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1、报刊阅读出现的缩略词英语报刊中常用的首字母缩略词( acronym)AAUW: the American Association of University Women 美国大学妇女联合会AAUWEF:the American Association of University Women Education Foundation美国大学妇女教育基金联合会AFP:Agency France Press (法国)法新社AIDS:acquired immune deficiency syndrome 艾滋病APEC:Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组

2、织ATM: Automatic teller machine 自动提款机BBC:British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司CAMS:the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences 中国医学科学院CEO:Chief executive officer 首席执行官CPC:the Communist Party of China 中国共产党CPI:consumer price index 消费者物价指数CPPCC:the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治

3、协商会议DRC:the Democratic Republic of Congo 刚果民主共和国DVD:digital versatile disc or digital video disc 数码多用途光盘FBI:FederalBureauofInvestigation (美国)联邦调查局GDP:gross domestic product 国内生产总值GNP:gross national product 国民生产总值GPS:global positioning system 全球定位系统HKSAR:the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港

4、特别行政区HKU:The University of Hong Kong 香港大学HKUST:Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大学HIV:Human Immunodeficiency Virus 人体免疫缺损病毒,艾滋病病毒IMF:International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织JD: Justice Department (美国)司法部LANL:Los Alamos National Laboratory 洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室OPEC:organization of the Petroleum E

5、xporting Country 石油输出国组织PA:Public Address 公共广播PAS: Public Address System 公共广播系统S.U.V:sport utility vehicle 运动型多功能车UFO:unidentified flying object 不明飞行物UN:the United Nations 联合国UNESCO:United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,联合国教科文组织UNSC:UN Security Council 联合国安理会Unscom /UNSCOM

6、:UN Special Commission 联合国特别委员会WB:World Bank,世界银行WTO:World Trade Organization世界贸易组织Common abbreviations 1. ABC= American Broadcasting company美国广播公司2. BBC= British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司3. NBC = National Broadcasting Company (美国)全国广播公司4. CNN= Cable News Network(美国)有线新闻电视网5. CBS= Columbia Broa

7、dcasting System 美国哥伦比亚广播公司6. MPAA= Motion Picture Association of America 美国电影协会7.APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚洲和太平洋经济合作组织8.ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟9.NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织10.OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组

8、织11.UNSC - -Security Council of United Nation 联合国安全理事会12. UNGA- -United Nations General Assembly 联(合国)大(会)13. UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization联合国教科文组织14.WHO World Health Organization世界卫生组织15.FAO Food and Agriculture Organization世界粮农组织16. IMO International Mari

9、time Organization国际海事组织17.FHI Family Health International国际家庭保健组织18、Interpol/TERPOL: International Criminal Police Organization国际刑警组织19NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration美国国家海洋和大气局20. FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation美国联邦调查局21.USDHS: United States Department of Homeland Security美

10、国国土安全部22. CIA-Central Intelligence Agency (美国)中央情报局 23.CNSA: China National Space Administration 中国国家宇航局24.IAF: International Astronautics Federation 国际宇航联合会25.IAA: International Astronautics Academy 国际宇航科学院26.ICSR: International Committee of Space Research 国际空间研究委员会27. ISBN= International standard

11、Book Number 国际标准书号28. WIPO= World Intellectual Property Organization世界知识产权组织29. EMS Emergency Medical Service急救医疗30. WHC: World Heritage Committee世界遗产委员会31. IUCN: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources国际自然和自然资源保护协会 32Blog Web log 网络日志;博客33BBS Bulletin Board System 电子公告板

12、34ERIC Educational Resources Information Center教育资源信息中心35CISAR China international Search and Rescue Team中国国际救援队36. CPC- Communist Party of China37. CPPCC-Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议38.HKSAR-Hong Kong Special Administrative Region香港特别行政区39. NPC-National Peoples Congr

13、ess(中国)全国人民代表大会40. GNP-Gross National Product国民生产总值41.GDP-Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值42. EEC-European Economic Community欧(洲经济)共(同)体43 ASPAC-Asian and Pacific Council 亚(洲)太(平洋)理事会44. EFTA-European Free Trade Association欧洲自由贸易联盟45 IMF International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织46.GATT一General Agreement on T

14、ariffs and Trade 联合国关税及贸易总协定47. MFN一most favoured nations最惠国48.DJI- Dow Jones Index 道琼斯(股票)平均指数49.IOC-International Olympic Committee 国际奥(林匹克)委(员)会50 .ICRC一International Committee of the Red Cross 红十字国际委员会51.IBM一International Business Machines(美国)国际商用机器公司52.GMT-Greenwich MeanTime格林威治标准时间53. PM-prime

15、 minister 首相; 总理54CAAC-Civil Aviation Administration of China 中国民航55. UNPKF-United Nations Peacekeeping Force联合国维持和平部队NBCOrganization for Pacific Economic Cooperation NOAAEast European committeeEEC-National Broadcasting CompanyCPC- -European Economic CommunityPMNational Basketball CooperationOPECNat

16、ional Organization of American AtmosphereICRC G. prime minister CNSAH. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting CountriesFBII. World Intelligence preservation Organization10. WIPOChina National Space AdministrationNational Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationInternational Committee of the Red Cross

