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本文(英语江苏省扬州市扬州中学教育集团树人学校中考一模英语试题含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、英语江苏省扬州市扬州中学教育集团树人学校中考一模英语试题含答案2019年江苏省扬州市扬州中学教育集团树人学校中考一模英语试题一、单选题1. As we all know, China is _Asian country and Britain is_ European country.Aan; anBa; aCa; anDan; a2. Cant you see the kid looking _ his mothers shoulder at the dancing birds again?Em, thats what children are like.AacrossBbeyondCtow

2、ardsDthrough3. The photo which has won the first prize has a great _ of color, content and feelings.AadvantageBbackgroundCbalanceDlandscape4. Did you enjoy the film yesterday?No, not at all! I was_blind because I left my glasses at home.Aso good asBas well asCas good asDso well as5. How do you get o

3、n with the English novel?Ive no idea. I only half of it, and Ill try to finish it at the weekend.AreadBam readingChave readDwill read6. In the song I Bet My Life, the US rock band Imagine Dragons tells people not to _catching their dreams.Agive outBgive offCgive inDgive up7. This dress still looks p

4、retty on you, _ it is out of styleAbutBthoughCsinceDunless8. Toms seldom asked to do housework at home, _ he? _. His parents are very busy with their work, so he has to do some cleaning every day.Ahas; YesBhasnt; NoCis; YesDisnt; No9. Do you know_ the meeting will last? _ the agreement is reached, I

5、 suppose.Ahow long; Not untilBwhen; Not untilChow long; UntilDwhen; Until10. You have been to Yangzhou recently. What do you think of this city? I like it very much, and I think it is the most beautiful place _ I have ever been to.AwhichBthatCwhereDwho11. An explosion(爆炸)happened in Xiangshui, Yanch

6、eng last week. People wondered _.Athat why it happenedBhow did the government help solve the problemCwhat caused the terrible accidentDhow many people are killed in the accident12. Life is about waiting for the right moment_, because everyone is in his own TIME ZONE.AactingBto actCactDacts13. Lily,

7、I know youre confident about getting that job, but remember _. So why not send your application forms to a few more companies?Sounds good.ADont put all your eggs in one basketBThe early bird catches the wormCActions speak louder than wordsDSomething is better than nothing14. Need I finish my homewor

8、k today, Mum? _. You will be busy and have no time to it tomorrow.AYes, you needBYes, you mustCYes, you have toDNo, you neednt15. I love the Internet. Ive come to know many friends on the net. _. Few of them would become your real friends.AI cant agree moreBIm pleased to know thatCNever mindDThats n

9、ot the case二、完型填空16.Morethan 95 percent of people in the world have phones, today, according to the United Nations. People use _to make phone calls and send messages to communicate with others. Now we _ write letters. But a TV show, Letters Alive(见字如面),is_back this old habit.Letters Alive gets its _

10、 from a UK program with a similar name. They have something in common. The shows both invite famous actors and actresses, _ there are no funny jokes or different competitions. Instead, it is just one person reading a letter. Since it has been on in December, Letters Alive has been _praised.Theletter

11、s were written by people from different_in history. For example, once they read a letter written by famous writer Xiao Hong to her brother who is younger than her in 1941.Theletter shows that Xiao Hong _ her brother so much and had great hopes for his future.“Every letter opens_world for us” said Gu

12、an Zhengwen, the director of the TV show.Itseems that we can _the real lives and feelings of the writers. _, many people said that it has provided a breath of fresh air to todays TV.Apart from letters alive, some other _TV shows have also been accepted by Chinese audiences. They _Chinese Poetry Conf

13、erence中国诗词大会, a classical Chinese poetry competition, and Readers, a program that_people to read poems and articles they like or wrote. “This means that our audiences not only looking for entertainment like gossip(八卦)and eye catching games,” reported China Daily. Cultural _and true feelings are the

14、keys to winning praise. (1)AcomputersBTVsCradiosDphones (2)AoftenBalwaysChardlyDnever (3)AreturningBgettingCbringingDtaking (4)AideaBbookCletterDnews (5)AandBbutCbecauseDor (6)AwildlyBcarefullyCclearlyDwidely (7)AgradesBtimesCclassesDfamilies (8)AthoughtBtreatedCmissedDpraised (9)Athe otherBotherCot

