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1、状语从句翻译练习精品二级翻译练习1 宾语从句1.我们就要知道这男人是干什么的了。2.这录像显示了他当时在干什么。3.Lily 解释了她的发明。4.我想知道他告诉你什么了。5.Sam 问你在做什么。6.7.你知道她真正想学什么吗8.她不明白他在信里面写的什么。9.我真的不知道我接下来应该写什么。10.我害怕小女孩会生病。11.她走到我站的地方。12.你能告诉我那位绅士是谁吗13.我们将会给你任何你需要的。14.我们大家都知道Ben 很矮。15.我们认为你将会出去。16.我不清楚他是高还是矮。17.我想知道我下次考试是否能通过。18.%19.他已经失败了数次的事实使他很不安。20.他相信我们应该允

2、许孩子按自己的步调学习。21.他是否回来了不要紧。22.我的意见是应该派人去上海工作。精品二级翻译练习2 定语从句1.你知道我们昨天在北京饭店遇见的那个人是谁吗2.!3.这就是他们上个月住过的酒店。4.那一天我永远都不会忘记。5.我们下周要去参观的工厂离这里不远。6.这部电影是今年上映的电影里面最好的之一。7.跟我爸爸一起工作的那个工程师大概50岁。8.我对你所说的很感兴趣。 【9.这封信是我在北京工作的妹妹写给我的。10.我们公司有300个员工,其中三分之二是女士。11.你是我见过的唯一一个能够做这件事的人。12.我永远不会忘记那些我们在一起工作的日子。13.他看问题的方式不对。14.;15

3、.这就是他为什么没有来参加会议的原因。16.他告诉了我他所知道的一切。17.你能把前几天你提到过的那本书借我吗18.你知道她改变主意的原因吗19.拥有私家车的人数正在增多。20.我们给客人准备的房间视野很好。21.想去音乐会的人请在这里签名。22.你还记得我们在海边一起度过的那些欢乐时光吗精品二级翻译练习3 时间、地点状语从句1.我在街上徘徊的时候遇到了她。2./3.当我进去的时候,他正在听音乐。4.当我们正在讨论问题的时候,他们冲了进来。5.太阳一出来雾就散了。(as)6.我们总是边走边唱。(as)7.布朗先生来这之前已经在银行里工作了一年了。8.用完塑料袋后,不准到处乱扔。;9.自从我们开

4、始做饭起,我们已经包了许多饺子了。10.我会呆在这里,直到你回来。(until)11.他直到父亲回家才离开。(not.until)12.我一到加拿大,就给你打电话。(as soon as.)13.一旦你开始了,就要继续下去。(once)14.15.在你仔细考虑过之后请告诉我你的决定。16.我们随着年龄的增长会变得越来越聪明。(as) 17.我第一次来到这座城市就觉得它很漂亮、很干净。(the first time)18.我还没有来得及向他解释原因,他就不听了。(hardly.when)19.不管在哪里我都会想你的。(wherever)20.有志者,事竟成。.21.你应该把书放在你能找到的地方。

5、22.我一看到他就知道还有希望。(the moment)精品二级翻译练习4 条件状语从句1.如果你给冰加热,它就会融化。2.;3.如果我是你,我不会邀请他参加聚会。4.除非下雨,比赛将照常举行。(unless)5.胜利不会走向我们,除非我们自己去追寻它。6.我可以告诉你真相,条件是你答应保守秘密。(on condition that)7.Ron 把钱借给我,条件是下月归还。8.假如出了什么问题,你准备怎么应付(suppose)9.只要Guy自付餐费,我不介意他和我们一起去。(provide)10.如果我在离开家之前给花浇了水,它们就不会死了。11.如果年轻是不学会思考,你也许永远不会思考。12

6、.如果没有下雨,比赛会继续进行。13.假如你失败了,不要气馁。(in case)14.%15.要是我来晚了,你们就先开始吧。16.我只想告诉你,只要你愿意回来,我会一直等你。(as long as)17.只要你保证不告诉任何人,我就把这个秘密告诉你。15.不管什么时候我不高兴,我的朋友总能使我振作起来。16.不管谁打电话找我,告诉他我很忙。17.不管有多晚我都会等你。18.纵使你反对,我也要去。(as)19.谁想去我就带谁去。20.不管谁来都会受到欢迎。【21.无论发生什么,他都不会介意。22.即使谎言被修饰的再好,到头来总会被揭穿。精品二级翻译练习8 复习练习1.我真的不知道我接下来应该写什

7、么。2.你能告诉我那位绅士是谁吗3.4.我的意见是应该派人去上海工作。5.你知道我们昨天在北京饭店遇见的那个人是谁吗6.跟我爸爸一起工作的那个工程师大概50岁。7.你能把前几天你提到过的那本书借我吗8.那是一个非常寒冷的夜晚,我们都待在家里。9.它掉在我书桌下面,因此我看不见它。10.局势是这样,达成协议的可能性不大。11.既然他们忘了给我打电话,我就得给他们打了。12.我们现在不常去那儿,因为我们不久就要离开了。13.她很高兴控制住了自己。14.布朗先生来这之前已经在银行里工作了一年了。15.16.我一到加拿大,就给你打电话。(as soon as.)17.我第一次来到这座城市就觉得它很漂亮

8、、很干净。(the first time)18.我可以告诉你真相,条件是你答应保守秘密。(on condition that)19.如果我在离开家之前给花浇了水,它们就不会死了。20.即使得一路走着去,我也要走到那里。21.不管什么时候我不高兴,我的朋友总能使我振作起来。精品二级翻译练习答案11.We will know what the man is.2.The video showed what he was doing.3.Lily explained what she had invented. 4.I want to know what he told you. 5.Sam asks

