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1、秋季仁爱英语八年级上册Unittopic重点知识点总结及练习 Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】秋季仁爱英语八年级上册Unittopic重点知识点总结及练习八年级上册Unit 3 Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday?一重点句型:Section A1. The telephone rings while Jane is practicing the violin. 简在练习小提琴的时候,电话铃响了。 while 在此意为“当的时候,与同时”,引导时间状语从句,从句中

2、要延续性动词。 Somebody broke in while I was out. 我出门不在时,有人破门而入。注意: when & while 意思相近,都可引导时间状语从句。When意为:“当时”,可表瞬间时间点,主从句所述动作、事情可同事发生,也可先后。It was snowing when we got there. 我们到达那里时正在下雪。(同时) He went home when he finished his work. 我做完工作就回家了。(表示动作的先后)while 用于两个延续性动作同时发生。 Mother was cooking while father was wa

3、tching TV. 爸爸看电视的时候妈妈在做饭。2. Hold the line, please. 请等一会儿。 hold the line = hold on = wait a moment = just a moment 为打电话用语,意为“等一会儿”;3. What were you doing at this time yesterday? 昨天这个时候,你在做什么?该句是过去进行时,由was / were + 现在分词构成,意为“昨天这个时候你在干什么?”(过去正在进行)I was reading at this time yesterday.昨天这个时候我在读书。3. I cal

4、led you to go to the English Corner but no one answered. 我给你打电话了,但是没有人接。nobody, somebody, anybody, everybody等词都是不定代词。nobody没有人,somebody某人,常用于肯定句;anybody谁,任何人,常用于否定句、疑问句和if(whether)引导的从句中;everybody 表示每个人,可用于任何句式中,nobody和no one 意思相同,但比no one 更口语化,nobody = not.anybody. no = not.any. We asked nobody to

5、help us. 我们没向任何人求援。I dont meet anybody on the way. = I met nobody on the way. 途中我没遇见任何人。Somebody left his umbrella. 有人忘了带走伞。Everybody likes to be free. 每个人都热爱自由。I have no friends. = I dont have any friends. 我没有朋友。Section B1. I dont agree with you. 我不同意她的意见。 agree是不及物动词,意为“同意、答应、应允”。但是如果它后面家上不同的介词,表达

6、的意思就会不大相同。(1) agree with 后常接人或what引导的从句,表同意某人,如:I agree with what you said. 我知道你所说的。(2) agree to sth.,表“同意某事”,接表示建议、计划、条件、安排等的词。如:I agree to the plan. 我同意这个计划。(3) agree to do sth 表“同意去做某事”,如:I agree to help you. 我同意帮助你。(4) agree on/ about sth. 关于某事方面表示同意,如:I agree on the matter. 在这个问题上我同意。(5) agree

7、+ that从句,如:They agreed that I should buy the book. 他们同意我应该买那本书。2. -Isnt it interesting?-No, I dont think so. 难道它没有趣吗?- 是的,我不觉得有趣。这句是否定疑问句,表示肯定意义,注意其回答。一般疑问句的否定式, 回答时根据实际情况来判断, 如果事实上是, 用 Yes; 如果事实上不是, 用 No. -Isnt it beautiful? 难道它不漂亮吗?-Yes, it is. 不,它漂亮。.-No, it isnt. 是的,它不漂亮。3. Its very pleasant! 非常

8、令人愉快! pleasant形容词,意为“令人愉快的”, 主要指使人身心满足,将快乐给予他人的性格、氛围或场合,既可用于人也可用于物。其名词形式为pleasure意为“愉快”,动词please意为“使快乐”。 Its a pleasant trip. 这是一次愉快的旅行。 She takes pleasure in reading. 她从读书中获得乐趣。 He did it to please his parents. 他这么做是为了取悦父母。Section C1. No one heard her when they were passing by. 当他们经过的时候,没有人听到她说的。A.

9、 hear 与here 同音。(1) hear sb. 听见某人说话;Can you hear me?你听见我说话吗?(2) hear of / about / sb. / sth. 听说某人 / 某物; Did you hear of Harry Potter? 你听说了哈利波特吗?(3) hear from sb. = get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信;I havent heard from Jack for a long time. 我已经很久没有收到杰克的来信了。(4) hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事; hear sb. do st

10、h. 听某人做了某事;I heard her singing a song when I passed by her room. 当我从她房间经过时,我听到她在唱歌。I often hear him play the violin in the room. 我经常他在房间里拉小提琴。B. 1) pass by意为经过,通过,从.旁边经过。Somebody passed by the window just now. 刚刚有人从窗户旁经过。2) go by和pass by是同义短语,都可指经过(某处),go by是动词+副词结构,意为从.旁边经过。3) pass by意为经过,通过,从.旁边经过

