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高中英语北师大版必修1文档Unit 3 Section Ⅵ Lesson 4.docx

1、高中英语北师大版必修1文档Unit 3 Section Lesson 4Section_Lesson_4Memories of ChristmasFor me, Christmas always began in the middle of the cold, windy month of November. My sister, Alison, and I sat down in front of the fire and wrote a letter to Father Christmas telling him about all the presents we wanted. We s

2、eriously wrote “Father Christmas, the North Pole” on the envelope, before giving them to our mother to post.With December our excitement grew each day as we opened the new year calendar, Christmas cards arrived in the post, Christmas lights appeared in the streets, and we attended the town carol ser

3、vice. And of course, there was snow everywhere. Enough snow to make snowmen, and to have exciting snowball fights in the school front of在(外部)的前面in the front of在(内部)的前面write a letter to sb.给某人写信present nC礼物;adj.当前的;出席present作前置定语表示“当前的”,作后置定语表示“出席”。现在分词短语telling him about .伴随状语,表主动意义。其中

4、we wanted为定语从句,修饰先行词presents。the North Pole北极the South Pole南极with prep.意为“同,和,跟”,表伴随。as we opened .是as引导的时间状语从句。calendar/klInd/n.日历appear v出现disappear v消失attend vt.参加,出席常见搭配有attend a meeting/a lecture/class/school/church等。carol/krl/n.(尤指)圣诞节颂歌两个并列的动词不定式短语to make snowmen和to have .作定语。圣诞节的记忆第12段译文在我的记

5、忆中,圣诞节总是从寒冷多风的十一月中旬就开始了。我和姐姐艾莉森坐在火炉前给圣诞老人写信,告诉他我们想要的所有礼物。我们在信封上认真地写上:寄“北极圣诞老人”,然后交给妈妈去邮寄。随着十二月的来临,我们的兴奋与日俱增我们翻开新年日历,圣诞卡片纷至沓来,街上亮起了圣诞灯,我们参加了镇里的圣诞颂歌演唱。当然了,处处是积雪,足够堆雪人和在学校操场上打一场激动人心的雪仗了。On Christmas Eve, the whole family helped to decorate the house, put up the Christmas tree, the decorations and the b

6、alloons. Then, in the afternoon, when Auntie Kathleen and my two cousins arrived, everything was ready. Before we went to bed, we left some wine and biscuits for Father Christmas and then put our stockings at the end of our beds. We tried to stay awake as long as possible to see Father Christmas but

7、 the next thing we knew it was morning. Christmas morning!,the whole familyall the family注意whole, all与the的位置。decorate vt.装饰be decorated with装饰着put up竖起,建造,挂起,升起decoration/dekreI n/n.装饰;装饰品when Auntie Kathleen .为when引导的时间状语从句。Before we went to bed为时间状语从句,before意为“在之前”。stocking/stkI/n.长筒女袜stay awake醒着

8、as . as possible (as . as sb. can) 尽可能第3段译文圣诞节前夕,全家人都来帮忙装饰房屋,竖起圣诞树,挂上各种装饰品和气球。然后,在下午,当凯思琳姑妈和两个表兄弟到达的时候,一切就都已准备就绪。上床前,我们给圣诞老人留了些酒和饼干,在床尾放上长筒袜。我们尽量不让自己睡着,想(亲眼)看看圣诞老人,但当我们醒来时,已经是第二天清晨了圣诞节的早晨!At the bottom of the bed was the stocking, now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets. Christmas morning

9、 was bright and sunny and, after church, my cousin David and I went out into the garden to play with our new presents. Lunch was always late, but what a lunch! A big turkey with all the vegetables followed by Christmas pudding. I like turkey breast the best. I put so_much_food_in_my_mouth_sometimes_

10、that it was hard to swallow . We sang Christmas carols happily, laughed at jokes, put on silly paper hats and laughed the bottom of在底部play with摆弄,玩弄介词短语with all the vegetables作定语,修饰turkey,过去分词短语followed by Christmas pudding作定语,也修饰turkey。pudding/pdI/n.布丁breast/brest/n.(鸟的)胸脯肉;胸部so . that .如此

