. Its horrible. B. Its amusing. C. Its not good.5. What is the probable relationship bet

3、ween the speakers? A. Acquaintances. B. Classmates. C. A couple.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What do we know from the conversation? A. The woman will be free tomorrow.B. The man will help the woman tomorrow.C. The woman will have workers to do the job. 7. What does the woman probably

4、 think of the man?A. Considerate. B. Annoying. C. Stubborn.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Who plans to get more people for the team? A. Sue. B. Ben. C. Karen.9. What are going to take place in the near future? A. Tennis matches. B. Football matches. C. Softball matches.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What will the woman do

5、? A. Sell new game products. B. Make a presentation. C. Give away luggage carts.11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. Colleagues.12. Where are the speakers? A. In the company. B. In the hotel. C. In the lecture hall.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is Tina

6、 doing?A. Doing some reading. B. Having a holiday. C. Surfing the Internet.14. What does the man ask the woman to do?A. To buy a cake and ice cream. B. To help Sandy. C. To attend the birthday party.15. Who cant eat chocolate?A. Tina. B. Sandy. C. The man.16. Which place will the woman go to next?A.

7、 The store on Abbey Road.B. The store on Olive Avenue. C. The supermarket on Downing Street.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What do we know about the travel destination, Costa Rica?A. Its suitable for newly-married couples.B. Its suitable for old people.C. Its family-friendly.18. What language do Costa Rican

8、people probably speak? A. English. B. Spanish. C. French.19. What can travelers see in Costa Rica? A. Sand beaches. B. Dead volcanoes. C. Fish farms.20. How much will it cost a family to travel in Costa Rica?A. 80 dollars. B. 185 dollars. C. Half the cost of a trip to Disneyland. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分

9、)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。APakistan should be everyones tourist destination for 2018, but what if you already live there?Then perhaps you should consider visiting these five must- visit places for the new year.Lake Saiful MulukAt an altitude of 3, 224m, sur

10、rounded by now mountains, the lake rewards those that make the three-hour uphill walk from Naran. You will find the pathway just above the free market, but there is a superior option to get a jeep and split the costs with some other tourists; expect to pay about 700 rupees, worth it to view this nat

11、ural beauty.Deosai National ParkAs another high point in Pakistan, it has an average altitude of 4,114m - the Deosai Plains are one of the highest plateaus(高原 )in the world. If you make it to the park, you expect to find rich plants and wild animals. The breathtaking scenery on show at the plains is

12、 enough to make 2018 a memorable year.Naltar ValleyAccessible via a 2.5-hour drive from Gilgit, well worth visiting. Covered with pine trees and other plants, it has a dreamlike feel about it. Various colors all year around make you fall in love.Shangrila ResortRight in the north of Pakistan in the

13、Central valley of Gilgit-Baltistan. Locals call this a paradise(乐园),and thats what it feels like. No visit is complete without checking out the restaurant which is built in the structure of an aircraft.Rama MeadowDoesnt feel like Pakistan at all, more like somewhere in Minnesota. Watch the sheep and

14、 cows feeding while clear water flows in streams from high in the mountains. Against Chongras ice-covered peak, this little meadow is a piece art.21. What is the best means to go to Lake Saiful Muluk?A. Drive a jeep in person. B. Take the way of ride sharingC. Choose an uphill walk from Naran D. Fol

15、low the pathway above the free market22. Where may you go if interested in wild animals?A. Lake Saiful Muluk B. Deosai National ParkC. Rama Meadow D. Naltar Valley.23. What can we know about Rama Meadow?A. It is what the Pakistanis like best. B. It is just located next to MinnesotaC. It is an attrac

16、tive and peaceful place. D. It is a dream destination for adventurers. BIt took place at the Biltmore Hotel. My grandmother, my mother, and I were having lunch after a morning spent shopping. I gladly ordered a Salisbury steak. When brought to the table, it was accompanied by a plate of peas. I do n

17、ot like peas now. I did not like peas then. I have always hated peas. “Eat your peas,” my grandmother said. “Mother,” said my mother in her warning voice. “He doesnt like peas. Leave him alone.” My grandmother did not reply, but leaned in my direction, looked me in the eye, and spoke out the fateful

18、 words that changed my life, “Ill pay you five dollars if you eat those peas.” I only knew that five dollars was a huge, nearly unimaginable amount of money, and awful as peas were, only one plate of them stood between me and the possession of that five dollars. I began to force them down my throat.