11、,指经过人或物的面前或旁边而不停顿,也不注意所经过的人或物是谁。pass意为经过,指在人或物的面前或旁边经过,侧重经过的动作。用pass by时,侧重不加注意的意味,但在实际上,pass和pass by常被毫无区别地使用。The bus went by the stop without stopping.那辆公共汽车停都没停就从汽车站开了过去。A car went by一辆汽车驶过去。He passed by me without noticing me他从我身边走过而没注意到我。I pass the church on my way to school在我上学的路上经过教堂。She wave

12、d at me as she passed(by)她经过时向我挥了挥手。4) go by,pass by和pass又都可用来指时间流逝,过去。Several years went by before they met again他们过了好几年才再次见面。A year passed by,and still she had not found a suitable job一年过去了,但她仍然没找到合适的工作。Two years has passed since I entered this school我进这所学校已两年了 2. The wind was blowing strongly and

13、 the snow was falling down on her long hair.3. (1) strongly是修饰风大,heavily是修饰雨大; It rained heavily yesterday.昨天雨下得很大。(2) fall down 在句中意思为“飘下、落下”,此外fall down还有摔倒、跌倒的意思。Lisa fell down when he rode the bike.Lisa 骑自行车的时候给摔倒了。4. But the little girl was afraid to go home without selling one box of matches,

14、because her father would beat her. 但是小女孩因为没有卖出去一盒火柴而害怕回家,因为他爸爸会打他。(1) A. afraid 担心的,害怕的;B. 常用结构: be afraid to do sth. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事; Im afraid to walk alone at night. = Im afraid of walking alone at night. 我害怕独自夜行。 be afraid of sth. 害怕某物; be afraid +(that)从句;Im afraid of snakes. 我害怕蛇

15、。(2) beat sb. 打败某人;打某人;Wed better not beat children. 我们最好不要打孩子。3. She lit three matches. 她点了三个火柴。A. light n. 灯,光线;Turn off the lights, please! 请关灯! B. light adj. (重量)轻的,(颜色)浅的,淡的;I like light colors. 我喜欢浅颜色。C. light v. 点燃,点火,过去式lit / lighted; She lit a candle. 她点燃一根蜡烛。4. Ah, a burning match may warm

16、 me up!啊,一根点着的火柴可以让我温暖。5. warm up 为动词+副词 结构短语。代词必须放中间,名词可放中间,也可放副词后6. 意思为:热身(常用于运动中),使变暖和。7. In cold winter,drinking some alcohol can warm you up.在寒冬,喝一些酒能够使你变暖和8. Before running,youd better warm up by strengthening your legs.跑步前, 你最好拉伸一下腿,热热身。 9. Her grandmother smiled and held the girl in her arms

17、.她的奶奶把她她抱了起来。A. hold 在此意思为“拥抱、抱着”。The girl hold a cat in her arms 那女孩手里抱着一头猫。B. hold有还有“举办”和“容纳”的意思。Our school will hold the sports meet next week. 我们学校下周将举行运动会The meeting room can hold one hundred people. 这个会议室能够容纳一百号人。10. The girl was lying against the wall, dead! 小女孩靠着墙躺着,死掉了!(1) lie 躺, 现在分词为lyin

18、g , 过去式为lay.(2) dead adj. 死的,没有生命的,名词是death, 动词是die.The girl died on a cold evening. 这个小女孩在一个寒冷的夜晚死了。His death made his friends sad. 他的死让他的朋友很难过。Section D1. Many people spent one day a week at church. 很多人一周会花一天在教堂。2. In the early 1800s, Sunday was the “holy day”. 在19世纪早期,星期日的含义就是“神圣的一天”。1800s表示19世纪,

19、同样的,1900s则表示20世纪。in the 1800s 在 19 世纪;in the 1920s 在 20 世纪 20 年代;in the early 1800s 在 19 世纪早期;before 1800 在1800以前;in 1800 在1800年; by1930 到1930年;表“世纪或年代”用“in + the +(年数s)”如:In the 1800s 在19世纪;(注意:要用 the, 年数后加s,而表示具体的某一年不用the, 也不加s, 如:in 2009 )3. And then they felt too tired to work on Monday morning.