11、以至于 such . that .如此以至于swallow/swl/vt.吞下,咽下put on穿上,戴上(表动作)put on衣服dress人sang . laughed at ., put on . and laughed为连动式谓语,and连接前后几个并列的动作。第4段译文床尾的袜子里已装满各种各样的小礼物和糖果。圣诞节的早晨阳光明媚。做完礼拜后,我和堂兄戴维到花园里摆弄那些刚刚收到的礼物。午餐总是很晚,但可真够丰盛啊!有一个塞满各种各样蔬菜的大火鸡,之后是圣诞布丁。我最喜欢吃火鸡的胸脯肉了。我往嘴里塞满食物,有时都难以吞咽。我们高兴地唱着圣诞颂歌,讲着笑话,戴上傻傻的纸帽子,哈哈大笑。

12、After lunch, the adults slept on the sofas in front of the Queens speech on television while we all played cards. Then we had tea, with a huge Christmas cake covered with snowmen. It didnt seem possible, but we carried on eating. By bedtime all of the children were very tired. As soon as we turned o

13、ff the light, we all fell into a deep, happy成年人while conj.意为“然而,而”,表示对比。with . cake covered .是“with宾语过去分词”结构,强调宾语是动作的承受者。该结构叫做with复合结构,这是其具体形式之一。carry on继续,坚持as soon as一就turn off关掉(switch off)turn/switch on打开fall into a deep, happy sleep进入甜美的梦乡第5段译文午饭后,我们打牌,大人们则躺在播放女王演讲的电视前面的沙发上睡着

14、了。接着我们喝茶,吃上面雪人的圣诞大蛋糕。蛋糕大得好像吃不了,但我们还是不停地吃着。到该上床睡觉时,所有的孩子都筋疲力尽了。我们一关灯就都沉沉地进入了甜美的梦乡。FastreadingScan the text and finish the following question.What is the text mainly about?The text is mainly about the_authors_memory_of_Christmas.CarefulreadingRead the text carefully and choose the best answer.1We wrot

15、e a letter to Father Christmas because _.Awe had no telephoneBwe missed him very muchCwe wanted to tell him about all the presents we wantedDour parents asked us to do so2Which of the following statements is WRONG?AOur mother gave our letter to Father Christmas.BThe whole family decorated the house

16、on Christmas Eve.CWe usually left some wine and biscuits for Father Christmas.DOur stockings were full of presents on Christmas morning.3We put our stockings at the end of our beds because _.Aour stockings were dirtyBwe thought Father Christmas would put presents in themCwe could find our stockings

17、easily the next morningDthere was no place for us to put our stockings4We ate the following for Christmas lunch except _.Aturkey BvegetablesCdumplings Dpudding5After lunch _.Aadults played cards Badults had a restCchildren played cards Dchildren made a snowman答案:15CABCC一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.stoc

18、king n长筒女袜2.envelope n. 信封 3.pole n. 极;棒,竿4.swallow vt. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子5.breast n. 胸部;(鸟的)胸脯肉 n. 成年人7.merry adj. 高兴的,愉快的.拓展词汇1.seriously adv.认真地;真诚地;严肃地serious adj.认真的,真诚的;严肃的2.decoration n装饰;装饰品decorate vt.装饰1.envelope n信封联想由envelope想到的stamp 邮票postage邮资,邮费mailbox信箱airmail航空邮件registered letter挂号信e

19、xpress mail service邮政快递2.merry adj.高兴的,愉快的词块Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!同义cheerful, joyful, pleased, happy3.seriously adv.认真地;真诚地;严肃地联想sincerely真诚地4.stocking n长筒女袜联想sock袜子,短袜silk stocking长筒丝袜二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块 the middle of在的中间2at the bottom of 在底下3put up 举起,建造,竖起4play with 摆弄,玩弄5at the end of 在的尽头6la

20、ugh at 嘲笑;讥笑7put on 穿上;增加体重;上演8carry on 继续,坚持9turn off 关闭10in front of 在前面1.the Christmas tree/stockings圣诞树/圣诞袜2go to church 做礼拜3make snowman 堆雪人4on Christmas Eve 在圣诞节前夕5stay awake 醒着6play cards 打牌7fall into a deep, happy sleep 进入甜美的梦乡8as long as possible 尽可能长地9make a snowman 堆雪人10bright and sunny 阳

