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1、人教版七年级下册英语课堂达标试题第七单元七年级英语下册第七单元第一课时A卷宁阳二十七中 杨芬(一) 用be或have的适当形式填空:1. My mother short hair.2. He tall and he big eyes.3. She of medium height,and she long hair.4. Tom a brother.He short hair and he strong.5. The boys very tall,but the girls quite short.6. Tom a brother.He short hair and he strong.(二)

2、 单项选择:1. He_of medium height and he_curly hair.A. is;of B.has;has;has D.has;is2. His English teacher is _of medium build ,and she has _short hair.A. a;a B.the;the C.a;/ D./;/3._?He is of medium height.A.What does he like B.How does he look like C.What does he look like D.How does he like4.Tom_h

3、is father and his father_young.A.looks like;looks like B.looks like;looksC.looks;looks lide D.looks;looks(三)用划线词的反义词的正确形式填空:1.Jim lives in a small house but Tom lives in a _ one.2.There is a short boy under the _tree.3.This question is easy.That one is _.4.Lucys hair is curly,but Lilys is_.5.Im thin

4、 .My brother is a little_.6.My old pen is broken.I need a a _one.(四)翻译句子:1.我爸爸长着乌黑的头发._2.那位著名的电影明星长得怎么样?_3.她很瘦,长着长长的黑发._七年级英语下册第七单元第一课时B卷宁阳二十七中 杨芬(一) 写出下列形容词的反义词:1.short_2.curly_3.tall_4.big_5.old_6.new_7.busy_8.diffcult_9.noisy_10.cheap_11.good_12.unhappy_(二)用is,has或with填空:1.He_tall and he_big eyes

5、.2.She_medium height,and she_curly hair.3.She_very short and she _very young.4.He is tall_brown hair and he _of medium build.5.I met a girl_long,blonde hair in the street.She _flowers in her right hand.(三)根据汉语完成句子1.你看起来像爸爸。You_ _ your father.2.-你爸爸看上去像什么样子?-他体格中等,短头发,戴眼镜。-What_your father_ _?-He _ _

6、build,he has_ _and_ _.3.他是一位个子高高的、头发黑色的人。He is _ _man_black hair.4.她是一位瘦瘦的,中等身高,戴着耳环的女孩。She is a _,_ _girl _earrings.(三) 句型转换:1.He has long curly hair.(变成否定句)He_ _long curly hair.2.He wears funny glasses. (变成否定句)He_ _funny glasses.3.I think.He isnt so great.(连成一句话)I_think he_so great.4.My favorite a

7、ctor is thin and medium height.(提问画线部分)_ _your favorite actor_ _?七年级英语下册第七单元第一课时C卷宁阳二十七中 杨芬(一)根据汉语提示完成句子:1“.格林先生长什么样?”“他中等个头,棕色头发。”“_ _ Mr Green_ _?”“He_ _ _ _brown hair.”2南希总是穿着红色裙子和黑色的鞋子。Nancy always_ _red dress and_ _.3你妹妹长得很标致,但稍微有点不爱说话。Your sister is _but shes_ _ _ _.4他父亲喜欢看书和下棋。His father_ _an

8、d_ _.5那个人中等身材,短短的头发。The person is_ _ _ _short hair.(二) 补全对话:A:I 1 a new friend in Class Four. 2 you know?B:What does she 3 4 ?A:She 5 medium build and has long hair.B:Is she 6 ?A:No,shes short.B:I think I 7 her.She always 8 blue dress and white shoes.A:Yes, 9 her. 10 name is Wang Lin.1. _2. _3. _4.

9、_5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _(三)用所给的正确形式填空:1.Jack_(be) of medium build.2.What_your father_(look)like?3.Where are my_(shoe)?I cant find them.4.He is very tired,but he doesnt stop_(work).5.My brother likes_(read)and playing chess.6.The famous_(sing) came to our school yesterday.7.My English teacher loves

10、_(tell)jokes.8.This girl is medium height,and_(her)has short hair.9.That is your_(friend)bike.Please look after it.10.He ran so_(fast)that we couldnt follow him.参考答案A卷(一)1.has, has 3. is, has 4.has ,has, is 5. are ,are 6 .has ,has(二) 1. A 2. D 3 C 4 B(三) 1. big 2 . tall 3 . difficuit 4 . straig

11、ht 5 .heavy 6 . new(四)1 .ma father has black bair .2 .what does the famous movie star look like .3 .she is thin and she has long black hair .B卷(一)1.long 2.straight 3.short 4.small 6. old 8.easy 9.quiet 10.expensive 11.bad 12.happpy(二)1 .is has 2 .is has 3 .is is 4 .with is 5 .with has (

12、三)1 look 2.does look like is of short hair wear glasses 3 .a tall with 4 .thin me dium height with (四)1.doesnt have 2 doesnt wear 3 .dont think is 4 what does look likeC卷(一)1 what does look like is medium height with 2 wear a black shoes. 3 good looking a bit of quiet4 .likes reading playing chess5

13、.of medium build with(二) 1 have 2 do 3 .look 4 like 5 is 6 tall 7know 8 wears 9 its 10 her() 1 is 2 does look 3 shoes 4 working 5 reading 6 singer 7 telling 8 she 9 friends 10 fast 英语七年级下册第七单元第二课时检测题A卷宁阳二十七中 陈恒生一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词:1. Lucy looks l her sister Lily.2. Her brother has a medium b .3. She i