9、 what you are doing.6.Do you know what she really wanted to learn 7.She didnt understand what he wrote in the letter. 8.。9. I really dont know what I should write next 10. Im afraid (that) the little girl will be sick.11. She walked to where I stood.12. Can you tell me who that gentleman is 13.Well

10、give you whatever you need.14. All of us know that Ben is short.14.We have the opinion that we will go out.15.I dont know whether he is tall or short.16.I want to know whether I will pass the test.17. The fact that he has lost many times makes him very upset. 18. He believes that we should allow chi

11、ldren to study at their own pace.19./20. It doesn t matter whether he s come back or not.21.My suggestion is somebody should be sent to work in Shanghai. 精品二级翻译练习答案21.Do you know the man whom we met in Beijing Hotel yesterday2.This is the hotel where/in which they stayed last month.3.That is the day

12、 which Ill never forget.4.The factory we are going to visit next week is not far from here.5.This is one of the best movies that have been shown this year. 6.The engineer with whom my father works is about 50 years old.7.I am very interested in what you said.8.9.This letter is from my sister, who wo

13、rks in BJ.10.In my company there are 300 employees, two thirds of which are women.11.You are the only person Ive ever met who could do it.12.I will never forget the days when we worked together.13.The way he looks at problems is not right.14.This is the reason why he didnt come to the meeting.15.He

14、told me all that he knew.16.Could you lend me the book that you mentioned the other day17.Do you know the reason why she changed her mind18.The number of people who own private cars is increasing.19.The room which we prepared for the guest has a nice view.20.21.Those who want to go to the concert pl

15、ease sign your name here.22.Do you still remember the happy hours we spent near the seashore精品二级翻译练习答案31.When I was wandering in the street,I met her.2.He was listening to the music when I went in.3.They rushed in while we were discussing problems.4.As the sun rose the fog disappeared.(as)5.We alway

16、s sing as we walk.(as)6.Mr. Brown had worked in a bank for a year before he came here.7.After you use plastic bags, you mustnt throw them about.8.9.We have made many dumplings since we began to cook.10.I will stay here until you come back.(until)11.He did not leave home until his father came back(no

17、t.until)12.As soon as I reach Canada, I will ring you up.(as soon as.)13.Once you begin, you must go on.(once)14.Please tell me your decision after you have thought it over.15.We get wiser as we get older.(as)16.I thought it is beautiful and clean the first time i arrived the city.(the first time)17

18、.I had hardly told him the reason when he stopped listening.(hardly.when)18.Wherever I am I will be thinking of you.(wherever)19.Where is a will,there is a way.20.(21.You should put the book where you can find it.22.The moment I saw him, I knew there is hope.(the moment)精品二级翻译练习答案41If you heat the i

19、ce, it melts.2If i were you,I would not invite him to the party.3Unless it rains, the game will be played.(unless)4Victory will not come to us unless we go to it.5I can tell you the truth on the condition that you promise to keep it a secret.6Ron lent me the money on the condition that I pay it back

20、 next month.7Supposing that something should go wrong, what would you do then(suppose)8I dont mind Guy coming with us, provided he pays for his own meals.(provide)910The flower would not have died if I had watered them before i left home.11If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may nev

21、er learn.12If it doesnt rain, the game will be played.13In case you fail, do not be discouraged.(in case)14In case I am late, start without me.15I just want you to know i will be waiting for you as long as you come back.(as long as)16Providing you promise not to tell anyone else, I will explain the

22、secret.精品二级翻译练习答案51.So many people came to the concert that some couldnt get in.2.3.She is so ill that she cant get out of the bed.4.It was such a good night that we stayed at home.5.What was the matter with the man that he looked so happy6.The situation is such that agreement is unlikely.7.There wa

23、s such a wind, it is no wonder he caught a cold.8.He was so young that you must excuse him.9.He was so fat that he couldnt get through the door.10.Jim made such a noise that his sister told him to be quiet.11.He shut the window with such force that the glass broke.12.It felt under my desk, so that I

24、 couldnt see it.13.It was dark so I couldnt see very well.14.15.She felt very tired so she went to bed early.16.His heart beat so that he could hardly breathe.17.Explain it so that a 10-year-old boy could understand it.精品二级翻译练习答案61.I did it because I was angry.2.As she has a passion for walking, we

25、started off on foot.3.Since theyve forgotten to phone me, Ill have to phone them.4.She ought to come down just in case anything happened.5.I havent got her address, I cant write to her.6.7.Since he refused to help us, there is no reason why we should help him now.8.Considering hes only just started,

26、 he knows quite a lot about it.9.Because it was wet he took a taxi.10.We dont do there much now, as we are going away so soon.11.As you are sorry, Ill forgive you.12.Since you cant answer my question, Ill have to ask someone else.13.He was not prepared for the question, since has not made up his min

27、d.14.She was glad that she had controlled herself.15.Im very pleased youve decided to come.16.Im surprised I didnt see that before.精品二级翻译练习答案71They are generous though they are poor.(though,generous)2Although he is rich,yet he is not happy.(although)3I will get there even if I have to walk all the way.4Even if he is poor, she loves him.5Urgent as the message is,it is impossible to send it there in time.(as)6Child as he was, he faced the dangerous situation calmly.7Much as he loves his daughter,he is strict with her.8Whether yo

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