21、光明媚三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1. wrote a letter to Father Christmas telling him about all the presents we wanted.给圣诞老人写信,告诉他我们想要的所有礼物。现在分词短语作伴随状语。Dont stand there laughing_and_shouting;_give me a hand.别站在那儿又喊又笑的,帮我一把。2.Before we went to bed, we left some wine and biscuits for Father Christmas .上床前,我们给圣诞老人留了些酒和

22、饼干 before“在之前”,此处为连词,引导时间状语从句。The train had already left before_I_arrived.在我到达之前,火车就已经开走了。3.Lunch was always late, but what a lunch!午餐总是很晚,但可真够丰盛的!what a lunch是一个感叹句,后面省略了it was。what修饰名词。What_a_big_supper we had yesterday!昨天我们吃了一顿多么丰盛的晚餐啊!4.Then we had tea, with a huge Christmas cake covered with sn

23、owmen.接着我们喝茶,吃上面有雪人的圣诞大蛋糕。“with宾语宾补”结构作状语,此处为过去分词短语作宾补。She always sleeps with all the windows shut.她总是关着所有的窗户睡觉。1(教材P42)We seriously wrote “Father Christmas, the North Pole” on the envelope, before giving them to our mother to post.我们在信封上认真地写上:寄“北极圣诞老人”,然后交给妈妈去邮寄。 seriously adv.认真地;真诚地;严重地(1)take .

24、seriously 认真对待(2)serious adj. 严肃的;严重的be serious about . 对是认真的;认真对待Seriously injured, some of the passengers were sent to the nearest hospital at once.因严重受伤,其中有些乘客被立刻送到最近的医院。Its time we talked_seriously about our relationship.我们该认真谈一谈我们的关系了。You should take the coming final exam seriously.你们应当认真对待即将到来

25、的期末考试。I stopped laughing when I realized he was serious about it.当我意识到他并非开玩笑时,我就不再笑了。2(教材P42)I put so much food in my mouth sometimes that it was hard to swallow.我往嘴里塞满食物,有时都难以下咽。 swallow (1)vt.吞下,咽下He swallowed the last of his coffee and asked for the bill.他喝下最后一口咖啡,要求结账。The countryside is graduall

26、y being swallowed up by new developments.乡村地区正逐渐被新开发区吞噬。(2)n.吞;咽;燕子Take the medicine at one swallow.一口把药吞下。One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏。3(教材P42)On Christmas Eve, the whole family helped to decorate the house, put up the Christmas tree, the decorations and the balloons.圣诞节前夕,全家人都来帮忙装饰房屋,竖

27、起圣诞树,挂上各种装饰品和气球。 put up竖起,建造;举起;搭建;张贴;留某人住在家中;提高;增加形象记忆写出下列句中put up的含义After the earthquake, many tents were put up for the local residents.搭建They plan to put up a new house in the countryside.建造A notice has been put up on the blackboard.张贴If you have any questions, put your hands up.举起The kindhearte

28、d man can put us up for the night.留某人住在家中Theyve put up the rent by 20 a month.增加,提高The suggestion he put forward at the meeting was turned down.他在会议上提出的建议被拒绝了。I cant put up with my parents quarrelling any more.我再也忍受不了父母的争吵了。 4(教材P42)It didnt seem possible, but we carried on eating.蛋糕大得好像吃不了,但我们还是不停地

29、吃着。 carry on继续,坚持The young man carried on with the business and managed well after his fathers death.那个年轻人在他的父亲去世后继续做生意,并且很成功。Youll have an accident if you carry on driving (drive) like that.如果你继续那样开车的话会出事故的。carry out履行,实施,实行carry off 成功的完成;赢得;获得They were carrying out an important experiment.他们正在进行一

30、项重要的实验。Its a demanding role, but Im sure shell be able to carry it off.这是一个富有挑战性的角色,但我肯定她能胜任。名师点津on有“继续,不停”之意。类似的短语还有:go on“继续”;hang on“坚持”;hold on“别挂断;坚持下去”;work on“继续工作,不断工作”。1My sister, Alison, and I sat down in front of the fire and wrote a letter to Father Christmas telling him about all the presents we wanted.我和姐姐艾莉森坐在火炉前给圣诞老人写信,告诉他我们想要的所有礼物。(1)句中tellin

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