17、Present MinisterCommunist Party of ChinaInternational Committee of Research cooperation缩略词一。房屋广告amens amenities 环境舒适kit kitchen 厨房appl appliances 家用电器lse lease 租房协议apts apartments 独立房屋lge large 大avail available 可提供LR living room 起居室bach bachelor 单人套间lvl level 层balcs balcony 露天阳台N/k No kids 没有小孩bldg

18、building 房屋N/p No pets 不带宠物bsmt basement 低楼地库N/s No smoking 不吸烟bath bathroom 浴室nr near 近cbl cable 有线电视费pkg parking 停车位BR/bdrm bedroom 卧室睡房priv private 私用conv convenient 方便的ref reference 担保dup duplex 复式房reno renovation 重新装修fem female 女性sep separate 独立(门户)fl或flr floor 地板, 层sf Square foot 平方英纔furn furn

19、ished 带家具sgle single 单身人士gar garage 车库shr share 合租grnd ground 底层sm small 小hse house 独立房sub 分租H/W hot water 热水ste suite 套房imm immediately 实时(可租)unfurn unfurnished 不连家具incl include 包括util utilities 公用事业费. 二。招聘广告admim administrative 行政的Jr junior 初级ad/adv advertising 广告 K 1000元agcy agency 经销商knowl knowl

20、edge 知识appt appointment 约会预约loc location 位置场所asst assistant 助理Lv/lvl level 级/层attn attention 给, 与联系mach machine 机器bkgd background 背景manuf/mf manufacturing 制造bldg building 建筑物大楼mech mechanic 机械的bus business 商业生意mgr manager 经理clk clerk (办公室)职员m-f monday-friday 从周一到周五co company 公司mo month 月coll college

21、 大专(学历)nec necessary 必要的comm commission 佣金oppty opportunity 机会corp cororation (有限)公司ot overtime 超时data pro data processing 数据处理perm permanent 永久性的dept department 部pls please 请dir director 董事pos position 职位div division 分工部门pref preference (有经验者)优先eqpt equipment 装备prev previous 有先前(经验)etc and so on 等等

22、P/T part time 非全日制eves evenings 晚上refs references 推荐信exc excellent 很好的rel reliable 可靠的exp experience 经验reps Representative (销售)代表expd experienced 有经验的req required 需要ext extension 延伸扩展sal salary 工资fr. ben fringe benefits 额外福利secty secretary 秘书F/T full time 全日制sh shorthand 人手不足gd good 好sr senior 资深gra

23、d graduate 毕业stdnt student 学生hosp hospital 医院stmts statements 报告hqtrs headquarters 总部tech technical 技术上hr hour 小时tel/ph telphone 电话hrly hourly 每小时temp temporarily 临时性(工作)HS high school 高中(学历)trans transportation 交通immed immediate 立即trnee trainee 实习生incl including 包括typ typing/typist 打字/打字员ind indust

24、rial 工业的wk week/work 周/工作inexp inexperienced 无经验的Wpm words per minute 打字/每分钟int l international 国际性的 yr(s) Year(s) 年abuse n. v. to use wrongly or improperly 滥用;虐待;伤害accord n. agreement 协议aftermath n. something following after an event 后果;余波;后期agenda n. plan, outline of things to be done 待议诸事项;议程;日常工

25、作事项aid n. v. help 帮助,援助air v. to make known 宣扬annul v. to cancel or abolish 废除;取消;废止arrest n. v. to put in jail 逮捕;拘留assail v. to criticize strongly 抨击,指责assault n. v. to attack unlawfully 攻击;袭击at large phr. free of punishment 未被捕获的;整个at stake phr. In danger of being lost or at risk 危险;风险axe v. to d

26、ismiss from a job 辞职;解雇;退学Bback v. to support 支持backlash n. A strong negative reaction 反冲;强烈反应beckon v. to signal, summon; to attract; to lure 示意;打招呼;引诱baffle v. to confuse or bewilder 使受挫;阻挠balk v. to refuse to accept 拒绝接受ballot n. a sheet on which a vote is registered 选票ban n. v. prohibition 禁止bar

27、 v. not to allow, exclude, prohibit 禁止,阻止bid v. attempt 试图,尝试,投标bilk v. to cheat 欺骗blast n. v. explosion, criticize strongly 爆炸,评击blaze n. fire 火灾,烈火,火焰bleak adj. dim, weak, hopeless 黯淡的;没有指望的blockade n. the closing off of a port , city, etc. by an enemy 封锁blow n. injury, disappointment suffered 伤痛,

28、打击boom v. to grow or increase fast 激增;暴涨;迅速发展boost v. help, incentive 帮助;促进;提高boycott v. to refrain from buying or use something as a means of protest 联合抵制;拒绝参加;一致与绝交budget n. an estimate of expected income and expenses 预算;经费Ccite v. mention 提到;引用claim n. v. to declare to be true 声明;索取claim v. to ki

29、ll 杀死;夺去生命clash n. dispute, violent argument 分歧;冲突cool adj. uninterested, unfriendly 冷漠;冲突coup n. revolution, change in government 革命,变更curb v. limit, control 限制,控制cut n. reduction 削减Ddeadline n. the time by which something must be finished 最后期限deadlock n. a disagreement that cant be settled 僵局deal n. agreement 协议defy v. to challenge the power 蔑视;公然反抗;挑战drive n. campaign, effort 运动due adj. expected 预期Eease v. to reduce or loosen 减轻,平息envoy n. diplomat 外交家,外交官eve n. the day before 前一日exit v. leave 离开eye v. to watch wit

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