20、 到了星期一上午他们都太累了以致于不工作。(1) a. too. to. 意为“太而不能”, too 前用否定词(never)时,表示肯定。Its never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。 b.意为“太而不”表示否定意义时,可用not.enough 或so. That 否定句来改写。 He is too young to go to school. = He isnt old enough to go the school.= He is so young that he cant go to school. 他太小了不能去上学。(2) on 介词,

21、表示在具体的某一天或某一天的上、下午及晚上时,要用介词on。on Sunday morning 在星期天的早晨;on a cold morning in July 七月一个寒冷的早上; at 7:00 在七点; at noon 在中午;in the morning 在早上;4. In the us, workers called them“blue Mondays”.在美国,工人们把它们叫做“蓝色星期一”。蓝色(blue)在汉语中的引申意义较少,而在英语中blue是一个含义十分丰富的颜色词。在翻译同这一颜色有关的表达时,我们应该注意其中的特别含义。英语的blue常用来喻指人的“情绪低落”、“心

22、情沮丧”、“忧愁若闷”,如:they felt rather blue after the failure in the football game.球赛踢输了,他们感到有些沮丧。类似的表达: black tea 红茶; white elephant 笨蛋; a Red Man 印第安人; a grey day 阴天;知识拓展:blue moon 不可能或稀有的时期或事情;The story is just a blue moon. 这个故事根本就是件不可能的事。5. At one oclock,everyone stopped working.在一点钟,所有的人停止工作。stop doing

23、 sth. 意为“停止做某事”,指停止做原来的事情 。stop to do sth. 指的是停下来(手头的事)去做另外一件事。Hearing?the?doorbell,she?stopped?washing the?dishes.听见门铃声,她停止洗碗了。类似的有:go on dong sth. 继续做某事(同件事);go on to do sth. 接着去做某事(另件事);6. This is the beginning of the idea of the weekend in England. 这就是周末这一想法在英国的雏形。 the beginning of 表“的开始”; at th

24、e beginning of 表“在的开始”;如: at the beginning of the month 在月初;2重点词组:1practice the violin. 练习小提琴;2hold the line = hold on = wait a moment = just a moment 等一会儿;3answer the telephone 接电话;4go to the English Corner 去英语角;5nobody = not.anybody 没有人;6no = notany 没有;7take a shower = have a shower 洗淋浴;8take a ba

25、th= have a bath 洗澡;9at this time 这个时候;10wash some clothes 洗衣服; 11do some cleaning 打扫; 12read a book 看书; 13play the piano 弹钢琴; 14go to bed 上床睡觉; 15go skating 去滑冰; 16on a plane 在飞机上; 17pass the time 消磨时间; 18serve the food 提供饮食服务; 19learn English 学习英语; 20chat with friends 和朋友聊天; 21listen to the news 听新

26、闻; 22plant trees 植树; 23visit a museum 参观博物馆; 24eat Beijing roast duck 吃北京烤鸭; 25practice English 练习英语;26watch a movie/ film = see a movie/ film 看电影;27go to the cinema/ movie theater 去电影院;28agree with 同意;29agree to sth. 同意某事;30agree to do sth. 同意去做某事;31agree on/ about sth. 关于某事方面表示同意;32the little matc

27、h girl 卖火柴的小女孩;33on the last evening of the year=on a new years Eve 在除夕夜;34get together 聚会; 聚在一起;35in the streets 在街上;36in ones hand 在某人手里;37in a high voice 高声地;38in a low voice 低声地;39hear sb. 听见某人说话;40hear of / about / sb. / sth. 听说某人 / 某物; 41hear from sb. = get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信;42hear sb.

28、 doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事; 43hear sb. do sth. 听某人做了某事;44pass by 经过; 走过;45sell matches 卖火柴;46give sb. a coin 给某人一个硬币;47blow strongly 吹地很猛烈; 48fall down 摔倒,跌落;49be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事;50be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事; 51be afraid of sth. 害怕某物; 52beat sb. 打败某人;打某人;53one box of matches 一盒火柴;54a burning m

29、atch 一根燃烧着的火柴;55warm sb.up 使变暖和;56light(lit) three matches 点三根火柴; 57a warm stove 一个温暖的火炉; 58a delicious roast goose 一只美味的烤鹅; 59hold sb. in ones arms 把某人搂在怀里;60go out ( 火, 灯光) 熄灭;61against the wall 靠着墙;62knock at 敲;63wake up 醒来; 唤醒;64in the 1800s 在 19 世纪;65have fun 玩得开心,玩得高兴;66have fun doing sth. 做某事很开心; 做某事有乐趣;67blue Mondays 忧郁星期一;68solve the problem 解决难题; 69answer the question 回答问题;70too to 太以致不能;71on Monday morning. 在星期一早晨;72in the early 1800s 在 19 世纪早期;73before 1800 在1800以前;74in 1800 在1800年; 75by1930 到1930年;76

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