15、hersDanother (10)AmakeBpassCexperienceDget (11)AAnywayBButCOtherwiseDSo (12)AtraditionalBculturalCfashionableDhumorous (13)AincludeBhaveCsayDreport (14)AinviteBinvitingCinvitedDinvites (15)ApriceBcostCvaluesDworth三、阅读单选17.TYPINGThiscourse is for those who want to learn to type,as well as those who w

16、anttoimprove their tapingThe course is not commonYou are tested in the firstclass and begin practicing at one of eight different skill levelsThis allows you tolearn at your own speedEach program lasts 20hoursBring your own paperCourse fee(费用):125 Materials:25Twohours each evening for two weeksNew cl

17、asses begin every two weeksThiscourse is taught by a number of professional business education teachers whohavesuccessfully taught typing courses beforeUNDERSTANDING COMPUTERSThistwelvehour course is for people who do not know very much aboutcomputers,but who need to learn about them You will learn

18、what computers are,whatthey can and cant do and how to use themCourse fee:75Jan.4,7,11,14,18Wed&Sat.9:0011:30amEquipmentfee:10David is a professor of Computer Science at Beijing UniversityHe has overtwenty years of experience in the computer fieldSTOPSMOKINGDoyou want to stop smoking?Have you alread

19、y tried to stop and failed?Nowisthe time to stop smoking using the latest methodsYou can stop smoking,andthistwelvehour course will help you do itCourse fee:30 Jan.2,9,16,23Mon.2:005:00pmDrJohnisapracticingpsychologistwhohashelpedhundredsofpeoplestopsmoking (1)If you choose the UNDERSTANDING COMPUTE

20、RS course,you will have classes_AfromMondaytoSundayBonWednesdayandSaturdayConSaturdayandSunday (2)How long will the STOP SMOKING courselast?_AForfourweeksBForthreehoursCForaweek (3)MrBlack works every morning and evening,but he wants to take part in one of the three coursesWhat is suitable for him?_

21、ATYPINGBUNDERSTANDINGCOMPUTERSCSTOPSMOKING (4)If you want to learn about computers and at the same time you want to improve your typing,how much will you pay for it?_ (5) B150 C23570Whats the special difference between the TYPING course and the other two?_APeople with different skill levels may lear

22、n at different speedBYou will take a test after the courseCYou will pay less money18.Backin Venice, there was one very angry moneylender. When he discovered his daughter, Jessica, had run away and taken money and jewels with her, he was furious. He tried to find her, Bassanio and Graziano were on th

23、e ship, and it had started to sail. Shylock wanted to stop the ship.Hethought Jessica and Lorenzo might be on it, but it was too late. The ship had already gone. Antonio told Shylock that his daughter and her lover were not on it. Someone said they had gone away on a smaller boat, but nobody really

24、knew where they were.Shylock ran through the streets of Venice looking for them. “My money, my daughter, my jewels!” he shouted. “My jewels, my daughter, my money! My daughter stole my money! She stole my jewels! She ran away with a Christian! I must find them!”Allthe little boys in Venice followed

25、him and shouted “My jewels, my daughter, my money!” Solanio heard them. He thought, “Antonio better pay his debt on time, or he will pay for this.” Shylock is very angry. He will _if he can.Far,far away from Venice, in the sea between England and France, there was a big storm. A strong wind blew a h

26、eavy ship against the rocks. The ship and its eargo sank. Salerio was the first person in Venice to hear the news, when he met a Frenchman in a hotel. He hoped that it was not one of Antonios ships. (1)The author of the passage above is _.AWilliam ShakespeareBCharles DickensCFrances hodgson BurnettDLewis Carroll (2)The underlined word “this” in Pra.4 means_.Ahis jewelsBhis daughterChis moneyDall above (3)Which is the most suitable to fill in the blank in Pra.4?Atake revengeBregret itCforgive himDfeel excited (4)Why did Salerio hope that it was not one of Antonios ship?A

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