19、 My mother looked livid (铁青色的). My grandmother had a self-satisfied look and said, “I can do what I want, Ellen, and you cant stop me.” My mother glared at her mother. She glared at me. No one can glare like my mother. If there were a glaring Olympics, she would undoubtedly win the gold medal. I, of

20、 course, kept shoving peas down my throat, and every single pea made me want to throw up, but the magical image of the five dollars floated before me, and I finally swallowed every last one of them. My grandmother handed me the five dollars with satisfaction. My mother continued to glare in silence.

21、 That night, at dinner, my mother served two of my all-time favorite foods, meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Along with them came a big, steaming bowl of peas. She offered me some peas, and of course I declined. My mother fixed me with a cold eye as she heaped(堆积) a huge pile of peas onto my plate. The

22、n came the words that were to haunt (萦绕) me for years. “You ate them for money,” she said, “You can eat them for love.”24. From the passage, we can conclude the mothers attitude towards the author is .A. sympathetic but disappointed B. annoyed but satisfiedC. sympathetic and scared D. scared and dis

23、appointed25. The author uses “fateful words” in Paragraph 4 to show that he .A. regarded these words as dangerousB. didnt expect it to be so influentialC. believed in the existence of fate (命运)D. knew they would change his life26. The mother looked livid because she thought .A. the way her son ate t

24、he peas was harmful to his healthB. she had lost face for losing the competition of glaringC. her son shouldnt have had peas because of moneyD. her mother shouldnt have been so kind to her son27. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A. A powerful mother and a more powerful gra

25、ndmother.B. An argument caused by a plate of peas.C. A choice between money and love.D. The haunting of a plate of peas.CThe latest research suggests that the typical middle class in a city now have so many time- saving tools that they can fit into 24 hours the same quantity of tasks that ten years

26、ago would have taken 31 hours to complete.For many people, the busy time starts over breakfast, reading emails on a hand-held BlackBerry while toasting bread. It carries on in the car where a driver with a Bluetooth earpiece holds a conference call while keeping an ear on the radio and checking the

27、GPS.Work then includes a lot of emails, phone calls, and meetings, often happening at the same time. However, according to OTX, an American research organization, the busiest period of multitasking appears to be in the evening. “People will be pressing the television remote control while using a com

28、puter on their knee, emailing and texting friends on a mobile phone, and holding a conversation with friends or family members.” Said Patrick Moriarty, one of the authors of the report.According to the study, while television remains the main attention m the evening, nearly half the people were also

29、 using computers and phones to catch up with friends, update their social networks, or download and listen to music.Mark Vickery, 35, from Medway, Kent, concurred. For him and his wife Susan, an NHS (National Health Service) doctor, the evening was the peak of multitasking. “Both of us are out of th

30、e house during the day,” said Vickery, a marketing manager. “When we come back in the evening were likely to have a lot of technology on the go. Well be using online banking, Facebook, and email, and programming the TV shows we want to watch later.”“On the one hand its good-you get more done. On the

31、 other hand, when I left university seven years ago, life was much simpler. There was more talking face-to-face and more time spent over dinner.”28. How does the author explain peoples multitasking fact?A. By giving examples. B. By providing reasons.C. By discussing the differences. D. By describing

32、 his experiences.29. What do people mainly do at early night?A. Phone friends B. Watch TV C. Visit websites. D. Enjoy music30. What does the underlined word “concurred” in the text mean?A. continued. B. wondered. C. agreed. D. changed.31. What is Marks opinion on multitasking?A. It has two sides. B. It makes life simpler.

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