14、s a funny girl. She loves to tell j .4. He is the c of our school basketball team.5. Nancy is only 15 years old ,but she is over 120 kilogram(千克). She is too h .6. David isnt tall and hes not short. He is m height.7. My hair is curly, but hers is s .8. There is a boy under the tree. The boy is short

15、, but the tree is t .二、用is, has或with填空:1. He tall and he big eyes.2. She medium height, and she long hair.3. She very short and she very young.4. He is tall brown hair and he medium build.5.I met(遇见) a girl long, blonde hair in the street. 三、根据汉语提示完成句子:1.-What does your uncle (看上去像)?-He (中等身材)and (留

16、着长发)。2.I think they (认识我)。3.Lucy (总穿着) a red dress and (黑色鞋子)。4.Jane is (有点儿内向) . She always stays at home.5.He likes (跟谈话)people. He never (停止说话).四、句型转换:1. I think I know her. (改为否定句) 2. They are medium build.(提问划线部分) 附答案:一、 3.jokes 4.captain 5.heavy 6.medium 7.straight 8.tall二、,

17、has, has 3. is, is 4.with, is 5.with三、1.look like, is medium build, has long hair.2.know me 3.always wears, black shoes4.a little bit quiet 5.talking with, stops talking四、1.I dont think I know her.2.What do they look like?英语七年级下册第七单元第二课时检测题(B)卷一、 翻译下列句子:1、你的朋友长得什么样?她中等身材,卷头发。 2、你妹妹长得什么样?她很高,很瘦,

18、长长的头发。 3、Lucy的爸爸是足球队长。 4、你认识那个短发的女孩吗?是的,我认识。 5、他喜欢卷而短的头发。 6、那个高个男孩喜欢讲笑话。 二、 用be和have的适当形式填空:1、My mother short hair.2、 your sisters hair straight? No, it .3、The boys very tall, but the girls quite short.4、My friend really thin and medium height.5、 you a sister?6、His sister very beautiful. She medium

19、build and she long hair.7、Tom a brother. He short hair and he strong.8、There some pictures on the wall.9、Peter at home with his sister.10、 the Whites dinner at home?三、用至少五句话描述一下图画中的人: 附答案:一、1-What does your friend look like? -She is medium build and she has curly hair.2-What does your sister look li

20、ke? -She is tall and thin, and she has long straight hair.3Lucys father is the captain of the football team.4-Do you know that girl with short hair? -Yes, I do.5She likes short, curly hair.6The tall boy loves to tell jokes.二、1.has 2Is, isnt 3.are , are, is 5Do, have, has, has7.has , has, i

21、s 8.are 10. Do, have三、略英语七年级下册第七单元第二课时检测题(C)卷一、 单项选择题:1. you look like?A. What do B. How do C. What are D. How are2Lucy has long hair.A. a B. an C. / D. many3Li Mu very tall.A. has B. is C. are D. have4She always a red dress.A. wear B. puts on C. wears D. in5All the children love games.A. play

22、B. plays C. played D. to play6Its time for class. The students stop .A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talks7Do you like playing chess.A. a B. an C. the D. /8She is good-looking, shes a little bit quiet.A. but B. and C. or D. so9His is black and short.A. eye B. ear C. hair D. nose10.Cathy is tall bro

23、wn hair.A. has B. and C. with D.have二、 根据汉语提示完成短文:Xiao Ming is 1 (一名好学生) . He is very 2 (高).He has 3 (黑短发)and 4 (中等体格)build. He likes reading book and 5 .(下象棋)1 2 3 4 5 三、 完形填空:There is a nice girl 1 our class. She is in Row One. She is fourteen years 2 . She is not 3 and she is not short. She has a

24、 round face 4 an egg. She has two big black eyes and a small nose. Her mouth is small, 5 her ears are big. She 6 short, blonde, curly hair. She likes 7 .She is often 8 black clothes. But today she is wearing a white coat, brown trousers and white shoes. She likes animals. But she has 9 animals. She

25、loves to tell 10 . She never stops talking. She is my good friend.( ) B. on C. of( )2.A. young B. old C. little( )3.A. long B. tall C. short( )4.A.look like B. like C. likes( )5.A.and B. or C. but( )6.A.have B. is C. has( ) B. a black C. the black( )8.A.wear B. on C. in( ) B. no

26、t C. not a ( )10.A. me B. books C. jokes附答案:一、1A 2C 3B 4C 5D 6C 7D 8A 9.A 10.C二、1.a good student 2.tall 3.short black hair 4.medium build 5.playing chess三、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.C英语学科七年级下册第7单元第3课时A卷宁阳二十七中 朱中民一、 根据句意及首字母提示补全下列单词1、That boy is really t_.He is a basketball player.2、You s

27、hould eat more.You are too t_.3、That girl looks like a foreigner.She has long,c_hair.4、I like swimming.So my hair is very s_.5、I have to go on diet because Im already a little bit h_.6、Toms father is not tall.He is m_height.7、Our English teacher is good-looking with a medium b_.8、The pop star is really cool.He has long and s_hair.9、The friend,Linda,likes to w_sunglasses.二、 英汉词组互译1、中等身材_2、留长发_3、篮球队队长_4、体重偏重_5、喜欢读书和下棋_6、look like_7、wear glasses_8、a good-looking

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